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“Yes.” He found himself saying aloud. He thought about it again. “Yes….. yes, I enjoyed it. He found himself standing in the middle of no where, standing on the side of the road smiling. Smiling, because he enjoyed being a girl. He did enjoy dressing the part. Enjoyed the attention from both guys and girls. Enjoyed the friendships. He enjoyed being a girl and yes, he was content with it. By Anistasia Allread |
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Chapter 28
Erika waited in the dark, straining her ears to hear the breathing of the different people in the beds around her. Katie and Krystal’s snoring fell in an out of sync with one another as one took slower deeper breaths than the other. Rachel rolled towards the wall, pulling her blanket with her, creaking the bed as she settled again. If she focused, tuned out the other sounds, Erika could pin point Phoenix’s slow steady breathing.
Erika slipped from her blankets and silently slid to the floor. She knelt beside the lower bunk that Samantha slept in and centimeter by centimeter, opened her top drawer. She cautiously pulled her lap-top from under some of her clothes, swung a back-pack over her shoulder and took up her tennis shoes.
Victoria drooled on her pillow through an open mouth. The Hispanic newspaper editor and Samantha had gone off somewhere while the others made their way to the cabin to ready themselves for the game. Samantha recounted the conversation later.
Samantha, had told Victoria that she was to stop badgering Erika and making snide comments. Victoria told Samantha that she had changed her mind. Erika had three days to reveal her secret to the other girls in the cabin, or she was going to. ‘A week is too long to keep up this façade ‘she told Samantha. ‘Three days including today’. Victoria did agree to stop making comments to or about Erika for those three days, or until she make public that she was in fact Eric, a guy.
Erika fought the urge to stick some toilet paper into Victoria’s mouth. It would have only been fitting, with all of the shit that had been spewing from it.
Erika stealthily slipped up to Phoenix’s bed next to the door. Phoenix’s slow steady breathing never changed, Erika tucked the lap-top under her arm that held her shoes and ever so slowly turned the door knob. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. If Phoenix caught her, the whole thing would fall apart. She felt the inner spring of the knob tighten and stop. The door, released from its confines easily and quietly opened. As soon as there was a crack big enough for her to squeeze through, she found herself on the front step and attempting to close the door as silently as she had opened it.
Fresh air filled her lungs with the scent of the trees and of a heavy dew, that was promised in the morning. Erika winced and swore under her breath as she scampered barefoot down the path towards the parking lot.
Once she had reached a shadowed part of the lot, she sat down on a stump. She brushed away the pebbles and pine needles that were affixed to the soles of her feet, and slipped her tennis shoes on.
Although Victoria kept a civil tongue all evening, she did cast Erika dirty looks all afternoon and evening, and she went out of her way to make a show of concealing and covering up after showering, and changing her clothes. Rachel wasn’t happy with the cold truce that resulted from the meeting that Samantha and Victoria had that afternoon. All it seemed to do was internalize their problems. Neither of the girls would tell her what they were fighting about. The tension amongst the three girls was so thick that Phoenix kept looking from one to the other trying to figure out what was going on.
Breaking with the week-long tradition of wearing night-shirts and panties to bed, Erika changed into shorts and her Ramones T-shirt for bed, but no one seemed to have noticed. It was a bit chilly this evening for shorts but she figured that once she got moving, she would warm up. She slipped her lap-top into her backpack and Swinging it over her shoulder, she began a fast walk down the gravel road to the main road that lead to town.
The girls of Columbine cabin met the girls of Daisy cabin on the field for softball. Daisy cabin was ranked number four among the girl cabins and were not supposed to be a threat in the quest for points, especially in sports. Due to the tension between the girls of Columbine however, Daisy walloped them in the game. Rachel was fuming. It should have been an effortless win and easy points for their quest for the top cabin of the summer.
Although Erika had hit a few base hits and a double, Rachel and Katie were the power houses of their game. Dani, because of her height, played third base. Rachel was the obvious pitcher, since she had pitched softball for her school. Katie took short-stop, Samantha first base, and the rest worked the outfield, and took turns playing second base. Daisy cabin scored three runs due to the lack of Samantha, Victoria, and Erika’s communication. Dani was able to hit the ball, but had trouble getting to first base before the ball did. Krystal may have been good at kicking a ball, but she couldn’t hit, catch, or throw a soft-ball worth a damn.
The girls, bummed about losing the game, changed into their swimsuits and went down to the lake. Katie and Dani had fun playing around in the water together. Krystal, although she now had a swimsuit, refused to take off her shorts and shirt and get into the water. She stayed in the shade on the beach and pretended to watch everyone else.
