Evanescence 26

Evanescence 26


I see Alecia moving through the crowd and the place is packed…I think I see some people from back in school her and others too. There’s a lot more people here than I though there’d be
She stops in front of a VIP section of the club and she’s talking to this guy that looks like Raphael…but he’s not at the power spot in the table. There’s a very gangland looking guy there Hispanic with lots of tattoos and another to the other side that is vamp pale and he’s smoking meth from a pipe…blood red meth…his eyes vamp over then there’s a shimmer of that green in there and in the eyes of the Hispanic fellow too. His eyes go slitted.

Alecia reaches for something and she pulls out a baggy?

She pours the stuff inside out from the bag and it falls in an ashy swirl.
The music stops and every vamp there just went fangs out.
Oh shit…

The fop guy I’m pretty sure that’s Raphael get’s up and goes for Alecia and they’re into the crowd on the floor snarling. The other vamp gets up to interfere and Jill’s walking in towards them like the effing Terminator with two guns in her hands and she’s shooting the vamp or was until he starts moving fast and the Hispanic guy get’s uhm…scaly…like a snake and rushes Jill. Sloan’s in his grill after tossing a smoke grenade behind the bar?

And all hell’s breaking loose now.

Shit, shit, shit… “Alecia! We need him alive!

And Now……..

Chapter 26

Oh shit…

Oh fuck…

Alecia got jumped by the fop and in all the time I took in everything else they hand super speed bashed it out like two super speeded up martial artist and they both rapidly beat the shit out of each other that they both did the blood spit takes from the damage they were doing and Alecia did this repeat action headbutt series that sounded like someone rapping on a door.

Then she has him through his table and staked and that’s…that’s when I yelled at her.

And the douchebag pops a gun from his sleeve and he shoots her point blank.

I hear her scream the once and I figure it was capable of hurting her and there were six more shots after that one.

Alecia falls over backwards a complete effing mess.

I scream seeing red…Alecia’s a friend and she’s under my protection…I said that and I’m screaming at him. “Bastard! Monster, you dishonorable fucking leech!”

I hurl blasts of wind at him handful after handful of air gathered with power and as it comes at him I tighten the entire swirling eddy into a tight thin fast moving disc and cut him up with blades of air.

I know we need him alive but I go for ears and fingers, feet, and one right in his fucking crotch.

He’s screaming in pain and in rage too rolling around on the ground and his eyes are going from vampire red to this shift over to green.

He says something very, very strange sounding and not in his voice…deeper…smoother.

And the hispanic bunch that was with him in the entourage all go green eyed monster and they’re all looking at me and they’re armed…really armed in a bad way knives, hatchets, even a machete…no two…

I don’t freak but I take a breath and I pull…and let my Norse woman step into me and we weave out of the way of a few swings and throw a few punches and they’re good, they’re better than good and one of them with the cleaver slash cuts my arm.

We scream and dance out of the way thinking…trying to and he’s licking the cleaver off.

“Aaaaaaaah…” They all say it at the same time…in all the same voice. “It is you…I’m very happy now.”

“Oh well I wasn’t trying to make this something that you’d enjoy fellas.”

I move and dodge a few swings and I’m kind of on my own here with everyone else fighting for their lives or whatever too.

“Oh you will be enjoyed whore…whore…whore…whore…whore…whore…whore…”

They’re all doing this creepy stereo thing…really creepy.

“Yeah, sorry I have a boyfriend guys.”

I drop and roll and duck under the swing of one of the machete’s and I whip my arm up doing the wind disc trick abut more like a wind blade from the force of my whole arm and take his wrist off with the machete in it.

I do another roll away and to a clear spot and wrap the machete in power and pull it to my hand and let the Norse maiden take over that part…it feels good to have a long blade in our hand. It’s close enough to a sword for a fight like this.

I get to our feet and we crack our neck.

“Evanescence…..” They hiss at us. “I still owe you for interfering with my meal, with my fun…whore….s.”

The cut to my arm…it’s really handy the one I got with the psycho-killer demon.

“Rapture…I thought Andrea sent your ass back to roasty town cockroach?”

They’re faces contort in anger and rage all the same expression…multiple possessions? Some of those tattoos look like they’re majical….not good and not something that this Raphael looks capable of.

Speaking of he’s getting up…and looking to hurt people by the look in his eyes.

