Chrissy's New Life Part 9

Chrissy's New Life Part 9

I woke the next morning with Aunt Mary's nipple in my mouth and under her
nightgown and sucked on it again. Aunt Mary stirred and said, "Ahh, my
baby you are awake, I have been holding for a while now but I must go to
the toilet. I extracted myself from under her nightgown and let Aunt
Mary go to the toilet.

As I waited for Aunt Mary to return I thought about the day ahead. I
would be leaving the mansion and dressed in boy clothes. I was glad to be
going home even under such sad circumstances; I would be seeing my
beloved mother much sooner. I was sure she would accept Aunt Mary and her
maid's dressing me in feminine dress. Aunt Mary returned and phoned the
kitchen maid to bring us breakfast in bed.

While we waited we chatted about the trip to my hometown and how we would
tell my mom about me being dressed in girl's clothes. Aunt Mary said we
would take some girly clothes for me to wear if my mom was accepting. I
told Aunt Mary that my mother longed for a girl and she was going to ask
my Dad to try once more to have a baby girl. I had not heard about any
news in that regard during our weekly chats on the phone.

Our breakfast arrived and Edwina sat on the bed to feed me mine, I just
loved the pampering at the hands of Aunt Mary's maids. Edwina dipped the
spoon in a bowl of steaming oats porridge and even made a play of it,
saying the hanger must open the aeroplane is coming in.

She made a zooming sound as she brought the spoon to my mouth and I began
to chuckle at her antics.

"You think this is funny don't you? Come now; hold those doors open so
the plane can get it."

I held my mouth open as Edwina made her zooming noise again and put the
spoon into my mouth.

Okay I knew it was an action done to babies but I still liked it, it made
me feel special.

After breakfast Edwina took me to have a bath. My bath was just plain
with no bubbles and only plain soap. I knew the reason and missed the
flowery smelling soaps and bubble bath.
Then after my bath it was time to get me dressed. Edwina said, "Now my
darling Chrissy we have to get you dressed in those yucky boy clothes."

"I know, I don't like them either, but I can hardly arrive at my home
dressed as a girl, but I hope I can at least wear stockings, a panty and

"Oh for sure we will do that, the jeans you came in are rough so the
stockings will help."

"Ohh goody, I just love my stockings, panty and chemise."

Edwina helped me into the panties and then rolled the stockings up my
legs up to over the panty and then put the chemise on me. I liked the
feeling of Edwina's hands on my legs as she smoothed my stockings up my
legs and when she rubbed her hand on my chest and played with my nipples
through the chemise.

Then it was time for the dreaded boy clothes, rough and boring blue
jeans, and red shirt that were so boyish. I pulled the jeans up my
stocking clad legs and it felt good. I put on my red shirt followed by a
sweater. I marveled at how my outlook had changed where clothes I had
worn all my life were suddenly repulsive to me.

I put my socks on followed by my shoes. We went downstairs where Aunt
Mary and Karen were waiting for us.

"Ahh there you are Chrissy, I'm sorry to see you dressed in those boy
clothes, but it's the only way."

I liked that Aunt Mary still called me by the girly name. Carolyn came
to us carrying Bernice. She kissed me and said, "Darling Chrissy, we look
forward see you when you get back?"

"Thank you Caroline and all you have done for me"

"It's my pleasure darling, how are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm ok, I'm glad I'm going to see my mommy earlier and sad at the same
time because Daddy and Mark are dead and James is injured, I'm sad for my
Mommy too because she has lost her husband and son and has another
injured son to worry about."

"What a brave and caring child you are for you to think of your Mommy's

Aunt Mary said, "It's time we were going Chrissy darling, the pilots are
waiting for us."

We went down to the basement garage and Edwina drove us to my school, I
went in to get my suitcase. I saw Father Tom and he expressed his
condolences and told me not to worry about coming back to school until
after the Christmas break. Uncle Tom accompanied me to the car and
carried my suitcase for me. He and Aunt Mary spoke briefly and then we
left to go to the airport.

