Ultimate Empathy Therapy. Part 3 of 8

Okay - go down. Go down! Why isn't it going down? Think unromantic thoughts...

Ultimate Empathy Therapy
Part 3 of 8

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.


After anguishing together about their fate (and being continually reassured by their counselors that this would be for their good), Kent and Tina were finally dismissed from their session.

“Any chance we could disappear for 60 hours — hide somewhere and wait this out?” quivered Man-Tina.

“I’ve already thought that through. Not unless we find a hidden cave, and avoided any search parties. Dammit — if we weren’t on a fucking island, we could find a chain motel and cloister ourselves there,” muttered girl-Kent.

“Stop that.”

“Huh? Stop what?”

“Cursing. You always police our speech — Janis and me. You maintain that it’s inappropriate for a lady to use foul language. Well, you’re a lady now. I’m going to continue to enforce your rule. And you also have stated that it’s OK for you to curse because you’re a dude. Well, I’m the dude now. So quit your damn shitty curse words, asshole — got it?”

Kent opened ‘her’ petite mouth, but no sound came out. ‘His’ logic was too airtight.

After about twenty seconds of awkward quiet, Tina cleared ‘his’ throat and resumed the conversation. “So, we’re going to have to break the news to Mom and Janis about our situation.”

Kent looked up. “Do you really think they’ll buy it? I’m worried they’ll think that those quacks drugged us. In two days they will be more freaked out than we are. This is our mess; let’s keep it to ourselves.”

The girl’s soul in the man’s frame sighed. “Actually, I agree with you. So that means you go to the girl’s cabana with Janis, and I go to sleep with Mom.” The bearded face turned white. “OH GOD. Is Mom going to expect me to sleep sleep with her? This is a romantic place, after all. OH … MY … GOD …”

“Just tell her that as a result of this therapy, you’re way too worried and upset to make love with her - that excuse may hold her off for two days. And even better, it’s not a lie.”

“Hold HER off? You mean she gets horny and comes on to you? I figured you were always the aggressor …”

“Can we not talk about this now?”

“Aaah … okay. Let’s talk about our naked bodies. I don’t want you to see mine. And no exploring with your hands!”

“My God, Tina. This is your — my daughter’s — form. I’m not a pervert.”

“No, but you’re a guy. I mean, you still have the mind of a guy. You think I didn’t notice you glancing at my chest when we went to Cocoa Beach that summer— when I first wore my yellow bikini?”

Kent’s jaw dropped. “WHAT? I — I did? I don’t remember ever ogling you!”

“Don’t worry; you didn’t leer in a prolonged way, just a second or two. I’ve come to realize it’s just the way you guys are wired. Now, if 10 seconds later you were still examining my chest, and with a hard on, then I’d be creeped out. So, while you’re in my body, I don’t worry that you will purposely fondle it. But because you have the mind of a guy, your hands might subconsciously wander to my boobies or my groin. Just don’t let it happen, okay?”

“Yes ma’am — er, sir.”

“Now — let’s talk about the bathroom, and getting naked in the shower.”

“Sheesh. Let’s not.”

“Dad! I’m serious! When toileting, sit down and let it go. Then wipe yourself dry front to back. DO NOT TOUCH ME with your fingers — just with toilet paper. When bathing, do not touch me with your hands, except when you shampoo your hair. Use the pouf I packed in my makeup kit. Keep your face turned upwards, or if looking down, please close your eyes. And DO NOT LOOK IN THE MIRROR until you’re clothed! It sounds like a lot of trouble, but please — I don’t want you to see me naked.”

“Okay. Got it.”

“Now — what do I do with yours? I’ve seen your bare chest before, so no problem there. But how do I deal with … with your ‘thing’?”

“You can say penis, Tina. I’m sure that’s what you call Mitch’s ‘thing’.”

“Mitch has a penis. But to think of my Dad … uh, you’ve got a ‘thing’.”

