Well, yesterday was a pain-filled day. First, my breasts started hurting, and it got pretty bad. So bad that I started crying on the phone with Jaci and Ruth and pretty much blubbered for more than hour, with the only words I could say were "I'm sorry" over and over again ......
Then, at work, my male bits somehow managed to slip out of my panties, and the pain I experienced was tremendous, and the psychological suffering was just as bad ....
Ah, well. Time to sleep, and hope for a better night tonight.
Oh my!
That so sucks, Dot...
Hopefully the breast pain is a good thing? Growth soon maybe? If it still keeps up and even gets any worse, you'd better talk to your doc to be sure.
And I understand the male bits problem only all too well... I don't know what you do to try to contain them, but I wear double pairs both a bit too small... Right against my skin are regular panties and then I wear a gaff over that. And as long as I get a good tuck they don't ever slip.
I wish there was a better solution, but just the gaff alone gives a permanent wedgie and doesn't really hold all of me cuz my groin is just too wide. I've got a more of a girl pelvis and they just don't make gaffs for me.
My panties fit perfect, but my gaff leaves some of my groin uncovered, which leaves room for bits to escape...
I hope you have a better day as well!
Abigail Drew.
Whatever you do,
don't hack your package off. It's your future vagina and labias.
Just curious,
Are you taking spiro? My male bits have shrunk to almost ¼ size and spent a lot of their time hiding. Poor things, home is just not home anymore.
I can understand anyone not taking it though, I truly detest the other side effects.
My breasts always hurt when they're growing...
and they always seem to be growing! And I'm not even trying... Oh, well.
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!