Ultimate Empathy Therapy. Part 2 of 8

"You mean there's not an escape clause in that waiver? I don't like this. I demand to be returned to my normal state of mind!"

Ultimate Empathy Therapy
Part 2 of 8

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.


Sufficiently full, the family went to the Counseling Centre for their session. The Centre was a separate building from the Reception/Registration area, and had multiple rooms for different sessions. The rooms all had huge windows with one-way glass to show the surrounding tropical views and vegetation. The Braxtons were led to the biggest room.

Once inside, Drs. Mark Brand and Rahne Ruiz met them. Dr. Brand greeted the family. “Mr. and Mrs. Braxton, Tina, Janis — welcome.”

“Wow — we get the two head honchos to be our counselors? How did we rate that?” wondered Marlene.

Dr. Brand explained. “We have evaluated all of the problems that each of the patients have come to deal with this week, and have concluded that this family requires the most intensive and urgent intervention. We will have a brief session with all of you, then break off into two groups: mother/Janis, and father/Tina.”

Kent was somewhat surprised. He had thought the reason the head counselors were there was because he was a Very Important Person, not because their situation was so serious. “Are we that bad? As far as I can see, the only thing about our situation is that my daughter refuses to follow by the house rules. Fix that, and we’ll all be fine.”

Dr. Brand turned to Kent, making direct eye contact. “Mr. Braxton. Your family’s condition appears serious. To have any hope of saving it, I will require some things from you. One, have an open mind. If you contest all of our observations, you will waste everyone’s time here. Two, I require you to submit to a level where you are the equal of your spouse and children. The counselor you are with will be the authority in the room for your sessions.”

Kent emitted a light laugh. “With all due respect, sir, I paid for your services. Your job here is to serve me. That’s how I see it.”

“What you paid me for, Mr. Braxton, is to try to get your family to healing. So that’s what I’m going to do. And that means today I take the leadership position in this room.”

Brand spoke with such authority that it temporarily made Kent go mute. He wasn’t used to someone else telling him what to do.

The tall counselor’s face softened. “I’m going to do you a huge favor, Kent. I’m going to confront you with the truth when you’re messing up. I will not humiliate; just confront. You are surrounded at work by people who will not speak against any of your decisions or opinions, because they fear for their jobs. In your home, your family fears punishment. It’s a rare blessing for a leader to have someone in his life who’s brave enough to point out his bullshit to him. I’ll be that blessing for you, this week. Will you submit to that?”

The father of the foursome was silent, looking at the floor, rubbing his hands tightly together. His daughters held their breath. Marlene prayed. Please, Kent. Show some humility, for our sake.

Kent’s head came back up. His eyes were misty, and slowly his authoritative posture lost its tension — his shoulders sunk slightly, his face and hands relaxed. “Okay, Dr. Brand. You’re the boss. I will submit to your instruction, listen with an open mind, and … yes, I will see my daughter as an equal. For this week.”

Dr. Brand smiled. “Thank you.”

The three females were amazed and impressed. Especially Tina. I’ve NEVER seen Dad that way. He always has to be the big chief, the driver of the car. Dare I hope that Dad will finally stop and really listen to my side of the story?

Some more questions, and then they split into groups of three. Brand took Kent and Tina, while Rahne took Marlene and Janis.


“Ground rules. When one of you is talking, the other one will not interrupt. PERIOD. No moans, groans, loud sighs, or other intrusive nonverbal acts. When you’re not talking, LISTEN to what the other is saying; DO NOT be preparing your rebuttal in your head. Lastly, your thoughts and opinions are just that: opinions. Not irrefutable facts. Speak them out as ‘I feel that …’ or ‘I think …’, please. Talk about how you feel. And be kind to each other in your speech. Do you both agree?”

Even though Dr. Brand spoke in a normal volume, his basso profundo voice shook Kent’s chest and made Tina shrink in her seat. “Yes sir,” they both said in near unison.

“Good. Now, the questionnaire that Mrs. Braxton returned to us gave me the bare bones of the conflict between you two. I’d like to hear you two elaborate on that; I’ll hear out both sides. Tina, would you like to go first?”

A half smile curled the left side of Tina’s mouth. “You mean, I get to start? Cool.”


Before Dr. Rahne Ruiz could begin her session, Janis blurted her a question. “What country is your last name from? It sounds Hispanic.”

