Well, last night I had one of those moments that make me wish I knew how to interact with people better.
I was working with a girl (the same girl who asked my advice about her boyfriend), and out of the blue she asked me what time it was. I told her it was nearly 300 AM, when we have our lunch break. She looked stunned, and said, "You mean it? We didnt already have lunch?"
I told her yes, lunch was coming up, and she said, "But I took my half-hour break already. I couldnt figure out why everyone left so early."
I told her she had gotten mixed up, and she started laughing, and held on to me for some time until she regained control of herself.
Now this is where my lack of social skills comes in: I had no idea what the heck I was supposed to do at this point. I settled on just letting her get it out of her system and then carrying on with the work at hand.
I guess I could have handled it worse, but could I have done better?
What do you think?
I'm just as clueless and awkward...
If not worse. Walling myself off in my little fortress did me no favors when it comes to understanding social graces. They're something you're expected to learn very young, and when I was very young I was staying well clear of social situations.
Abigail Drew.
You did alright
it takes time and a few mistakes to know what to do in a situation which might have had half a dozen courses of action.
There are times when no action is required, just a soft shoulder and a simplifetic ear hon. I think you did fine. Hugs, Taarpa
Esprit d'Escalier
Several options present themselves, depending on what you wanted to get across.
Nasty: And no one even noticed you weren't there... (implies she's in danger of losing her job)
Comforting: It's easy to get messed up on the times in the middle of the night, don't worry about it.
Friendly: We've all made mistakes like that. I... (fill in with a story of your own stupid work mistake.)
I'm sure you can come up with others, but your response seems fine. Given that it was 3 in the morning, I doubt most people could do better ;)
Lord, what fools these mortals be!
The greatest gift
Hi Dorothy,
The greatest gift that you can give anyone is to be present with them in the moment. Added to that gift is for you to be totally honed in on what ever they express. Being there to support them physically no matter if the emotion expressed is laughter, tears, anger, embarrassment, fear, and a million other ones. It is the most unselfish thing one woman can do for another is to share the experience with them. We are all stronger together. The flip side of that coin is seeking another woman, who you can express your emotion with in the moment.
It says a lot about you as a woman that she without any hesitation accepted you just like any other woman to share that moment with her. When someone can be that free with you, that is an even greater compliment than having a man defer to you since that is acceptance from one of our own gender.
Exploring the impossibilities,
Jo Dora Webster on YouTube
Because of how I feel about myself I've almost always chosen jobs that limit my interaction with people. So I can't offer you any advice. Just a bit of companionship and a bit of letting you know that I don't think you are nearly as much of a loner as me....
If it helps
you are not the only one who is extremely socially awkward, so don't feel alone. I'm sure you did the right thing, hugs :)
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
I don't think you need to worry
It sounds as though you did pretty well. Unfortunately, "Life" (c) v1.0 does not appear to come supplied with any manual or documentation. For my part, I'm OK with my library and statistical research but this social thing, I am always afraid of getting it wrong. Still, "nil desparandum" as they say.
Fond regards,
"Amor Vincit Omnia"