The Parchment Chapter 7

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 7

By Bailey Summers
Copyright © 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.


Image Credits: Title Picture purchased and licensed for publishing from The model in this image in no way supports nor conveys the issues and situations brought up within the story. The models use within this work is solely for the representation of looks of the main character of this particular story. ~Sephrena


“If it would please you lady, you may do me the honor of resting your head on my shoulder.”
Oh uhm…
I exhale and set my head sideways on his shoulder as we’re dancing and it’s just…this is part of the I can’t touch it dreams that I’ve had.
Again with the nice and warm, again with the smell good and I am so definitely crushing on this boy.
I’m so crushing on Alex…Alexander…and I don’t think there’s a damned thing I could do to stop myself.

I…I don’t want to, not even if it might break my heart.

*And Now…

Chapter 7
The song ends in way too short a time and I really don’t want to move and at the same time given the way that I’m feeling and the way that I am under everything I have on I’m really close to dashing away crying.

Like so close to tears and a tummy-ache kind of thing.

It’s getting over and I don’t want it to be over, I don’t want to go to my room and get un-done and be Franklin again.

Alexander does the time-out hand-sign against my back and I nod. “Are you okay you’re shaking?”

(Sniffle.) “No…I don’t want to take the glass slippers off.”

“Wh…….oh…uhm I’m still new to this and everything so this is way more than a clothes thing isn’t it?”

I smile into his shirt a bit of a sad little smile. “Yeah…it’s way more than a clothes thing…I mean I love clothes…mostly because I don’t really have much and no place to wear them…but they’re still clothes.”

Bless him though for not saying dressed…dressed in that way is way more of an other thing.

“So…you really don’t want to…?”

“I don’t want to go back to my room and get ready for bed and stuff because this will be like over and I’ll have to like face the stuff about me that I don’t like…I mean really don’t like.”

“So…don’t, like not right now.”

(Sniffle.) “Huh?” Oh yeah sometimes I’m not the swiftest girl in the room.

“It’s not that late it’s like ten, there’s still other people around and doing things here and we can go and check some of that stuff out.”

“Really, I thought stuff would be done for the night.”

“Well just the stuff in the booths and some of the main rooms but I know a few places in the hotel that are doing stuff all night.”

“All night?”

“It’s geeks and gamers and role-players there’s people running games and tournaments and all night games in their rooms and other spots here in the hotel. I think there’s even a couple of the meeting rooms for like business meetings doing film and show marathons.”

“You wouldn’t mind?”

“No, not after everything that you’ve done tonight with me Jade. Look I don’t get it…I mean what you have to like go through but I do think that if we go and do stuff until you’re zonked then when you go to crash it’ll be in that whole too sleepy to care about the stuff maybe.”

And right there ladies and gents is a guy that gets it even when he doesn’t get it. I mean I’ve literally lost count of my dysphoric days and especially the nights where I feel wrong enough that sleep is hard to find…and then there’s the once you do you don’t want to get up because of that whole reality thing of not being who you’d just been dreaming of being.

“You don’t mind?”

“Honestly no and I was kind of planning on living with minimal sleep for the duration anyways. I mean there so much to do and to see and it’s so short a time really that I just figure when I’m home I can catch up on all my missed sleep.”

“The I’d really like to if that’s okay?”


(Sniffle.) “So can I go and get changed?”

“But you said?”

“I need to change I can’t go around doing all that stuff in a little black dress all night.”

“Why not? You’re kind of rocking that dress.”

Oh…oh wow, oh yay…I am?

“I am?”

“Yes actually you look amazing.”

Oh like so…and again he didn’t say or even do the unsaid pause of stuff that might usually come like…for a guy…he just.

I look up at Alex and he’s looking at me. “Wow…” he says.


“You’re make-up it’s all like run around your eyes and stuff.”


“No…actually Jade it’s cool.”

“Being an anthros-racoon is cool?”