“Aye, wee one. Me great grandfather was half Spaniard, and I got th’ Ruiz from him. Th’ rest o’ my clan is from Scotland. ‘Rahne’ is a scots name. Its roots mean stubborn, passionate, and lovin’.”

Marlene had a query also. “Why are Janis and I having a session? It seems to me the biggest problem is with my husband and older daughter.”

“A hot flame burns all wha’ are near it. In a family, just one person gettin’ sick — emotionally — tends tae make all th’ others sick too. Tell me, Janis. This war atween yuir faither ‘n’ sister — how do ye see it affecting ye ‘n’ yuir mother?”

Janis teared up, squirmed, then spoke. “It’s all Tina’s fault!”



Dr. Mark Brand had his elbows on his desk, hands intertwined, and chin resting on his fingers. Tina was sobbing. Kent looked away through the window, a mixture of anger and anguish on his countenance. After a minute more of tense silence, the black counselor finally spoke.

“Let me see if I heard correctly. You both enjoyed a good father-daughter relationship until about a year ago. That’s when Kent and Marlene found out about Tina’s relationship with a boy named Mitch. Mitch is - how much older than you, Tina?”

She silently held up three fingers.

“Three years. So you were barely seventeen, and he was twenty. How did he meet you?”

Tina blew her nose. “He goes to our church — our huge, 2,500 member church. He attended the college age classes. When he saw me sitting on the other side of the sanctuary, it was love at first sight — that’s what he says. So he asked me out. He came by the high school at my lunchtime and took to me get some lunch. He told me to keep it secret — he said my big shot dad intimidated him.” She shot a mean look at Kent.

Brand pushed on. “And did you fall in love with him?”

“After that first lunch date, yes. I knew he had to be the one.”

“And your father disapproves.”

“Yessssss,” she hissed, again glaring at her dad.

“Why does he disapprove, in your opinion?”

“He thinks I’m too young to fall in love, to make my own decisions. He wants me to be his baby girl forever, and to have no other man but him in my life. Sick.”

The doctor raised an eyebrow. “That’s what your dad told you?”

Tina lowered her head. “No. But that’s what he thinks, I know it. All of my girlfriends say that’s how their fathers think.”

“Hmmmm …”

Uh — oh. The shrink is saying a long ‘hmmmm.’ That can’t be good, thought Tina.

“… mmm. Let’s change the subject some. Where did Mitch take you out to eat on that first lunch date?”

Tina’s face turned red. “He … took me to his room. At his parent’s house.”

“What did you have to eat?”

The teen girl sat silent, her mouth open, but unable to produce a sound.

“Tina … did you have lunch with Mitch, or sex?”

Her hung head told the answer.

“It’s okay, Tina. Lots of teenage girls have sex. It’s a normal part of childhood.”

“Not for me, doctor. It was my first time. And with him sneaking around and swearing me to secrecy, it felt like we were doing something wrong. But why was it wrong? Why did I have to hide the fact that I’m head over heels for my Mitch? Why can’t we make love if that’s what we choose to do? I’m a legal adult! Sure I still live at home until I graduate, but I have the right to live my life any way I want! And what I want is to get married to Mitch!” Tina was now standing, a new righteous indignation fueling her plea. Her father looked at the wall with a numb, dull look, faintly shaking his head.

“That’s true, Tina,” said the doc. “An adult can make her own decisions — as long as she is willing to live with the consequences. How many times did you have sex dates with Mitch until your folks found out?”

“Uh … it was most every school day last year from March ‘till school ended.”

“Thirty or more times?”

“Probably,” she whispered.

“Any birth control?”

“He … he promises me that he always pulls out in time.”


“He said he’s clean. A lab test said so. He swore it to me.”

“You sound like you’re fully committed to him. Is he true to you? Does he sleep with any other girls?”

Tina’s face began to come undone. “He … he’s getting better about that. He’s just so hot that these junior high sluts just throw themselves at him. He’s a guy — it’s hard for him to be strong all of the time.”

Dr. Brand spoke deeply and gently. “Tina. Your college age boyfriend is sleeping with junior high girls from your church?”

Tina’s tears were flowing freely again. Her reply was a mix of pain and anger. “If HE,” she pointed to Kent, “would just let me date Mitch as much as I need to, I could keep him faithful!”

