The New Tradition Part 4 (of4)


By Nina Adams

Please read Part 1, 2 & 3 first----

Author's note: Most of my stories have been about gifted teens that found their calling after after getting the proverbial push. While I have received occasional criticism (mostly warranted) by readers that felt my reluctant heroines had been cruelly forced, I always found myself fantasizing that this lad/lass had been me. Unfortunately, these stories have been 100% fiction. The dribble that begins below is also mostly fiction, however it is to a small degree 'based' upon my childhood. I will leave it to your imagination to know where fact and fiction leave off. If I haven't already lost you, I hope you enjoy "The New Tradition."

Please, please, please comment or let me know if you like it.

Chapter 8:

I was exhausted from all of the sun and emotional gymnastics. I hardly said a word on the brief ride home. I was anxious to get changed and put an end to my bizarre adventure. Before I could exit the car my mother insisted that I help her in the kitchen with dinner. I began to object, but she pointed out that I would need help taking off the makeup and that she would not have time until after dinner. I was doomed for some additional time parading around as Ashley. Worse yet, my father would be eating with us at dinner.

In the kitchen my mother began a conversation or should I say lecture on my dressing activity.

"Ash, as we discussed before, I never had a problem with you exploring a little fun and experiencing some feminine pleasures. In fact, we both agreed this would be a special project for us together. I am just surprised that you have jumped the gun and put yourself in such a vulnerable position. What would you have done if some strangers had found you? You need to be prepared and ready for any circumstances."

I felt a lump in my throat as I remembered the encounters with Aaron and Matt. I was too shaken to share that fact with my mother based upon her tenor.

"I'm sorry Mom. None of it was planned and the girls kind of talked me into it."

"I'm sure that was not too hard."

It was the first time my mother ever referred to my unusual feelings in such a blunt way. She was probably right that most kids would not have gone along so easily, but I also didn't feel I had sought out the turn of events.

"It just happened... I guess it was not a great idea. I won't let them talk me into this again. OK?"

"That's not it. I am fine with you enjoying your Ashley side, but there is so much more to being a girl than just putting on something pretty. You certainly look very cute right now, but I don't think you were ready for today's events. I planned to help you learn some of your missing knowledge and skills over the summer, but I was a bit shocked that you moved ahead so aggressively with out consulting me. Now you have obvious tan lines and your cousin's family will undoubtedly have a new mental perception of you with your long hair."

"Should I cut it?"

"Of course not. I think just the opposite. I am going to have to accelerate your feminine education and indoctrination so should you find yourself in a similar position you know how to act and be completely convincing. The wrong little cues and inappropriate behavior could quickly put you in a very embarrassing position."

"Feminine education and indoctrination? This was just so I could wear your Holiday Dress for fun."

"You wanted to feel like a beautiful woman in that dress, correct?"

"Yah, but..."

"To do that you have to understand what being a woman is... To be a woman is more than a matter of physical characteristics, it is a matter of gender. I can't snap my fingers and change your body, but your emerging gender expression can be developed so that when the you finally wear your dream dress, the feelings you experience are totally maximized."

"Wow. That's a lot to process. You want me to think like a girl?"

"Ash, I just want to help you bring out that part of you which is already there. Together we can explore why wearing my dress has appeal to you. Maybe by the end of summer you will not want to continue with our November endgame, but this is the best time to find out."

"I sort of get it, but as I said before, what about Dad?"

"I have already talked with him about your wishes and that is why he stopped complaining about your hair. When he sees you in a few minutes looking appearing as you are now, I think your remaining fear will be mute issue."

"Where is he now? Are you sure I should let him see me like this?"

"He should be home from golfing shortly. This moment was going to happen at some point. I originally thought it would be much at some later point over the summer, but it's probably a good thing to do now. This way everything will be out in the open."

"Mom, how did this ever get so far? This is all because I tried on your dress in secret. It all seems to be spinning out of control. I'm assisting you in the kitchen dressed like your daughter, not son, and waiting to greet my father. Is there something really wrong with me?"

"Don't think like that. Think of what you are doing as something special. Many people wonder what it would be like to be the opposite gender and you are lucky enough to be able to experience it. It's not a sickness; rather it is more a self-discovery. You may just out grow it or you may find spending time as Ashley as comforting. From this time forward when you present as a girl, we will refer to you as Ashley."

"That's fine. If I do something like this again, you can call me whatever you like."

