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Ricky discovers Sandra’s fate and reads the contents of the 'read me second' file.
The Diary -chapter 3
Paula Dillon
Monday, Ricky went to school after picking up Jennifer. Jen talked about the dinner with her parents on Saturday and what she had done on Sunday. She was surprised though, when Ricky spoke of what he and Angela had done on Sunday.
“I am surprised you dressed up again on Sunday.”
“I don’t know, it was kind of fun to be with Mom dressed. It’s not something I want to do everyday, but for you and her it’s okay.”
“I was surprised that your Mom took it so well. Thank her for me again. My Mom just loved that dress. I am only lucky that it is too small for her,” Jennifer said, giggling.
After school, they stopped by Ricky’s home. They loaded the luggage and the steamer trunks into the bed of Ricky’s pickup and took them to the antique shop. His Mom was at the resale shop, so he left the stuff with Cindy. Cindy was the assistant manager of the store and ran things when Angela was out. She logged in the items and set them aside for pricing.
Ricky and Jennifer then headed back to the locker. Jennifer again made notes on Ricky’s blackberry, as Ricky carefully opened the cartons that were there. He found several boxes of books, there didn’t seem to be any extremely expensive first editions, but there were a lot of current fiction. He loaded them into the truck to take by the library, to see if they wanted them. Another box had some nice crystal and china, he marked that box for the antique shop. A box of everyday dishes was destined for the resale shop, along with some nice cookware.
He found a box, marked toys, and was embarrassed when he opened it.
“I guess you could call that stuff toys,” he said. “I think this box is destined for the dumps.”
“Let me see,” Jennifer said. She blushed a bit when she saw the contents. “You don’t have to throw them away, but they will need a very thorough cleaning and disinfecting before they are used again. It might be fun using some of those things, take that box home and we will talk about what to do with it.”
The biggest find he made that day, was the box marked silver. It held a tea service, silver ware and silver table service. There were also several boxes that held casual clothes. Ricky would keep some and send some to the mission store.
Everything was loaded into the truck, before Ricky cleaned both lockers. He turned them back over to the proprietor, as they were leaving.
In his room, Ricky showed Jennifer the diary, which she started reading. Ricky began messing with the camera then. He attached a normal lens to the body and began fiddling with it till it turned on. It was a nice professional digital camera system. He began taking pictures of Jen. She posed for a few, as she read, till she began to get a little annoyed. Ricky then reviewed the shots he had taken. He also found a few of a girl still in the camera’s memory, along with a lot of other pictures.
“Say Jennifer, do you think that this could be Sandra Metcalf,” Ricky said, turning the back of the camera toward her.
“Let me see. Oh she is pretty, but I can see some masculine features to her face; nothing too bad though. Did she have any photo galleries on her laptop.”
“I didn’t check yet.”
Jennifer then began to explore what was on the laptop. They found that the computer included Photoshop. She clicked on it and found that there were ten or twelve photo galleries listed. They found that Sandra was quite the photographer. She had thousands of art quality pictures of everyday things, flowers, landscapes, people having fun, children playing, buildings and the minutia of life. One of Ricky’s favorite was of two old men playing chess in the park. Words fall short of quantifying that shot, it was just priceless. Ricky set it as the desktop background. There was a couple of galleries marked ‘me and friends’.
There were a couple of hundred pictures in those files. The labels the pictures had, listed names and dates. The pictures went back nineteen years to when William was four or five. Then there were pictures of Lisa and William and Lisa and Sandra, but there were no pictures of William and his real family.
“Make me a memory stick of those pictures and that diary, Ricky. I need to get on home,” Jennifer said, checking her watch.
“Right and I need to fix dinner.”
They kissed and parted.
Tuesday, Ricky didn’t have Phys Ed. He only had to dress out for P.E. on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. So when he dressed in the morning he wore a gaff and a pair of panties underneath his own jeans. He wanted to see what it was like for someone like Sandra, he reasoned.
The gaff didn’t hurt, but was a little uncomfortable; it served as a constant reminder that things were different. His jeans were loose enough that it wasn’t obvious that Ricky’s penis was tucked back and that he was wearing panties instead of his usual tidy whities.
When he sat in the lunchroom, he spent a lot of time scanning the students, trying to identify students that might be like Sandra, at least when he wasn’t talking with Jennifer. She would get upset if he ignored her.
He realized that it might not be easy. People like Sandra would probably develop defenses against detection. This was an average high school and he could only imagine what would happen to an effeminate boy, or a girl that was overly masculine. There were a handful of students that were pretty well in the middle. He thought for a second and came up with the word androgynous. He made a mental note to observe those students.
