NewHalf Chapter 3 & 4

Nathanial's life gets turned the wrong way when his new school goals don't go so well and his girlfriend breaks up with him. Things get worse when he encounters a woman with a 'special' gift that completely changes who he was, and is given something he is not prepared to live with. Now he must break the spell in order for things to go back the way they were, when he was a boy. And the only way to do so is to live and develop a life of a beautiful teenage girl, before time runs out.



Chapter 3: What I've done

The next thing I knew, me and Randy were both meeting after school near the gym, attempting to sneak in the women’s change room, particularly at the time the cheerleaders change after tryouts.

"Remind me again how this why we're doing this?" I say disapproving Randy's plan already.

"Fine I'll summarize what we're doing again. We are going to plant this stink bomb in one of the girls lockers, and when they come out they'll get a little welcomed surprise; from the geeks of the Si-FY club."

"And what dose this prove; exactly?" He gives me a look like he's really going to school me.

"You said women use their beauty to manipulate men right?"

"Yea" I responded, not quit sure where he's coming from.

"The only way to get back at them is to take away their ultimate weapon, their ability to use beauty as a means of manipulation towards others."

"So when you set off the smoke bomb in one of their lockers, forcing them to come out when the Si-FY club arrives-" I sort of guess what he's talking about now.

"They will be exposed for what they are in front of one of the most easily lustful men in this school. The smoke bomb is mixed with vaporized steam to allow the girls make up to run as well. Everyone including the Si-FY club will witness as the beautiful specs of earth become exposed to the reality of how people really see them with out their false faces."

"I'm sorry dude but you need a life." I mean that as a complement to how well his plan sounded.

"How did you come up with this? And what do you mean when you said everyone will see them?" I ask

"I asked the Si-Fy boys if they could film my lecture on how star trek the motion picture could have been a better film then just what it is. When they begin to film during the out break, they’ll catch it all on film and post it to the school website" Hearing his plan come together sounds good and all, but do I really want to go through with it?

This seems all too extreme on my part, filming them doing something humiliating and posting it online for the whole school to see, that’s just messed up.
I wanted to get back at them not hurt their self-esteem.

"I don't know about this" I say thinking about my second guessing.

'There is no backing out dude, you sticking through this? Or are you just going to bail and let Amber, Jen, And the rest of the girls in this school make your life a living hell?" He says more serious then ever.

"Why do you care? You love high school girls. I don't even know why you’re helping me with this crazy scheme."

"Because we're friends Nate" He says with a tip of innocence in his tone.

I never really thought of randy as my friend. The only reason I ever get in trouble is because I constantly participate in his pranks on the school. Why do I even get involved with what he's doing?
Jennifer has been asking me to stay away from him for a long time, telling me he's nothing but trouble and calling him a little creep.

I suppose I should tell you why I questioned earlier the reason I'm not that popular at this school, even after the stunt I pulled off last year.
I was in ninth grade and I just met Randy. He seemed like a perfectly normal guy at first (Then again we all think that when we meet someone for the first time), but when he asked me if I wanted to be apart of something big, I had no Idea what I was getting into.
One day close to Halloween, he had something planned to expose the girls tennis team while they where getting changed in the locker room. Basically he had me dressed as Jason Voorhees wielding a fake chainsaw in an attempt to scare them out.
Yea when you put two and two together, you realize his only purpose for doing any of this is to see women naked, or a least half naked.
His obsession with women really is an insanity.

What made the plan back fire was when the wiring malfunctioned. Randy had attached a bunch of electrical wiring that would make my costume light up to make it look 'Scarier', he told me with a ghoulish voice. The wiring wasn't connected properly and it burst into flames almost burning me alive with it on!
Well it made the girls tennis team come rushing out of the locker rooms, screaming with fear for their lives instead of fear from me.

How did I get away with that? I didn't!

I was straight up punished for what I did, Randy too. I was suspended for two days for being a part of the whole prank. It would of been two weeks if I hadn't correct their confusion of me using fire or any other weapon on school property. Randy got that punishment, two weeks for pulling the prank. How he didn't get expelled has made him a legend amongst everyone at Budiansky high school.
The only recognition I got was 'The kid who was on fire' it still didn't make me that popular and it eventually faded in time.
It was just an innocent prank for me, but for Randy, it was food for his obsession. And I was the bait to real in his fish, or scare away in my case.
I wasn't allowed to be seen with him by the school and Jennifer strictly convinced me to never talk to him again, we almost broke up after my two day suspension but got back together on the promise that I would never talk to Randy again.
I don't blame myself for ignoring him the next couple of months after that.
At the time I blamed him for getting me in trouble and for almost getting me killed.
Of course after wards I started to talk to him again and here we are now.