Our conversation was interrupted by my sweaty father's return. He immediately headed for the kitchen to retrieve a cold beverage. While he may have been thoroughly prepped for my Thanksgiving plan, it was clear he was startled by my appearance. He almost forgot what he came into the kitchen for.

"Oh my, what have we got here? Ash, you look so... real."

"I can explain..."

"Not necessary. If you want to talk, I'm here. I already discussed this with your mother. I was just caught a little off-guard seeing you this way for the first time. You are looking more and more like your mother every day."

I had to smile at that comment, since of course he had never before seen me with makeup or in a dress.

"Really Dad. I kind of think I look more like you."

Now we were both smiling.

"So asking what you did today would be a very stupid question."

"Lets just say it was eventful."

"Fair enough Ash."

"Frank, try and call our child Ashley when she looks like this. You can use Ash or Ashton when you see your son."

"I'll do my best. Ashley, could you get me a glass of ice water. I am going to take a quick shower before we eat."

"Sure Dad."

Dinner went off without any additional hitches or twists. There were a few minor tips directed at me by Mom, but otherwise no new lectures. She insisted that I sit with better posture and with my legs together. There was a perceptible shift to how she was treating me, but I loved the extra attention from her.

After dinner she gave me a quick lesson on how to remove makeup and then to moisturize. I was instructed to do the moisturizing ritual each night even if I was not wearing makeup. It would promote healthy skin and hygiene. She also had me rub aloe onto my light red tan. As I did so, I could not help but stare at the unmistakable tan lines that was a keepsake of my afternoon adventure.

My mind was racing with thoughts about what I had experienced as one of the girls and about having deceived the two guys. It had been almost too easy to fool Aaron and Matt and I was not sure how I felt about that. I contemplated my situation and apparent altered family dynamics as I drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 9

The next day passed as if nothing had happened on Tuesday. I wore an oversized t-shirt to cover over the tan lines, but even that did not completely hide the neckline strap marks. I expected some sort of follow up comments or remarks, but Wednesday passed without incident. I mostly hung out around the quiet house. My mother and aunt had lunch together and were gone most of the afternoon. I wanted to talk with my cousins again and get their take about the previous day activities, but I didn't know what to say. I wanted to know what they thought about my transformation, but they most certainly would have asked me questions that would be difficult for me to answer.

Thursday began much like Wednesday without a mention of Tuesday's activities. My week off before summer school that had started with such a bang had settled back into a typically boring routine. That was until my mother came back from my Aunt's house in the mid-afternoon. I immediately knew something was up when she yelled to me, "Ashley can you help me bring in some things from the car?"

I had not heard her call me that since Tuesday so I suspected something might be up. She had me bring carry in four boxes and two grocery bags full of items. She told me two put them in the guest room. That was the room that my brother David previously occupied when he still lived under our roof.

"What's all the stuff Mom?"

"It's a treasury trove."

"A what?"

"It's a magnificent collection of items from your cousin's and Aunt for Ashley."

"Collection of what?"

"You know how they have been sorting through their house and putting together things to donate?"

"Yeah, I helped on Tuesday."

"Well, after the events of Tuesday, they put together a giant care package for you. Some of it were things they had planned to originally donate, but quite a bit of it is additional items your cousins thought you would like."

"What do you mean after Tuesday and what is all this stuff?"

"You should be thrilled. You know your cousins are clotheshorses and most of this is almost new apparel of all types. Your cousins have provided you a nearly complete instant wardrobe. Some of it they don't wear anymore, but a lot of it is things your aunt said your cousins just wanted you to have. Your Aunt was so excited to finally have a niece to give things to, that they went a little overboard."

"I am not her niece!"

"You know what she meant. She really enjoyed putting these things together and thought you would so happy to get them."

"MOM, I don't need all these things. This is way out of hand."

"Now Ashley, your cousins put a lot of effort into all of this and besides I think having so many new choices will be a wonderful part of your summer learning experience. I am sure there are a lot of things in those boxes that you will love."

"What am I supposed to do with all these things?"

"You have a whole summer to figure that out. Tonight we will sort through everything and find a home for the keepers. There may be a few things that you don't need or want, but you are certainly on your way to being a very fashionable teen."

"Teen Girl you mean?"

"This is an a very special opportunity and don't try and pretend that you didn't want this."

"But, I only..."