When school let out, he dropped Jennifer off at her house and then drove home. He loaded the boxes that he wasn’t going to keep, into the truck. His first stop was the resale shop. Candace helped him unload the things he had for her store and logged them in.
He then drove to the antique shop, to drop off the high dollar items. Cindy was excited by the crystal, china and the silver services.
“I am going to have to ask your Mom to price these, I would like to buy some of this.”
“Just take what you want Cindy.”
“Nope, I don’t think so. These things are just too valuable. I will take my employee’s discount, but I know that you spent your own money to buy this kiddo. I don’t want to cheat you.”
“I will probably make my money back on the furs alone.”
“Furs, I didn’t hear about any furs. What kind?”
“I found a mink jacket and a chinchilla jacket in the steamer trunks.”
“Even so, you still need to make a profit Ricky, and you will have to pay for college soon. What about the rest of that stuff?” Cindy said, pointing to the remaining boxes.
“Those are books, current fiction mostly, hard covers. I was going to see if the library wanted them. Where is Angela today?”
“We got a call from an auctioneer in Ennis, today. They had a rush auction, that was suppose to include some nice antiques. She went down to check things out.”
“I know, today Ennis, tomorrow Decatur, Friday Comanche.”
“You got it kiddo. Oh by the way, a Linda Groveston came by and made a big purchase today. She told me to say hi to you and give you a big hug, Ricky.” Cindy said, hugging the boy to her.
“Yeah, Mom talked to her on Sunday and I showed her around the store. How big?”
“A really big hug, I guess.”
“No the purchase, silly,”
“I know, don’t get your panties in your crack. I was just teasing you. She spent thirty thousand and put a hold on another twenty-five. I already texted your Mom. Tom is out making the delivery.”
“Ok, guess I will see you later.” Ricky said, giving Cindy a hug.
Ricky dropped the books off at the library. The Librarian was excited and gladly accepted the donation, as funds for new books was tight.
“We have been needing some new fiction, these books are all well respected authors,” She said looking through the boxes.
Back home, Ricky went to his room. He stripped off his school clothes and placed them in the hamper. He looked at himself in the mirror. His waist was back to normal, despite the fact that he was wearing panties, he was surprised that he could still see a lot of Michelle looking back at him in the mirror.
His Mom was going to be late today, so he decided to dress as Michelle. He got out a pair of pantyhose, a bra, his breastforms and a below the bust corset. He first dressed in the pantyhose. He had seen how his Mom had done it, and with the directions on the package, he found that it wasn’t hard. He tightened the corset as much as he could stand, before he put on a bra and his breastforms. He chose a white blouse, a gray skirt and black pumps.
He did his makeup and chose the long black wig, this time. It felt strange having hair all the way to his butt, but it did look nice in the mirror. He was amazed at how shiny the hair was.
He had to move his hair to the side, as he sat in front of the laptop and turned it on. After it booted up, he opened the browser. There was an email from Khamchanaka. He opened the file
Hello Ricky,
My name is Courtney. I am another trans girl that Khamchanaka is helping. She asked me to help write this letter so she could get it right and because this issue is still just too emotional for her right now. Also, her English is pretty good, but when dealing with medical terms, she was afraid of saying the wrong things.
Sandra arrived in Thailand ok, on the twenty third of November. She and Kham did a lot of sightseeing and clubbing at night, for the two weeks before her surgery. They became fast friends and had a lot of fun. We have attached a file with pictures they had taken.
She went in for surgery on the eighth of December. She had some facial feminization and breast augmentation, that day. Then on the fifteenth, she went in for Vaginoplasty. The surgery was a success. She had a very good surgeon. She stayed in the hospital a week before coming back to Kham’s home, where she was to recuperate, before heading back to the states.
It was a week after being discharged from the hospital, that things went badly. Kham found her one morning, her face was red and she was clutching her left arm. Kham is a nurse and so she took her blood pressure. She was 210 over 105. Sandra was having a Hypertensive Crisis. Sandra screamed and went into arrest. She was taken to the hospital, but they failed to revive her.
She was pronounced dead, December thirtieth at 9:05 A.M. local time.
They did an autopsy on Sandra. The Pathologist found that Sandra had an undiagnosed Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. He said the spike in blood pressure had caused the rupture of the aneurysm and caused Sandra to bleed out internally, causing her death. He also said that it wouldn’t have mattered one bit, if she had been in the hospital, unless they had done something about the aneurysm before the Hypertensive Crisis. What had caused the Hypertensive Crisis was undetermined.
I researched it on the Net with Kham’s help, Aortic aneurysms are very hard to detect and they would have needed to suspect them, to find it. They can be asymptomatic, meaning that the patient may have no symptoms that would aid in their detection and may never know they had one. Sandra had a time bomb inside of her and didn’t know it.
