Tamara's First Christmas - Chapter 15 "I Feel Love"

Tamara's First Christmas - A Tommy & Tamara Story  

Part Fifteen


"I Feel Love"

Friday 2nd January 2015
Unlike the rest of the UK, January the second is a public holiday in Scotland. Unfortunately for Angela and Tammy that still meant being at Sarah's Boutique before nine as this would hopefully be a bumper day for her retail emporium.

Trade was steady but the extra sales items were attracting plenty of interest from customers. Tammy had again put photos of the latest bargains on the shop's facebook page, ensuring that the teens and twenty-somethings of Thurso also had a reason to visit Sarah's Boutique.

Almost every shopper was leaving having paid for several items and Sarah's cash register was singing a happy tune. Sarah's smile was also broadening.

"Tammy this is my best ever fortnight, thank you!"

Sarah's joy was down to her realisation that her overdraft had been cleared and she was now healthily sporting a positive bank balance. Tammy had arranged, demanded, for her overdraft restrictions to be changed after the bank decided to give her an impossibly short period in which to repay it.

"We're all going out for lunch on Sunday, my treat."

"I'll have to clear it with Dad first, Louise will be gone too."


"I don't know, I'll talk to Mum."

"Okay, but I want to book the table now. I'll be back in a minute."

Sarah took her coat and was out of the door, still smiling. Louise and Alison couldn't understand why Sarah was so happy just because takings were up.

"Let's just say that the bank decided to make it difficult for her, I helped them see sense and now she doesn't need to worry about them at all."

It was near four o'clock when Tammy had a surprise, her phone rang but the number was unknown.


"Hi Tammy, it's John Hibbert."

"Hi John, new phone?"

"Yes, anyway I'm about an hour out of Thurso and this is the first signal I've had for ages. Can you let Tanya know I'm back tonight but I don't know if I can get into the school before tomorrow. Her phone's off."

"Why are you back then?"

"My folks had to go to my aunt's, she's unwell, so I came North a day early."

"Okay, I'll go to see her now."

"Thanks Tammy."


"I have to go to see Tanya and sort out a bed for John for the night."

"Tammy, I'll be locking up in a minute."

"Okay Sarah."

Tammy and Louise walked down to Sandy's Hair Salon but the lights were all out. "Damn, it's a bank holiday." She tried Tammy's number but again her phone was off. Tammy then tried facebook messenger and found Tanya online, courtesy of some other technology.

"Call me"
"Can't phone's dead, what's up"
"John's an hour out of Thurso and needs a bed for the night. We're full up!"
"David's gone back so his room is free. I'll ask mum."
"Ok. Call John - his new number is 07......."
"Will do, tnx"

Of course Tammy was trying to have this conversation whilst walking along a street still occupied by pedestrians. Louise had to guide her once or twice.

"Tammy, you don't need me to protect you from others, just yourself!"

"Thanks, Louise, thanks a lot."

"All part of the service."

Sarah decided against going to the bank, leaving that until the following day, Saturday, so her and Tammy were ready to leave as soon as Tammy and Louise returned. Tammy was back at the McPherson home ten minutes later.

It was after dinner that Tammy's phone next rang.

"Hi Tammy."

"Hi Tanya."

"Thanks, John said he had been trying to get hold of me for hours."

"He cares about you, and wanted to let you know he was on his way."

"I know."

"What about tomorrow?"

"Mum's said he can stay tomorrow and return to the school on Sunday, that means he can take me to the party."

"Great, I'll see you tomorrow lunchtime, if you remembered to book it?"

"Oh, sorry, mum says two o'clock for you and Louise, three for Angela if she wants her hair done."

"I'll let her know, what about Suzie?"

"Send her the same time as Angela, we'll squeeze her in, somehow.

"Thanks, you do know that I've never met Suzie?"

"I guessed, otherwise you've have already told me all her likes and hates."

"I'm still learning, remember?"

"Are you sure? I know girls who don't get that, even if they're way older than you."

"More experienced, you mean?"

"No, those with cotton wool for brains. Anyway, John's here and he wants a cuddle - got to go!"

"Okay, bye, love to John!"

"I will, bye."

A text was sent to Angela, warning her of the hair appointments but no reply was forthcoming.

Saturday 3rd January
Tammy and Angela were dropped into town by Louise, who said she had other things to do.

"Not staying with me, then?"

"No, officially my contract finished last night so I was leaving today, remember?"

