I didn’t know it could be like this. Chapter 10.

I didn’t know it could be like this. By Symphony Simms
I didn’t know it could be like this. Chapter 10.
The real girl comes out.

“You want what?” said Lauren with a slightly desperate tone to her voice.

“I want to become a real girl,” I said again. “Isn’t it obvious? You called me a sissy boy but that’s not what I am. I am just a girl born with the wrong parts.”

“But hold on a little Mitch, how long have you known this. You never said anything before.”

“Lauren please don’t call me Mitch, I am Sophia or Sophie. I never said anything before because I didn’t know. I thought I was an ordinary boy, but when did you ever meet a boy who looked like this.”

I stood up and looked in one of the many tall mirrors around the room. What I saw looking back at me was a girl. 100% girl and I wanted it to stay that way. It also gave me that butterfly tingle down below that gave me an involuntary hip shiver.

“You are over reacting. You have only worn girl’s clothes 3 times. How can you suddenly believe you want to be a girl full time? Don’t you need some time to work it out?”

“You didn’t use my name that time.”

“OK Sophie. But how can you want to turn your life upside down after just a few hours in girl’s clothes?”

“Because I just realized why I was so different. Right from the first time we met I knew I wanted to be with you, but I only just figured out why.

Because I wanted to be you. You are everything beautiful and I am only really happy when I am with you because I have always hoped some of what you are would rub off on me and I could be a little bit like you, only now I don’t just want to be a little bit like you. I want to be completely like you. And I don’t want to be like you some of the time I want to be like you all of the time.”

“So is that it? No more Mitch?”

That question hit me hard. I tried to think what would happen if I stayed in these clothes till Miranda came home and then I went home like this to show my parents.

“I don’t know. I haven’t had much time to think this through. I know now what I want, but I don’t know how to make it happen.”

“Well you can’t just start being a girl just like that. We will figure something out.”

“Lauren?” I said realizing that she was turning from questioning to supporting. “Does that mean that you are going to help me become a girl?”

“But Mitch.”

“Sophie,” I said.

“Sophie.” said Lauren as her eyes welled up, her chin began to quiver and tears rolled down her cheeks. She reached out with both arms and hugged. Our tits got in the way but we found a way around it. Lauren sobbed for a while and I didn’t interrupt her.

We were both trying to figure out where we go from here. It felt good just to hold on to each other for a while.

“Sophie,” Lauren looked at me while dabbing away tears from her cheeks. “Why do I get the feeling that I am losing my best friend?”

That question meant that I had hurt Lauren and that was the one thing that I had never planned on and I wanted to avoid most.

“But your best friend is right here Lauren,” I said. “I am just wearing different clothes.”

“But the Mitch I know is shy and bending and he lets me push him around. This Sophie character is a little pushy and controlling and seems to have a path determined for herself without asking anyone. All Mitch ever wanted was to be with me!”

Me pushy and controlling! I had never tried to be pushy or controlling.

“But Lauren, my mind is all kind of loopy with conflicting thoughts right now, but I do know that until this moment, I never knew what I wanted to be or how to get there?”

“It’s like I used to be in this dark little room, just stumbling around and bumping into things, but now a window has opened and now I can see what I have been bumping into all of these years. Now I can see my own way and pick out my own path.”

“But I thought I was your guiding light,” said Lauren. “Now you are telling me that you are going to be like me and from now on you can see your own way. Where does that put me? I feel kind of redundant. What do I do now? I have lost control of you.”

“OK I can understand you saying that, but you are still my best friend, and I hope that we can be best friends who share dresses.”

“This is a big change you know Sophie. There are so many consequences that we can’t plan for. I can tell you right now that at some time I will be jealous of you because you are too dam pretty.”

“I certainly don’t want to be in competition with you. I want you there with me. I need you help to get through this.”

“Well just don’t expect me to be there when you kiss a boy for the first time.”

“But what about this morning?”

“Not like this morning I mean a real kiss. I mean when a boy puts his tongue down your throat and you turn to mush in his hands. That’s when I will be jealous. I wanted to turn to mush in my hands.”

When Lauren said that I realized that for the first time I really did want to go to mush in a boys arms, although I didn’t know who yet, maybe Warren, but I still wanted to kiss Lauren.

“But we can still make out like we did this morning can’t we?” I asked hopefully.

“I don’t know. This morning I was making out with Mitch wearing a dress. You are now asking me to make out with Sophie who you say is a girl. It’s not the same. I never wanted to make out with a girl.”

Ouch! This being a girl thing wasn’t all positive.

“But Lauren I still love you.”

“And I love you too Sophie, but it can’t be the same as it was with Mitch. If you don’t want to be my boyfriend any more, then I guess I will have to be content with you as my girlfriend, but don’t expect things to be the same. You are taking something away from me that I have loved since we started school together.”

“But I’m still here. I’m not going to leave you. I need you Lauren. I really need you.”

“Are you 100% sure that you want to go through with this.” Said Lauren like she wanted to help me make the decision and wanted me to be confident, but I wasn’t.

“I am conflicted.” I said trying to be honest with my feelings and with Lauren. “It’s like I am totally committed to being a girl, but there are all of these things that I know I will loose and I am not ready to loose them yet. I want to be your girlfriend and kiss you and hold you, but I still want to be a girl. I also don’t want to let go of Mitch. I had some great times being Mitch.”

‘What’s past will still be held forever in your memories regardless of weather you wear a dress or not,” said Lauren giving me comforting smile and holding my cheek.

I didn’t have to make my final decision right then but I did have to go forwards. I could not afford to stand still as I believe that to stand still in the face of the testosterone that was messing with my system.

“I think right now I must say that yes I want to become a girl. If I don’t do it now them I my loose my chance and regret it forever. Will you help me?

“Yes I am going to help you become a girl. You are my best friend and how could I let you down when you need my help so much,” said Lauren, “but it’s not going to be easy and it is not going to be painless. We will have to make a plan together. My plan for you was for us to grow up, get married and have kids, but I don’t see that happening now.”

“I’m sorry Lauren. I didn’t know you felt that way.”

“Look I want you to understand something. This is a very big thing you are asking me. I feel like a jilted girlfriend being asked to help you find your next girlfriend. I want to help you but I feel like I may be shooting myself in the foot by doing so, but I can’t refuse you. I love you too much.”

“I know you love me,” I said trying to comfort her now in return,” but I think we have talked about this enough for the moment. How about we change the subject for a while.”

“Maybe we should sort you out some clothes?” said Lauren. “If you are going to become a girl you will need clothes, so Miranda wanting to get rid of some of hers is a real god send to a girl like you.”

“I know,” I said. “And what about your pills. You have 3 months supply sitting there just waiting for me.”

“They are not waiting for you they are waiting for me. Don’t you think you should see a doctor and do this properly?”

“Yes I do, but until I do I need to be sure that the testosterone already in my body doesn’t do any more harm.”

“What do you mean ‘more harm.’ You look perfect right now. You couldn’t be any more woman than you look right now.”

“Real women don’t have to clean sperm out of their panties after each time they put a dress on. That’s the testosterone working. You read the same article I did. Testosterone is poisoning me right now. It just doesn’t belong in a girl’s body and I have to get rid of it. The only method I have of fighting that right now is your pills.

”OK,” said Lauren. “You can have my pills and I will tell my doctor that I have used them up and ask for more. But you have to find some way of getting to a doctor and discussing this and maybe getting your own pills specially made for your condition.”

“But to do that I will have to tell my parents that I want to be a girl.”

“Well you will have to do it sometime. That’s not something you can hide from them. Don’t you think they will notice?”

I thought about that for a moment. “I’m sure I could take your pills for a few weeks before anyone notices.” I said. “That will give me time to tell my parents and talk to a doctor, but I don’t want to give the testosterone any more time to poison my system. I want to start on the pills right away.”

“OK well you had best come to my house and get them tomorrow.”

“So what should we do after that?”

“I don’t know what I can do. It’s pretty much you from here on in. All I can do is support you, but I think you must tell your parents.” said Lauren.

“OK but what do we do this minute?”

“Well let’s try on some dresses. We still have dozens to look at, and it’s so much more important now that you have decided to become a full time girl,” said Lauren. “I don’t know if we should bother with the fashion show by the pool though. That was just a silly thing to do for fun.”

“But who said we can’t have fun.” I said. “I don’t want to become a girl so I can get serious and be miserable. I have been drifting through life as a bored and miserable boy for long enough.”

“But you don’t have fun when you are with me.”

