For Friends and Family Part 9

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For Friends and Family Part 9 – Coming of Age

Nicky and Amy.jpg

For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman. In this chapter She experiences love as a woman had hair extensions so her wig is consigned to the wardrobe and Amy attempts suicide!


The guys grabbed their jackets and we left the apartment as I naturally linked arms with Carl I sensed a subtle change in the way we all interacted.
I think we all knew how the night was going to progress.
Inside I was trembling a mixture of excitement and apprehension I guess. We walked to the bistro, which was about a ten minutes walk; it was a bit cool so I huddled into Carls arm.
On arrival to our surprise it already had quite a number of people in. A few already sat eating however it was quite a large place and we were found a table. We sat and perused the menu ordered drinks and sat and watched the world go by.
We chatted and I noticed that I was more touchy-feely lightly touching Carls arm squeezing his shoulders stroking his hand all these gestures were typically feminine it seemed like I was staking my claim on this man and it felt natural to me!

We ordered the food and wine and carried on talking the food when it came was absolutely delicious, I nearly remained on my diet by choosing the lower calorie dishes. This was made easier by the fact that the restaurant was one of those forward thinking places and gave the approximate calories per serving for each dish as well as the fat and salt content – for myself this was the first time I had seen this.
The meal was leisurely and it was way past 9pm when we had coffee Amy and I paid the bill (after the usual macho argument from the guys) and we strolled back home it really felt good having Carls arm around my waist snuggling close into him, smelling his maleness.
I was giddy in anticipation.
Amy was equally enjoying herself I could tell by the rapt attention she was giving Guy hanging onto every word every gesture and you know I didn’t feel the slightest bit jealous – why was this?

When we arrived home we went inside Carl said “well Guy we had better be off ”. I pouted and purred; “why don’t you stay for coffee? Or something.”
Carl looked at me and quietly said; “are you certain” I looked into his brown eyes and nodded.
We went inside and while the guy’s put some music on Amy and I made coffee, Amy said as we worked “Nice one sis I thought there was a chance we would be sleeping alone tonight” I grinned and replied “not if I could help it”.
Grinning at me she told me I was turning into a right little slapper I responded “just this once sis I really must see how it feels”.
She hugged me and answered “I know how you feel but sweetheart remember to go to the loo and put some of that lubricant inside your vagina it will make things easier – especially if he’s a big boy” she giggled wickedly.

With that we carried the mugs of coffee into the lounge where nice romantic music was playing softly the guy’s were planning to seduce the two of us. However I don’t know if they realised but their fate had been sealed a day or so ago!
Our lounge was large enough to fit two two seater settees as well as two reclining chairs. The guys were sat on the recliners so Amy and I sat on a two seater each and put their coffee down close to us as kind of a not so subtle hint to them which they took and with a sigh they came and sat next to us – Whoopee!!!

They were a bit reluctant to embrace us; finally Amy asked, “Are we so ugly that you don’t want to touch us? Or are you gay?”

“Good Lord no” said a shocked Guy. Amy shot right back, “And which question is that the answer to”. Carls mouth was hung open as Guy had a “rabbit caught in the headlights look”, “Erm, its for both questions Amy”. Triumphantly Amy retorted, “So we’re not hideously ugly and you’re not gay,” then as an after thought she finished, “Not that it’s a bad thing to be gay some of our best friends are gay”. By now she was in full attack mode when Amy was like this you knew exactly where you stood with her.

Guy tried to say something but she cut him off saying; “So what’s different tonight?” Finally Guy managed to shut her up by kissing her passionately Clive looked at me and I just shrugged his arm snaked around me and I snuggled into him savouring the wonderful feelings that were coursing through me.
When Guy and Amy came up for air Guy managed to say while Amy was getting her breath; it’s just that we didn’t want to rush the two of you!

Wrong thing to say! Because that set Amy off again, “YOU didn’t want to rush US” she snapped, “Can’t you take a bloody hint” I think Guy was about to say something when Amy stood up and continued, “I think we are all old enough and sensible enough to know what we want” with that she grabbed Guys hand and abruptly said, “Enough said, let’s go to bed!!!”