Then Rapture’s flanking me and I feel Maeve stepping into me and the others too.

Seven on one?

Even odds.


The amped up vampire ditches the pipe and he speeds toward Jill…and me…she’s pulling her guns and firing and she’s using silver and that could kill me or really fuck me up bad if I get hit.

Why the fuck am I even here. I’m a member of the Morrigan’s court, her whip…I should be back home across the barrier reporting to her that the rumors are true that the weapon is back again.

Raine…the cold iron damned Evanescence.

But Jill…

I think I love her and I think that she loves me and she’s human…and if she really, really loves me with everything she has…with her human soul then it doesn’t matter…because she’ll always love me even past death itself.

I want that, I want that more than any reward or power that she can bestow on me.

But Raine…she’s not just Raine; she’s also Jill’s dead lost love.

It’s scary and I don’t do scared…scared just makes me angry.

Hissy boy get’s involved and I toss a smoke to cover the guys at the bar with the guns and I get in his path and he’s still shifting and snaking out.

I shift and pop my blades…spurs on my spine, elbows and forearms and my sharp, sharp claws.

He hisses. “Fae slut.”

“Yuan-ti bootlick.” I hiss back and smile.

He’s fast…as fast as any venomous snake and he’s strong too…like comparing him to a human is like a constrictor to a rabbit.

I’m not a rabbit and he lunges at me and he cut’s at me with venom laced claws and bites and we’re a match for speed but I’m immune to poisons, even most of the other worldly kinds and it turns into a cutting match.

He’s a hitman, a thug an errand boy for the dark southern powers…a demonic take on a Were…I’m an assassin, and I’m better armed. One move with him going for a killing bite to tear out my throat and I give him the opening for it too and let him come down biting with his big old rattler head on both of my forearms and he chomps down on all six of my forearm blades.

I pull then apart when he does and I make a wish.

He’s spray blood and gore everywhere as I take his lower jaw and half of his head off and he’s flailing and some of his others are coming my way and I spin to face them…my right arm flicks up and curls in and I take off the rest of his head with the elbow blade and I’m smiling at them as his corpse hits the floor.

Five on one…that’s tough odds.


I watched it happen and all hell started to break loose.

Honestly I was expecting it from what I was seeing wearing the glasses I rigged up.

There was a whole lot of upright and moving people here that shouldn’t be.

Alecia did something to piss off the guy we’re after and the baggy? Well from what I gather from what Donna had said happened at the graveyard that was his sister she poured out over the floor.

Apparently that crossed a line.

And now we’re into the shit…walked into it on purpose right into the lair of a vampire witched up demon that’s is apparently part of this whole plot to bring back this Asmodeus guy from hell and back here to life on earth where he’ll let loose the armies of hell and proceed to fuck the lot of us.

And my girlfriend is the only thing that’s supposed to be able to stop him?

And my sister is agent friggin K in the paranormal Men in Black and …I thought my life was so completely fucked up with me sparking and becoming a mage. I though my life will never be the same and no one will get it…get me.

I honestly think sometimes that I’m the most normal one here.

Heck even Raine’s mom is in a lesbian relationship with Alecia.

Oh she’s our vampyre only she not just our vampyre she’s a daywalker or something so even our vamps are all fucked up.

My life…my life is Charmed and True Blood mixed together and written by Joss Wheydon.

I hear gunshots and I see in the blur of the fighting with the vamp we’re hunting Alecia go down and the asshole’s has a gun.

Raine has a fit and does some kind of nasty shit wind spell and cuts him up really badly…uhm…yeah I think that’s the man hating lesbian valkryie woman…

Fuupp…he get’s one of those blade shots to the balls.

Yeah that’s the lesbian man-hater.

And that’s when shit really hits the fan and he’s screaming stuff and I’m in the middle of a fight with vamps in the middle of their territory.

It’s a good thing I’m getting better at this Faraday majik. It’s just a nick name like being called a Tesla or an Edison. I’m an electrical mage and fighting vamps I need it too. Oh it’s not like I can fry them. I’m nowhere near that powerful since all it does is burn dead meat but I’m alive and that means that I can boost my own systems. Nerve conduction and the way that the muscle fibers react to my current and it’s better than just the theory behind boosting them I actually was taught the strength spells and speed spells specific to our family by grandpa.