"Let's not get into a ridiculous debate. This may be more than you originally bargained for, but ultimately you will have a once in a lifetime chance to truly experience what you have been feeling. I am not forcing you to do anything, but it's only us in this room. I know you better than anyone. Look me in the eye and tell me that you don't want to experience a dose of femininity. My sister and I would never push you into this if we didn't think you wanted it or that it would hurt you."

"Maybe, but I guess I am a bit scared. I liked how I felt in the dress, but I know I shouldn't have."

"Stop feeling guilty. There is nothing wrong with you and once you realize that it will be much more fun. You are not the only boy in the world to have those kinds of thoughts and it is healthier to deal with them now than to repress them for years. By the time the summer is over you will probably understand yourself much better. If it is really just a phase you will probably know before long."

"I know it is summer, but I still don't know what I am going to do with all of this stuff. On Monday I start my Summer School at Glenbrook."

"Ashley, I really don't see many limits for you this summer. I will help you explore as much of this side of you as reasonably possible. You will probably have a few emotional hills to climb, but you have already shown you are up to the challenge."

"But school."

"We can tone things down a bit for school, however it's probably not going to be an issue anyway. The class you are taking is not at your High School. You chose to take a subject they didn't offer at your school; as a result you will be in a completely different school district. I highly doubt anyone will even know you there. If you are a little gender ambiguous, no one will question it."

"Gender mean feminine."

"Call it what you like, but unlike my school days, there are few gender expressions that are taboo now in schools. As long as you dress within acceptable standards for a boy or girl, there should be no problems. I think that once you put your mild reluctance aside, you will have very few issues."

"So I am supposed to flip a switch and start living as Ashley?"

"You already flipped that switch. Maybe someday you will turn the switch off, but for the rest of the summer you are going to experience your dream."

"You are totally serious? You want me to be Ashley all summer?"

"We're just facilitating the opportunity. You are a special child and we just want you to be happy. Nothing is set in stone, so just try and let your heart dictate things for a while. You have a lot to learn and unlearn, but I think you will quickly adapt to the new perspective."

"What if I don't? I'm not sure I can do this."

"Nothing ventured...nothing lost. If down the road you are unhappy or unable to adjust, we can cut your hair and you can go back to being our loving son Ashton. The summer will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to find out how much Ashley there is in you. No expectations, just freedom to go all out for 2-3 months."

"Well if you are sure about this. I'm clueless what to do next."

"First we start by going through your treasure trove of gifts from your cousins and tomorrow we can go and fill in any gaps and take care of any other prep details that need to be addressed. It's going to be so much fun to help you blossom as I know you will."

Chapter 10

I spent over an hour trying on clothing, shoes, accessories and even some lingerie. There were very few things that we discarded. Most of them were because they fit poorly. The only lingerie that we kept was a couple of 'training bras' that fit snuggly and created almost no cleavage. My mother had me keep one of those on when we finished going through the clothing. She told me that one of our stops Friday would be to purchase for me my own properly fitting bras.

It was strange, but I liked the feeling of wearing the bra under my T-shirt. It was probably undetectable unless you were observant, but it definitely made me feel different. While I was trying on the new clothes my mother made the point that I had stop thinking of them as girl’s clothes, but rather as my clothes. The sooner I understood that distinction the sooner I would be comfortable being Ashley.

I assumed that Friday's agenda would include a continuation of the prior days activities and I was correct. We got an early start after a light breakfast. My mother had me dress casually in jeans, a black crepe tunic top, and a pair of clogs. She explained that it would be best to wear clothes that could be easy to take on and off. She insisted that I also wear panties and the training bra for our planned excursion. We hit our first stop shortly after the doors opened at 10:00.

Despite my resolve to totally cooperate and go with the flow, I was still a little nervous as we entered the lingerie chain Soma. While I always had a fascination with woman's intimates, this was really my first time in a store that sold only that type of merchandise. It certainly was not a common hangout for members of the male population.

There were two employees working in the store when we entered and my mother immediately asked if she was Ginger the manager. As it turned out we had a scheduled appointment with Ginger. My mother had apparently discussed my needs with the manager on the phone and she was prepped and more than willing to assist me. Before turning to my specific needs she gave us a quick tour of the store and the different styles and purposes of their many products. I am sure this was done for my education and not part of their typical service. I learned about some of the subtle differences between full coverage, push-up, minimizer, strapless, and t-shirt bras among others. I received some similar facts about panties and even shape-ware. All of this was explained before I was brought into the back fitting area and told to take off my top.