We went through gate to a hanger. We got into the Lear Jet, the pilots
Mr. Mark Kennedy and Mr. Peter Foster welcomed us aboard. When we were
in the air Mark came into the cabin and asked if I would like to go up to
the cockpit. I had flown only once before and that was went I went to

I loved sitting in the pilot's seat and Peter explained what all the
controls did, it was fascinating and he made my day by letting me take
control of the plane.

We landed at Amarillo airport some while later and Aunt Mary arranged for
a taxi to take us to my home. On the way we talked about me wearing
girls' underwear and what my mom would say. Aunt Mary said she would
explain it to my mom. We arrived at my house and we all went to the
front door. The taxi driver carried our suitcases.

I pressed the door bell and we waited for Mom to come to the door. We did
not have to wait long and when mom opened the door I rushed to give her a
hug. She bent down and held me tightly and kissed me on the cheek. I did
wonder if mommy would able to feel my girl's underwear.

"Ohh Chris, I have missed you so much."

"Me too, Mommy, I'm so sorry about daddy and my brothers." , and my tears
started to flow. Mom was composed until that point and then she start to
sob and we cried together.

"I'm sorry I made you cry, Mommy"

"It's ok my Baby, I'm glad you are here."

Aunt Mary, Karen and mom also greeted with kisses and Karen expressed her
condolences to mommy. Mommy welcomed them to our house and was so glad
they were going stay at our house. Mommy welcomed them to our house and
was so glad they were going stay at our house. Mom showed Aunt Mary and
Karen to my brother's room and put my own suitcase into my room.

I began to unpack my suitcase hang up my clothes and pack my other
clothes away. Later I joined Aunt Mary, Karen and mommy in the dining

While we ate lunch Mommy brought up the subject of my underwear. "Chris
darling are your wearing new underwear, it did not feel like your normal
undershirt, it felt quite silky."

"Yes mommy it is new, it's what Aunt Mary gave me to wear."

I could see the quizzical look on Mommy's face.

"Why would you do that Mary, didn't Chris have enough underwear."

Aunt Mary began to explain, "It's a long story, we left Chris's suitcase
behind the day I collected him from school, and discovered that only when
Chris was in the bath and the clothes he had been wearing were already in
the laundry."

Mom interrupted, "Yes I can understand that but that was a few days ago
and why is Chris wearing it now."

"The first night, we let Chris wear my daughter's baby doll as there were
no boy clothes for him to wear in the house."

"Is this true Christopher and how did you like wearing the girl's

"Yes, Mommy and it was a bit strange to wear it at first but it was ok to
wear it."

"And when did you get the suitcase back?"

"This morning," Aunt Mary answered and then continued, "Chris did not
mind wearing my daughters clothes the rest of the weekend, you have a
fine child Brenda."

"Can I see what you are wearing Chris?" I stood up and began to undo my
shirt buttons and Mommy began to open my shirt to reveal the pink chemise
I was wearing.

She said, "That is so pretty Chris do you like wearing it?"

"Yes mommy I do, I like the softness on my skin, it much nicer than my
boy undershirts.'

Mommy smiled and said, "That's good, my baby, as long as you like to wear
it, it's ok with me, are you wearing panties too?

"Yes Mommy and stockings too"

"Well this I got to see," and she began to pull my shoes off and I
stepped out of them and then she undid my belt. I unbuttoned my pants and
began to pull them down. My panties came into view and then my stocking
clad legs. To my dismay my penis began to harden as my lingerie was

"Those stockings and panties look good on you my baby I can see it
excites you. You must have worn more clothes than that, did you wear a
dress too during the day?"

"Yes mommy I did, I wore a dress on Thanksgiving when we went to find my
suitcase and then when we went out for dinner, when we went to the mall
and then on Saturday to Sally's party. Carolyn made me look like a girl
and styled my hair and put makeup on me. I wore a bra with false breasts

Aunt Mary added, "I hope you don't mind what we did Brenda, Chrissy made
a very believable girl."