Khamchanaka said that, Sandra was very joyous after surgery. We have included a file with her diary entries for the days after her surgery. She was finally the girl that she felt she should have been born as. Non-transsexuals don’t know what it is like to feel like they are trapped in the wrong bodies. Sandra truly had a feminine spirit and the body of a male. We are very sad that she only felt her joy for such a short time.
Her death certificate has been filed with the US Embassy, here in Bangkok, Thailand.
Please Ricky, if you can, keep Khamchanaka in your heart and mind. If you have time, email her. She was pretty broken up by Sandra’s loss. She was encouraged, to have somebody enquire about her friend. It has also been good that there are others like us to help keep her busy. She had thought about not helping anymore. Kham is such a treasure to those of us having surgery. We need to let her know that we love her dearly. I know that I am going to keep up with her and encourage her.
With love,
Ps: My email addy is included, if you need to talk to somebody about this. We transgendered need as many friends as we can find. I would really love to hear from you when I get home.
Ricky laid down on his bed and cried for a little while. He hadn’t known Sandra alive, but he still felt her loss, none the less. After a little while he felt better, but put off reading the ‘read me second’ file, till the next day. He felt that he was just so wrung out inside.
Wednesday, Ricky helped out in the antique shop after school. His Mom had made a big purchase the day before and Ricky was helping to get it ready for display. The job consisted of cleaning the antiques without damaging its finish.
Many people make the mistake of trying to make an old table look like new. That’s ok, if the table was well taken care of and just needed to be cleaned a bit. If the item had seen better days, some people try to remove the signs of aging. Also, if there is heavy grime, you have to be careful you don’t remove the original finish, while cleaning it. People think if the table looks better, it is worth more, but refinishing can greatly reduce the value of an antique. It should be a crime to sand the finish off of a Joseph Meeks and Sons table and refinish it.
Ricky worked about two hours, before heading home. He knew that he was going to read the ‘read me second’ file today.
He changed out of his school clothes and into Sandra’s jeans and blouse, the long auburn wig, a touch of makeup and heels. He felt more in touch with her dressed like that. He was falling in love with lipstick, he often had dry lips and he found that lipsticks were very good at softening them.
He opened the file after booting up the laptop.
If someone is reading this, then I am gone. Don’t feel too bad for me. I know I was becoming what I always should have been and I just didn’t make it all the way through.
I know I don’t have any right to impose on a stranger, but please finish reading this.
I am not wealthy, but I am well off. When my grandmother passed away, I inherited much of her estate. My inheritance is worth about one point five million. My diary will tell you more of my story about this.
If you are game, here is what I would like you to do. First my friends online need to be told about what has happened. I left them in suspense, I don’t know why, but I just did. I told them that I was going for SRS surgery, but not where and I didn’t intend to email any of them till I returned back home as a complete woman. In case you didn’t know, SRS is sexual reassignment surgery, sometimes also called gender reassignment surgery. It basically amounts to correcting the mistake made of birth. It was to make me as much of a woman as I could be.
My friends must be going crazy by this time. So if you could, break the news to them. I would ask that you first go online using my IRC client and chat with them. When you log into the chat room, I imagine that you will be inundated with private chat requests. Don’t worry their chats won’t be of a sexual nature. We do discuss sex sometimes, but it isn’t a sex chat room per se. My best suggestion is to get in a private chat with The-Boss-Lady. She is the site admin, a real nice lady. She will help find a way to break the news to the others.
Then if you would, you can compose an email and include as many details as you are comfortable with and send it to all my close friends on my contact list. I thought about composing it for you, but I thought it would be best if someone else did it for me.
Lastly, I have my will in my aluminum suitcase. The combination is 4562-8731, take my will to my attorney and he will explain a profitable proposal for you. If you chose not to, I want to thank you for coming this far with me.
Ricky thought he could wait till tomorrow to notify Sandra’s friends. He pulled the suitcase out from under his bed and tried the combination. The two locks gave a satisfying click. Upon opening the case, Ricky was surprised. The suitcase was a veritable pharmacy. He found the will and closed the case. He would explore the contents later.
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This keeps getting more intriguing with every chapter...
....I'm glad this story greeted my day. I find myself wishing I had such an opportunity when I was Ricky's age. Sad about Sandra, but I expect that her life and death will not prove to be in vain, and that with Ricky's help, she'll live on in some manner, if only through the friends she loved. Thank you for this, dear heart.
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
When I read the last line, before scrolling down to the comments, I thought "This keeps getting more intriguing with each chapter..."