Carl looked at me kissed me gently and murmured, “Does impulsiveness run in the family?” I relished the lingering kiss and whispered, “Amy’s the worst of us – apart from mum. I suppose we had better lock up and go to bed”.
His gentle smile made my legs go all gooey we locked the door turned the lights off and made our way into my bedroom.
It was then I saw that Amy had made my bed with black satin sheets, pillow cases and quilt cover I shuddered with delight when I saw this.
I told Carl that I had to go to the loo where I applied some of the lubricant into my vagina to assist his entry into me – hopefully.
I went back to the room, teeth cleaned and fresh and ready for bed Carl went to the toilet came back smelling all pepper minty from his toothpaste.

When he came into the room I had taken my jersey top off and had my back to the door with only my bra from the waist up. He came up behind me and slipping his hands around my waist whispered, “You are gorgeous” with that he moved my hair and kissed his way around my neck round to my jaw line down to the base of my neck his strong hands caressed me gently around my belly causing me to shudder in passion.

I turned around in his arms and our lips met the kiss was long and passionate, his tongue brushed my lips and obediently I opened them to allow him access to my mouth our tongue entwined his hands slid down onto my very feminine derrière - I was in absolute heaven.
My skirt went loose and I shimmied my hips and it fell onto the floor I was hanging onto him for all I was worth as my knees were all floppy.
He picked me up in his strong arms and carried me to the bed laying me gently on the quilt kissing me very gently caressing my body through my skimpy bra and panties playing with my suspenders and stroking the flesh between the tops of my stockings and panties.
I shuddered moaned and orgasmed! He stood up looking gently at me as he took his shirt off, the sight of his six pack nearly caused me to orgasm again he was hunky his stiff man pole stood rampant and ready he was quite a size - lucky girl I thought.
Reaching over from the bed I unfastened his belt and very carefully unzipped his trousers these slid down his legs, which were also strong, and muscular it sounds corny but he was an Adonis!
At that moment in time I certainly considered myself all woman, but if he found out that all this was a façade then really I was dead!
Now I had to rely on the hormones that were surging through my body and the hypnotic suggestion and hope and pray that my prosthetic vagina was as good as Chloe said it was. It certainly looked the part.
He looked down at me and whispered, “You are really something to look at Nichola” he stroked my breasts gently causing me to shudder my nipples became hard (I still don’t know how they got that much sensation in my nipples).

I moaned gently as his fingers danced down my body causing me to shudder in delight my waist cinch was the next thing to leave my body leaving me with my suspender belt, stockings and the silky scrap of material my panties.
I reached over and gently teased his boxers over the ramrod that was his dick, it felt great to know it was me that was causing this reaction.
I grasped his shaft with my soft hands all this hand-cream and moisturiser had done an excellent job in feminising my once male skin while I was not as smooth as Amy I wasn’t far behind.
Holding his wonderful rampant manhood I pulled him to the bed as he laid down I realised that now I had to step up and act like a woman in the throes of passion.
We kissed, tongues gently searching each others mouths, then he started caressing my breasts, soon I was whimpering and writhing in ecstasy his lips moved down my neck and soon he was suckling my breast the feeling was amazing.
I had never felt anything like this my boobs were sending electric signals to the lower part of my body and my man clittie was responding.
I didn’t get a hard on but it felt like it. The pressure was building in my dick until I couldn’t hold on any longer and I shuddered to a climax.
Whimpering and mewling I wanted his inside me now was the time and if he was going to notice any difference between a natural woman and me; then now was the time.
I moaned in passion and throatily asked “Please Carl, I need you inside me pleeese”; he moved as I remembered to open my legs I was the taker now not the giver.
My hand slid down my body and held his rampant love shaft and guided it into my waiting vagina as all of him slid inside my silicon vagina I arched my back in passion it seemed that I could feel every move he made!
Which was stupid as it was a false pussy in a part of my mind I knew this couldn’t be happening – but it was and now was not the time to question.
Now was the time to enjoy, as he started thrusting inside me my stocking clad legs wrapped around his waist. I was being rocked by his passion he was kissing my lips and teasing my breasts I was in absolute heaven.
I felt his hands roaming around my breasts as I shuddered to another orgasm. The moans and whimpers were not faked he was driving me wild. I felt a subtle change in his thrusting and realised that her was about to release his seed into me – and yes I had forgotten the condom but I just didn’t care. I ground my hips harder to make me orgasm at the same time as him but I failed, as he shuddered to his orgasm crying out in a primeval grunt he seemed to thrust for ages then I shuddered to my orgasm screaming in passion.