"I still don't know" I say still hesitant.

"Come on Nate please" Randy persuades. The voice of girls talking echoes through the hallway.

"Whether you’re with me or not, I'm doing it, no going back" Randy pulls on a gas mask and heads into the girl’s locker room.
Unable to stop him, I hid behind a trash container and listen to what the cheerleaders are saying. They're talking their usual pointless conversation. One of them mentions my name and I listen in closely.

"Please guys can we not talk about that" It sounded like Jennifer. That’s because it is Jennifer!

"Alright let’s change the subject then" one of them says.

SHOOT! I forgot Jennifer and some of her friends went for cheerleader tryouts this afternoon. Randy told me we're plotting a prank on the cheerleaders, He didn't mention it was the soon to be cheerleaders.
I have to stop this, but why? Jennifer screwed me over so she deserves to pay. Do I want her to be caught on camera smelling like a bag of skunks with running make up? Nothing I could do now with out getting caught.
Then I hear a group of boys talking, as well as the sound of the girl’s locker room opening up. It was Randy and from the looks of it, his hands are clean. The group of boys was the Si-FY club ready to capture film of the women with out make up disaster.

I have to stop this. I can't let them film the disaster that’s about to unfold.

I immediately get up and run towards Randy looking all macho after successfully getting out of there alive.
He sees me charging as I bash him, pushing him back in attempt to get him into the locker room again. Randy quickly catches on what I'm doing and fights to push me back. Before he could make any efforts I send him flying into the girl’s locker room.
I hear the conversation form the nerds asking what’s going on and telling one another to "Put this on YouTube man."

"Guys you have to go." I tell them but they're not listening.

"No way we were promised that we could see women in their underwear after we all each paid Randy 10!" one of then boasted.

"Wait your not here to listen to him lecture about the first star trek movie?" I say full of confusion.

"Of course not dweeb we have the internet to do that for us. Why would we listen to some random creep talk about how good star trek: the motion picture could have been."

"This coming from a group of nerds who came to film some high school girl’s in their underwear in attempt to post it on the internet?"

"Oh yea well, Shut up!" Yea, great comeback brace face. I just chuckle at his lame attempt.

"Whatever; give yourself something to live for and walk away now." I tell them

"Or what?" one of them ask.

"Or I'll make sure your precious little camera won't film anything, ever again." I say with intimidation.

"You’re bluffing." The small one says.

I lean in closer. "AM I?"

The sound of screaming girls plus the smell of rotten old eggs starts to fill up the hallways. Looks like Randy's plan is starting to commence.

"He’s lying."
The camera nerd says as he starts to film. With out thinking I grab the camera and threw it across the hall making the Si-Fy nerds go fetch it.
As I did this, every girl in the locker room comes running out, coughing up the agonizing rotten eggs and moldy cheese smell that continues to spread out through the hallway.
As expected half the girls were wearing make up or applied some on while getting dressed, and as expected by Randy they were running like crazy. The make up dripped down their cheeks and their hair was all messed up. The ones not wearing make up suffered the worst when their hair became a fizzled nightmare.
It was like watching a bad carnival that came to town or something.

Now that the nerds have nothing to film and post online, I almost take a little joy in this prank now.
It proves to me that these girls can't control everything; they don't get to rule over us. They're not as smart as they like to make themselves out to be.
The smell was so bad I relied on my shirt to block the stench.
Unfortunately I'm face to face with Jennifer, who's makeup looks the worst out of all of them and her hair is completely dried up form the vaporized odder.
No words could pronouns how angry she was standing there looking ridiculous.

I was completely speechless. No way to describe my situation unless I blame it on Randy, who comes out of the locker room coughing away at the smell.

"God dammit Nate, how could you do this man!" He says whacking the gas mask on my chest.

"How do you still feel about this whole thing now huh? You still feel betrayed right? Because that’s how I'm feeling." then he turns to notice Jennifer dwelling under the smelly smoke.

"I tried to warn him Miss Jen. He just seems to only think of himself." Randy says with a convincing tone of pity. I give him the look of death before he walks off leaving me and Jennifer alone.

Well, Jigs up!

"You were hanging out with RANDY?!" She says full of rage.

"It’s not what you think" I say almost frightened by her wrath.
I've never seen Jennifer this angry before. The last time I got caught pulling a prank with randy was the angriest I've ever seen Jennifer.
Turns out she wasn't even mad before, now she is out worldly pissed with me.