Kent’s voice came forth quietly. “From what we’ve found out, Mitch has had occasional intimate contact with multiple underage girls. Most remain infatuated with him, and are loath to testify against him or press charges. He’s not been taken to court by anyone yet, though he has lost his ability to take any kind of leadership role at church. He was also a volunteer at a Boy’s and Girl’s club, and they now have banned him from their center.”

The girl’s rebuttal came rapidly. “Dad spied on Mitch with a private eye to get that information. Half of it is probably not true! And MY dad accuses ME of sneaking around?!”

Brand looked concerned. “Tina — even if only one tenth of all this is true, doesn’t it worry you?”

“Mitch is so sweet at heart, though. He doesn’t like this part of himself. He says he thinks he can change if I help him. But I’ve got to be able to see him, to fill his needs — to keep him satisfied.”

“Tina, listen to me carefully,” said the black counselor. “From what I’m hearing, the only way you could satisfy Mitch is if you could forever be a 13 year old virgin.”

She was bawling again. “I c-can’t help it *sob* … I love him!”


Dr. Rahne Ruiz was digging further with her two patients. Janis was stating her view.

“It is all my sister’s fault! First she has to go and let that Mitch creep sex her up — and in so many disgusting ways! He did her back door! You know what that means, right? UGH! Disgusting! Then she argues with Dad about it — I mean, she never used to talk back to him. Then Dad is in a bad mood, and I can’t relax with him like that. Everyone walks around on egg whites!”

“I think ye mean egg shells, lassie,” smiled Rahne. “Do ye feel overlooked fer all o’ th’ attention Tina gets, even if most o’ it is negative?”

“No. Mom and Dad are perfect to me.”

“Janis has been our trouble free child through all of this,” said Marlene as she put an arm around her daughter. “She gets good grades, is always sweet and agreeable, keeps to herself mostly, and never gets in trouble. She’s my calm in this storm.”

The redheaded therapist scribbled on her pad. “Are ye jealous o’ Tina in any way, Janis?”

“Maybe I wish the boys flocked to me at least half as much as they do her. She literally has her pick of any boy around. And then she chooses a loser! It’s … it’s not fair. But anyway, if most guys are like Mitch, I’ll join a convent before I go steady with any of them. I’m happy just being a daughter to two wonderful parents.” As she said the last sentence, she laid her head on her mother’s shoulder.

“Aye, lass. To listen tae ye ‘n’ yuir mother, it seems that if yuir sister would just shape up, th’ rest o’ th’ family would hae a perfect, peaceful, lovin’ existence.”

“EXACTLY!” said the mother and daughter in unison.

Rahne watched this interaction closely, with concern. They’re tryin’ too hard tae look idyllic. At least Janis is. There’s somethin’ that she — or they — ‘r hidin’.


Kent spoke with regret tingeing his voice. “If I could do this over, I’d let the girls start dating earlier. I subscribed to the notion that dating should start no earlier than age 16. Then when Tina approached that age, I changed it to 17. As a result, when Mitch approached her, she’d really never dated anyone. All out of obedience to my rules. That boy was her first boyfriend, her first sexual experience, and she’s infatuated. When Marlene and I first learned about her and Mitch, Tina was already acting and thinking as if she and he were married. She hasn’t even finished high school yet.

“I’m not against young love — hell, I married Marlene when we both were 19 — but this guy is trouble. He’s got a fetish with underage girls. There’s no reason to think that will change if he marries Tina. I half think he’s pursuing her to get access to our rich family and lifestyle. If Tina could just at least date around a little — experience attraction to other boys — the spell that Mitch has over her might be broken.”

As he spoke, Tina sat slumped over in her chair, covering her ears and shedding tears.

“While Tina is still in school, legally I’m her parent and somewhat responsible for her. So I feel she should live by my rules. Yet starting this school year — her senior year — she began rebelling. One afternoon when she and Janis were home from school, Marlene stepped out to go to the store to get supper. Tina called Mitch, who came over and had sex with Tina in her bed while Janis stayed in her own room with the door locked. Mitch threatened Janis with bodily harm if she told anyone he had been there; we found out anyway, as Marlene came back home early to get her wallet. So now, Janis is scared to death of Mitch, and we have a restraining order against him.