He lay on top of me totally spent, I was luxuriating in my first experience as a woman.
He rolled off me and scooped me up in his arms covering my face with kisses. I lay contentedly in his arms luxuriating in the feelings coursing through my body part of my brain was trying to come to terms with the sensations I was feeling in my prosthetic vagina.
I filed my concerns away to mull over tomorrow and concentrated on arousing Carl again. I ran my long acrylic nails across his broad chest feeling the hairs so many hairs; even when I was a man I never had this much hair on my chest.
I moved my way down his body playing with his semi solid manhood, running my nails around his balls and up his shaft for some reason I had the feeling that I wanted to taste his manhood tentatively I kissed the head of his prick.
It twitched, so I became more adventurous and started sucking the head of it to my surprise it tasted quite nice and soon he was all in my mouth.
I was sucking and licking my was up and down his shaft while my finger nails were caressing his balls soon he started growing in my mouth.
I heard him whisper my name, over and over; this spurred me on and his slick saliva coated love shaft slid through my luscious lips.

Now he was rock solid, I climbed my way up his body and impaled myself on his shaft he moaned and took hold of my hips I lowered my body until he could reach my breasts with his mouth soon I was being assaulted between my legs and both my nipples.
I felt his hand clasp my bum and gave a little squeal as a finger entered my rose bud my boy pussy.
A kaleidoscope of sensations coarse though my body I was being made love to in every way!
Amazingly I shuddered to another climax at exactly the same time as Carl I swear I could feel his seed spurt into me but I was too busy enjoying the myriad of sensations thundering through my body.

I lay across his chest our sweat slicked bodies hot from making love his fingers ran through my hair and I prayed that my wig would remain in place it would be a disaster if he was left holding my hair.
Kissing me gently he whispered, “You’re quite some girl”. (If only he knew), I replied quietly, “And you’re some stud” and I really meant that.
He held me in his arms and whispered sweet nothings to each other lost in the afterglow of sex.
Eventually his breathing became regular he was asleep. As I laid there I was trying to make sense of what had just happened the sensations I was feeling where there should be none I was curious as to what was going on.
I disentangled myself and went to the bathroom to clean myself, as I douched I realised that I could feel very little down there. I had some sensation while douching but nothing like the amazing sensations I felt while making love.
I filed this away to think about later and discuss with Amy.
Walking past the mirror I glanced at myself and saw the heavy lidded full lipped, tousled hair reflection of a girl who has just had wonderful sex!
I slipped on a nightie and slithered my way into bed next to him hoping for more of the same but he was well asleep, so I snuggled into to him and even though my mind was working overtime I soon fell asleep.

When I woke up memories came flooding back to me I reached out to feel for Carl but my bed was empty, my eye’s snapped open and I saw him dressing.
Sleepily I asked him, “Going somewhere?” He looked startled, and answered, “I was just going to wake you, we have an early train back to catch lectures – I should have woke you earlier.”
I pouted and vamped it up, “Yes you should and we could have taken up where we left off last night.” I slipped out of bed and walked over to him took his face in my hands and kissed him his hands slid around my satin clad waist and he pulled me close groaning, “This is why I didn’t wake you earlier – god you are so sexy, so different.”
I grinned at him and murmured, “If only you knew!” I slipped out of his grasp, slipped on my satin wrap and went to the toilet. Refreshed I went back and walked with him to the lounge.
There sat Amy and Guy who were drinking tea as I poured some for Carl and myself Guy said, “Taxi will be here in half an hour”. Amy looked at me and quipped, “Typical men, have their wicked way with us then try to slip away!”
This brought forth howls of protest from the two of them but they couldn’t dodge the truth they were bailing out on us. Really, we did understand about the lectures but were not willing to let it go.
Finally the taxi arrived and after a passionate goodbye we promised that we’d phone at the weekend as we were getting the train home and I was going to meet Nichola whome I was impersonating I was a little apprehensive to say the least.