"It’s not what I think!? We are standing in a middle of a stink bomb; that randy tried to prevent from being set off in our locker room, that he just told me two seconds ago was YOUR Idea!" She yells to my face.

I don’t know what Randy told Jennifer while he was trapped in the locker room but obviously there’s no talking my way out of it now.

"I was set up." I don't know why I'm trying to act all innocent.

"Oh, so this wasn't your idea? You didn't join randy in attempt to embarrass me by making me look like some kind of circus freak, all because I wouldn't talk to you or make up with you after our break up?"

Well, she kind of has me there, but I'm not admitting it.

"I just can't stand you anymore Nathanial, Ever since our break out you've been doing nothing but acting like a total jerk. You've become worse then what Randy is, a selfish creep."

Finally I couldn't contain it anymore. Before I could stop; I wave my hand with complete force across Jennifer’s face, completely stunning her out of amazed shock. Immediately her right cheek starts to turn a bright red.
She softly placed her trembling hand on the spot where I hit.

"Get away from me you monster." Her request is not out of anger, it’s out of fear.

"I'm sorry-" I try to reach out for her but she backs away violently.
She is completely terrified of me now.

She runs off leaving me in the fog of the stink bomb. With everything going on I just now take in the horrific smell of the stink bomb fumes. I make my way out of their quickly before I get caught by anyone else, or if the police show up, which I'd be surprised if they didn't.

A couple of things I learned today; there is no way I'm going get away with this unless I cleverly blame it all on Randy (Not even blaming, The whole plan was his GOD DAMN IDEA!)
I will never be able to face Jennifer again so long as I live and breath, Not tomorrow, not next year, not EVER.
Jennifer is probably going to report me to the principle; or even wore the police, for some acts of physical abuse (Maybe even sexual abuse if she really truly hates me).
The next time I see Randy, I'm going to kill him.

I ride my bike home as quickly as possible hoping for some reason I don't get caught, which is really weird for some reason because nobody's following me. But the images, the voices, and the action I caused today that is now in my head, they follow me straight home to where I lock myself in my room and suddenly start throwing shit that was in my way out of frustration and stupidity.
I couldn't believe what I just did today.

I hit Jennifer.

Even though I have told myself I would never physically harm her in anyway, I did the exact opposite tonight.
The look on her face, Scared even me. I was really worried for her. She was witnessing something terrifying like she was seeing a monster. The only problem is though, I'm the monster.

I hate myself, I really do. I, I didn't know what I was thinking.

That doesn’t mean I don't take back what I did when I agreed to help plant the stink bomb inside of the girls lockers. They were exposed for the frauds they are.

So why don't I feel good about it? I HIT JENNIFER!

Knowing there is no going back from that. I might as well completely drop her from my life. She doesn’t deserve to be with me and I don't deserve to make her life more miserable then it already is.

It’s the weekend now and my sister just reminded me that I have a dentist appointment on Monday. Well if there was any day I could have begged to go to the dentist, this seemed like an answered prayer. I won’t have to go to school to face any awkward encounters there.
That’s right kids just runaway from your problems because (in reality) it will get you nowhere in life.

When I got home after that incident, Vicky was wondering why I smelled like rotten eggs. I had to lie and told her I fell onto a pile of garbage that had a skunk that nearly sprayed me. There was no way she could have believed me, that was the best lie I could come up with.
Anyways she forced me to take a long shower and offered to buy some tomato juice for me to bathe in encase the smell doesn’t go away.

Its Sunday now and I told Vicky that I would go out to pick up the supplies. I read online that to get rid of the stink bomb odour I have on me; I would have to buy vinegar, apparently it helps.
I also need to buy an air freshener for my room because now it smells like a dump. I’m still going to pick up tomato juice to convince Vicky that I really did encounter a skunk.

I went out to pick up the supplies I needed to get rid of this smell. I needed vinegar, air fresheners, and tomato juice. I cycle down a small shopping center on my way home after picking up the supplies. I start to think about the events that accrued on Friday.
The image of Jennifer keeps coming back to me like a haunting memory. Just the look on her face after what I did terrifies even me.

She thought I was just the bad guy before, now I'm just a straight up monster to her.