"Oh, yeah."

"I'll be back for you at four."

"Right, see you later."

It was already gone eight thirty but Tammy didn't head directly to the shop.

"Where are we going?"

"The bakery."


"Ever wondered where those mid-morning pastries come from?"


"Never mind, let's go see Debbie."

The bakery was busier than normal this morning so it took them a few minutes to reach the counter. Once the girls had their supplies they were pushed towards the door by those who wanted the counter space.

"I'm not used to that!"

"Neither am I, Angela, let's get to the shop. What time is Suzie arriving?"

"About one."

"Is she driving?"

"No, she's on a train. She stayed at a friend's in Edinburgh last night."

"What's been arranged for when she gets in?"

"I don't know."

"Well, find out. There's a hair appointment for both of you at three, if you want it."

"I might use my wig tonight, so no need to go to the salon."

"Come on, your wig needs some TLC and you don't have it with you right now. Take the appointment, even if you only have a quick tidy-up. Ask Suzie to come directly to the shop."

"I don't have her number."

"Angela! Phone your mum, get your sister's number and sort it out, pleeeeze!"

"Yes, boss."

They'd been stood in the street outside the shop for almost a minute whilst having this conversation and Sarah considered dragging the pair inside, out of the freezing air.

"Come on, I've put the kettle on but we open in ten minutes!"

That was an exaggeration, but not by much. Sarah unlocked the door a minute early, then just had time to turn the sign around before the first bunch of customers stepped into the shop. As they left, ten minutes later, the next few arrived, and so on.

"Tammy, I want to go to the bank, but where's Louise?"

"I don't know, officially she's finished working for me now that the criminals have been locked up, at least we think they have, but she's not leaving until tomorrow."

"I was hoping she'd go with me to deposit the takings, I can do it over the counter if we go before twelve."

"Is it ready?"

"No, give me ten minutes."


Angela was in the thick of it and starting to enjoy the retail experience. She'd now had enough practice with the till and the credit card device so that she didn't need to ask for technical help too often. When Tammy and Sarah were heading for the door, wearing coats, hats and gloves, she felt like complaining loudly but had two customers in front of her and couldn't risk losing the sale.

"We'll be back in ten minutes, Angela."


Sarah did not feel at risk, at least not as much, doing her banking at this time of day given the better light and the number of people out and about. Added to that, they could walk straight into the branch and not muck around with opening the chute to the night safe.

"Good morning Mrs Bonney."

"Hello, I'd like to make a deposit."

"Thank you. Would you like to book an appointment for a financial review?"

"What do you think, Tammy?"

Tammy had been stood out of the way whilst Sarah conducted her business with the bank clerk, although today the clerk was actually the assistant manager. Tammy moved forward and the asst manager showed a glimmer or recognition.

"Well, Sarah, I think you should take it, perhaps there's a better account available?"

"Nothing ventured, eh? Yes, I will have that appointment. I close on a Wednesday during January so that day is best."

"We don't normally do those appointments on a Wednesday."

"Well, I'm not closing the shop any other time to suit you - I'm the customer here, remember?"

"How about the fourteenth at ten?"

"That's fine, shame you can't be there Tammy?"

"I might be able, part of my business studies course, I'm using your shop as part of my coursework."

"I'd forgotten."

The assistant manager was uncomfortable with this development but knew better than to say anything, given Tammy's intervention on Sarah's behalf in mid November.

They'd actually been out of the shop for fifteen minutes by the time they returned and found the store temporarily empty apart from Angela and another girl.

"Tammy, Sarah, this is my sister Suzie."

"Hi Suzie!"

The similarity was striking, Tammy walked over.

"Angela's told me all about you, Tammy, you bully!"


"Don't worry, I never accepted anything my baby brother, I mean sister, ever said unless there were witnesses and signed statements."

"Good, I don't want my reputation going down the drain!"

"No fear, now what's this you've arranged for me?"

"Hair at three, my treat, nails and a visit to the torture chamber too if you're up for it?"

"I might take you up on it, but don't worry about paying for me, I'm not broke!"

"No, just my treat, as I said. Angela owes me for your party ticket though."

"How much?"


"I'll give that to you now."

The street door opened and they turned, expecting a customer, only to find Tanya."

"Tammy, mum's free if you want to come now, where's Louise?"

"Thanks, I'll be along in a mo. Louise has gone off so I doubt she'll be back in time."

"Right, are you Suzie? You can come along as well."