Amy and I sat with our legs under us and I broached the subject that was bothering me well when I said broached this was not quite right.
We sat down with some more tea and Amy asked, “Well what was he like? Was it all you expected? Come on I want to know every gory detail!”

I was a bit shocked but also I was bubbling inside to tell, “Well I began, it was wonderful really wonderful. I never knew it could be like that.” I carried on telling her how much of a thoughtful lover Carl was how he played with my body bringing me to the edge of orgasm then tipping me over the edge”.
Amy looked soberly at me and quietly commented, “It seems like I have lost my boyfriend and gained a girl friend”.
This stopped me mid gush I ran to her and took her in my arms and told her, “No you haven’t lost me when Nichola’s better and we can go back to how it was before!”
She stroked my face and very quietly whispered; “Oh Andy, I don’t think we can because you see I think I’m in love with Guy! I am so, so sorry.”
With that she broke down sobbing wretchedly. I was stunned she had called me Andy and she had admitted that she loved someone else!
I was devastated. Amy looked at me with a tear streaked face sobbing I’m sorry, oh so sorry please forgive me”.

I stroked her with real tenderness she was heartbroken and I must admit so was I here I was helping her family, and I had lost my girlfriend, life sucks sometimes!
While I was stroking her I was thinking of how I felt. Amy had been totally honest with me how did I feel could I abandon being Nichola - well no not really apart from the fact that even if I went back to being a male she was in love with someone else and I don’t think me being male again would change that in fact I knew deep inside that I couldn’t compete.

So this left my other option of accepting what had happened support Amy as much as I could and be there to pick up the pieces if things went wrong – the cowards way out yes some may think that.
But it was the practical way also. Of course there was also the fact that I was enjoying my life as Nichola. In fact I was enjoying it so much that I had totally forgot that I was really a man!
And the passion I felt last night had reinforced the fact that I now saw myself as Nichola.

With me being so quiet Amy must have thought I was going to explode she raised her tear-stained face and sobbed, “Can you ever forgive me Andy? I had to tell you we always said we would be honest with each other… Pleeeeese forgive me!”

I stroked her tear-ravished face, gazing into those beautiful blue eyes now red and puffy with crying as I looked I thought about what I had lost and also what I had gained.
Finally I quietly whispered, “Amy, there is nothing to forgive with me looking and acting like I am, it was only a matter of time. Thanks for being so honest with me I’m devastated, but the logical man or woman inside me tells me this was bound to happen maybe it’s for the best, all baggage has gone now” but never forgotten - I thought this last bit.
She looked me in the eye’s trying to gauge what I had just said; I continued to stroke her hair cooing calming noises to her.
She reached up to stroke my face and whispered, “Thanks Andy it means so much to have you understand – god what a mess I’ve made of things.”
I kissed her hand tenderly and said, “Remember what I said about my philosophy 0n life that things are destined to happen.” She nodded; “Well” I continued, “us breaking up must have been destined to happen there was nothing either of us could do about it”.

She smiled in a sad way commenting; “Your philosophy make’s things easier to accept but you still must be hurt.” “Of course I’m hurt, I’ve just lost the most important person in my life but in another way I have gained a good girl friend will I be a bridesmaid?”

That caught her out totally “Eh, What” then she grinned, “You swine if you want to be of course you can but you may have to wait some time.”
My attempt to lighten the mood had worked we sat easily together on the same sofa Amy snuggled in my arms I commented, “From now on please only call me Nichola you caught me out calling me Andy.” Amy protested, “But that’s your real name”.
Smiling I retorted, “I know but I must be totally at home answering to Nichola though it’s been hard so far I have been with friends and strangers. Soon I will be with people that know Nichola her mannerism’s and foible’s this will be where it will make or break my impersonation.”