“Hmmm…maybe Avril Chinese…?”

I smack him in the chest lightly. “Hey…!”

“Hey yourself I got you to smile again.”


Blush…he did too.

I’ve…I’ve never had anyone thing me smiling again was something that was worthwhile before really. It is very, very beyond nice.

It’s yay my crush did an awesome nice.

He takes my hand and actually holds it not in the LARPing fantasy way but just holding it and he walks me to doors and opens it for me to go through first and then we’re down to the lobby and into the elevators.

I have to press for my floor and stuff and kind of lead the way to my room but he walks me all the way there.

I look at him. “Give me thirty minutes?”

He nods. “How about I meet you here and I go and change too?”

“Uhm…okay.” I lean on the door and fiddle with my purse and get my key card out.

Alex smiles and he walks away….kinda backwards some but away and there’s this second or five where I wanted an outside my door kiss but we’re just really still just have met each other and well I’m.

And that little bit of the creeping bad voice inside falls away as he falls away because he trips bumping into someone’s room service tray and he butt-plants and I can’t help but mouth cover and gasp and giggle as some dish goes flying and he’s trying to catch it before it goes splat.

His hands bump-juggle it three times before he actually catches it and it doesn’t spill.

Okay that was both cool and lucky and I end up clapping. “Smooth, and nice recovery.”

He blushes and grins. “I warn you now, I’m horribly uncoordinated.”

“But lucky?”

He looks at me. “Actually yeah…tonight’s been pretty lucky all things considered.”


See right there, right there is another reason why I could never be a guy because my brain can’t actually come up with stuff like that instead I’m just well doing what I’m doing and grinning and blushing at the same time because …Squee coolness and blush he’s still saying it to me.

I mean me and it’s not like given the stuff I admitted to he doesn’t know.

Alex gets up and he goes past the elevators and heads around the corner….

Wait what!?

“Alex!” I kinda yell…I wince realizing the hour.

He pops his head literally around the corner and his hair is doing things with his pointy ears that’s just so….sigh.

“Yes Jade?”

“We’re on the same floor?”

He gives me this impish and so very cute boyish smile. “Looks like.” And he pulls away.

Oh…oh my goddess the butterflies.

It takes me a fumble or two to slide my card through and get inside my room and I’m leaning on the back of my door and breathing…eyes closed and I feel pretty warm in a good way but in a way that I’ve never really gotten outside my own bed and when I’m deep into those really private dreams.

It takes me a groany second to push off the door and to head to the shower and get it going and then to look through my clothes for something suitable to wear for the rest of tonight. Shoes are easy since I’m just going with my sneakers but those I give a really good blasting with my Secret anti-persperant.

Yes I don’t want my feet to stink and for them to sort of smell girly.

I settle on a pair of black yoga pants that are very forgiving and easy to pack away and hide and I’m going to wear my big tee-shirt with “Ed” on it from Cowboy Bebop and I head off to shower.

Yes another shower, there are times when a girl wants to change and part of that sometime is the fact that we might want to smell different than say the way that I did during supper and the dance. Plus I was dancing and I’m kinda sweaty from that and sweaty from the nerves I had in my little freak out after the dance and…

I shower with as much speed as I can and trying to really not deal with “it”.

I just, I would really, really sometimes not bother with that at all and it’s something that I sometimes try and even hide from myself.

So I get that done and I dry that first and slip into another gaff and panties as quick as I can and there’s this frission of relief that goes through me once I don’t have to deal with that. I dry the rest of me off and put some powder on and spray my pits and the get my boobs in order.

Sigh…they’re not real and who knows if they ever will but the me that’s looking at me in the mirror is a lot happier with everything as close as it can be right now.

I’m actually looking forward to being so tired and stuff that I can crash and not have to fixate on the stuff that I usually end up doing.