“Yes exactly. The only time was really happy was when I was with you, because some of your girl happiness rubbed off on me. Now I want to be a girl myself and have fun all the time.”

“And try on dresses?” said Lauren.

“I think trying on dresses must be about the most fun thing ever. Let’s go upstairs and check out the other bedroom, but before that let’s go out and strut our stuff around the pool.”

We got up, I took Lauren’s hand and we went over to the patio window where we switched all of the outside lights on, in and around the pool, then we switched off the lights inside the great room so we could use the patio window as a mirror. We opened the patio window and walked outside.

The air outside was a little cooler now that the sun had gone down. The breeze on all my exposed parts felt heavenly. I felt goose bumps form up the back of my arms and my chest, and the breeze around the tops of my legs was stimulating to say the least.

We strode around the pool looking at the pretty lights in the water. The house looked very striking from the far side of the pool lit up by all of the lights in the grounds and the pool area. We could hear nothing apart from the comforting sound of the water running and bubbling down the multiple pools of the waterfall.

I could imagine a hundred people in fine clothes with food and drinks in their hands and white jacketed waiters buzzing around with food on trays and glasses of champagne. It looked like a scene from a playboy mansion except that there were no playboy bunnies in sight, apart from me and Lauren that is. I hoped I could be part of that scene someday, modeling my own fabulous dresses.

As we returned to the house we walked towards the patio doors and we were framed by the brightly lit pool and surrounding features. Two beautiful women in fantastic dresses and all of the trimmings and one of those beautiful women was me.

I felt like this was where I belonged. I wanted to be part of the modeling that was going to happen here. I wanted to stride up the catwalk with the other models wearing outrageous creations from outlandish designers.

Lauren turned to me and took both my hand in hers. “Are you happy?” she asked.

“Of course I am happy, It is difficult to explain how happy I am. I am happy right now because I am dressed like I know I should be dressed and I feel beautiful, and I have an idea of how I can stay this way.”

“I know I can’t stay this way tomorrow or the next day, but some time in the near future I will be able to change into a girl and stay that way.”

“That may not be for quite some time yet Sophie. You will have to be patient!”

“I don’t want to be patient, but I guess I must try to control the great desire I now have inside me to tell everyone that I am a woman and my name is Sophia. But I am sure I can control myself if I try really hard. But I don’t have to control myself tonight, do I?”

I moved a little closer to Lauren, put my arm around her waist to pull her towards me and rested my pelvic bone against her thigh. I move in to kiss her but she held me back with her hand against my mouth.

“I am not ready for that right now.” she said. “Let’s go upstairs and try on some more dresses.”

We made our way into the house and up to the bedroom next to Miranda’s. This bedroom was smaller than Miranda’s, done in neutral beiges and creams but still quite large and bigger than any bedroom in my parent’s house.

There was a large bed made up nicely with numerous decorative pillows and some bed side tables, but otherwise the room was empty, but we soon discovered the walk in closet with its mirrored doors so we checked out the treasures inside.

When we opened the door and switched on the light we found a huge closet that was mostly empty but with thirty to forty dresses lined up along one wall. Most of the dresses were in plastic and many with the store tags still on them and an equal number of pairs of shoes on the floor. The back wall was shelved and half filled with handbags, clutch bags and purses to match the shoes and dresses. We started surveying the bounty that lay before us.

“How are we going to do this?” said Lauren.

“What do you mean?”

“Well you want some things for yourself and so do I.”

“OK,” I said trying to work out a plan. “How about if I pick a dress and matching shoes, put them on and provided they fit I will put them on the bed, then you pick a dress and shoes, and if you like it you can put it at the far end of the closet where the rail is empty.”

“OK,” said Lauren. “Go pick your first dress.”

The very first dress I looked at I just couldn’t go past. It was your typical essential plain black short evening dress with spaghetti straps. I had to put it on together with the plain black patent leather pumps that lay close by.

Lauren undid the red dress I was wearing and I laid it on the bed. I then put the black dress on, it went on easily around the hips but when we came to fasten the zip, the chest was just a little too tight. Lauren said it may be because of the breast forms I was wearing. We checked the size of the dress and it was a size 2.

“That maybe OK if you were only an A or a small B cup, Miss Sophie, but with you being a wicked ‘C’ cup you are going to have to try at least a size 4. But don’t discard that dress. I think it will be perfect for you when you find your real size.”

“So Lauren think about it. Does that mean that we should change our corsets and remove these large breasts, because how are we going to know if things fit us properly if we are wearing great big boobies. I want to find out if these dresses will fit me when I wear them for real.”

“You are of course right Sophie. When we got dressed this evening I thought it would be fun to go overboard and so I chose breast forms that were too big for a girl your age and size.

“You would never be bigger than a B at your age and build, so let’s go and change our underwear.”

I told Lauren that before we do that I needed to use the bathroom to clean myself up so I headed in that direction.

When I got inside the bathroom I was alone for the first time all day. Even without the dress but couldn’t help but admire the slender young woman in the mirror, wearing a striking black corset with tan colored stockings.

The blonde wig fell onto her shoulders and her fabulous breasts excited me to the point where I had to hold onto the wall for a moment to catch my breath. The woman was fantastic. I stood and enjoyed the rumbling sensations low in my stomach and looked around the room.

Then I noticed the clothes basket and wondered what was inside it. I opened it to find bras and panties that could only be Miranda’s. I had hit the jackpot. I took each bra and each pair of panties out separately and touched them all to feel the soft and delicious fabrics. Some of the panties were stained making them even more erotic to touch, knowing that they had touched Miranda in the most intimate places.

I got to the bottom of the basket and beneath everything there was the blue silk skirt and a white silk top that Miranda had been wearing when I first met her.

An instant heaviness between my legs alerted me to an imminent erection. I had to wear them like my life depended on it. I took them from the basket with a short underskirt that she must have been wearing with the multicolored bra and the fabulous matching panties, laid them on the counter and started rubbing my hands over them.

I lifted the panties and held them to my face. They felt exquisite and I knew I had to wear them. I put the white silk blouse on. It had little silk and elastic runners that went down under the legs to keep the blouse in place. I left them loose for the moment. I took off my white panties and did a little clean up work before I could put on Miranda’s panties. I couldn’t fold myself underneath because I guessed what was going to happen next.

I fastened the blouse runners, then put the slip and skirt on and fastened the side zip and the amazing sensation almost overwhelmed me. There in the mirror was my version of Miranda in blue and white silk and my erection went crazy. I was panting heavily and slowly running my hands all over myself just to feel the sensation of what it must be like to feel like Miranda does. I couldn’t help it.

I knew what I was about to do was wrong. I wanted to be a girl and girls don’t play with their penis. Only boys do that, but I felt justified it by the fact that there was that poison testosterone still in my system and I couldn’t help it. Once I started the pills I wouldn’t want to do it any more, but right now it was something I had to do.

I grabbed some tissues from the counter then turned again to look at myself in the full length mirror. Everything was so unbelievably Miranda except for the shadow of an erection under the skirt. I couldn’t stop myself as my hand reached down and lifted my skirt.

I reached inside my own (Miranda’s) panties and pulled out my erection. It had never been so hard. I started pulling myself off while looking at the Miranda vision in the mirror. The red shoes looked out of place but the legs looked incredible in the lacy topped stay ups that I could see under the blue silk skirt and lacy white underskirt that I held clear of myself.

The tits under the white blouse had a wonderfully sexy full shape. The hair and makeup were deliciously foxy. The flashing blue eyes were devastating and the sight and taste of my own tongue licking my own delicious pink and glistening lips was astonishing.

My now impending explosion could not be stopped. I held my eyes open and watched the women in front of me as I rocked my hips backward and forwards for a few seconds as the thunder roared through my loins. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled through my body and out through the end of my penis. I blasted into the tissue at least six times until I was firing blanks.

I held myself with eyes now closed still standing in the red pumps with the single strap at the ankle which by now where feeling a little tight. I couldn’t move for a while so I just stayed in exactly the same place and held myself waiting for the weakness in my knees and the shivers that were going through my body to subside. All of the sensations of the fantastic clothing I was wearing kept reminding me of how sensational I feel until I opened my eyes again and realized that Lauren was outside waiting for me.

With my composure regained I opened my eyes to see that delicious woman in the mirror again but with some hard to reconcile features to deal with. She had just been yanking her own doodle while her girlfriend was waiting outside the door waiting for her to try on some more dresses. I felt guilty. How could I be the same girl who had just been telling Lauren that I was a girl in a boy’s body and still want to blast into a tissue and throw it down the toilet?

I didn’t want Lauren to know what I had done so I quickly got myself straightened up, put everything back where it was and even splashed a little cologne around the room to mask any odors, and then I rejoined Lauren in Miranda’s bedroom.

“What took you so long Miss Sophie?”

“I am sorry Lauren but not everything can be done quickly and I am not used to telling people what I do in the bathroom.” I felt like crap actually for doing what I had done but I was not going to tell Lauren.

“Oh,” said Lauren “Getting a little defensive are we. Get back here while I tighten that corset some more. I will have you back under control in no time.” I couldn’t be upset when Lauren was around. I smiled for her.

“You know it’s a funny thing,” I said, “but this corset doesn’t feel as tight as it was before. I must be getting used to it.”

“OK,” said Lauren. “If you were going to keep that corset on I would tighten it for you, but if we are going to reduce your bra size down to something more realistic for your age then I will take that corset off you and we will find something more your size. Let’s get that one off first.”

Lauren undid the corset from the back. I had no idea what was going on behind me so I let Lauren get on with it. As the corset came off for just a second or two I thought I might retain some of that pretty shape, but it disappeared and I was soon left with my old straight up and down figure.

Then Lauren took me back into the bathroom to remove my breast forms. They came off quite easily with warm water. We went back into Miranda’s room into the draw with the breast forms and selected a smaller pair. Lauren said these were more like breast enhancers. The back of them was quite sticky and there was no need of any adhesive but I did need a bra to keep them in place.

We searched Miranda’s closet for some pretty bras for me to wear and found many. It was very difficult to choose. I eventually chose a nude color soft cup bra that would give me a good shape without showing the enhancers but would not contrast with all of the different colored dresses that I might try on in the next hour or two.

It was still only 9:30 and we had nearly two hours before Miranda would come home.

Lauren also found me a waste nipper that would help with my shape. It did not have a lot of boning, but it could be closed from the front so I could put it on myself.

Lauren also removed her corset and went with a more normal bra and panties for she didn’t need anything to make her figure look good, and we went back into the other bedroom to try some more clothes on.

I was now on a mission to select a limited wardrobe of clothes that could be used for various occasions that I might need to attend. Not that I had plans to go anywhere, but it felt like the right thing to do. I couldn’t rely on Lauren or Miranda for clothes if I was to become a real girl, I would need my own.

I tried to plan for every eventuality, but that didn’t mean coats and hats etc. I didn’t see any coats in Miranda’s closet or anywhere in the house at all. I guess some people never use coats in L.A.

In the next few minutes I tried on some terrific dresses. I found two in particular that I really liked. One was very pretty evening dress in black that had a tight fitting sequined bodice with spaghetti straps and a skirt that ballooned out from the waist in silk and taffeta that finished in uneven ruffles just above the knee. I felt like a million dollars in that dress and wished I had some reason to wear it but it needed to be worn at a prom or dinner in front of handsome boys in dinner jackets.

The second dress was a cream colored crepe sheath dress of a soft and clingy fabric that looked just straight up and down on the hanger but when I put it on it hugged all my curves in the right places that started with spaghetti straps and finished with an uneven hem below the knees. It also came with a jacket with elbow length arms that didn’t really close in the front. The whole thing felt heavenly while I was wearing it that I couldn’t put it back in the closet.

I also selected a grey business suit dress and jacket set that had an in between neck line and a skirt to the knee. Totally professional, and a yellow sun dress in a soft fabric with low neck line and lots of ruffles around the neck, shoulders and hem.

In Miranda’s closet Lauren also picked out for me two A line skirts cut just above the knee with 4 semi matching tops for me and we found four pairs of shoes that work with those selections. Then we found a light woolen jacket in light brown that I could wear over them. We thought that would be enough outer clothes.

Trying on dresses was the most fantastic of sensations, not just because of the wonderful soft and sensuous but different feeling that each dress provoked, but each dress gave me a blast of pleasure between my legs and into my boy parts that was hard to describe. If I was on my own I could imagine another blasting session after each dress I tried, but as I was with Lauren I kept my knickers on, in spite of all the straining and expanding that was going on inside them. Thank god for spandex.

Now we needed to find underwear.

Sorting out bra’s and panties was just as hard to do, but I didn’t want Lauren to know that just handling these beautiful undergarments made me feel that way. I sorted ten pairs of bikini panties, but none of them were thongs. I didn’t think thongs would hold in my boy things.

I found three pairs of control panties and then went looking for bras. I tried to match up as many bras as I could with the panties I had, but only found 3 sets but took 10 pairs of panties overall. I finished with eight bras. Mostly 34As and Bs.

We found 4 full corsets in size 34A and 34B or similar styles, most of which I could never fasten myself, but we thought it best to take 2 of them to ensure we did not lose them. We also took some pantyhose, stockings, one suspender belt and one of the wigs. By the time we had packed everything in three large shopping bags we realized that I could not carry any more so we thought we had better leave it till next time.

Lauren also selected three pretty dresses with matching shoes for herself and I knew that if Lauren owned them then she would probably let me wear them. She also selected some smaller frilly stuff but I should also be able to get my hands on them if need be. It’s wonderful to have a pretty girlfriend in your size.

After we had everything we thought we could take at this time, we looked at the collections of clothes remaining in both bedrooms and we both agreed that we had hardly made a dent and there was still a stack of clothes that needed to be moved. We just needed to figure out how. We put everything together by the front door and rested in the great room for a while.

Lauren poured out a couple of glasses of iced tea so we sat and reflected about the evening.

“So what do you think Sophie. Have you got enough clothes to keep you going?”

“I wish I could tell you Lauren, but I have no idea what it takes to keep going. I don’t really know when I will be able to wear any of them, apart from the confines of my own room. I don’t really know where I am going to put them either, but if my parents go to work at the garden center like they usually do on Sundays’ I will have a couple of hours to figure it out. Are we seeing each other tomorrow?”

“Do you mean me and you or me and Mitch?”
“That’s a tricky one. I could come over as Mitch then we could both spend some time with Sophie if you like?”

“But I don’t know if my parents will go out at all tomorrow as neither of them work on Sunday, and they like to spend time with me. I thought you were going to the high school football game with Warren and Carter?”

“Well actually Mitch was going to go watch Cater and Warren play football, but its not like they notice me while they are playing. I could just tell them I was there and left before the end. Can we do something together?”

“Like I said. Mom and Dad like to spend time with me on Sunday. They say it’s a family day. I think you should spend time with your parents too.”

“But they usually work on Sunday morning.” I said in my pleasing ‘I’m only a little girl’ manner, but I could tell it wasn’t working. Lauren had made her mind up. She didn’t change it often.

“Sophie I think Mitch should spend as much of the day with his parents as he can. They may not get to see their little boy much longer before he is replaced. I think you should talk to them about things. Drop some hints. Ask them what they think of trans-gendered people. That would be better that just dropping it on them like a bomb.”

“I guess I could do that, but I have always dreaded any conversation with them regarding sex or sexual orientation or anything near that subject. I prefer to think that my Mom and Dad just don’t do that kind of thing.”

“Well I bet they do!” said Lauren. “My mom tells me that most married couples do it at least once a week. When we are on our own she tells me of some of the nice things that my Dad does for her. She said that she wants me to know what kind of things a kind considerate man does for his woman.”

“She sometimes tells me that they have made love and what romantic thing he did for her because, she would much rather I learn about such things from her than from a stranger or a book or any other source that she can’t control.”

“I think that is amazing. I have never had a conversation about sex with my parents. I don’t think it would feel right.”

“But why not?” said Lauren. “You could bring the subject up you know. You need to plan it through. Write down a list of questions that you need answers about and ask them. You might be surprised and find that they want to talk to you about sex but were waiting for you to be ready.”

I thought about it and decided that Lauren was right. If couldn’t ask my parents about sex who else could I talk to? And during the conversation I could slip in some questions about trans-gendered people and get an idea of what their reaction might be.

“OK! 11PM Sophie. Time to bring Mitch back.”

I looked to the clock and she was right. They said they may be home by 11:30. We quickly went upstairs and dismantled Sophie, put all of the lovely clothes away. I gently removed the make-up and nail polish.

I looked at myself in the mirror to find that I still could see the girl inside me, then I put some gel on my hair and plastered it down in front of my eyes like I normally did. Before we went downstairs to pretend to be a normal boy and girlfriend I gave Lauren a hug and held her tight while I reflected.