“I have grounded Tina for the year — “

“For the YEAR?” Brand was a little shocked.

“Yes,” said Kent as if he were talking about stock options. “We keep a constant eye on her. Either Marlene or I keep her with us at all times. At school, she no longer has privileges to leave school grounds. Yet Tina persists in her obsession with Mitch, and has become spiteful and disrespectful — with me, mainly. I put my foot down, but she persists. I demand respect. Her mother says I should try a softer approach, but I don’t see how that would work.”

Then, in an extremely low volume voice, Kent added: “And … I don’t know how to do soft discipline. I know my way isn’t working. But I don’t know what else to do.”

There was about a minute of silence as Kent and Tina sat at opposite ends of the couch, both hanging their heads. Kent began to snort back phlegm, betraying his near tears.

Dr. Brand broke the silence. “What is the worst outcome that could happen in this situation, Kent?”

“The worst? That she gets married to and/or pregnant from this creep, and ruins her life.”

“Wrong. The worst outcome is that you lose your relationship with your daughter forever. That’s what you’re risking by acting this way.”

Kent’s head shot up, a look of surprise and dread on his face. He hadn’t considered that could happen.


Dr. Rahne was complimenting Janis on her looks in an attempt to build her self-esteem. “I must say, lassie, ye are th’ most elegant and glamorous woman on th’ island. Yuir jewelry, yuir look, yuir clothes, yuir shoes … ye even outdo yuir sister an’ mother. No offense intended, Mom.”

“None taken. It’s true, she dresses like a model,” laughed Marlene.

“Thank you, both of you,” chirped Janis without a trace of embarrassment.

“How do ye get th’ money tae look like that?”

“Well, I get an allowance — the same amount that Tina does — but I’m just great at finding deals.”

Marlene added, “She’s also friends with another schoolgirl who comes from a wealthy family. I mean BILLIONAIRE wealthy. Chloe Margolis’ dad is an international stockbroker, and she is always dressed to the nines. Janis will come back from a weekend at Chloe’s with clothes and accessories — Gucci, Donna Karan, you name it — all gifts from Chloe.”

“We go to private school,” said Janis. “Chloe likes to hang with me, and she wants me to dress the part.”

“OCH! What a blessin’ tae have such a generous friend! Does she also come o’er tae yuir house to spend th’ night?”

Janis’ face turned white. “Oh god no! I couldn’t stand for her to come to our dumpy house! It wouldn’t do for her to be seen in our neighborhood!”

“Honey … we live in a 2 million dollar mansion in a gated community,” murmured Marlene.

“Mom. You don’t know what ‘rich’ is. I mean, Chloe lives in a palace. A castle. I would die of embarrassment if she came over.”

Rahne tapped her fingers on her pad. “Hmmm…”



Dr. Mark Brand had heard both sides of the story. He now was eager to start resolving the conflict.

“Kent, Tina. Have you — either of you — ever tried to ‘walk a mile’ in each other’s shoes? Imagine what the other is feeling and experiencing, in an attempt to understand why you both act the way you do?” Both patients looked up, but Tina responded first.

“I know why Dad does what he does. Like I said, he doesn’t want to give up control over my life. He wants to be the #1 man in his ‘little girl’s’ life forever.”

Kent grunted with irritation. “She has no idea where I’m coming from. But I know what’s in her teenage head. She’ll look back one day and thank me that I kept her from a stupid decision — if she ever grows up.”

“Time out!” said Brand. “Developing empathy for each other is the first step in trying to heal your relationship. I’d like to start with a course of guided imagery for both of you, starting in the morning —“

“Guided imagery? That doesn’t work for me. I’ve done it as part of stress reduction at work. I actually got more stressed because of all the damn time it wasted,” Kent spat.

“I’d be willing — but only if he’ll do it too,” remarked Tina.

“I knew this damn therapy would be a failure,” mumbled her father below his breath.

“Again — time out!” Dr. Mark Brand spoke in his deepest, most authoritative tone. “Okay. There is another therapy we can use that will guarantee the development of empathy. It’s fairly extreme so we use it only as a last resort here. In fact, before we use it, I have to clear it with the CEO; so please excuse me for a minute. Can I request that you two speak only with kindness while I’m gone?”

Kent was curious. “Who’s your CEO? Is he or she on the island?”

