Families, who can live with them?
The next time I mention something about my family being nice, someone please have the guts to put me out of my misery? Please
Things have been relatively mild with my son recently and today he got in touch with me and we talked computers and mathematics for a while.
Then suddenly, he flipped and started in on his fundamentalist crap. It went on for half a day and I lost all that time writing. He is of a group out of Virginia called Dominionist Christians and are some of the most narrow minded, fixated, one sided, jackasses I have ever seen. I think they even made the Southern Poverty Law Center hate group list.
So, if any of you are having a success story with family, I would love to hear it.
Family support
I came out to my family in 2012 and they are all being very supportive of my change. The only one who is not sure is my sister but she has been fare about not saying that I am wrong to be transitioning to be who I denied for so long. My father even said that no matter if I am male or female I am still his child. I have an acquaintance who does not have the support of most of his family and when he came out to his church they caused some problems in his life. I can say that in my case I am relieved to have all the support of my family in this time of my life.
Hopefully it it will get better for you.
It is better...
As long as I stay away from my family. If I ever get killed, you can send the police to him.
Hang up
When anybody starts giving you grief over the phone, just hang up. You don't have to put up with that, not even from family. Especially not from family! When it starts to get nasty, don't let them steal your time. That time belongs to you, not anybody else, so don't waste it.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Just a theory
1. The stricter a doctrine the shorter it's life expectancy.
If that is true there is hope they will change but probably only when it suits them, not you...
2. The most successful families genetically were those that dispersed furtherest
If that is true maybe families evolved to get on each others nerves and split apart
Rhona McCloud
I had a small win this week,
I had a small win this week, i received a birthday card from my mother, inside the card it started with Dear Amanda, the most wonderful present she could have sent me.
To explain, since 2003 when i told the family, every birthday, easter, christmas or wedding anniversay card has simply had Dear A on the inside (or A & G for the cards to both of us).
this has been very disappointing as i'd have preferred she put my old name than an initial, it made me feel like a non person.
My nephew becoming my niece earlier this year seems to have had a knock on effect re: my acceptance i suspect, which is awesome, as my nieces acceptance with the family has been completely positive, and she says that's due to me paving the way for her.
I can definitely...
Sympathize. I have problems with my family as well. None of them accept me, even though I'm not transitioning.
I shut my cousin up, at least to where he doesn't verbally assault me about how I'm going to hell, etc..
Matthew 7:12 The Golden Rule. "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." I told him I should study up on the Koran and spend hours telling him everything that he does wrong, and how he is an infidel, and quote the Koran at him over and over and over again. Since that's what he obviously wanted someone to do to him, according to Matthew 7:12. If not, then shut the hell up.
I'm just a mean bitch I guess.
~And so it goes...
I was/am Muslim
Oh, I never made bombs or anything, but I was extremely observant as Muslim. They weren't that taken with me though.
My going to the Mormon church really made him flip his bic though.
I've said this before, but I think I am done with him. Sigh. Might have a chance to marry a guy in London ...
Friends versus Relations, etc.
The best bit of advice is that from Omega Girl - if people ring you up to insult you, ring off!
A piece of wisdom from my father, dead and gone for about 20 years - I have lost count exactly how long - Daddy always used to tell me that "There are 2 kinds of people in the world, Friends, and Relations. The difference is, that you can CHOOSE your friends."
It is very hard to understand why so many of you who live over on the other side of the Atlantic still cling to these ancient superstitions in an age of such scientific understanding of the cosmos and the physics and chemistry of Life. I have a hypothesis, that "Faiths" are a kind of non-physical viral parasitic life-form, consisting of faulty bits of information rather than faulty bits of DNA. These Meme Viri behave just like other parasitic living beings do, they seek to invade a suitable host (a human brain), to grow inside it, taking over cells and diverting functions, changing behaviour in the infected, they respond to outside stimuli just like a DNA-based life from does, and they seek to reproduce and spread their kind (by preaching and infecting other brains!). I noticed that the oldest of them have adjusted to do relatively less harm to their hosts, but that the younger species or strains are the most virulent. Southern Baptist, the Mormons (we call them 'the Morons' over here!), Jehova's Witnesses and Scientologist strains and the Jehadist and Wahabist Moham-mad strains are deadly harmful to the poor infected hosts, but older examples, like RC and CoE Christinsanity, and milder sorts of Judaism are relatively benign, requiring only a few dietary restrictions or joining in funny feasts or minor dressing restrictions of their victims. I compare these god-viri with the Influenza Virus, that when it first invaded humans as hosts, in 1918, killed millions, but less than 100 years later is deadly only to the elderly, infants, and the weak or immune suppressed.
When my children reached adulthood, I told them that our parent / child relationship was now over, that if they wanted to stay in touch we should from now on be Friends, and that my name is Briar. They agreed not to call me Mum or Dad, and their children have agreed not to call me Grandma or Grandad, but to address me by my name(s). We all get along really well, as Friends.
Most Brits call them ...
God botherers. They're a pain in the arse!
you want a positive family experience ?
My brother and sister-in-law, who are conservative Christians who are pretty sure God never made a mistake in terms of gender, still love me and help me out.
I wish your son would see the light, but in the meantime, remember you are loved.
Transgenderism isn't a mistake.
In my opinion, they are correct. God doesn't make mistakes regarding gender. Being born'different' from the majority is not a mistake by God or anyone else. It just is. I look forward to the day when people realize that there is nothing'wrong', i.e. no'mistakes' made in being GBLT.
Bloody hell Gwen.
Hi babe's!
Last time I skyped you, you were enjoying a week up in the boondocks feeding the bears or something. How the hell did that pratt get hold of you or did you answer because you were hoping for a reasoned, balanced, constructive conversation.
Skype you soon babes. x
You Knew His Leanings Before
To love him as you apparently do, you must accept his concept of things as right for him, not you. If he tries to persuade you, you can either focus out or try to tell him your view. He is an adult now. You may not like it, but it is his decision.