“If you don’t want to touch it —“


“- Just listen. When bathing, just use a soapy washcloth to clean around there, then rinse the cloth and use that to help rinse it off. When you use the toilet, just sit on the pot and let it hang down into the bowl, then let go. That way you never have to touch it. I’d rather you not see my … ‘thing’ … either, so just follow your rules for me. Don’t look down at it, and no looking in the mirror without at least undershorts on.”

“That sounds do-able.”

“Tina — I don’t know how to dress in girl clothes. I don’t color coordinate — that’s why for years I’ve only black slacks. I’m worried about the bra … and makeup, and dealing with long hair. How do I handle all that?”

The thick manly brows of Tina’s face furrowed together as she thought of how to deal with the problem. “Breakfast is at 8 AM, right? Be showered and dressed by 7:15, and meet me at the gazebo down the road by 7:30. Bring the makeup kit. I’ll do a quickie on your face and hair. It won’t be up to my usual standards, but it’ll do, and we won’t be gone long enough to arouse suspicions. Thank God we don’t know anyone else on this rock except for Mom and Sis. As for the bra, here’s a sneaky and easy way to get one on …”

In ten more minutes, both had finished a crash course on how to deal with each other’s physical shell.

“It’s supper time,” Kent said. “We’ve been together over 5 hours now, and we haven’t had one screaming fit. I think that hasn’t happened since a year ago.”

“I did have to spank you, though,” Tina laughed.

“And boy, am I sore. You hit me hard! I’m pretty sure I’ve never hit you …”

Tina nodded “his” head.

“… that …”

“He” nodded much more vigorously.

“… hard …?” Kent whispered that last word. The color slowly drained out of “her” face as “she” realized the truth. “Oh Tina. I am so, so sorry. That was wrong of me. I … I abused you!”

“Wow,” Tina said. “I think this ‘UET’ is working!”

“Please forgive me, honey. I feel awful —“

“You’re forgiven. Just — never again, OK?”

“I promise — from the bottom of my heart.”

Tina looked down the slope towards the restaurant. “There go Mom and Janis in to eat. Hey, they see us. Wave back.”

“Hey Honey,” Kent yelled.

“Dad! It’s ‘hey MOM’ for the next two days! And I’m Dad to you when we’re in public!”

“Sorry about that, ‘Dad’. Are you ready to try to do this?”

“Umm - ’Daughter’, I am sooooo not ready,” boomed Tina’s baritone voice.

“Same here. Well, here goes nothing,” said Kent.

They both walked down the hill towards supper, and the other half of their family.



The supper special was broiled mahi-mahi with rice and steamed squash. The only Braxton who didn’t choose it was Janis, with her usual order of chicken tenders.

Marlene scanned the faces of her husband and her firstborn. “So, you two, how was your session? Goodness, you both were in there for the whole afternoon!”

“It was shocking, uh, ‘Mom’,” replied her daughter (Kent).

“You’re not kidding, ‘Tina’. I felt so nervous. They really did a good job of getting us to see from each other’s viewpoint.” Tina so far was sailing smooth in her Dad act.

“Would you like some dessert?” asked their waiter.

“I’ll have the ‘Isla mango—pineapple sundae’,” said Kent, licking her lips.

“No, you won’t,” scolded Tina in ‘his’ most authoritative voice. “You have your girlish figure to consider. Remember what Dr. Brand said about respecting our bodies.”

“Sis — want to split a virgin strawberry daiquiri with me?” Janis intervened in an attempt to stave off another Kent/Tina battle. Kent nodded her head. Then she stuck her tongue out at her ‘father’.

“Wow. That’s mature. Not,” said Tina in a mocking tone. Then he felt the sensation of fingernails digging into his forearm. It was Marlene — with a clenched face and water welling to the verge of overflowing in her eyelids.

“Kent. Please. Not now,” she pleadingly whispered.