A lot had happened today. I had been dressed like a girl for most of the day and decided that I wanted to become a girl full time. I had also kissed Lauren for the very first time and given Lauren and orgasm with my hand inside her panties.

I had read about the damaging effects of testosterone on the body of someone who may want to become a girl and I have begun to understand that I am transgendered, not sissy, and I want to become a real girl.

I had also gained the beginnings of my girl wardrobe from Miranda’s closet. All of those things I feel were positive, but I had also seen the writing on the wall for Mitch and I may have dashed Laurens plans for me to be her husband and have kids with me.

My feelings were a mixture of joy and trepidation. I had no idea of weather I was doing the right thing and I thought that bad things must happen at some time down the road. Not everything that would happen would be positive or received gladly, but I had started down that path and I don’t believe that anything could stop me now. I was going to be a girl and that is all there is to it.

We checked on April before we descended the stairs and went into the great room to watch TV and wait Miranda and Robert to come home. We snuggled up in front of the TV and I closed my eyes for just a moment.

They were standing before us when I woke up. Lauren was shaking me gently by the shoulder as Miranda and Robert stood in front of us. They gently rushed us out of the door so that the chauffer could take us both home. It was 12:30. Robert helped us into the limo with our bags of clothes and Miranda stepped inside the limo to give us both thanks and kisses. Miranda still looked fabulous but I was exhausted from a very eventful day and I couldn’t pay her the attention she deserved.

We dropped Lauren off first then came back past Miranda’s house and on down to my parents. I tried not to make any noise as I entered using my key to the front door. I could hear my parents listening to music in the family room. It was a Sting DVD they both very much liked.

Trying not to make a sound that they could hear over the TV, I placed the three bags on a shelf in the hall closet planning to move them later when the house was quiet. I then went into said goodnight to my parents who were sitting arm in arm on the couch.

Mom was wearing a full length down to her feet dressing gown and Dad was wearing the exact same jeans and shirt he has worn for the last twenty years. I didn’t actually mean that, but he had lots of shirts and pants almost exactly the same apart from the colors and he did look good in them but I wished he would wear something else sometimes.

I tried to hug him without touching his face as I new his beard would rip me open, but I was wrong. When I held him he was clean-shaven and was wearing a very nice cologne. I instantly thought about Lauren’s comment about most couples once a week. Maybe tonight it was their turn. I turned to hug Mom.

Mom was wearing a little perfume but it was not a very nice one. Something a grandmother might wear. I thought to myself that I would have to get her some better perfume than that, at least something that I could use. Mom held onto me by my head and kissed me on the lips then asked me what I was doing for lunch tomorrow.

“Nothing,” I said. “No plans.”

“Then you and I are going somewhere nice for lunch somewhere,” she said. “I will speak to you in the morning. Sleep tight.” Then she kissed me on the lips again and I went up to my bedroom.

I really wanted to move the clothes, but they would be able to see me as I walked up the stairs and into my room. I undressed, put my PJ pants on and tried to stay awake but it was no use. I couldn’t resist the pillow that was calling me so I crawled in between the sheets and fell asleep.

I must have slept soundly as I felt refreshed and alive as soon as I woke up. I sat up in the bed and thought about my beautiful dresses. I listened for any sound in the house and could hear whispering from downstairs. I opened my bedroom door to hear the last few words of a conversation. My mother was saying “ Bye.” “Thanks again.” “See you in a few days.” “Thanks again.” “Bye.”

My mother was one of those people who repeated the same thing over and over while on the phone, thinking that it increased the value of the words. I walked across the hallway. Somehow my mother heard me.

“Are you awake Mitch?” she called from the kitchen.

“Yes Mom, just cleaning my teeth.” I said entering the bathroom in my PJ pants.

“Can I bring you up some coffee?”

Mom bringing me coffee! That’s a new one. She only just discovered that I had changed from Cool-aid. “Yes please Mom. Lots of cream please.”

I cleaned my teeth and turned to go back to my bedroom, and there was my mother. I had not seen her smile so much in years. She was positively beaming and she was wearing a dress and heels.

“See, if fits perfectly. They all do. Thanks you so much Mitch,” she said.

Thank you for what I thought. And then I realized. She was wearing my dress and my shoes.

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