I half dry my hair and I spray some spritz and hold stuff on my hands and I run my fingers through my hair and then get my combs out and I comb it until it’s dry soooo going for that long Asian dark and straight and glossy look.

It’s a good look and I kinda try and get it all hanging straight even my bangs and stuff so I have this kinda sassy straight gothy-loli hair but I’m doing my eyes to try and get that moe thing too. Yeah I know it’s that whole Asian girl wanting to have the big eyes thing but….I kinda do a little. Not like extreme and stuff but it’s a really great look.

Would I get the surgery for it?

Not before the other surgeries I really want and need.

I just do lip-gloss because I want the shine but I don’t want to really mess with re-applying and watching out for lip-stick stuff and getting it on my teeth and stuff the rest of the night and all that stuff.

I go and get dressed and some cute hello-kitty ankle socks and I’m kinda all set.

Wait…I get my purse and I get my make-up and spare panties and tissues and then I get my Magic deck and my dice bag and my small spiral note book and my pens and my eversharps and gum all out of my backpack and my wallet.

I do a bit of clean-up of my stuff in my room and when that’s done I sit and wait…and wait…would he?

No Alex doesn’t seem like that kind of guy…I go to the door and peek out and he’s out in the hallway waiting for me.

“Hey…you could have knocked.”

“Never rush a woman my dad always says.”

I…he…dammit he’s doing it again.

I look and him and fight the urge to girl out.

He’s all sorts of geek yummy.

He actually still has the same blonde long hair and now he’s wearing glasses with those geeky sexy small gold John Lennon styled frames and he has the ears off but he’s still cute and he’s in what looks like comfy old jeans and a big baggy and splat paint/ink designed shirt with Ichigo on it from Bleach with him with the mask on it and sandals.

No socks, point for that, actually points for all of that and he’s got a shoulder bag like for a computer with him with the Nerd-Herd design on it from the TV show Chuck.

He’s really skinny actually but kind of in a good way and that makes me smile because he’s still really cute.

Okay it could be the crush but it’s…okay it is the crush but this is like sort of our space the Con and stuff so he’s dressed like he might be at home and stuff and not like somewhere else where he’d be a lot more self-conscious.

Speaking of self-conscious Alex is looking me over and smiling.


“Cool shirt. I love Ed.”

“Everyone loves Cowboy Bebop.”

He smiles and then looks at his smart-phone. “So where do you want to go first?”

“I dunno what’s going on?”

I walk over to him and we make our way to the elevators and we decide to stop down at where they’re having a D&D game but they’re playing when we get there so we slip in quietly and lean on the wall with a few others and we watch the game play.

It’s really, really cool and it takes me awhile to get the whole setting that they’re playing but I think I’ve heard of it. It’s something in Forgotten Realms and I only know this because I have the boxed set at home that I got for like ten bucks at the used bookstore back home and they mentioned a classic bad-guy called Manshoon.

It’s kinda before my time really…forgotten realms was like way behind on the novel releases since they had all these cool places and characters and bios and it was all like before the novels really came out.

Dragonlance was the killer in that department. Again before my time really but I heard that they released the books and the modules (Adventure booklets) around the same times so you could play along with the storyline.

It’s kind cool to watch play going on but after a while in a heavy fight we slip out as it gets too busy to just sit back and enjoy the role-playing parts.

We go down the hall a ways and check out the Shadowrun game and Natasha’s there and we are the only spectators so we get a seat with some folding camping chairs someone has and we watch them game.

Good stuff they’re really into their game and the characters and they use a lot of the slang from the game and the books and Natasha is playing her decker and as she’s jacked in she’s talking while typing on her bag and stuff before she rolls her dice.

She grins at me a few times between her turns and stuff. I give her a thumbs up and a grin but we don’t interrupt of talk like out of character while they’re in play. That’s just rude and stuff but the guy running the game in keeping a great pace and he’s not bogging it down like some do with that whole roll for everything that you do stuff some GM’s do.