Amy looked devastated saying. “And I’ve just put more pressure onto you Oh I’m so, so sorry”.
By now it was eight in the morning, I would be picked up by Chloe about half past nine to get hair extensions done. So I really needed to start getting ready, but I didn’t want to leave things unsaid. I took hold of Amy’s hands and looked her in the eye’s, “Amy” I started, “You’ve put no extra pressure on me sure I’m not over the moon abut the way things have turned out between us but I want you to understand because I’m only going to say this once I love you! True not as a lover any more but as a good friend and I hope a younger sister. I will be there for you no matter what so let’s not talk about this any more – ok! Let’s face the future as sisters and friends – please”. She looked at me steadily “you sure” she asked I nodded not trusting myself to speak.
She hugged me close and said, “I’m so, so sorry I hurt you but selfishly I am so relieved you have reacted as you have. I’d hate us to be enemies all I can say is – thank you so, so much I’ll prove to you I’m not the bitch you think I am”.
I touched her breast and softly told her; “ You can’t help what you feel in your heart” the feel of those luscious breasts tore me up inside.
Swallowing hard I managed to say, “I’m going to get ready Chloe will be here soon with that I bolted to my room threw myself onto the bed and sobbed my eye’s out.

Not a very masculine reaction but looking at me you would never think I was a man. Everything screamed woman even my hormones were female. I cried for about fifteen minutes then the pragmatic side of my nature took over and I straightened myself out resolved to carry on and be there for Amy should she need me.
At least I reasoned to myself I could date men without fretting I was hurting Amy. Twisted logic, maybe but I just didn’t care I needed things sorted out in my head.
“Come on girl” I muttered to myself I stripped off my nightie and hit the shower, refreshed I douched and moisturised myself, went back into my bedroom and selected skinny leg tight jeans a leopard print satin tunic top knee high black boots.
After putting my make up on I now looked something like human. Picking up my handbag and a red wool ¾ jacket hooded and fur trim on the hood white knitted scarf completed the look I wanted.
I walked into the lounge finding Amy still there eye’s red and puffy so she had done the same as me.
Slightly annoyed I grasped her by the shoulders and ordered her to pull herself together. “What’s done is done!” I snapped, “Now I’m your sister and really need your help to pull this off.” She looked a bit shocked at my attitude until I reminded her that even though we used to be an item we never actually told each other that we loved each other.

She looked at me and asked, “What never?” I nodded my head. She clapped her hand to her mouth and muttered, “Oh God, I never realised, Oh Andy what must you think of me?”
I shook my head and reminded her that my name was Nichola, “And as for what I think of you well I love you as a sister would so lets get on with our lives for gods sake.” I couldn’t understand my reaction, but something told me that this was Karma.

The doorbell rang, it was Chloe, I buzzed her in and shooed Amy to dry her eyes and get ready for the day.
Chloe knocked on the door and I let her in, we had time for a coffee during which time she told me the story she had concocted to explain my short hair, apparently a jealous boy friend had taken revenge on me by hacking off my hair!
“Wow” I exclaimed, “That’s a bit extreme!” she agreed it was but it would avoid any unexpected or embarrassing questions”.
Just before we left Amy came in all washed and dressed, I kissed her goodbye telling her “Chloe says that this will take most of the day so I’ll see you tonight, we’ll talk some more”. I was a bit worried about Amy, as she looked distracted, but I put it down to the last hour or so.
I followed Chloe to her car the she drove me to get my hair extensions done. I was very excited as finally I wouldn’t have to rely on my wig.

The hairdressers Czaro was about half an hours drive through the busy city traffic but Chloe being a city girl made it look easy while we drove I broached the question of the amount of feeling I should be experiencing with my prosthetic vagina.
She grinned wickedly and laughed, “You’ve been testing out the equipment have you?” I blushed and she put her hand on my knee and reassured me that it was only natural to experiment. After all I couldn’t get pregnant and couldn’t get a STD.
She asked what sensations I had during sex as usual she was so matter of fact I didn’t feel really embarrassed and honestly told her of the sensations I had experienced during sex.
She looked very puzzled and told me that I certainly should not be experiencing the level of sensation I have explained to her - but she promised to make some discreet enquiries.

