had coffee with my friend Erin yesterday, and she asked me if I did anything to augment my breasts. I dont, but the whole time we were talking afterward I was self-conscious about them. It felt almost like I was topless, if you understand what I mean. I've been told this is a pretty normal reaction for a girl ....
Psychological Contagion
Now you've got ME thinking about them. = )
thinking about my breasts, are you?
I could really be a tease, knowing that piece of information ....
I KNOW you're a tease. = )
And I like it. : )
If you're talking about...
If you're talking about mild, temporary, things, like push ups with some extra padding... I do. Every single day. And I'm really not ashamed to admit it. I wear bras that augment me to about where I'd like to get naturally some day. Maybe a little bit less. I'm not completely sure whether I want C's or D's... ;)
I'm an A and I augment to a C.
Abigail Drew.