X-Why-Me...Chapter 16

X-Why-Me…Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Emily just stared at Kira as they rode on the bus and she couldn’t help but to take it all in. She was so beautiful in that seriously stunning way. Her outfit screamed Hollywood sexy even with the country styling and the cute long and tall socks that screamed thigh high stockings.

Was she just…

Was she getting so into this now because she had come out? Was she this “Raging lesbian?” She just couldn’t stop staring and al of the stuff Kira was doing, wearing was just drawing her in.

It couldn’t be the XY thing right? She read and read and read on it and she was kind of disappointed…she wasn’t tall or as beautiful or even as girly as the things have said. She was short and skinny and sort of a tomboy at heart.

Or was the tomboy thing a lesbian thing?

The feelings though made her really feel her own girlness…the dress was distracting and she knew her nipples were hardening…actually felt good and yet strange too she’d never had this happen a whole lot.

It was the whole Low-E thing likely for most of that too. The hormones were sort of helping it was still just the start but the sex stuff…all of it went with that. Though her hardening nipples were also making her breasts itch and ache a little too.

Kira passed her a coffee. “Wow Emily you look amazing.”

Emily couldn’t help the little shiver in the way that Kira said it. It was breathy but in the breathy way you say something when you’re actually impressed.

She took the coffee and blushed. “God, thanks I feel so self conscious.”

“Really?” Kira swept her skirt part and sat reminding Emily that she had to do the same.

“Yeah, I never really wear dresses that much.”

“Why not you look awesome in them?”

“I kind of live in the boonies Kira, they’re not y’know good for doing stuff outside and then there’s the bugs and well mom and Angie.”

“Sorry, if I’d known you weren’t into them we’d have tried something else.”

“No, this is actually kind of okay…I think maybe attitude helps too? I think I skipped some of me growing up right stuff with the hormone thing. I‘m still getting used to them running through my system.”

“Well yeah I can get that. But the clothes have an attitude thing too. I mean I love my pants and my jeans and stuff but there’s nothing like a skirt to make you feel sexy and a dress to make you feel beautiful.”

Emily smiled and took a drink of her coffee. “You nailed both today.”

Kira smiled around her coffee. “Well I might have had a bit of a reason to go a little further.”

“Yay me?” Emily smiled a little raising her eyebrow.

“Definitely you.” Kira said it slowly but in that way that girls do that makes you want to kiss them.

“You know I want to so PDA with you right?”

“People will freak, but I thought of that.”


Kira took Emily’s hand in a handshake. “We do this…when my thumb strokes on top of yours I’m kissing you.”

Emily blushed because it was this slow sensual stroke. She stared into Kira’s eyes. “And when I stroke under your thumb?”

Kira smiled then closed her eyes as Emily stroke her thumb under Kira’s into that bend of the knuckle just behind her thumbnail. “It’s…lower…” Oh Emily thought…felt…it was so good and Kira said that so.

Kira’s eyes opened. “Yes…and when I touch the knuckle over your index finger…that bump…”

Emily blushed as she did and she could swear that she could so picture the touching again over her own, and Kira’s thumb doing that.

She swallowed and nodded. “We could do that.”

There were some looks from the other kids now and then but they just sat together drinking their coffee and holding hands…concealed by the bus seats but both girls smiling all the way to school.

The bus pulled into the school and there was a lot more kids out there than before and she swallowed and she got off the bus holding hands with Kira.

There were some murmurs and so dirty looks but Matt came out of the crowd with a couple of the football team and Craig Phillips was there too on his crutches and Lee and Roy and the other guys from the lacrosse team.

“Guys?” She asked.

“Hey.” Matt smiled and hugged Emily and Kira.

Some one in the crowd yelled. “Dykes!” A guys voice and some girl yelled out. “You’re goin t’hell!”

Then someone threw a cup of coffee at them from back in the crowd and Craig batted it away with his crutch.

There was some others starting to get rowdy. And others getting in their way and then.


