I guess what little fan-base I have has given up on my writing. My last story "Somebody's knockin'" and my latest poem "Lie to me" both are lacking in comments. I know I'm not the wonderful author Tels or Bailey Summers or Drea (or almost anybody you can mention on this site) are, but still ...
Don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it.
Such things happen.
When writing, first write for yourself. Not for someone else.
This will help you during the times when you get no responses for your stories.
Good luck,
Paul Cousins
Hey i liked those.
But sometimes I'm at a loss for words, or at least ones that come out coherent, or I got to much I want ta say and it wont come out right.
Give people a little more time and I'm sure you will have comments. *hugs* I'm badly behind on my reading across the board due to work and with the holiday season looming I'm sure many people don't have a lot of time right now due to other committments.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Those two weren't up my street, however,
if you were to write a story about a bloody violent war of Feminazis against (ultimately triumphant) MegaTomboys and MegaTommen, you can be sure I will approve very vocally. = )
Sooooo many posts competeing for our time and my laptop is
NOT healthy at the moment.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
One of Dot's fans...
I liked Scavenger, but I haven't read the other two yet. I've been busier than usual the last week or two, helping out my parents. They're both elderly and their health is failing so I have to do more for them, especially now that winter's here, and don't get as much time to read... Sorry I'm a bad fan. I'll try better. *hug*
sorry to hear about your folks, hon
super angel hugs
Sorry, Dottie...
Not that I comment all that much. I just haven't read them yet. I'm reading here some, but I've been spending a lot of time, when not biking, reading a long novel on FM, about 2000 K file size, South of Bikini (series), by RBeyer.
I'm hopefully training for a 101 mile group ride, sagged (with food on the way) on Jan. 12. I need to do a 65 miler this week and an 85 mile ride, probably by myself, in 2 more weeks.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,