"No not at all, I have longed for a daughter and maybe Chrissy will be
that daughter for me"

"Christine, come and give mommy a hug."

I climbed onto Mommy's lap with my legs on either side of her and hugged
her tight. "Ooh my darling that’s what I would have called you if you were
a girl and now it is appropriate. Do you have any dresses in your

Not in my suitcase but there are dresses for me in Aunt Mary's

"I would love to see you in a dress my darling, let go and get you all

We all went to my brother's room and Karen got my clothes out of Aunt
Mary's suitcase. They had packed nightgowns and other dresses, skirts and
blouses I had seen in Susan's wardrobe. Also included were shoes,
stockings and a suspender belt and petticoats too.

I selected a pink and white checked dress to wear. I was thrilled inside
and began to smile and beam and I could feel my panty getting wet with

Karen said, "You look so happy Chrissy."

"Ooh I am, I am, I'm going to be a daughter for my Mommy."

Karen got a petticoat for the dress I had chosen and also a bra. Karen
and Mommy put the bra on me.

"Ooh mommy I so want to have breasts to fill my bra just like you have, I
would so like to have them sucked like I have sucked on Carolyn's,
Carolyn is Aunt Mary's maid."

"Ooh darling, I'm sure you feel that, and I want that for you."
Mommy's hand brushed against my panty clad penis and she looked down and
said, "Ooh Christine you are really excited by this. Do you need some

Aunt Mary said, "I think she does, her clitty is constantly hard and
erect while she has been wearing these lovely clothes. Karen will you
help Christine?"

Karen pulled my panty and stockings down and took one of my slips and
began to stroke my penis. Mommy was watching and smiling at me as Karen
brought me closer to a climax.

Mommy's hand brushed against my panty clad penis and she looked down and
said, "Ooh Christine you are really excited by this. Do you need some

Aunt Mary said, "I think she does, her clitty is constantly hard and
erect while she has been wearing these lovely clothes. Karen will you
help Christine?"

Karen pulled my panty and stockings down and took one of my slips and
began to stroke my penis. Mommy was watching and smiling at me.

As I ejaculated into the slip mommy kissed me on the lips. My panty and
stocking were pulled up and they continued to dress me.

The dress I had chosen was put on me and we all went into Mommies
bedroom for Karen to style my hair and put makeup on me. We all went
into Mommies bedroom for Karen to style my hair and put makeup on me.
When she was done Mommy just clapped her hands and said I was perfect.
Mommy hugged me to herself and kissed me on the lips.

Mommy said, "Mary, I just want to thank you for leading Christine into
this wonderful world of feminism, has she told you about that we baked
and cooked together, I taught her to sew and knit."

I just loved that Mommy referred to me as her.

"She mentioned something in that line; also she didn't like hard contact
sports and prefers intellectual pursuits. I have heard her sing and she
has a marvellous angelic voice."

"Yes, I agree and she is a very sensitive person, she spurred me to ask
my dear departed husband to try one more for a daughter.," and as mommy
said that her eyes started to tear up.

I went over to mommy and hugged and held her close. "Ooh my darling, I
miss your daddy and brother so much.," she sobbed.

"I know Mommy but I'm here for you."

Mom sniffled, "Thanks my sweetheart, it's so good to have my lovely
daughter say that, I'm going to visit James this afternoon, I'm sure you
would like to come with me."

"Yes, I would love to go with you."

That afternoon we all went to the hospital after I was dressed in my ugly
boy clothes and comb my hair back into a boy's style. I wore gray pants
and a black shirt. James was pleased to see us. As I moved into greet
James I had to stop myself from giving him a kiss. It was like In my
mind I was already taking the role of a sister. A boy would not kiss his
younger brother. That afternoon we all went to the hospital after I was
dressed in my ugly boy clothes and comb my hair back into a boy's style.
I wore grey pants and a black shirt. James was pleased to see us. As I
moved into greet James I had to stop myself from giving him a kiss. It
was like In my mind I was already taking the role of a sister. A boy
would not kiss his younger brother. We introduced James, Aunt Mary and
Karen to each other. As we left the hospital Aunt Mary suggested we go
to a restaurant to eat.