Jennifer, Break up, Amber, Girls, Randy, Stink Bomb, Sexist, Abuser, Bad Guy, Monster

Before I know it I’m off my bike flying onto the hard pavement of the sidewalk. I get up to get back on my bike to realize that it just blew a flat tire. Terrific, is there anything more worse that can happen to me this year?
This was supposed to be my year, a year to start off fresh, and (as Vicky would say) to try something new.
But so far all that’s happening to me has been nothing but shit. Shit here, shit there, all because of one break up that I over reacted to but tried to fix afterwards, but she and her little posse tried to gang up on me, to make me look like I'm the bad guy.

“You don’t need help looking like the bad guy” I remember Jennifer telling me. And the look she had on her face after I...

Forget it. What’s done is done. All that matters now is what will become of me. I'm going to be punished in some way for what I did, I know it. Am I going to have to start over from the beginning, start off fresh next semester? I wish I could. I wish I could just forget everything I had done and start a new. No Jennifer, No beauty slob girls, A new start. Right now though all I need to worry about is getting my flat tire fixed.
If today wasn't such a sunny day, now it starts pouring rain, just one more thing to bring down my spirits.

"This is the worst year EVER!" I say loud to myself.
Luckily not that many people were out to hear the psycho ward cursing the sky.
After the rain started getting worse I made my way towards the closest shop to stay in till the rain stops.


Chapter 4: Walk In The Others Shoes

The store I headed towards was called 'The Purple Cauldron'

The surroundings of the building were painted a nice shiny purple color. The sign for the purple cauldron was of a bright, glowing, yellow neon lights shaped like a cauldron that shines most of the darkened street that was covered by the dark clouds. It looked like the only store to really stand out in this street because of its bright neon lights.
I parked my bike out side the front door, took my shopping bag inside and waited as the rain kept falling harder with each minute.

I figured since I'm going to be here for a while I might as well look around the store that I'm residing in.
The store isn't that big compared to the outside of the building once you're actually in it. The store is well lit giving you the clearest vision on what you can see in the store. It pretty much looks like one of those antique or merchandise shops selling a bunch of old fashion tools, expensive props, and a bunch of hocus pocus magic crap. I've noticed some of the merchandise looks like nothing but stuff witches, which doctors and sorcerers use to cast spells or make magic like the olden days before modern time.
Its kind fascinating to think of when I look at some of the fake wands on display; sitting behind a glass counter.
It kind of reminds me of some of the wands used in harry potter or something like that, Only these look like they were actually hand made back in the time of witches and warlocks.

"Noticed anything of interest young man?" A woman says as I jump to the surprise of her voice followed by a clash of lightning to go with it.

"Jesus lady you almost gave me a frigging heart attack" I say panting under my throat.

"Forgive me good sir. I wasn't expecting someone to be here." she tells me in a very subtle voice.

"I don't get that many customers anymore. Having you here is a bit of a first for me in a long time, a very long time, almost twelve years if I recall." The lady says.

"Wow, how are you still in business?" I ask.

"I'm not. I just stay here and work on building more tools and perfecting my potions and so forth." She says examining the bottles of fake potions hanging on the wall behind the cash.

"Is that all you do, you don't have anywhere else to go, maybe to find a better job?"
She looks at me sternly but her voice is still subtle.

"This shop has been in my family for many generations since before the dark ages. We believed the purple cauldron was the first of many magic shops to be open to the public. Only this one was not only open for the people, who liked to pretend to be wizards, it was open for real wizards, and witches, and so forth." The lady explains looking around her shop as if she’s seeing it for the first time in a long generation.

"Well that’s some story you people believe in." I say taking it all in.

"It is more than just a story young one, it is a part of history" she tells me.

"I'm sure it is" I say in a disbelief tone.

"Believe me when I tell you what I know." she says with a stern look on her face. She's wearing some kind of black robe that has a hood covering most of her face. Only the red lips moving on her mouth and the long strain of black hair resting on her chest was all I could make out.

"Let me properly introduce myself, my name is Leanna Dourheave; keeper of the purple cauldron."

"Nathanial, But Nate works just fine." I introduce myself.

"It is a delight to meet you Nathanial" Leanna says as she takes an old fashion bow holding the helm of her red dress.

"Ok." I say feeling awkward by her gesture.

"Would you like to stay a little while and take another look around?" she asks.

"Oh no I really need to get home, I have a flat tire, I have to apply some vinegar on me to get rid of this smell I have" Leanna interrupts.

"I was wandering what that stench was." She says waving her hand across her nose.

"Come. I have something better that could fix that smell." She says gesturing for me to take her hand.

"T-That’s ok, I bought all this stuff anyways I don't want to feel like I bought them for nothing." I try to convince her. Something feels very off about this woman.