The principal was there with the football coach and the lacrosse coach and some other faculty there and a megaphone. He lowered it as all the kids turned to look at him.

“Get inside all of you.” He said with the tone of a man that would take no more bull. The kids started to break off into groups and some were going up to him.

“It’s not right God say it’s not right.” One girl.

“It’s a public school miss Lang, we follow the constitution here.” He replied.

“One nation under god!” She shouted at him.

“I can’t allow one religion’s views over another’s miss Lang.”

“There’s only Christ Mr. Connors!”

“And I believe there’s nothing he said about those that are gay there young lady.”

She stormed off inside and took out her cell phone and seemed to get even madder.

“Damned faggits they’re going to wreck the place.” Doug Price added stalking past.

“Watch your mouth mister Price, I won’t have slurs in this school.”

The kid frowned at him but shut his mouth and headed inside.

“I’m leavin, I’m not going to school here with this sick stuff going on.” Melody Campbell huffed. “And I’m telling my father and the pastor too.

“You have a good day then miss Campbell. In fact anyone else here who doesn’t want to go to class at a school that stands up for all it’s students whether gay or straight, black or white, christian or otherwise can be considered free to go.” He added raising his voice.

She left too in a huff but headed for off the school grounds and cussing at her phone. There were a few doing the same too and at least twenty headed for cars with threats of telling their parents and others and all having trouble with their phones.

Someone yelled. “Hey! None of the phones are working!”

Emily checked hers and couldn’t get a signal. She looked at Kira who was smiling a little.

“You’re phone work?”

“Nope, not going to try it though.”

“Why not?”

“Because the principal did it.”


“He put in a cellphone blocker here. No wireless at all.”

Matt looked at Kira. “People are going to flip out.”

She nodded. “They are but the school can do it.”

Emily looked at her. “Why?”

“Cyber-bullying. I’ve see this done on TV most of the worst cyber bulling starts at school, and then afterwards this cuts out them from getting organized.”

“But people live on their phones.”

Craig grinned and went with them on his crutches. “Being off line will be good for people for awhile.”

“But the parents?”

Matt put his phone away after he checked it. “They’ll have to deal or fight with him I guess.”

Craig nodded. “He won’t give. There’s too much phone abuse in just texting and using them in class time.”

Emily shrugged. “Well soon a lot of the screeching won’t be about us being out.”

Kira nodded. “That might be why. But it’s nice having the administration on your side for once.”

They all looked at her.

Kira sighed. “My situation was causing a disturbance at the school that threatened the academic well being of the other students.”

Emily leaned in and hugged her. “It’ll be okay, Kira this time’ll be different.”

Kira gave her this smile and slid her hand together with Emily’s and ran her thumb over Emily’s in a slow sweet swirl and then she returned the favor.

“It already is better.”

………………………….The announcements over the PA system certainly took a lot of the students before the pledge of allegiance by shock and surprise.

Principal Connors came on saying.

“Some of you may have noticed that your cell phones, tablets and laptops are not getting access to the wireless signal. This has started as the implementation of a new school policy to curtail the distraction of social media and texting during school hours with the exception of lunch hours. You parents and guardians will have received e-mails this morning and as always they will be able to reach all students through the office land lines and each teacher will have of course a staff phone in case of emergencies. There will be mini pizzas and franks and beans as the lunch specials today.”

Needless to say a lot of the other kids freaked out. Emily found it sort of okay actually since she’d never been married to her phone and not a part of the school’s in crowd enough to be texting or getting texts in class.

But by second period there were signs of some kids having withdrawal from not being in constant electronic contact with the not really matters oh so life and death stuff that some of them needed so badly.

Though it still never stopped her getting looks.


There was even a few girls that complimented her on her outfit. Like Jennifer and Bianca in English as the teacher was writing some sonnets down on the boards

“Thanks I’m trying something different with coming out as a lesbian and playing for the lacrosse team I was expecting to get tossed into all those stereotypes.”