Tina was ready to explain that she was just kidding, that there was no need to worry, but the look on her mother’s visage gave her pause. “I’m sorry Mo … Marlene.” Turning to Kent, Tina said, “I’m sorry for being rude to you, my daughter.”

Marlene’s lids opened so wide it seemed her eyeballs might pop out. She leaned over and embraced her husband’s body in a tight hug, and kissed his face. “You apologized! You’ve never done that so immediately before — it usually takes a day, or a week! I’m so proud of you!” She smooched his cheek again.

Girl-Kent couldn’t believe her eyes. Who would have guessed that a simple prompt apology would mean so much? She realized that ‘her’ fatherly pride had been hurting her wife, her daughter. And although she had already cried today more than he had in the past five years, tears inexplicably began to form again.

Marlene whispered into her husband’s ear. “See? It’s even choking Tina up. Keep this going. I’m so happy with what you did.”

“Ahem,” the waiter coughed uncomfortably. “I’m sorry. This is an obvious personal time. Will there be any more dessert orders?”

“Bring me an espresso,” Man-Tina said with a wide grin.

Janis gasped. Marlene’s mouth opened in surprise. “Honey? Espresso? You hate all types of coffee. That’s why you always order tea. Espresso is Tina’s thing!”

Tina began to sweat. Stupid! I forgot that. I’m blowing this! “Uh, I’m actually getting it for her. For Tina. To make up for being rude to her earlier.”

Kent’s jaw was the next one to go slack. To cover for that slip, she was going to have to drink espresso now? I hate coffee! “Um, ‘Dad’, I think you should drink it. You know, part of the empathy therapy? Experiencing what each other experiences? Walking a mile in each other’s shoes?”

“Excellent suggestion, ‘daughter’. It’s about time I took some risks, for the sake of our relationship,” Tina sighed in relief. Crisis averted, and he still would get his espresso.


When the meal was done, a movie was shown in the outdoor theater: Freaky Friday, starring Lindsey Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis. Janis and Marlene seemed to enjoy it much more than Tina and Kent. Afterwards, the Braxtons went to their respective cabanas.

Kent was perplexed. He was looking in the suitcase that Tina had packed, and it was empty. Meaning she had previously unpacked and put everything up. But where? “Uhhh … Janis? Where did I put all my clothes, and makeup, and my … bathroom stuff? I … I can’t seem to remember.”

Kent’s “sister” made a face reflecting irritation. “Girl, that therapy must have really screwed you and Dad up royally. You’ve been acting strange since you got out. Dad is too, but you’re worse.”

“Janis — are you going to help me or not?”

“It’s just like usual, like what we do in hotels, Tina. You take the drawers on the left; I take the ones on the right. Same way in the closet, I take the right half, you take the left.” Janis walked up close to Kent, and held up her hand. “How many fingers am I holding up?”


“At least you can still see straight. Hurry up and finish getting ready for bed. I’m super tired, and I’m almost ready to turn the lights off.”

“Let me just find my toothbrush and stuff.” Kent grabbed what looked like a nightshirt out of the drawer; holding it up, she could see it was a hip-length nightgown. Oh God. I’m wearing satin and lace to bed. I hope this experience doesn’t turn me into a transvestite.

Kent turned around, just in time to see Janis taking off her shirt and bra. She squinted her eyes shut and turned back the other direction. “Janis! I’m in the room!”

As Kent ran into the lavatory, a befuddled Janis wondered what the heck her sister was talking about. “Yeah — and now you’re in the bathroom! So what?” she yelled.

As Kent took off her makeup with remover pads — after years of watching Marlene get ready for bed, she had at least picked up a few things — she looked at the clock. It said 10:01. Just 53 hours to go, she grumbled in her head.


Tina and Marlene, at the latter’s request, were walking hand and hand under the moonlit sky. “This is so romantic. It kind of gets me in the mood, you know? How about it, darling — feeling the same?” Marlene cooed.

Tina quickly pecked a kiss on Marlene’s cheek. “There. I was in the mood for that, too. Thanks for suggesting it, honey.” Please let that satisfy her for this evening, hoped Tina.

“Don’t be coy, mister. That’s my job.” Marlene spun around to the front of her husband. “I really am proud of what you did today. Now let me tell you what I’m going to do tonight.”

She began to whisper into her husband’s ear. Tina’s face went red, then white, at the sweet and naughty nothings that came out of Mom’s mouth. He pulled away. “Not tonight, Marlene.”

The mother was stunned. Kent never refused an offer of sex from her. “Honey? What’s wrong?”

“It’s the therapy earlier. It has me so confused, so upset — I’ll be lucky if I can even get to sleep. I’m sorry.”

Marlene looked concerned, and a little disappointed. “Can we at least cuddle?”

Tina looked up with a smile. “I really, really need to be held. I’d love that.”


Late that night, as Janis slept in the adjoining bed, Kent was thinking. Reasoning furiously about what had happened this day.

Okay, it’s not hypnotism. That’s established. Some new advanced technology? But there was no machine, no wires, nothing in the room to suggest that. Witches — magic? I don’t believe in that; besides, no spell was chanted, no cauldron or pointy hats with belt buckles. No blood sacrifice or pentagram, so I guess this isn’t a result of a satanic ritual. What the hell — look how I’m thinking. Next I’ll be considering leprechauns and Norse deities.

Think. All we did was silently read a phrase on a whiteboard, and then said “Amen”, then closed our eyes. The phrase was not a wish; more of a request. A prayer. To who? God? I don’t believe in God. That’s Marlene and the girl’s thing. Even if there is a God, I don’t believe he’d honor a skeptic’s request. But Tina … she’s not a skeptic, and she made the request too.

Hey God — if you really are there — could you please switch us back, so we can wake up in our own bodies in the morning?

Kent’s eyelids were now droopy. But she opened them up for one last time. “Oh yeah — Amen,” she whispered.



Tina gradually became aware that it was morning. Things didn’t seem right; the bed was huge, for a twin size. And she felt someone spooning behind her. Mitch? Well, who else could it be? Oh, how she’d dreamed about actually waking up with him, having spent the whole night together. Finally!

She reached up to wipe the sleep from her eyes, and then gasped in shock at the hand in her vision. It was big and hairy. Yet it moved any way she commanded it. She inadvertently felt her cheek, and noticed a thick field of coarse hairs there. What the heck?

The events of the previous afternoon and evening came rushing back into Tina’s brain. In response, his heart quickened, his inhalations deepened, and his arms and feet started to tremor faintly. A classic adrenaline reaction.

OMG! OMG, OMG. Get ahold of yourself, girl. Uh, guy. Less than 48 hours left. Calm down; you can do this. Slow down that breathing. It’s going to be OK.

The self-lecture seemed to work. Tina calmed, and took stock of his situation. That had to be Mom he felt snuggling up next to his back, with her arm over his torso. True to her word, Marlene had stuck by him all night. Mommy hasn’t held me like this since grade school. It’s nice. Although, she feels so small — Dad’s body is massive compared to the rest of us. If I was in my own form, I could scrunch up and have her nearly surround me like I did as a little girl. Right now she almost feels like a small person I’m giving a piggyback ride to.

He also became aware of a few more sensations. One, he needed to pee pretty badly; that wasn’t a foreign feeling. What was very unfamiliar was tightness in his groin area, as if his boxer shorts were suddenly too small. He looked down, and saw …

O-M-G!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! That’s … that’s an erection! Morning wood! How? Why? I’m not horny! Assuming I even know how a guy feels when he’s horny. Okay — go down. Go down! Why isn’t it going down? Think unromantic thoughts. Having to pick up Dixie’s dog poop in the back yard, yuck. Math. In any right triangle, the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of …

Tina heard Marlene yawn, and the mother’s arm moved involuntarily downward, her fingers grazing Tina’s hardened penis. “Mmmmh … you weren’t in the mood last night, but it sure feels like you are right now,” came a drowsy yet unmistakably sensuous voice. Marlene reached to stroke the engorged organ …

She never got the chance. Tina shot straight up out of bed, and ran to the bathroom.

“SORRY SORRY HONEY I REALLY HAVE TO TINKLE REALLY BAD,” Tina yelled as she shut and locked the door.

Marlene was wide-awake now, wondering at her husband’s behavior. He seemed … repulsed by my touch. And did my husband really just say he had to ‘tinkle’?


Kent’s full bladder urged him to consciousness. Well, half conscious. He felt as if he could use a few more winks. Which he would get, as soon as he “drained the snake”.

He sleepily shifted into a sitting position and tried to put his feet on the floor, except they wouldn’t touch. Forcing his eyelids to crack open a little, he was reminded of his surroundings. Ah, that’s right. We’re on a tropical vacation. I can sleep as long as I want. This mattress is wonderful, even if it is too damn high off the floor.

He slid down until his feet hit ground, then looked through his bleary peepers to see the way to the john. Shuffling to the pot, he thumb-pulled his shorts down. Why did I wear briefs to bed instead of my sleep boxers? Oh well. He lifted the toilet lid, then assumed the position he had assumed every a.m. for the past three decades: leaning forward, both hands on the wall, dick hanging straight down towards the center of the bowl. He had perfected this technique; it never missed. He could do it with his eyes closed, and so this bright morn he did just that. He relaxed and let go-

A spray of urine bathed his inner thighs, drenching his briefs and puddled rapidly on the floor. In surprise (and suddenly fully awake) he tightened his groin to shut off the flow. Looking down to see what the hell just happened, his view was obstructed by a nightgown-clad large pair of breasts.

After processing the shock of remembering the previous day’s events, Kent furiously used wads of toilet paper to dry herself, half-dry her panties, and sop the floor up. Dammit dammit dammit. Come on, scrapper. Just two days left of this shit. How I will welcome the return of the ability to pee while standing.

She quickly turned to sit in order to finish urinating. Only after immersing her bottom in cold toilet water did she remember: she hadn’t put the lid back down.

Janis stuck her head inside the doorway. “Are you all right in here? What’s all the splashing — Oh, HA! HA HA HA HA HA! Earth to Tina — THAT’S NOT A SWIMMING POOL! HA HA HA HA HA!”

Kent struggled with flailing legs, clenched teeth, and surprising tears, eventually extracting herself from the bowl. Oh well. This day can’t get any worse, that’s for sure. Wait — King’s X on that thought. I did not mean that. Murphy’s law, if you’re listening, I did not mean that.


Tina was in the bathroom, trying to figure out how to get rid of his erection.

God, that was close — my own Mom was gonna give me a hand job! I gotta get limp! How do guys deal with this?? I mean, I know they get it gone by having sex or masturbating, but NO WAY am I doing those! Girl, I really gotta tinkle! And maybe if I relieve that bladder pressure, it’ll relieve the pressure on Dad’s — I mean, my — “thing”. That’s it! I’ll pee, and then my “thing” will go down. Oh God, I can’t believe I’m having to deal with a penis — I mean, MY OWN penis-thing.

He made sure the toilet seat was down, then pulled down his boxers and sat on the seat. He immediately perceived a problem when his sensitive “thing” poked him in the lower belly as he sat down. If he peed now, he’d spray his face. Quickly wrapping his right hand in a wad of toilet paper, he tried to push the penis down, force it into the bowl.

OW! OW — OW — OW!! O! M! G! Did I break it? That really hurt. Please tell me I didn’t break off Dad’s thingie.

Tina still refused to look at it, but felt with the wrapped hand — the thingie was still there, and still as erect.

God, it feels stiffer than ever! I gotta stop touching it! It’s like it’s so sensitive that being touched by anything makes it more rock hard! It did feel amazing when I touched the tip, though. I wonder if I touched it again OMG NONONO WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?? Just figure out a way to pee! Wait — guys pee standing up all the time.

He stood up quickly and turned to face the porcelain throne.

OK, problem. Most guys are limp when they pee, right? They’d have to be, because then the pee goes downward. If I let go now, though, it’s gonna go up! Maybe I can aim and “arc” it into the toilet. How far back do I stand? So much pressure — it feels like if I release now, I’ll hit the ceiling! Please, please don’t let me hit the ceiling.

He backed up a little, hoping it was enough to hit a bullseye with a rainbow shaped stream of pee — that is, if it didn’t shoot a hole in the plaster above her head.

OK, here goes. Please, no ceiling.

His prayer was answered; no urine hit the ceiling. Tina did manage to baptize the bathroom wall just above and behind the toilet, though. He frantically used his wrapped right hand to try to grab the male fire hose and redirect its aim, but he only succeeded in now getting pee onto the toilet paper roll and toilet base. He tightened and shut the flow off, but the damage was done.

Cleaning the mess as quickly and thoroughly as he could with an extra bath towel, Tina began to silently panic.

God — I still have to urinate! I can’t do that safely until the hard on’s gone! I can’t get rid of the hard on until I can empty my bladder! Maybe … maybe I can pee in the shower; it is all tiled, after all. Yeah, but YUCK and EWWW! Maybe if I peed into the shower stream, with the water running … WAITAMINUTE!


Tina jumped in the shower (sleeping undershirt still on), grabbed the water knob with the “C” on it, and turned it on full blast.

Marlene heard a “WAAAAUGH!” from the bathroom. She got out of bed and ran to the bathroom door, but found it locked.

Ten minutes later she saw her husband emerge from the bathroom, shivering, undershirt sopping wet and translucent, a towel wrapped around his midsection a little higher than usual.

“What in heaven’s name happened in there, Kent?” she said, confused.

“I told you; I had to tink — er, pee.”

“You had to ‘tinkerpee’? What is that, another way of saying you had to masturbate? You locked the door; that had to be what you were doing, right? “ Marlene was now crying. “I’m right here, baby — ready and willing — but maybe I can’t pleasure you as well anymore as you can by yourself? It must have been great for you — I’ve never made you say ‘WAAAAUGH’ before!” She ran sobbing into the bathroom and this time, Tina was the one locked out of it.

It took fifteen minutes of pleading through the door, explaining about the urine accident and difficulty aiming, to get Marlene calmed and back into the bedroom. Tina had taken off the wet nightshirt and dried his chest so that he could wrap his arms around a snuffling Marlene; Tina had seen Kent hug this way before when his wife needed comforting. As Marlene sunk her face into her man’s neck and pressed her chest into his, Tina embraced her for a straight couple of minutes. The whole time he prayed: please, no more erections … not for two more days, at least.



Tina trudged towards the gazebo, eight minutes late. He was surprised at the effort it took to walk his huge body up the sloping road; yet, equally astounding was the raw strength in his arms, trunk, and legs. The tallness added to the feeling of power. THIS part I could get used to; as a girl, I always had to be aware of my surroundings. Nobody’s gonna mess with the 6’2’’ burly guy with the black hair, beard, and mustache.

Kent was sitting at the gazebo with her makeup kit. “What took you? Breakfast is in 20 minutes,” she scolded Tina. Tina scowled back.

“After the morning I had, I suggest you treat me with care,” he spat.

“Wow — your day started lousy too? Sorry.” Kent pulled up a bag that was laid near her feet. “Here’s the makeup and a hairbrush.”

“Plenty of time. It’s not a wedding or a prom we need to attend; at a place like this a girl can get by on minimal paint.” Tina began rapidly applying a powder to her old face, realizing it was strange to be doing it from this new angle.