It’s got great flow and great bad guys too. The main baddy is actually a dragon but a feathered serpent and he’s taken over Renraku and he has several minions that are Aztec based shamans for the magic stuff and some street mercs and stuff and the players have broken in and stolen the company heiress from her enforced cage in the company penthouse and then there’s the monolog and stuff with the bad guy dragon and then a desperate chase as they’re getting her out of the building…

Oh there’s this one scene where they’re in the elevator and it’s a toss-up between their groups mage and Natasha’s dwarf to either levitate the elevator car they’re in and Natasha’s decker hotwiring the brake system before the elevator come crashing down killing them.

I was given a can of pop and did a spit take as “Ponty.” The Rigger is screaming in the middle of the chase as they lose a tire from getting it shot out and the enemy shaman uses a spirit to ice the road ahead of them and the mage asks. “Is this going to be a problem?”

And “Ponty.” Replies with. “Well I’m Canadian so I can either drive this thing like a figure skater or it’ll be Oh my gawd we’re all going to die!”

Oh he was so Wash (Firefly, Serenity’s pilot) it was amazing.

And we all burst out laughing.

Wow…and I had this whole thought that you could so do a Serenity show styled theme in the Shadowrun game and world.

They break until tomorrow when they lost their pursuers by crossing over into Tir Tangir.

Natasha comes over and she gives me a hug. “Heya Generator.”

I blush. “Hey…Cool game.”

“Thanks, Scott runs a really good game.” She side-head nods at the GM. He smiles and waves but he’s headed to the bathroom.

“Yeah I wish I could get into a gaming group like this one home.”

“What do they play?”

“War hammer and magic mostly but Star Wars once in a while. I don’t play that much because I’m not really part of the main group.”


“Yeah…Jade plays no-where actually and they think that home version of me is gay.”

“They on you for that?”

“No, not really but I can tell I make some of them uncomfortable.”

“That sucks.”

“Yeah sometimes but they’re okay to hang with sometimes at lunch for like a quick Magic game. It kind of keeps me clear from the assholes.”

Alex nods. “Yeah we have a gaming room at school and it’s kind of the chess club space but they’re as geeky as us so it’s kind of the non-jock safety zone for all of us losers.”

There’s a lot of nods from the others too. It’s a very familiar condition and story.

I look at Natasha. “So are you..?”

“Oh me naw, I was looking for some good superhero fiction and came across Crystal Hall and those stories and while I was really new to the stuff in them I was so hooked after reading a couple of them.”

“Oh cool, so…?”

“It’s no big thing Jade.” Then she hugs me which is really nice. Alex is looking a bit lost though.

I smile at him. “It’s fiction for people like me but with like an academy and stuff.”

“Oh cool you’ll give me the links and stuff?”

“Sure, you’d be into it?”

“Good stories are good stories plus you like them and I might learn some stuff.” He smiles and blushes a little and sort of shrugs a bit sheepishly.

Wow…he’s willing to…I mean at least look and stuff…open minded is very yay.

I look at him. “So…what’s next?”

He looks at his phone again. “Well we can get a bite to eat or something and still have time for us to go down to conference room C and watch the Full metal Alchemist Movie they’re showing.”

“Which one?”

“The Conqueror of Shamballa.”

“Oh awesome that’s a good one. So how do we get something to eat?”

“Room service?”

“Okay…whose room?”



Oh my gawd I’m going to his room, to his hotel room and…I mean…of wow…I mean…nothing’s gonna happen but why and I so squee over it…!?”

And Natasha’s chuckling and she’s staring at me with that oh snap girl look and I can feel all the blood rushing to my face.

Then Alex offers me his hand again. “Coming?”

I nod like a bobble-head and take his hand and shoot Natasha a look because she’s giggling at the easy to find innuendo.

And Alex is red too as we leave.

Oh my god he caught it too.

Shoot me?

To Be Continued...

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