Since early July, I have been adjusting to the idea that it would be permissible, within my belief system, for me to have husband. It has taken considerable time to adjust to the idea. Eventually, as it all began to sink in, my eyes became crossed with delight!
Honestly, I do not know if it will ever happen, as my standards are very high. I must trust the man that I give the right to spank me ! The other side of it is that he must not be some porn sucking, babe ogling, sweating, heavy breathing creep. Any man I marry must be able to keep up with me on my bike, not watch Fox news, nor ever tell me in domineering male voice, "get me another beer, bitch".
So, yesterday, I was lady chauffeur to man, his girl friend and his son (who is in town visiting). It was no problem, and I was happy to help. However a couple of times, this man corrected me in a manner which wakened my inner bitch, with large sword goddess, ! Though I kept it concealed, I felt like ripping the throat out of this man and drinking his blood. Shades !!!
It seems as if I have a streak of "Princess Morgan" by Elsbeth in me or at least vain imaginings of being so. How will I find husband if such violence dwells within me?
How do figure that you aren't entitled to be human?
I know that there a lot of people out there that fit your needs and requirements. I can't imagine that there are too many folks at all that would want to be bossed around either. What gets me is where you think that it was wrong to be irritated or downright angry about how your guest treated you. I wonder if anyone wouldn't have felt the same way.
My dear
it means you are a woman of strength and character which is nothing to be ashamed. It is to be taken with pride! My own Understanding spouse once 'corrected' the husband of a friend when he stepped over the 'line.'
In her words, "No one mistreats a friend of mine like that!"
I can't say where the good people are only that they seem to appear when and where you least expect them. My only advice is to be true to yourself as well as forgiving. Patience and faith which so hard to come by will pay off in the end.
P.S. Understanding Spouse says.."Men are like parking spaces. All the good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped."
The key is to remember that some people are beneath you.
Some people - not just men, although they seem to be more open about being assholes at times - are just like that. The rest of us are unfortunately required by society to put up with them to a certain extent - after all, if we killed all of them the cemetaries would fill up way too quickly!
However, the key is to keep in mind that although in a situation like yours, you have to be around him for a short time in order to dispatch the task you committed to, you have the right to choose not to be around him any longer than absolutely necessary. You choose the people that you wish to share your time with, and in so doing you eliminate the need to be around the piggish bores of the world.
Having said that, even some of us decent people watch Fox News every once in a while. After all, the only way to get a fair and unbiased view of anything is to listen to both sides and then make an informed decision based on what you have learned. Anyone who fails to listen to both sides of an argument is either not giving a fair hearing to the topic, or is a blind fanatic who doesn't wish to believe that the other side just might have some real reason for feeling the way that they do. I am that oddity of modern society - a moderate Republican who is quite capable of agreeing with many very liberal ideas, yet can still be fiscally conservative. As Thomas Jefferson once said, "One man's rights end when they infringe upon another's." I believe that all people should be allowed to be whoever they so choose to be, as long as it harms no one else. However, I also believe that certain privileges require a person to work and exert themselves to earn. Without that effort, those privileges lose their meaning and become taken for granted.
Nonetheless, you have the right to choose the person that you wish to share your life with, and no one has the right to impose upon you. That is what you must always remember.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
To expect Prince Charming
you need to act like a princess, not the wicked stepsisters!
Kidding aside, everyone is entitled to find someone that treats him or her like they're the most special person in the world. Hope you find one!
Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein