I finally got around to really looking at what my brother and sister-in-law gave me for my birthday yesterday, and I'm really moved.
See, I had asked for socks for work, and they gave me a tube covered in cold paper filled with socks, so that was fine.
Then, like I said, I actually really looked at them and noticed something I hadnt before.
The socks were ladies ankle socks in pretty colors.
Not terribly practical for work, but for a fun day when I dont want to be either barefoot or in nylons they're perfect.
But that's not the point, really. The point is that they consciously picked something feminine for me.
Like maybe, just maybe, they're really seeing me as a woman.
Like they're realizing Dorothy is here to stay.
Sniffle, sob .....
I'm the luckiest trans woman on planet Earth.
Dorothy's Socks
I'm glad they're coming around and starting to accept you, Dot. I know from your past blogs how much it hurt you that they rejected you as Dorothy. Maybe they saw how much it hurt you too, and are coming around. Whatever the reason, I'm happy for you, lady.
That's so sweet
I'm going to try and work in "saying it with socks" as a sentimental reference in a conversation, sometime!
Absolutely fantabulous
That's absolutely fantastic! It always makes me all warm and fussy when my wife, who still maintains she wishes I'd been successful in keeping Patricia a secret, gives me something feminine or suggests I get something feminine. So I can appreciate, at least to some degree, what this means to you.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
That's so sweet!
Abigail Drew.