At the restaurant my thoughts went back to our thanksgiving dinner, where
I was dressed a lovely girls dress and jacket and the trip to the ladies
room. We were at the best restaurant in Amarillo. After a lovely meal we
returned to our house.

I was glad to be home again so I could shed my boy clothes. Mommy asked
if I would like to sleep in her bed to which I said, "Yes, mommy of
course, I would love that."

We went and collected all my clothes from Aunt Mary's suitcase and my
doll Sarah from my suitcase. Aunt Mary asked about our relatives and
their support in this trying time. Mommy told her we did not have any
relatives as both she and Daddy were orphans.

Aunt Mary said, "So you and Chrissy have never known what it is like to
have a grandmother or aunts and uncles or cousins"

Mommy replied, "Yes we have never known that, Christine has said she
misses that and so do I".

Aunt Mary said she had a suggestion; she wanted to relocate to Florida in
a few months, to be closer to her daughter's school and also her mother
who lived in Palm Beach and she would love to have us move with her. She
had her eye on a beach front mansion and we could live there with her.
It would be a chance for me to live as a girl and also we could
experience what it was like to have relatives. Aunt Mary's mother could
be my grandma and mommy's mother. My thoughts began to run wild of what
it would be like to have a grandma.

Mommy said, "Oh yes that sounds like a wonderful plan, I so miss not
having a mother and I'm sure Christine would love to start a new life
having a grandmamma ,what do you think Christine?"

"My thoughts exactly, I can't wait to meet my grandmamma and Susan."

Aunt Mary, mommy and I had a tight group hug and mommy said it was time
for me to go to bed.

Mommy said, "Come my darling daughter let's get you undressed and into
bed and then I will bring you some hot chocolate with a marshmallow.
Mommy began to take my clothes off and she said, "I just love to get my
daughter ready for bed and dressed in a cute nightgown."

"Yes mommy, I can't wait for the day when I wear only girly clothes."

As I stood in my camisole, panty and stockings mommy and I embraced in a
tender moment and kissed. Karen was on hand to assist mommy to get me
ready for bed. My camisole was pulled off me and then my stocking and
panty was taken off. My penis stood erect as mommy and Karen divested me
of my lingerie.

"Christine darling doesn't your penis ever get soft," said Mommy.

"It does and Carolyn calls it my clitty."

"Ooh what a cute name and see you have a doll too, what's her name?"

She's called Sarah, Mommy."

"Now my darling daughter what are you going to wear to bed."

"My lemon yellow Baby-Doll," I said.

Karen picked it up and mommy said, "That is so cute, is that the one you
wore when you were put to bed on the first night at Aunt Mary's?"

"No Mommy, I wore a darling pink Baby-Doll, this one is just as nice."

Mommy took the Baby-Doll and slipped it over me and then she and Karen
helped me into its matching panty.

"There we are my darling; you are all ready for bed, be a good girl and
go brush your teeth."

I went to the bathroom and was pleased when Karen followed me.

I went to the bathroom and was pleased when Karen followed me. She took
my toothbrush and brushed my teeth for me. Back in the bedroom mommy
said, "Did Chrissy do a good job with her teeth, Karen?"

"I did it for her Mrs. Reilly, it's just what we love to do for our
darling Christine."

"Ooh and what else do you do for her?"

"We bathe her too," said the lovely maid.

Mommy gushed, "What lovely pampering for my little girl, thanks for doing
this Karen and Mary, you have taking such good care for of my darling."

Aunt Mary, "It's our pleasure; I sensed Chrissy was longing for female
company and A homely atmosphere when I went to the school for breakfast a
few weeks back so when the opportunity arose I invited her to my home, we
must say good night and you both have a wonderful sleep."

Aunt Mary kissed us both goodnight and Karen asked if she could make hot
chocolate for us.

"That would be lovely dear," beamed mommy.

The ladies left the room while mommy went to get ready for bed. I got
into bed and cuddled Sarah while I waited for mommy to return.