In the privacy of the back area Ginger measured my chest and body from various angles before declaring I was likely a size 34. She was very attentive and clearly had no issues with sizing up a boy for a bra.

"Now we just have to make certain we have the right size breast forms for your frame. Your mother wanted you to have an attractive shape, but also be respectfully modest. I believe you will look very nice with a 'B' cup. In time you might like to be a little bigger, but for now this should provide you with some obvious cleavage."

"Breast Forms? What breast forms?"

"Though it is not part of our traditional merchandise, after my phone discussion with your mother, we ordered these silicone inserts."

In her hand was a skin colored blob that was rounded just like an actual breast. When she handed it to me I immediately sensed the significant weight that would be resting on my chest. While I stared at the bizarre object she quickly stepped out and retrieved three different bras. As soon as she returned it was back to business and she took the form back from me.
The training bra was quickly replaced by a full coverage T-shirt bra. Ginger quickly inserted the 'B' size forms into the cups to create the illusion of cleavage.

"Now your lady, you have a much more appropriate shape for someone as pretty as you."

I could not get over the feeling I was experiencing in the changing room. The added weight on my chest along with the silky smooth but slightly constricting pull fascinated me. The edges of the forms were visible to me, but I was mesmerized by how my breasts had miraculously become sexy.

"I can't believe how different this bra makes me look."

"That's why we sell such beautiful lingerie. Now you have a lovely shape that matches you better."

"I am stunned that's me in the mirror."

"This style bra will be your safest bet unless you add a little adhesive to the breast forms. The coverage of this style looks natural and will hold everything in place. I have an adhesive bra called Nubra that I will show you a trick with to provide you the appearance of real breast. It will pull your natural tissue to the middle and with the inserts and one of our Demi Bras will give you the appearance of real cleavage. That will look great if you wear something with a more revealing neckline."

"I don't think that will be necessary."

"I am sure someone as pretty as you will want that flexibility if you are out on a date."

"Hold on! That's definitely not on the agenda."

"I'm just saying, that with a little shape, you are now going to be getting a lot of attention."

"Are we done? I am ready to go."

"I'll send your mother in to have a look."

To say my mother was pleased would be a big understatement. Just like Ginger, she couldn't stop telling me how much better I looked. She added that she would select some additional bras in different colors and coordinated panties.

I was prepared to take off the new figure enhancing Bra and the inserts, but she insisted that I wear the combination out of the store. My tunic top took on a decidedly more feminine appearance. There was little left of my image that did not scream girl and most of that had a short shelf life.

After paying for the selections, my mother left little doubt how she expected me to behave.

"Ashley, its time you completely embrace your budding womanhood. There is little point in maintaining or defending your masculinity. You are still the same person, but now you need to release the last vestiges of the boy inside. Everyone that sees you now will assume you are a young lady and you need to project that as well. You are a very pretty young woman and that is the roll you must accept. I know some of this will be awkward for a while, but please don't fight it. Let yourself fully experience what you have been dreaming about and later we can look back and figure out what this all means. For now just enjoy being my daughter. Are we clear?"

"I understand Mom. It's just that my head is spinning how quickly this whole thing escalated. One moment I am playing around and now it’s just become surreal. Next week you will probably have me walking down the isle in a long white dress."

"Ashley, don't get ahead of yourself. You are way too young for that."

"MOM! That was a joke."

"Honey, I may seem old to you, but I am not senile. I know it was a joke... but you probably would look lovely as a bride."

"I try my best, but that last concept is even too much for me to fathom. Ok, what now?"

"Next stop is the MAC counter at Nordstrom’s. You need a consultation and your own makeup. We can get a majority of the important things there. Being an attractive woman takes effort and you can only get so far with your natural gifts. At your age its easier, but even you can create amazing changes with the right skills and tools."

Unlike Soma, I was not introduced as a boy. Inside the cosmetic department I was just an inexperienced 15 year-old late blooming girl, learning the ropes of makeup for the first time. I certainly knew more about makeup than a typical 15 year-old boy. I had not played around with my mother’s cosmetics, but I often watched her apply them and often looked at her fashion magazines. I think I surprised my mother by my knowledge and ability to pick up on what the cosmologist was doing so quickly. I left the counter with an expensive assortment of products and a made over face that looked at least a couple of years older than I actually was.

