Does the fact that there might be a medical reason why I'm trans make any difference?
I really don't know. I still have to deal with it, whether or not I know why it happened. And I don't know if I could convince anybody who doesn't already believe I'm a girl that there is a reason that makes sense why I'm one.
Ah, well.
I don't think it does make a
I don't think it does make a difference but I think it is great to know how it happened. I think mine goes back to in utero. I have noticed that my ring and index fingers are the same length on both hands. Some say that means the female hormones were dominant in the first eight to ten weeks. Is that what caused my transgender who knows?
Medical Reason? MAy be....
Hi...! i once had to give presentation on Gender identity disorder in my university. I researched the topic and came across that whether its environment that is responsible for Tg or medical conditions?. well it was a debatable issue. but in cure i found out that the one who wants him/herself to be of the opposite sex should be given the Hormone replacement therapy. But nowhere i found that if a male is TG administer him Testosterone if the hormones have to play a role in behavior, and administer estrogen to HER if SHE wants to be a HE.
I wish It could have been possible....
Mommy? I'm thirsty...
...I must have been heard to say in utero, 'cause Mom had a big helping of Domestrol. 'MMMMM...tastes great!' Less Boyish!' 'Stop, you two expressions of the same person... Well, we don't know if it tasted great because it was injected. But that's quite alright because even if Mommy didn't take DES, a peek at your hippocampus might reveal you were still hardwired to be female, no matter what might be going on 'outside.'
Love, Andrea Lena
I have said
in both my stories and blogs that the cause is irrelevant to me, what's important is how I deal with the present and plan for the future. The past can take care of itself.
I also don't see a need to justify my existence to anyone, if they don't like it they can jolly well lump it. Get on and live your life and stop looking for something to blame.
Absolutely right Ang.
I was about to say something similar when I came across your reply. I don't ask why I'm as I am. I just am, and I'll get on with being what I am. To hell with the chemistry, to hell with the biology. I've no cause or need to wonder why. If other's want to, so be it.
All I know is that the whole transgender issue for me is something I'm glad I've got because it gives me a whole extra dimension to my life ... my very being.
I used to wonder what would happen to the whole trans issue if doctors found a way of altering the genes by therapy. I wonder if parents were given the option to 'correct' their unborn child would they choose to alter or would they to let their foetus proceed as determined. However one school of thought (and much evidence supports the idea) is that transgenderism is caused by exposure to excessive hormones at a critical period of early gestation.
Thank the gods for that say I, it means that transgenderism would probably be a fait accompli before doctors picked up on it so gene thereapy would be too late.
I'm glad I'm transgendered, it makes life interesting and exciting, at least it does, now, in the UK. I wasn't so happy about it sixty years ago.
Strange how things can change so much.
I seem destined to be contrarian...
Whether it is important or not is the question you need to ask yourself.
In my case, I'm grasping at straws trying to find something definitive that will make my family understand.
Intellectually I know there probably will be nothing. So far it's cost: My Brother, my three children, my wife - and that doesn't even begin to address the friendships. Something genetic, perhaps chemical, a practical joke by the universe. Something, anything. In the end, growth comes not from imposing my real, authentic, causes on others; it will come through accepting myself. I'm a flawed, sinful human being, or bean or something...
And of course, it plays absolute hell with my rather conservative absolute belief in the reality of Christ. Not that I have trouble, but those who know me wonder how I could still be a Christian. This despite the absolute LACK of any Biblical prohibition on being this screwed up. No one has been able to show me a text, in context, that is not a pretext.
I'm working on it.
But, but but just yesterday I encountered a whole BUNCH of new possibilities from medicine.
Someone slice my head open and tell me what my brain is like...
Love, hugs, and Blessings,
I feel that it doesnt matter, im not dead, im not dying, im happy. Why question why I am the way I am. And if we do question it then maybe we will discover a way to prevent it... but do we really want that? What I want is a way to Identify it and make the necissary preperations b4 the child even knows.

Medical reason
I am with Angharad on this one. Everything can be said to be because of a 'medical reason', in that your DNA could be included in that definition. I know what I am. I have known since I was learning decent bladder control. I only realised there was a 'fix' when I found the story of April Ashley exactly as I wrote it in 'Sweat and Tears'
To me, it is like asking if there is a medical reason for hair or skin colour. It is what I am. What is important is only how others treat me.