Then, Lo and Behold! the very first comment states that exactly :)
It wouldn't surprise me if at least part of the "veritable pharmacy" includes estrogens.
It was certainly serendipitous that the locker and contents were bought by someone as curious as Ricky - I'd imagine many potential purchasers would have just flogged off the lot without taking the time to investigate - and some may have immediately reformatted the laptop, thereby destroying its contents.
So although Sandra herself may now be dead, courtesy of Ricky, a significant part of her life story lives on - in the memories of her friends, in the photographs she took before leaving, in the diary, in the locker contents (of which several emotionally significant items have been retained by Ricky, and although the rest may be sold on or donated, there will undoubtedly be meticulous records of the high value items at least), and presumably in whatever other assets are covered by the will.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Gosh I hate it 'Drea gets here first!
She always uses the words I would, well except for the Italian, that is :-)
Wonder how long it will take Ricky to begin sampling the medication?
Carla Ann
now if only i did not tear up so i had to stop and dry my eyes well i am looking forward to more of this lovely story though i think your labeling of this chapter might need some work as it sayyds its 4 and here i was wondering when 3 slipped by me
It's sad what happened to
It's sad what happened to sandra, but at least she got her srs. Keep writing.
Chekov's gun?
Unless there's some other purpose to having Ricky finding a big stash of pills left behind by a transsexual (it's oxycotin and he's going to begin a lucrative career as a drug pusher) I'm guessing the lure of becoming Michelle is about to gain a powerful pharmaceutical ally. I would be aghast if someone in real life started self-medicating, hormones are not a toy, but I tend to give fictional characters more latitude. Tits are a wonderful thing to have. Then again Ricky/Michelle is so appealingly level headed, it would seem a bit out of character for this character to start gobbling down "girl pills". So far a wonderful, intriguing story. I like the pace, the way Ricky's discovery of his feminine side evolves alongside his coming to learn about Sandra and meet her friends. The chat room might turn out to be a good place for Michelle. I do like Cindy, Mom and the rest of the characters... The way it's progressing this tale is plenty interesting without a major villain.
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Another thing to consider
Medication usually has expiration date, does it not? That alone should be reason enough to be wary.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Of course!
Now the question is, Will Ricky be tempted to try some of the pills?...Well he is an intelligent lad so i guess he should really show them to his mom..... But then this is a TG story...So who knows!....All i would say is he does seem to enjoy dressing up....But does he really want to go any further....Because there might be no turning back!!!
So OK, This Isn't Going...
...where I expected from the first readme letter.
I'd gotten the feeling that Sandra's post-mortem planning, and the need to get in touch with a Thai contact, meant that she was involved in something covert and was expecting to be targeted for death by some international enemy. I guess there's still the possibility of a cover-up in progress at the Thai end, and that someone may turn up looking for those pharmaceuticals -- we don't KNOW that they're just female hormones -- once news of Sandra's death hits the Web.
But that would seem to be something of a longshot now; had she known of a plot against her, Sandra ought to have planned things differently. (And more efficiently: as the story points out, it's fortunate for Sandra's plans, whatever they turn out to be, that anyone looked at the laptop rather than reformatting it and didn't simply throw out unsaleable stuff like the diary without further examination. Also, it's interesting that Sandra left her will in storage rather than at her attorney's office, if only because now its authenticity may be open to question.)
Anyway, I like the characters and the plot development so far, and look forward to finding out where this really IS headed. Very intriguing, as most of the other comments have noted, and the background information seems comfortably solid.
Oh, come on
Even if you're not a dyed-in-the-wool geek, could you possibly resist not looking at the contents of any laptop that had just fallen into your possession? Even if you didn't plan to blackmail someone/report it to the newspapers/sell it to a foreign government? You'd want to at least make sure there's nothing precious on it before you nuked it.
Me neither.
An interesting premise
It's amazing what you can find at a blind auction. And I have to agree with Carla Ann; Andrea has a way with words.
I'm off to Sicily for a week at the end of April; any chance I'll end up as a gangster's moll? (please!)
Abra kadabra please and thank you. Poof!!!
You are now a gangster Moll.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
The Diary -chapter 3
Sandra's story is truly bittersweet. What will her story do to Richy is the question.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
The sort that burst is usually quite large unless caused by trauma, others can leak but usually hurt and had it been leaking it is unlikely to have registered such a high BP. It thus suggests the triple A was a big one and they are usually palpable. My mother had one which was palpable. Surgery to correct them is tricky and uncertain. As the aorta is the largest blood vessel in the body, a massive bleed means you are dead in moments, the drop in blood pressure would be instant as would unconsciousness. One of our cycling club died after rupturing the aorta in a crash during a time trial, he died at the scene.