We arrived at the salon and after a bit of difficulty got parked. Chloe took me in and introduced me to the technician that was going to laser the extensions on.
She was very understanding about the story Chloe had concocted and she did treat me with kid gloves until I told her that I was over the experience and didn’t hate all men just the one that had hacked my hair. (Getting to be quite a convincing liar!)

We discussed the colour and style I wanted, I wanted my hair to be the same length as my wig, below my shoulders, falling in gentle waves, a central parting and the colour Chestnut L’Oreal preference 4.01, which would give my hair highlights and lowlights body and depth.
Chloe left and I was alone I said I would get a cab home and talk to her later.
Annabel the technician explained how the process worked. Individual strand are attached to my own hair using a laser my hair was long enough at 100cm (4”) to allow extensions of 350cm (or about 12”) which was more or less what I wanted.

Once in they would need redoing in about six months and I could treat them exactly the same as real hair washing styling and colouring in truth I was elated, as hair grows about and inch a month in a years time my own hair will be the length I wanted.
My wig was now condemned to a bag while she started the process she explained that it would take about 5 hours and introduced me to Kylie who was working with her one girl on one side one on the other, the process started and the skill these two showed was impressive sectioning the head into areas, then building the extensions up from the bottom to the crown of my head.

We chatted while they worked it was mesmerising to watch, after about 4 hours they were finished they washed my hair and used the colour I wanted and by about half past three I was done!
My chestnut hair was bouncy, shining, tonal and the soft wave style I wanted, in short it was perfect, I asked about paying but was told it was all taken care of. But I gave Annabel and Kylie a big tip, and booked an appointment for the following month to have my hair done this was going to be my regular hairstylist from now on!

I was early getting home and wondered is Amy would be in I couldn’t wait to show her my own hair I was that excited.
I burst through the door to be confronted with a tear stained Amy, mouth open a bottle of wine on the table and more disturbing three empty pill bottles scattered around the place.
In a slurred voice she simply said, “You’re home early”. Then sat there with a stupid look on the face.

I was shocked and livid, I screamed, “YOU STUPID SELFISH BITCH, WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE?”
All she did was sob and repeat over and over, “I never meant to hurt you,” I grabbed the pill bottles and stuffed them into my handbag. I was absolutely fuming I called the emergency services then returned my attention to Amy; “DO YOU REALISE WHAT THIS COULD DO TO MUM! YOU SILLY COW AND CAN’T YOU GET IT INTO YOUR THICK HEAD YOU DIDN’T HURT ME ALL YOU DID WAS FALL IN LOVE – GOD YOU’RE A RIGHT SELFISH COW!”
Amy was still saying, “Sorry over and over!” Mumbling that she wasn’t thinking straight.
I remembered something about making a person who had taken an overdose to vomit so I shot into the kitchen and made up a mustard solution in water and force-fed it to her.

Just then the entry buzzer sounded, it was the Ambulance I buzzed opened the door and told them which flat just then the mustard worked – I had no idea it would work that quick!
So Amy projectile vomited all over the place it stank there were wine pills and other stomach contents all tinged with yellow of the mustard.
There was a knock at the door and as I let the paramedics in Amy heaved again and redecorated the area around her I told them what I had given her and also gave them the pill bottles while they tended to her.
I had gone beyond mad at her though I still seethed I was now desperately worried about her.
They strapped her into a wheeled carrying thingy and as I locked the apartment up and followed them downstairs to the ambulance, we were headed to Kings Hospital A & E.

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So sad

Dahlia's picture

When I first began to read this series I knew this would happen. I almost stopped reading it because it strikes too close to home. Even as I continue to read I hurt inside for such a lovely couple gone astray. I wanted so badly to stay with and in love with my wife when I transitioned but it just so rarely does survive. So very sad right now for both of them!

Stay with it!

Christina H's picture

This happens as in real life but it does get better for all - honestly

Christina H


Dahlia's picture

Regardless of my personal peccadilloes and issues, I want to thank you for a great story. It is well written.


"They f**k you up, your mum and dad."

Rhona McCloud's picture

So one sister has regressed to childhood and the other is suicidal? Probably not healthy for Andy/ Nichola to think of being a daughter to these parents…

Rhona McCloud