So I’m really boosted and protected from doing damage to myself as long as I can keep the energy up and into the spell.

I’m about on par with a vampire one on one but we’re really getting outnumbered unless Raine does her super witchy thing some how and saves our asses again.

I have a fire axe that sort of helps.

I’m still getting beat on and I’m just really trying to ne get killed.


I was expecting fast and I was expecting it to be the druggie. He eyeballed me. And I was drawing my guns as soon as I saw the shift in the way he looked at me from amused to fun. He was dropping the pipe and coming at me like a vampire on speed.

I’ve been doing this awhile y’know and demon, monster, fae thing, vamp or some Taliban woman hater in the Afghani hills the look is the same when they see and fairly well breasted blonde woman no matter what I’m wearing.

Fun…then they go to I’m going to hurt you fun.

Crackpipe is no exception either and he’s got that asshole like any other asshole look on his face until the first silver bound rowan ash slug pumps into him from my desert eagle.

He screams and drops doing the funky chicken and smolder as ash is overtaking him and it’s stained green.

The ass we’re after shoots Alecia and it’s her own stupid fault. Never once in my life have I ever though some supernatural bug-a-boo isn’t packing. If it was human or can take human form then it can be packing a gun.

I mean jeebus…hello…Tara?...Buffy?...Warren.

I turn and it’s a good thing that I have Shaun’s glasses on he made up because it’s certainly helping me take then out. They’re coming at me and at Shaun and we’re being mobbed and then I’m out of bullets in my clips and literally no time to change clips with vamps and their speed pressing down on us.

I want to help Sloan and keep by her but Shaun’s my little brother and I try to get as close to him as I can and not get into the line of attack with him and his fire axe.


We’re weaving and dodging but we’re also blocking too and though some of me has fought most of me has not and it’s starting to get to where Rapture’s skill and twisted sadism is laying small cuts on me and it’s hurting.

We are not happy especially with the blunt side strike from a hatchet to the side of my head and a knife scrap across one of my breasts.

Inside of me there is a change when I’m pretty sure that we’re losing.

I feel Maeve pull back from us, from me…


~Give me some time.~


I can feel her centering inside of me and there’s this deep pull on my magic inside and I fight even harder to just offset the wash of dizziness that flooded me.


Nothing but she’s there and she’s doing something…

(Sexy humming.)


(Sexing singing just tones, harmonies.)


(The song is so familiar.)

All this time I can't believe I couldn't see…

Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me…

I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems…

Got to open my eyes to everything.

Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul

Don't let me die here…

There must be something more…. (I can feel it, feel Maeve but more too, I can feel her
Like the way that she was when she was alive and when
she was like me….)

Bring us….. to life…!


Us….Me and Maeve…one of the other Evanescence’s before me…not the one that defeat Asmodeus but she was still one before she died killed and hunted down by Rapture.

And now…

Kella…Celtic, shepherd’s daughter.

Claire…Gaulic and buttermaker and hedgewitch.

Anika…Germanic and a midwife of some powers.

Quinn…Welsh, and a boy with the power who knew that he should’ve always been a girl.

Deilia…A Scotswoman and a woolcarder and a fine hand with medicines and the healer’s needle.

Kendra…A roman owned African slave woman kept close to the regiment for her healing hands.

I’m…so…full…so much here and we’re in it bad and deep and I see things…see.


We’re just getting to town or I think that this is the town and it’s in the middle of the night and I look over at Athena…Andrea and yawn.

“You sure that we’re in the right place?”

“I’m sure I’ve been here before.”

“Was she there then?”

“Likely not Hoover was president.”

I roll my eyes and she takes the exit off the highway and she slows down over the over pass for on the bridge part of it and she’s staring off into the night.



“I don’t see anything.”


I look at it channeling power to my senses.

There’s a huge beacon lighting up the majikal area calling me pulling me and Andrea has it floored.

“You sure that’s her?”

“I’m sure…it’s the way we first met.”

I roll down the window and am smelling the wind when Erica touches my mind…we converse and trade and then…then there’s this scent this smell on the wind.

I don’t like it.

Andrea’s cross around her neck is shimmering.


She looks down. “Effing leeches.”


“Yeah, a lot of them if it’s shining from this far away.”

That and the smell has me shifting and growling too… “Step on it, she needs help.”

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