“Umh — Tina,” Kent said (trying not to interfere with the face work), “is Janis angry with you for any reason?”

The male face twitched and raised an eyebrow. “Before I answer, tell me why you asked.”

“She’s been very rude to me — I mean to you, because she thinks I’m you. Both last night and this morning. I’ve never seen her be this way. What did you do to make her so spiteful?”

“Dad. There’s a lot of stuff you don’t know about Janis. Around you guys she’s petite miss perfect, but away from your eyes — and around me — her dark side comes out.”

“You’re one to be talking, Tina! Don’t start pointing your finger at her and think that it will distract from what you’ve done this last year! You —“

“I know, I know, Dad. I’ve got your lecture memorized. Let me condense it: you think I’m a slut.”

“Tina! I do not.”

“You’ve said as much — when you first found out about Mitch and me. ‘Tina, you’re acting like a slut’. Your exact words, Dad.”

Kent remembered saying them. She coughed mildly, and then quietly spoke. “I didn’t say you were a slut — just acting like one. There’s a difference.”

“Not much of one, in my opinion,” Tina growled. “New subject. After breakfast you need to change your shirt, or shorts, or both.”

Kent looked at her shirt and shorts. “What? Both are blue.”

Tina grabbed the hem of the shorts Kent wore. “Neon Pacific Blue. Your shirt is Turquoise. Clash. Get the white skirt with the pinkish belt; change into that, please. Daddy’s orders.”

“Don’t push me, Tina. Remember, I go back in that body soon.”

Man-Tina sighed. “Yeah, I know. But at this moment, we’re playing roles — both to keep Mom and Janis from freaking out, and to get empathetic about each other. And furthermore, ‘little girl’, I did give you an order — but I said it without yelling. And it still rubbed you the wrong way. So how do you think I feel when you’ve barked your commands at me, so loud that the walls shake? Wait — don’t answer yet. Hold your lips still while I apply this.”


Janis looked dreamily out the full-wall window of the Isla’s restaurant. They had been assigned a window table, and the sunlight illuminated the blue-green waters at the bay; the room showcased the beach area. “So romantic. So classy. So jealous, Chloe will be,” she muttered.

Marlene looked at her family. What a great looking bunch. Janis with her elegant long lines and rich brown hair, hanging down her back nearly to the chair seat. Tina’s black tresses stopped at her shoulders, and framed her porcelain face elegantly. Not that most people looked long at her face — her body was a guy’s wet dream. She had tried modeling at age 16, but was often passed over because she was actually too curvy; when certain “niche” agencies said they could get her work, they turned out to be porn pushers. The tip-off was the “call us the day you turn 18” line.

Kent was strikingly handsome even at 42. He had a full head of hair that was greying some (especially at the temples), and had a rich deepish voice that (when used correctly) could make you believe that you’d be okay even if the apocalypse was happening. 6’2’’, a little chubby at 235 pounds, but he made her feel safe, as well as secure. Loved.

Marlene then looked at herself; unfortunately, the mirror at the maá®tre d’s stand gave her a full side view of her body. Though others constantly complimented her on her great looks, all she could see in the mirror were blemishes and wrinkles; a new one every other day it seemed. And her breasts had seemed to get much more saggy over the last year.

It didn’t help that Kent seemed to be avoiding her last night and this morning. The prospect of sex had made him seem … afraid? No, it can’t be that. He’s fearless. It must be that I’m less attractive to him. I can’t blame him, with some of the little hotties that are here for their therapy. A rich, handsome man; beyond the ring on his finger, there’s nothing to stop him from having his pick of gorgeous women.

Why am I feeling so insecure? He’s never cheated, to my knowledge. But since we arrived here, he’s been embarrassed to get close to me. He says it’s the ‘traumatic’ therapy. God, I hope so. I hope I’m not starting to lose my husband.

The waitress interrupted everyone’s distant thoughts. “What would each of you like to drink?”