“No. ‘He or she’ resides elsewhere. Now, will you both be courteous — or if you cannot, remain silent?”

“Yes,” grumbled Kent.

“Yes sir,” smiled Tina, still pleased that her father was now taking orders instead of barking them.


Dr. Rahne Ruiz felt she’d reached a blockage to further therapy with Marlene and especially Janis. The combination of lack of complete openness along with denial of any problem made progress virtually impossible, at least for the rest of today. “Both o’ ye; I get th’ feelin’ that there’s some problem or shame that’s not bein’ talked about. I shan’t force it out o’ ye. But I suspect one or both of ye aren’t bein’ totally honest.”

Marlene’s jaw dropped. “Really? I … I thought I’d been completely forthright with you. I don’t think I’m hiding anything.”

The teen was pale as a sheet as a trickle of sweat ran down her back. “Yeah … me too. Mom, I’m getting tired. Are we almost through?”

“We’re done, wee one. Why don’t we meet one more time at least, in 2 days? If either of ye want tae talk t’ me afore then, just call me or th’ office. You two are free tae go; I have a feelin’ that Dr. Brand still has a while yet with Dad ‘n’ Tina.”


Tina sat across from her father in uncomfortable silence. Her thoughts reflected her yearnings.

God, what I would give to hear him say that he still loves me. I want to tell him I’m sorry — sorry for hurting him and Mom, for lying, for falling for a guy with issues. If he would just forgive me and hold me. But no, I can hear him now: ‘If you’re so sorry, then stop seeing Mitch!’ GYAAH! I do love Dad — but I hate him, too. He probably thinks I’m a failure as a daughter, as a Braxton. I’ll bet he’s ashamed of me — at least, that’s how he acts.

In Kent’s head, turmoil was brewing. I’m screwing this up. I’m screwing everything up. But do I sacrifice my principles — hell, do I sacrifice my DAUGHTER — just to make nice and get peace back in the house? I truly don’t know what to do. Kent Braxton, company big shot, savior of failing businesses — and as a father, I’m a pile of crap. Someone tell me what to do. I truly don't know what action to take next. Please, tell me what to do.

“Hello! I’m comin’ in on yuir session,” said a cheerful Dr. Ruiz as she entered the room. “Whenever we do UET, it usually requires Dr. Brand ‘n’ me t’gether.”

“UET?” both patients said.

“Ultimate Empathy Therapy,” said Brand as he returned. “The extreme treatment I mentioned before. We believe that if you two truly understand each other, your conflict has a good chance of being resolved successfully.”

Kent was skeptical. “What kind of ‘extreme’ are we talking about? Hypnotizing me to think I’m a teenage girl?”

Drs. Brand and Ruiz looked at each other with a surprised look. Rahne responded with a wry grin. “Not exactly … but tha’s aboot as close an explanation as I c’n give, sir.”

“The CEO has approved this for you two. I need both of you to sign these waivers,” said Brand as he handed papers out.

Kent scanned the form with his executive eye. “Hmmm … treatment lasts for 60 hours … can be prolonged or permanent if one of the parties so desires … I do not hold the Isla responsible for any consequences brought about from any actions I take while undergoing the treatment …” He put the paper down. “What are we signing up for, human experimentation? The language in this waiver sounds a little ominous!”

“I assure you Mr. Braxton, in spite of the language in the contract, we have used this therapy on over 130 clients in the past. Every one of them found it superbly successful. But I won’t force you into it.”

“Please, Dad? I’ll do it if you will.” Tina hoped she still had the ability to pull on her Father’s heartstrings.

Kent sighed. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.” He signed the waiver.


“If ye both would sit yuirselves over here, please.”

Rahne pointed to a small square table with two chairs facing each other. A large plate of glass bisected the table, so it was possible to be seated and see the other seated person through the glass pane. Kent and Tina sat themselves; they faced each other.

“Now, if both o’ ye would lean forward, reach yuir hands aroond th’ glass on either side o’ it, ‘n’ grasp th’ hands o’ the other person. Good! Just lik’ that. Now look through th’ glass at the other person’s face. Fix that face in yuir eyes.”

Kent felt silly going through this rigmarole. Yet he and Tina gazed intently into each other’s faces.