“Oh okay, but is Kira going to be the top? Is that right?”

“I dunno, the only time we did stuff’s been face to face. I’m not sure there is a top.”

“Oh…what’d you do?”

“Hey…I don’t kiss and tell.”

“Okay, but you look good.”

“Thanks, but I mean I’m with Kira and she’s so…and she was a model too.”

One of the others that was listening in nodded. “Yeah, I’m straight and Kira’d still make me have a maybe column.”

They actually laughed a little together.

Not every one was against them.

Actually a good half she figured really didn’t care.

Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as her mom thought?

By morning break she watched as dozens tried their phones and many more went to he office to voice their displeasure.

She was getting looks though from some of the students still as she went to the cafeteria to meet up with Kira.

But the worst trouble-mothers were at the office. She met up with some of her team on the way and then she saw Kira waiting for her there with two coffee’s and a handful of chocolate whoopee pies and they all sort of sat together.

Kira shook her hand and thumb-kisses with her a few times before they stopped to eat. A few of the kids at the table had odd but inquisitive looks at them doing that and the two girls sat together and joined in on the conversation over the new policy.

Emily fed the last of her cookie to Kira and Mrs. O’Donnell came over in a huff.

“Stop that!”

Kira chewed, looked right at her and slowly chewed and then icked her lips. “Stop what?”

“You two feeding each other…it’s dirty.”

“Emily…? You washed your hands right?”

Emily swallowed, this was…she never stood up against authority…she bit her lip a second. “Of course I did.”

Kira stared at Mrs. O’Donnell. “See not dirty.”

“You…you two both know what I mean it’s dirty and disgusting and I won’t have any of it here!” He voice had climbed into the shrew ranges.

Emily looked at the woman and then at Kira and then back at the woman. “You seem upset Mrs. O’Donnell, if it’d help I’m sure my girlfriend wouldn’t mind making you a soothing cup of green tea.”

Mrs. O’Donnell purpled. “You little fr…you keep that commie tea…of course you turned out like this just look at your mother.”

“Mrs. O’Donnell that’s more than enough!” They all looked over to see this nicely put together native American Woman in a smart looking blouse, jacket and skirt combination.

The old biddy turned on her and sneered. “I have the right to say whatever I feel is right to educate the students here Mrs. Connors.”

“Actually you don’t and you certainly don’t have the right to harass our students here.”

“You’re not a teacher here. You’re just the wife of that hippy principal here.”

“Actually I am a teacher here since there’s been a vacancy since this morning.”


“Mr. Brewster was fired for breach of teacher student ethics.”

The old biddy paled and the principals wife continued. “He was caught photocopying hate literature leaflet’s you wouldn’t know anything about that would you?”

“No! Of course not there’s just…there’s just a time and a place for such…things…and public isn’t one of them.”

“Well you’re more than welcome to take that up with the school board and the union anytime. But holding hands and feeding a cookie to someone hardly is an over the top public display of affection.”

“Well…well it’s not right…” She huffed off and was mumbling and muttering the whole time and Mrs. Parsons gave the kids a nod before heading off to keep watch over things in the cafeteria.

Kira smiled at Emily. “Girlfriend huh, we haven’t even had a first date yet.”

Emily grinned back. “My mom does want to get to know you more we could have supper and an in house date.”

“In house date?”

“I found out we can watch that Buffy show on Netflicks together.”

“It’s a date then.”

There was a sigh and they looked down the table at Emily’s team mate Alex. “I so wish I could find a nice guy to do that with too.”

Everyone there just kind of stopped since this was the first time a jock in school admitted to being gay.

Matt leaned over and hugged him around a shoulder.

The bell rang to get back to classes, and they all got us and left together as a loose sort of group but one that was trying to be there for each other.

Emily smiled a little and took Kira’s hand once they were clear of the crowd. “Walk you to class?”

Kira smiled at her. “Please that’d be really nice actually.”

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