A minute later she left with their orders. Marlene smiled with wonder at her husband. “Another espresso? And you, Tina — hot tea? You guys are really taking this ‘walking in each other’s shoes’ to heart. Just don’t start dressing like each other,” she laughed.

“Actually, I’m wearing a pair of your panties right now, honey,” Man-Tina said while kissing Marlene’s forehead.

Girl-Kent’s brain exploded. “YOU ARE?”

Tina laughed. “You’re so gullible, daughter.”

“Hello, Braxtons!”

It was the bartender from yesterday afternoon walking up to their table. “James! You’re looking dapper this morning,” stated Kent. How about this. I now have a way to get him and Tina together for a little fling. Just have to act interested.

“I made the espresso with a special Kona reserve, Tina. You told me yesterday that you’re an espresso … hey, why did they give you the tea?” James was scratching his head.

Kent was preparing a response when she noticed she was giggling. Giggling like a schoolgirl at this good-looking guy. Finally she gained control of her mouth again. “Dad and I are ‘walking in each other’s shoes’. I’m sure the ‘spresso’s fantastic. Maybe in a day or two I’ll be back to coffee again. I’d looooove to try it then.” Kent batted her eyes at James, who responded: “Then I’ll plan on it, beautiful one!” He walked off with a huge smile on his face.

Tina did a slow burn watching Kent flirt with the bartender. Dad, you creep. You’re trying to make me — or, my body - act unfaithful to my Mitch.

“I’m going to have the fruit plate,” Janis said as she scanned the menu. “Same here, I guess — have to maintain my ‘girlish figure’,” Kent said. Marlene nodded that she would go all fruit too. Have to try to keep some of my attractiveness.

Fruit plate for me, thought Tina. Although, I want so much more. Whew — I am so hungry! WAIT. I’ve got Dad’s big body and metabolism! I’ve got to take advantage of this! “I’m getting the “Grand Breakfast” — 3 eggs, sausage, bacon, with two pancakes and hash browns.”

Kent, across the table, looked as if she was going to cry.

The waitress returned. “Have you all decided what you’d like?”

Tina turned towards their server and spoke. “I’ll have the Grand … the Grand …” He was eye level with the waitress’ breasts. They were huge, and perfect. A slight hint of cleavage was present above the button of her outfit. Tina had checked out other girl’s assets before (what girl doesn’t, for comparative purposes?), but he had never felt this unusual when doing so. In fact, he felt mesmerized. What was his order? Grand something? Sausage, bacon, and 3 … or 2 … perfect eggs … plump, round, tasty, sunny side up eggs …

Suddenly Tina noticed that the server had just covered her chest with one of the menus, and her cheeks were slightly flushed. OMG! Was I … LEERING at her BOOBS?? He looked at his family. Marlene’s head was turned away, and she was sniffing wet and rapidly. Kent, though, had her teeth clenched and grimacing with an angry glare right back at her ‘father’.

Marlene got up from the table. “I’m not hungry. I’m going *sniff* back to the cabana.” She walked off briskly.

Janis arose. “What was that, Dad? I’m going to catch up to her. Mom! Wait up,” she yelled as she bolted away.

Tina turned back quickly to the waitress. “Can you get me three fruit plates to go? And some humble pie for me, please. By the way, I’m sorry, ma’am.”

“There’s someone else you probably need to apologize to more urgently,” smiled the waitress. “I’ll get those plates ASAP.”

“I’d better go to try to explain myself,” said Tina, scooting his chair back. “Can you get the food and bring it to the cabanas?”

“What the hell — er, heck just happened, Tina? I haven’t seen you look at anyone — not even Mitch — so lustily!” Kent was pretty upset.

“I … I don’t know, Dad. I’ve never experienced that before. OMG. Mom looked so hurt. I’ll see you in therapy at 9:30.” Tina took his big body and left in a loping run.




This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to a real situation or person is purely coincidental.

Tremendous thanks to Cyclist for beta reading and help!

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