"You’re going to need those supplies if my formula is to work perfectly, besides it will be raining like this for the next two hours or so. So it’s best to get it over with now while your here." Leanna says.

I look outside to see that the rain is still pouring hard, and the whole street would have looked completely dark if not for the bright neon lights outside.

"Um, o-ok, it’s not going to take long is it?" I ask feeling nervous for some reason.
That’s because she reaching for the hoodie covering her face, as she takes it off, a marvelous beauty is revealed under it. Now that I see her fully, she looks to be around her early forties with long black hair that reaches down to her back. Her red lip stick looks a lot more gorgeous on her now that I see her face. Her eyes are of a strangely bright yellow color. That’s the first I've ever seen someone with that eye color, does that even exist?
I'm convinced she's either a cat lady, or a vampire.

"Not even all the time in the world Nathanial." she says gesturing again for me to take her hand.
I take it hesitantly and she leads me to the back of the store which I guess would be her office. As we walk by the other sections of the shop, I noticed a lot more merch hanging on the wall that looks like it holds flowers and herbs.
When Leanna walks, she walks so gracefully, her heels softly hit the hardwood floor almost like she's walking through a field of flowers.

Leanna pulls on a yellow rope that opens a black curtain revealing the entrance to her office.

Leanna offers me to go in first “After you” She says.
I do so, and as I walk in the first thing I see is a cauldron, I mean a real life cauldron! There was smoke coming out of it and the sound of bubbling water spreads through out the room.
Her office looks like any other office only it’s filled with a Goliath of potions and herbs and other ingredients I don't think you could find in stores.
Leanna comes in and takes a seat on her wooden chair and offers a stool for me to sit on.

"Intrigued by what you see?" Leanna asks as I curiously stare into the cauldron.

"Yes" I said. The cauldron was a classic big black tub of water filled with purple liquid bubbling like in those movies with the witches (I don't know any off the top of my head).

"Now, let’s work on ridding that stench." She says. I nod my head in agreement.

"First hand me your things" I forgot what she meant by things when I remembered she meant the stuff I bought at the other store.
I hand her the bag and she pulls out the vinegar. She pours it into the cauldron which makes the liquid turn into a silver color when it starts bubbling more. She looks through the bag again and pulls out one of the tomato juice containers I bought.

"This will not work on your smell" She notes holding the container in front of me.

"I kinda figured" I said admitting to her. I knew it wouldn't work. I told Vicky that I was sprayed by a skunk even though I wasn't, I did this to cover up the stink bomb story in hopes she won't find out
(Although I'm begging to doubt even that theory).
She hands me back the bag and gets off her chair to look through her wall of potions and herbs.

"This will hopefully do." She says as she pours in a bottle of yellow potion and threw in some purple herbs.
The cauldron went crazy with smoke and bubbles mixing the liquid into this pale brown color with a hint of white from the vinegar. Leanna began to stir the cauldron with a long stick to mix it all together. She almost does look like a real witch if she weren’t being so nice to me.
The room began to feel dark as the lights shining from the cauldron made everything else in the room look like a black out.

"All right, that should be it" Leanna says wiping her forehead with her sleeve.
She takes an empty bottle from one of her shelves and dips it into the cauldron, filling the bottle with the pale brown and white liquid.
She puts a lid on it with a spray squeezer like the ones those perfume bottles have and hands it to me.

"Give it a try." She says. I see a little excitement on her face. Judging by the way she did her thing on the cauldron, it looks like she really hasn't done this in a long time and since I'm her first customer in twelve years. She seems to be pretty happy with helping me out.

I take the bottle from her, a little hesitant to spray it on my body. I stare at Leanna who waves her hand allowing me to go for it.
I got up and sprayed the fumes everywhere on my body. I prayed it on my arms, my legs, I tucked it under my shirt to spray it there, and finally around my face and neck.

"That should be enough" Leanna chuckles while stopping me from almost using up the whole bottle.

"This stuff feels amazing!" I say feeling fresh and smooth.

She seemed happily complemented as she instructs me on how it works.
"The ingredients will dissolve the odor reminiscing on your body and will release a lavishing fresh scent making you smell like vanilla" Leanna tells me.

"Sweet!" I say fascinated by her knowledge of the ingredients.

Leanna then expresses a puzzled face.

"May I see your bag again Nate?" she asks while I continue to smell the sweet aroma of vanilla already starting to kick in.

"Um, sure" I say. I take a seat on the stool again while she looks though the bag of tomato juice and air fresheners.