The new look raised my confidence another level and further stripped away any perception of Ashton. I was feeling confident as we drifted from the high-end counters of Nordstrom into the mall and over to the tackier racks at Claire Stores. I could see my mother was not fond of most of their merchandise, but she quickly found two gold studs which almost as quickly became the centerpiece of my now pierced ears. My heart skipped a couple of beats as I absorbed the permanence of having my ears pierced. Something inside told be I should have objected, but I couldn't verbalize any reason not to. My mother expressed the joy of now being able to share her jewelry with me.

"Ashley your transition to beautiful young woman has gone even better and smoother than even I suspected. I am sure you are still trying to process all of this, but there is little doubt that you will have no problem adjusting to the changes. Seeing you now, I have a hard time thinking of you as my Ashton."

"I feel so different. I don't know how to put it. I never thought I would ever do anything like this, but now that I have I am glad I look convincing. Maybe if I didn't look so real, I would hate it. Truth is, I like how it makes me feel. Don't lie to me Mom, do I really look like a woman?"

"Not only that, but a very pretty one. That is something that you will have to get used to. You are going to have to learn how to deal with boys."

"I'll just keep clear. Not a problem."

"See... you do have a lot more to learn. I have one more thing I want to do today."

"What’s that?"

"I want Ashley to pick out her first dress."


"I want you to select something that you like at a dress shop. Not a hand-me-down, but something that is your taste."

"I have plenty."

"That is not the point, but most girls your age have already picked out a closetful."

Into Cusp we went on a mission to find me my first dress. Cusp, which is owned by Neiman Marcus, was loaded with a gorgeous selection of styles geared for teenagers and twenty-somethings. I didn't know where to begin, but I was in heaven looking at the racks of feminine merchandise. My mother steered me around the store and gave me some style tips, but she made sure that her influence was minimal. The girl in me had taken over and I ended up trying on over a half dozen potential alternatives. Ultimately, I selected a sleeveless summer styled dress with a flared skirt. It was a classically feminine style and it emphasized my inverted A shaped body.

My simple but very feminine dress selection went over very well with my mother. She commented about the type of girl I was becoming. It was obvious from the turn of events and the conversation that the Thanksgiving endgame might simply be an exclamation point on my journey. I was not merely being allowed to experience a little bit of femininity; I was being immersed in it. The goal now seemed set on making me as totally realistic a girl as can be possible. I had done very little to slow the process.

I left the store wearing my new purchase. I was a bit overdressed for the mall, but the image was entirely girl. I received some wandering glances in my direction, but they were more like gawks than questioning looks. As two teenage boys walked by the smile on mom's face broadened.

"We are going to have to finally have that talk about dating. It didn't seem necessary until now, but I think it is obvious you are going to be very popular following your makeover. If those two boys are any indication, you are going to have to learn how to act around them. We are going to have to set some firm rules for you on dating. Boys can be very immature and very pushy. You'll need to slowly learn how to be around them."

"Mom, I am one!"

"Not in their eyes, or even mine right now. As for the foreseeable future you are part of the girl team."

That aspect of this adventure was something that I had not really thought much about. I certainly had never thought of myself as gay, but here I was throwing myself into creating a desirable appearance that would be attractive to other guys. I was enjoying myself in the female role, but I also was taking pleasure in my ability to appear pretty. I was far from prepared for the attention, but oddly felt proud to be getting it. As a guy I never gave my male friends a second look, but in this altered reality it didn't feel so wrong.

"Honey, you will find out soon enough about that aspect of your makeover. Just take it very slow."

I almost told her then about the guys at the pool, but I didn't want to ruin the afternoon’s activities. We were done shopping for the day and so much had already transpired.
I quickly found out that I had one more hurdle to navigate. We were heading to my Aunt's house for dinner. There would be no way to tone down the giant steps I had taken this afternoon. I knew they would be OK with my new look, but I still felt somewhat nervous to be showing them how fully I embraced my changes.



Learning my feminine tricks

So now you know how I got to where I am today. The summer is just beginning and there are so many new things for me to experience. What will happen at school? Will being a girl just be a stage for me? What about boys? Will I be able to go back to being a boy at summer's end? And what will it feel like this time when I wear my mother's traditional Thanksgiving dress? And did I mention, my mother said she still has her wedding dress...could another tradition be out there in the making?

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