Dr. Brand grabbed a hidden tab on the glass pane and pulled it out of the wooden frame with a SHHHHK. He then placed a whiteboard of equal size up to the pane and inserted it. On both sides of the whiteboard there was writing, in large dry-erase marker print.

“Now, both o’ ye: read th’ words ye see, silently, to yourself. Mean them with as much o’ yuir will as ye can muster. Don’t speak a word or make a sound, except for th’ very last word on the board. Say tha’ word oot loud, then close yuir eyes, and keep ‘em closed.”


Tina said her “amen” and closed her eyes. Kent had reached the last word, but hesitated to say it.

I can truly say that I have no interest in understanding what a teenage girl thinks or feels. Frankly, it feels a little creepy praying this. That’s what this is, right? A prayer? I don’t even go to church with Marlene and the girls, much less talk to God. If he or she even exists, that is. But … I promised I would submit, for Tina’s sake. So, here goes.

“Amen.” Kent then shut his eyes as instructed.

Both Kent and Tina heard a SHHHHHK — SHHHHUNK. It sounded like the whiteboard had been taken out and the glass reinserted.

“Okay, ye two. Open yuir eyes and look a’ th’ glass.”

Kent opened his eyes and once again stared into his daughter’s face. “Well? Now wha —“

He choked in mid-sentence. As he had spoken, his daughter’s mouth had moved, forming the exact words he was saying, and in her voice. Except her voice was coming from his throat. He then heard his familiar baritone sound — but it came from the other side of the table, and said “OH … MY … GOD… NO… WAY!”

Kent saw a head — his head — rise up over the glass and look at him. “Dad,” — his head said to him — “is that you over there?

“Yeah.” Dammit, there was Tina’s voice coming out again when he tried to talk. He looked at his head, peering over the frame of the glass at him. He looked into the glass itself and saw only Tina. As he tilted his head, Tina exactly mimicked his movements. How was she doing that? What was his head doing looking over the glass at him?

Mark Brand squatted beside Kent and hugged him around the shoulders as if to steady him. “Mr. Braxton, you are no longer looking through a clear glass pane. You’re looking in a mirror.”

Tina’s eyes — no, his eyes now?! — grew saucer size as they saw Tina’s body being steadied at the shoulders by Dr. Brand. He heard the counselor’s words in his left ear, but in the glass the Dr. was speaking into Tina’s ear.

Kent shot up out of the chair. He noticed Tina’s brunette hair shifting in and out of the periphery of his vision as he looked furtively around the room to get his bearings. Looking down, he saw his — Tina’s — no, now his — tiny hands with bangles on both wrists and pretty painted nails. He couldn’t see his lower body because of Tina’s — his — ample bosom.

“WHAT IN FUCKING HELL?!” he squeaked in a shrill female voice.

Kent saw his body laughing at him. Then his body said to him, “What have I told you about using the f—word, little girl? You are so grounded!” Then the baritone guffaws started again.



Tina was smiling wide with amazement. “This is a pretty awesome bit of hypnotism! I actually look and feel like I’m in my Dad’s big body!” She walked around, stomping her feet. “I feel so strong! And it looks like I’m a foot taller!”

Kent was huddled in a corner of the room, his dainty arms wrapped around himself. He was shaking — a little from being suddenly chilled in this small body, but mostly from being on the verge of a nervous breakdown. “Stop it. Make it stop. Undo this. Unhypnotize me. Just — just wake me up, PLEASE.” He felt more vulnerable, more weak and unprotected, than at any other time in his life.

Rahne approached Kent. “Sir — I’m sorry, but now that yuir intae th’ therapy, ye have to let it run its course. 60 hours — two ‘n’ a half days.”

Kent resorted to his fail-safe emotion: anger. “What do you mean, I have to let it run its course? You mean there’s not an escape clause in that waiver? I don’t like this. I demand to be returned to my normal state of mind! If not, I will lawyerize all your asses until you lose everything! And — “

“Stop it.”

Kent looked to his side. That order didn’t come from one of the counselors — it came from his old body, the body that Tina now seemed to inhabit. She had talked back to him before, but hearing his booming male voice scolding him knocked him mute.

“You’re embarrassing yourself, and you’re embarrassing me. You may be disoriented and scared, but that gives you no right to take it out on these helpful people. So cool it, and let’s work together to get the most out of this. Okay?”

