Well, I wanted to talk about some positives about being trans, but last night I ended up fighting nightmares of rape basically the whole night. Probably triggered by my trying to write my autobiography, stupid me.
I will survive, but this isnt the way I wanted to start my day...
Ah, well.
worry most here will stand with you to keep the nightmares at bay ....(swing ) (splat!) (stomp!)
Stupid you....
...yes! Very stupid for trying to deal with your past as you see fit? To put the demons at bay even as they come at you with near impunity? Stupid to want to recover from the past and face it with strength and courage knowing you'll be exposing yourself to hurt and pain that help shape your character and help you grow each day? No! Never say stupid, dear heart. Nightmares and flashbacks will lose their hold as you gain a hard fought purchase on higher safer ground. Don't put yourself down, okay?
Love, Andrea Lena
Please listen to what Tante Drea had to say ,as I cant add any more to those beautiful words of wisdom other than to say that we are here for you ..
Can't add more than what was said.
I can only give you as much HUGS as you want :)
Peace, Love, Freedom and Happiness
Hug tmf
If only I'd been online....
Hon, if you like, I'll give you my phone numbers privately in case we can't contact one another by Google Plus. Please promise me you'll call me when you feel yourself in that dark place. I've never experienced what you've experienced, but I have been depressed and suicidal (with the wrist scars to prove it). You need a familiar voice to remind you you're safe, and the people who hurt you are long gone and never coming back.
I know this might seem a frivolous statement in light of what you're going through, but hear me out: I have a bed full of dolls and various plush friends, and one in particular has been especially good at banishing bad dreams. Remember the plush tiger I showed you and Jaci the other day? Hardly a night goes by that I'm not hugging him tightly, and when I hug him, I sleep peacefully.
Too old, you say, to do such a thing? Well...you have to bear in mind there's a hurt, scared child buried deep within you who might benefit from the comfort and security of a fuzzy friend. If you have one who's a favorite, give it a squeeze, and call me. OK?
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

thanks, Rachel
I should definitely invest in a plushy friend.