"Tammy, lunch?"

"We'll sort it out afterwards, do your own thing."



"That was fun, Tammy."

"Glad you enjoyed it, they're a bit of a mad bunch."

"I noticed, I tried to ask Joanne a few things but she wouldn't tell."

"She won't, I didn't even have to threaten her."

They were in the Castletown Hotel for a late lunch, Francis was just delivering their sandwiches. Tammy had figured that so long she was back at the shop by two she wouldn't be in trouble with Sarah and Angela's appointment wasn't until three in any case.

Suzie probed Tammy about herself but Tammy wasn't sure who was listening. The conversation then turned to Suzie's father, George Small.

"When did you move out?"

"Five years ago, when I was sixteen. I got a place at a residential sixth form school so took it. I've basically looked after myself ever since then, only seeing them when they were in Bexley."

"What are you doing now?"

"I'm worked for a firm of accountants for the past year but I've been offered a job somewhere else. I haven't been told exactly where or what I would be doing, however."

"Is it genuine?"

"Yes, I spoke to this lady called Jennifer who said I'd be perfect for her team. It's a specialist civil servant posting with all the training, I could start around Easter."

"Sounds interesting."

"That's what I thought."

"So you wouldn't consider moving back up here?"

"No, no way. What about you?"

"I don't know yet, my investments bring in some money but I still have to finish my A levels so I can look for a decent job."

"What are you doing?"

"Business Studies, Maths and English."

"Plenty of options if you get all three."

"If? If?!"

They talked on a bit more but reluctantly had to leave the warm hotel lounge and walk back to the shop. Sarah wasn't happy.

"Tammy, I could have done with your help and Angela thinks you've kidnapped her sister."

"Oh well!"

"Get behind here, Tanya's just been along too saying Angela can be done now. She had a boy with her."

"That would be John Hibbert, he was Riff in West Side Story at The Mill."

"I thought I recognised him. Anyway, I like your hair."

"I had my nails done too."


"No, didn't need anything done but I think Suzie will be walking awkwardly for a while."


Louise wasn't back by four and her mobile wasn't responding so Tammy asked her dad to pick them up. As it was, Joan turned up. The three way hug took some time to end, and each Small had a sob at some point.

Finally, close to five, Tammy was dropped off. There was a buffet at the party so she didn't want a meal, so just had a tuna mayo jacket before taking a shower, wearing a shower cap of course.

By seven she was dressed, wearing the same electric blue cocktail dress that she had worn on Christmas Eve. Several times Tammy had second thoughts and went back through her line of dresses to choose an alternative. Each time, however, she returned to the same frock knowing that she had to break out of the fear associated with it.

At seven fifteen she walked downstairs and found her father in the sitting room.

"Dad, have you heard from Louise?"

"Not yet."

"Damn, how are we supposed to get there?"

Richard thought about joking but realised this was ill-advised. "What time do you want to be there?"

"About eight fifteen."

"Right, we'll leave here in half an hour and swing past the cottage to collect the other two."

"Thanks, I'll let Angela and Suzie know."

Of course Joan answered the phone and explained that her youngest daughter was still wondering what to wear. Suzie had tried to help but had been told to go away, but not in those terms.

"Joan, I think we'll leave here at the time I said. If Angela's not ready then so be it."

"I agree."


Many groups seemed to be turning up at the same time, Sandy Smith's car was on just ahead of Tammy's ride.

"Hi Tanya, John, Debbie......"

Tammy walked straight over to her school friend John Hibbert and gave him an evocative kiss.

"Put him down Tammy, he's mine!"

"Hmmmmm. Hello to you too." John now had a smile on his face, and a lipstick mark on his cheek.

"Everyone, this is Suzie, Angela's big sister. Suzie, this is Tanya who you saw at the salon, Debbie her sister, John who's at school with me ..."

The introductions seemed to get longer as Tammy met up with more familiar, and many unfamiliar faces. She needed to retouch her lippie regularly given the number of kisses demanded. Suzie seemed to be a natural at this type of event and was regularly seen in distant parts of the room.

The main room had ambient music playing and would host the buffet a little later whereas the disco was pounding in an adjacent room. Tammy put her head into the disco but all she could see, apart from the flashing lights, was the sign over the decks.

Thurso's Shinty Disco

Once or twice Tanya or Debbie's friends asked where Tammy had been for the Christmas Eve party, having recognised her from the shop's facebook photos. Rather than bring back those memories the girls spun a tale of a heavy period having caused her absence.