"Won't be needing those right?" I say jokingly to the fact that they’re completely useless now that I used the perfume Leanna made. I'll still need to take them home so that I won't be lying to Vicky about the skunk incident. Even though I smell fantastic now, my room still reeks, so the air fresheners I bough for a reason.

"I sense a strong energy coming from these objects. As I did the same moment I touched your hand." I don't know what she's talking about but I just go with it, I'm having to much fun enjoying my new aroma.

"That’s weird" I tell her almost not caring.

"May I touch your hand again Nathanial?" Leanna ask.
I almost blush, she really is a beautiful woman, and touching her hand earlier kind of made me feel a bit flattered.
I offer her my right hand as she gently places her left hand on top of it, and places her right hand under it. She closed her eyes and continues to stand where she is while I sit and watch her eyes move under her eyelids. She suddenly began to whisper something I can't make out.
Then she started trembling. I start to worry as it started getting worse and worse every minute.

What the hell is she doing? I thought to myself.
I almost feel a surge of energy being sucked into this room by how concentrated she is. As she lets go; the surge is gone, and everything is quiet.

Leanna is panting under her breath. I almost feel her exhaustion some how. Did we just mentally connect some how when she touched me?
Leanna's face starts to give off an angered impression as she looks at me as if I committed a crime.

"You have been quite busy these first couple of months haven't you?" She asks as her impression becomes angrier.

"I don't know what you mean." I have a good idea what she's talking about, but I don't want to tell her if I’m right about it.

"You have done some things that have set you on a course down a very dark path. Tell me, did you feel any remorse after what you did to her?"

Oh shit, she knows. How dose she know?

"What?" I heard what she said but I wanted more confirmation over what I just heard her ask me.

"When you STROKE HER!" wow, she is pissed.

"Did you think you were achieving anything when you helped that nasty boy with his inhuman scheme to ridicule the ones who attended your school?"

"How did-" I'm completely weirded out. All she did was touched my hand and all of a sudden it’s like she has information on my life actions.

"I saw many things when I first contacted you. I saw a stubborn boy so full of himself he thought he could do anything, but he also had compaction for his family and friends. Even his recent close loved one, for a short period."

Ok Leanna's kind of pissing me off now, the last thing I wanted to be reminded of was that I had a girlfriend (for a short period?), and the fact she just outright called me a stubborn narcissist to my face.

"The energy I was feeling from one of the containers gave off a dark aroma that told me something was troubling you. I wanted to feel your senses again to see if I could figure out what troubled you.
But all I got was denial, lust, frustration, hatred, recent actions only committed by a fool who thinks he can get away with such treachery."

I immediately think of Gandalf calling pippin “fool of a took!” Don't know why, I just did.

"Hey I'm not the victim here, ok? They were gonna gang up on me, I had to teach them a lesson." I argued

"You think pulling a silly prank on a group of young ladies who barely did anything to you was teaching them a lesson?" She sounds wicked serious now.

"You have not been to my school to know what kind of people you’re up against. You see; there's this know it all bee queen-"
Before I could continue I'm rudely interrupted by Leanna and more of her mythical words of wisdom.

"What about what you did to your, ex?" She asks while guessing if she was right to use the term ex to describe Jennifer.

"Well, I'm not proud of myself for what I did." I have to at least admit that to her.

"Had I known it would come to that, I would have never tried to get back at the other girls for torturing us guys"
This doesn’t satisfy Leanna to the fullest.

"Us guys? You think you speak for every man on this planet?" she asks

"Of course not, just my own youth. All the girls I've encountered in my life have been nothing but batty, selfish, annoying, BITCHY, uncaring people that do nothing but make us guys miserable by bragging about how smart they think they are, or how better they are at things us guys have come to master, for thinking that girls are better then boys, And for using their sexuality to manipulate men who are hopelessly attracted to get them to do what ever they wanted."
I am surprised Leanna has aloud me to continue this far.

"But the truth is they're not better then us, we are the superior gender. If not for us humanity probably wouldn't have gotten this far."
I feel like I've hit a nerve as Leanna's face almost looks like its ready to explode.

"DO not talk of which you are unfamiliar with!" She says sternly but still in control, I guess I haven't broken her yet.

"Look you caught me, I feel terrible for putting a finger on Jennifer but no regrets come from my opinion about girls."

"Oh if only your Jennifer could see you now. But from the look on her face when you stroke her, I feel she has seen enough."

Ok, that pissed me off. We were having such a nice time together; wow we're having a contest to see who's going to break first, turns out that’s me.