Mommy came into the bedroom wearing a long pink nightgown.

"Mommy that looks so pretty on you."

"Thank you my dear Christine, are you happy my darling?"

"Yes mommy I am so happy, it just a pity to have lost dad and my

"I know what you mean but Dad would have not liked the way you are
dressed now."

"I suppose so, Mommy," I replied.

'I do so miss your daddy." Mommy began to sniffle.

I hugged mommy to comfort her and she sobbed on my shoulder. I had a few
tears of my own.

Karen appeared with our hot chocolate and after she set down the cup on
the bedside cabinets she kissed both of us good night.

Mommy and I sipped our hot chocolate and talk of all I had experienced at
Aunt Mary's mansion.

I told mommy everything right from when I first met Aunt Mary. I
admitted to mommy that I was embarrassed to sit on Aunt Mary's lap at
first but I just loved to smell her perfume and lie on her breasts and
that her perfume was so intoxicating to me. I lowered my head and took a
deep sniff to savour mommy's perfume. I had also liked the mommy's smell
before I left home and it was one of the things I had missed.

I told mommy of the mansion Aunt Mary lived in and when I arrived at the
start of the Thanksgiving weekend. Meeting Carolyn and how she did a
curtsy and how I got a full view of her bosom, how she led me by the hand
to get washed up for dinner. How she washed of my hands and face and
brushing my hair was marvellous. At the dinner table how Carolyn scurried
about in her short dress and how I enjoyed looking at her. Of how Aunt
Mary called me Chrissy and Carolyn leading me upstairs to have a bath and
that I wondered why I was going to sleep in her daughter room. I had
just loved to see her frilly garter straps and her long legs disappearing
into the froth of petticoats. Susan's room was so girly, decorated in
shades of pink and white. And then in the girly bath room I got in the
bath filled with fragrant bubbles. Then came the shock my suitcase had
been left behind and my clothes were already in the laundry.

How Carolyn bathed me and washed my hair and then after the bath helped
me from the tub and dried my hair and wrapped the towel around my hair
and dusted me with ladies powder.

How I told them I could not wear the Baby-Doll they found for me to wear,
of how good it felt when I pulled the panty on and how delicious it felt
to wear the Baby-Doll and when I saw how I looked just like a girl my
penis began to grow hard and thicken. How Carolyn got me ready for bed
drying my hair, drinking warm milk Aunt Mary brought me. How I was
captivated as she laid me down in the bed and stroked my penis of its
built up excitement. I slept soundly that night.

The next morning being washed and rushed down to breakfast, the fact my
they could not get hold of my school to enquire about my suitcase and
they continued to refer to me as a girl. Of how my penis was excited when
we went up stairs for me to change. Of Carolyn stroking me once again
till I came in my panty and of how was I dressed in exquisitely feminine
undergarments and petticoats and a pretty dress.

Mom said, "What a wonderful experience for you my darling, it must have
been so heavenly."

"Yes mommy is was and still is, Aunt Mary and Carolyn made it so
enjoyable being a girl."

"So you consider yourself to be a girl, Darling?"

"Oh yes mother let me tell you about just before I was dressed to go out
for Thanksgiving Dinner. Carolyn undressed me and stroked me to coming
after she stiffened my nipples calling them girlish.

Oh mommy I so want breast like yours."

"We can arrange for you to have breasts my darling, there are hormones
you can take to give you a girlish body. But they will cause your
penis to become smaller and you will have fewer ejaculations, I suppose
your clitty is hard and excited again."

"Yes mommy it is."

"And do you need relief darling?"

"No Mommy it is ok."

"Ok then My darling we must get some sleep and you must have pleasant
dreams of wearing the prettiest dresses." Mommy hugged me close and
kissed me on the lips.

"Mommy thanks so much for letting me be your daughter, I'm so happy."

I inhaled mommy's lovely smell and snuggled down close to her and sighed
in contentment.

"Good night, sweetheart."

"Nite - nite, mommy."

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