The teenage girl body (and the man’s mind now inhabiting it) completely lost its cool. “Tina — how DARE you order me around? Don’t forget whom you’re talking to! Now back off and shut up while I try to get us out of this.”

Tina stepped forward and spoke intensely. “Young lady — you will not speak to me in that tone again.”

“I’ll speak to you in any way I choose! No matter how I look to me — or you — I am your father.”

“Yes you are — but here on this island, you agreed to be my equal. Right now, I’m more than your equal. You will not be rude or disrespectful again.”

Kent tried a move that usually worked with his kids, and his employees. He stomped towards Tina in a slow bull rush in an attempt to put his face in hers. “Why? Who’s going to stop me, Ti … na …”

He faltered as he realized that instead of towering over his daughter as usual, he was now looking in her male chest. He looked up and saw a sad but frustrated visage — formerly his, now Tina’s.

“That, young lady, crossed the line,” she said. Her thick manly hand grabbed Kent’s tiny arm, and she pulled him along with her back to her seat. She laid Kent down over her knee.

“Tina — what are you doing?”

“Remember last thanksgiving, father? Where you paddled me in front of the rest of the family for talking back to you? I was seventeen years old. Seventeen. Well, it’s time for a taste of your own medicine.”

She raised her hand and brought it down on Kent’s bottom. Again and again. Kent initially was indignant, though held in place by Tina’s overwhelming strength advantage. But as he felt the repeated slaps, his demeanor changed. His brow began to twist up, and tears rushed out freely. Finally he said, “Stop! Please! I’m sorry — please, please, forgive me.” Tina halted the spanking.

“Are both of you sufficiently done with ‘acting out’?” Brand cut in. “Because we have some recommendations for you to consider during the next fifty-nine hours and forty-four minutes.”

“Go ahead, sir. We’re listening,” said Tina, remarkably poised and relaxed. Kent was still sniffling, but nodded his teen girl’s head.

“First: treat the body you’re in with respect. In less than three days you’ll have to return it.”

“Second: Treat each other with respect. Tina, we didn’t intervene in that spanking episode; given what you said about last Thanksgiving, it was probably appropriate. But you’ve made your point. The goal of this therapy is not revenge, or taking advantage of your new situation; it is to achieve an understanding of each other.”

“Third: everyone else around you will see you as the person who’s body you now inherit. Try not to embarrass each other, as you will still have three days left on the Isla when this special therapy is over.”

Tina whistled — well, she tried to, but her new mustache tickled her nose as she attempted it. Rubbing her nostrils, she had a question. “Everyone on the island? Including Mom and Janis?”

“Yes, Tina.”

“How does that work? Did you hypnotize them too? And everyone else here?”

“Lassie, ye aren’t hypnotized,” Rahne cut in. “When yuir father asked earlier, I responded that hypnotism was close tae what would happen.”

Kent, still shaking, knew what was being hinted at. The sensations, the reality was just too authentic to be a trance state. He looked up with red eyes at his huge, now former anatomy. “Tina — we’re actually in each other’s bodies. I don’t know how they did it, but that’s what has happened.”

Tina’s cheeks turned pale. “No. No, it’s not. You’re wrong.” She looked at Rahne. “Tell him that he’s wrong!”

“Child — he’s tellin’ th’ truth.”

“B-but I don’t want to be stuck in my Dad’s hairy body! And I definitely don’t want my Dad in my body! I mean, when he takes a shower, or changes clothes, I don’t want him seeing my … ooohh God!” It was now the daughter who appeared to be close to “losing it”.

Drs. Brand and Ruiz looked at each other. Rahne whispered to her boss’ ear. “They’re takin’ this harder than most, Mark. We usually do UET between spouses, or lovers. This is the first parent — child we’ve done. Mayhaps they weren’t appropriate for th’ treatment.”

“I see that. But there’s not much we can do about it now. Tell their attendant to keep a very close watch on both of them. Who is their attendant, by the way? Demetrius? Shannon?”

Rahne pulled out a folder and opened it up to the tab stating “Braxton”. She smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. “It’s Angelo.”

Brand’s face relaxed. “Oh, thank heaven. Rahne, I think this is going to turn out OK.”




This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to a real situation or person is purely coincidental

Tremendous thanks to Cyclist for beta reading and help!

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