John, however, wouldn't accept the excuse.

"What really happened?"

"I was attacked by terrorists and had two kidnapping attempts against me, how was your Christmas?"

"Quiet, seriously?"

"John, darling, she is being serious. The Met Police even sent one of their senior counter terrorism officers up here to see Tammy."

"I never saw anything in the papers or online news. There was plenty of stuff about the flights though."

"John, please don't say anything to anyone, the police are still involved and I might become a target again, my bodyguard only finished working for me yesterday."

The girls started laughing, John didn't know whether this was truthful or not so let it go.

"Okay, Tammy. What about when we get back to school?"

"It all happened after school broke for the holiday so very few were around. I guess Dr McIntosh will have been informed and will make sure nothing leaks."

"Probably. Anyway, do you want a dance?"

As the pair, with Tanya's agreement, walked into the disco Tammy was grabbed and roughly spun around. Her eyes landed on Jeremy, the bank clerk.

"Leave me alone!" She had to shout over the music.

"You ruined my life!" Tammy guessed why she hadn't seen him since November.

John now intervened. "Leave her alone, I suggest you leave."

"I want my dance!"

"No, come on Tammy."

John took her hand and led Tammy from the disco back to their table in the other room. Jeremy followed and was looking first at the drinks he said anything. He was being observed from a distance.

When he did speak, Jeremy was loud, and drunk. "She ruined me, ruined my life. And now she won't accept a dance."

"Go home Jeremy."

"I want that dance, kiss and make-up?"

The girls around the table and the gathering crowd gave an audible response to that comment, one person pushed through the crowd.

"Sir, you're leaving. Good evening Miss Smart."

"Good evening Andrew, is it your disco?"

"Yes, my brother's looking after it right now. Sir, I understand your name is Jeremy, you have two choices: you can either leave quietly immediately or be removed to Thurso Police Station. Which will it be?"

"I ain't going anywhere."

"I rather hoped you'd say that, transport is already on its' way." Blue lights could be seen pulling up outside and two officers walked into the golf club.

"Good evening Sargent, he's drunk and disorderly, has upset Miss Smart and is refusing to leave."

"Thank you." Acting Sargent Stuart St James turned to Jeremy. "You do not have to say anything ......"

Tanya then realised something. "Did he do anything to our drinks?"

Everyone else shrugged then one of the onlookers said she thought she saw something happening, but was rather vague.

PS (acting) St James wasn't certain how to deal with this. A search of Jeremy's pockets however turned up a small phial of powder.

"Right, I'll assume that's a controlled substance so you are also under arrest for ....."

Andrew Fraser had been joined by his DJing part-time police Shinty-player brother Neale and were now organising moving everyone from the table having identified which drink was whose. Tape was brought from the police car to secure the crime scene. Chairs were then moved so the gang had somewhere to sit, finally fresh drinks were brought.

The crowd that had gathered now dispersed. Tammy had a question for her favourite double act.

"Andrew, Neale, who's looking after the disco?"

"I've put on a twenty minute remix of Donna Summer's I Feel Love. That'll keep them busy."

Suzie saw the way Tammy was handling this and didn't know what to say. She looked at Tanya and John who just shrugged. Tanya tried to summarise.

"In the short time I've known Tammy, that she's known herself even, she's been attacked several times, although I was the one grabbed in the theatre - by your father, Suzie."

"Mum only told me about that this evening."

"He wasn't the only one to try something at the theatre either. Anyway, what with two abduction attempts as well you might say she's a bit blasé about it."

"Tanya dearest, you said you would keep me up to date with everything happening in Thurso while I was down South."

"Darling John, I did, but you wouldn't have believed a word of it."

The music in the disco finally changed to something slower. John and Tanya went off to have a smooch, leaving Suzie and Tammy.

"Angela tried to tell me things but they sounded so ridiculous that I thought she was making it up."

"The thing is, it's other people's problems every time. I just end up as the focus."

Tammy's phone rang.

"Hi Dad."

"Is everything okay?"


"Come on, tell me."

"Remember Jeremy?"

"The teller?"

"Yes, he was here; apparently he lost his job and blames me."

"What did he do?"

"Arrested for drunk & disorderly, grabbing me on the dance floor, refusing to leave and possibly spiking our drinks."

"I'm coming up there!"

"Not yet, we're having fun."


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