"You don't know anything about what’s been going on this past month! I was gonna have it all. Good grades, good friends, a membership in a sports team, and the best girlfriend I could ever ask for.
All that went to hell when she broke up with me on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, all because I apparently didn't care about her. When I tried to fix that, when I tried to make her understand how important she is to me; she shined me out, her and her stupid girl friends that like to gang up on me for no reason.
So if you think I'm selfish for planting a small innocent prank that didn't exactly go as envisioned, for the sake of teaching at least one of the girls that they're not in charge of how things work in this world, well then you can kiss my ass because they disserved the retribution they GOT!"

Panting like I just ran a marathon. I stare straight into Leanna's red hot face as she's ready to implode.

Surprisingly enough, she doesn’t freak out. She has a very weak way of expressing her emotions with facial expression. She begins to talk some weird ancient saying in a very calm, collected manner.

She starts waving her arms around like she thinks she's forming a spell.

"You are intimidating with forces beyond your comprehensive.
Your shallow, selfish, egotistical nature will not go unanswered.
For your complete lack of respect for the other gender and the folly for your actions that have caused the misery of you and those around you. You are here by cursed to walk in the others shoes till the end of the last gathering, at midnight."

And with that the lights begin to flicker and the room starts rumbling like there’s an earthquake, which is what I immediately thought as I sit on my stool taking in all the excitement that’s happening.
At first I though she was bullshitting me, then for a split second when the lights and the building begun to act weird did I realise she must be legit.
Then everything went back to normal. No earthquakes, no nothing.

"HA. I'll admit I really thought for a second you were actually doing shit to me."
This is too delightful; the woman is a total fraud!

"Hey listen thanks for the perfume and all but I really need to head home" I say continuing to chuckle.
Leanna just stands there looking at me with a stern but with an almost smirk expression.

"Why don't you take more home just encase" She says offering to refill my bottle.

"Yea, sure thing LEANNA THE GREAT" making fun of her position as I hand her the bottle.
Still chuckling to myself completely, unaware as I get a glimpse of her putting extra ingredients into the cauldron then mixing them up.

"Hey how did you do the lights and the shaking of the building because that was top notch"
I joke while she finishes stirring the cauldron and filling the bottle up, this time with a more pinkish color then the last bottle.

I start to make my way out the door.

"Thanks a lot Leanna. I should come to this store more often and we could do more of what you did today." Still chuckling, really enjoying the moment.
I haven't laughed this much since Christmas (But that's a whole other story to tell).

"That would be lovely Nate, but as you know I haven't had business in a long time so it’s hardly unlikely we will have this opportun-" I don't let her finish.

"Well if we see each other down the road we can get together and do this at your place. Maybe even show me your dungeon full of elves and unicorns" at this point I'm historical. I know it’s not that funny but at the heat of the moment, when I believed all the crap she did was real, you got to laugh at yourself for being so gullible.
Especially if you've had a really shitty week like I did.
Leanna just continues to stare, giving me a full smirk of delight. I figured she had to laugh at herself as well giving the situation.

"Se ya grandma" And with that I am out.

The sun is bright and shiny again, I'm in a better mood then I was the first day of school. Things mite actually look up to me again, all I got to do is start fresh again and just roll with it.
I still remembered the flat on my bike but that fails to bring me down. I inspect the flat to see how bad it is and if it’s reparable.

To my surprise there was no flat!

It’s like it magically fixed it self. I would probably call this into question immediately but due to my high spirits, I figured someone was nice enough to fix my flat tire in the drenching rain; while I was having a blast talking to the crazy gypsy lady in 'The Purple Cauldron' whooow!
Things really are starting to come back together for me.
I hoped on my bike and headed home through the beautiful sunny sky looking forward to my new future,

A future without anymore problems.

No girly girls, no Jennifer, No Amber, No Randy (Still gonna give him one for good measure) and a whole new line of possibilities.
I think all those years of mom and Vicky forcing me to give new thing a try have finally influenced me to look on the brighter side of them.

I'm home now ready to conceal the brunch Vicky cooked up for me.

"Hello Vicky" I say with bright spirits in my heart.

"Wow, well aren't we in a good mood. Did you get the tomato juice?" she asks.

"Better. I ran into this shop called the orange bowl or whatever its called, and this lady made some perfume for me that could easily get rid of any smell you have on you" I tell her sounding like one of those repetitive ads on TV.

"Interesting, but seriously did you get the actual working products that some lady didn't just make on the spot?" She doesn’t believe me.

"Yes I did" waving the back in front of her "Just in case the smell doesn’t go away." I say.

"Nate, you can't just except gifts from a lady you just met who promises working cologne that will get rid of bad odors instantaneously." Vicky was not impressed

"You haven't even tried it, here" I take out the bottle and spray some on her.

"Nate what are you doing?" it takes a couple of seconds, then.

"Is that, vanilla?" Vanilla is one of Vicky's favorite perfume scents. She will absolutely die for a product that had the vanilla aroma.

"Yes it is and as advertised it works immediately."
Vicky sniffs the part I sprayed on her arm and almost becomes aroused by the scent.

"That is wonderful" she says with a big grin on her face.

"Is it?" I say excited by her response.

"I got to get my own someday."

"I don't think so, the store I bought it from (not even bought, she gave it to me) I think is closing soon or something like that. Which is a shame because the old hag that works there is a riot" I tell Vicky.

"Nate that’s not nice" Vicky says sounding like mom again.
I shrug my shoulders.

"Well I guess if I want one of those I'll have to stop by tomorrow while I still can. What time is it open till?" That’s a good question, I have no idea.

"I don't know" I tell her.

"Well, do you know what street it's on?"

"I think it was near the quickie mart on market road, I remember passing by there when I found the shop."

“That helps a lot" Vicky says sarcastically.

"I guess I'll stop in early tomorrow then before the afternoon" she says as she continues to eat her food then finishes.

"You gonna dive in or what?" Vicky asks pointing to the Mac and cheese sitting on the table.

"You bet." I sat down and dove in to the Mac and cheese. I realized that I haven't eaten much since I was out.

"You know sis, things have been pretty rough for me lately, but now I feel as if I've been given the opportunity to start over."

"Really" Vicky says sounding fascinated "So you really are opening to new things are you?"

"Yes I am. Once I get a couple of things out of the way, things might actually start to look promising again." I really do believe so.

"Well in that case if you’re so open to new things now, you can finish the rest of my vegetable soup." She holds the bowl of soup in front of my face.

"Please I'm not that adaptable" I say looking at her with a silly look.

"Yup, exactly what I thought. You’re still the same Nate even when you’re a changed man" Vicky says jokingly.

"Ha, ha" I laugh sarcastically and continue to finish my bowl of Mac and cheese.

After a long and eventful day I finally get to bed as I look forward to a new start this year.

As much as I hate to admit it, I still think about Jennifer.

I think about the first day we met, the Greek project that we worked on together and got a really good score in, how I lifted her up in my arms stared into her eyes. I really thought she was the one that day, the day I asked her out.
I really do feel awful for what I did to her, I was completely being honest not with Leanna, but with myself.
If I could take it back what i did to Jen, I will not say no for an opportunity to do so.
But she's gone from my life now, no way me or Jen are ever going to be seen in the same room again.

I'll never forget what she said to me after I asked her out.

For some reason my bedroom starts acting weird. Everything begins to start shaking uncontrollably and once again I thought it was another earthquake.
I get out of bed and head towards the door but the door handle comes off,
Great I'm trapped now.

Then something even more out of the ordinary starts happening, the door handle is floating!

Everything around my room starts floating like the whole room is zero gravity. The wall paper suddenly starts to tear apart revealing yellowish scenery in the back round.

My entire bedroom starts tearing itself apart like a hurricane passing by, leaving me stranded in a yellow sky with a tornado consuming my whole bedroom.

This feels way to real to be a dream, is all of this is really happening?

The tornado then starts to pick me up, making me fly around with the debris of my once solid bedroom.

As the tornado comes to a complete stop after a couple of twirls, so does the zero gravity. I fall through the endless yellow sky screaming in fear, preparing to hit a hard landing.

"You never know what you might like till you give it a try" Vicky.
"You have been quite busy this past month haven't you?" Leanna
"And now your a complete stranger to me" Devon.
“It’s now or never dude” Craig
"She didn't accuse you of anything, She told the truth straight up and you couldn't handle it" Amber.
"Do I look sexy enough in my uniform?" Jennifer.
"He seems to only think of himself" Randy.
"You don't even care about me as a friend!" Jennifer.
"Do not talk of which you are unfamiliar with!" Leanna
"We're the superior gender" Nathanial
"I can't stand you anymore Nathanial" Jennifer
"You’re just a selfish creep *echoing*"

The last words are from Leanna.
"For your complete lack of respect for the other gender and your folly for your actions that have caused the misery of you and those around you,

You are here by cursed to walk in the others shoes till the end of the last gathering, at midnight."


Finally I hit the ground, but the pain of falling from a far distance lasted for only a mere second as my whole world blacks out.

"Get away from me you monster."



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