The gravel drive that Erika had been following, finally met up with the main road. Erika looked both directions in the dark and headed in the direction of the town. If she remembered right, it was quite a way to the small burg, and she hoped that she would be able to get on a bus before the camp was awake and discovered her absence.
She didn’t have much in the way of money, but she thought she might have enough to get at least back home. Once there, she could wait until her parents had gone to work before going into the house. Erika could then begin the transformation back to Eric. Take the breast forms off, get rid of the gaffe, cut his hair and acrylic nails. He would just have to make his parents understand that camp wasn’t for him. As for school, that was harder. How could he convince his parents to allow him to transfer to another high school? There is no way he could return to his school, especially since Victoria knew about the summer.
Samantha was in awe with how natural Erika looked in her swim suit. The gaffe smoothed out the groin area and it didn’t hurt to take off, like duct tape had. The breast forms made her appear to have cleavage in a way that the old forms Samantha had given her couldn’t duplicate. The nasty looks that Victoria had cast her way were mixed with looks of confusion. Samantha said it was because Erika looked better in a swim suit than Victoria did. She did notice the boys at the lake taking more of a notice in her than they had in the past. Or was it because she had been on a date with the ever-popular Josh?
A semi-truck passed going the opposite direction. The wind from its passing buffeted her, blowing her hair around and into her eyes. She used her long blue nails to sweep it back, tucking it behind her ear as she continued to walk along the dark road, lit only by the half-moon in the virtually cloudless sky.
While spending their time at the lake, Erika spotted Kyle and Josh engaged in tossing a Nerf football around with guys from other cabins. Josh, going for a long pass, bumped into Samantha, knocking them both into the water. When they came up sputtering, Samantha splashed him in the face as he was about to take a breath. Once he stopped choking on lake water, he sought her out and apologized. The two spoke for a few moments before the guys playing ball kept calling him to re-join in their game. Samantha returned to the dock where Erika was sunning herself, her feet dangling in the cool water.
“Josh asked me on a date.” She had confided. “Do you mind?..... I’ll call it off, if you don’t want me to.”
Erika’s heart had stopped. Josh asked her Samantha out on a date. Her Samantha…. How could he? She tried to swallow the lump that suddenly formed in her throat, but couldn’t. She tried again and with considerable amount of effort was able to get it down. She felt her heart start up again, but it pounded painfully.
“Why should I mind.” She had said. “You like him don’t you?”
“Yes, he’s really cute.” Samantha grinned. “You really don’t mind?”
Yes I mind! Her brain screamed. You’re mine, Samantha. I love you…… I have always loved you…. Don’t go out with Josh the Jock! Instead she forced a smiled. “I don’t mind.” She had lied.
“Thank you Erika, you’re the best!” Samantha had thrown her arms around her and hugged her.
Tears flowed fresh in her eyes. The white line along the side of road became a winding blur as she walked between the line and the gravel lined ditch. A car honked a brief note as it passed, startling her. She flipped it off as its tail lights faded and disappeared around a corner.
The others in the cabin saw that I’m in love with Samantha. Why can’t Samantha see it? Part of the reason for Eric going along with this whole charade was because he hoped to show Samantha how much he loved her. Now she was going out with the hunk, Josh. How can she do this to me? How can she go out with Josh, when I’d do just about anything to for her love? I even dressed like a girl for her. That wasn’t totally true. He went to camp as a girl to keep from being picked on like he had at school. To avoid being thrown into bushes along the paths, to keep away from having a baseball thrown at his groin so that he lay on the ground coughing and gasping for breath like that one day in P.E last year. He had gone to camp as a girl to evade being ‘pantsed’ while on the dock at the lake. The memory of having someone jerk his shorts down at the public pool last summer, exposing his nakedness burned fresh inside him.
Samantha in their chat had said being a girl was just as hard as being a guy. Eric had to admit that it was difficult but in a different way. Girls were sneakier and more verbal in their destroying of one another. But he had also seen girls who didn’t have much in common, embrace one another as sisters. Dani and Katie for example, as different as night and day, yet in their differences, they found a bond as strong as sisterhood.
The clothes and taking care of your appearance was also more time consuming. But in a way, Eric found that he liked dressing up. He liked looking in the mirror and seeing a beautiful young woman looking back at him. Getting his hair cut and being fussed over was a great experience. A guy’s haircut was done almost before it started, but a girl’s hair cut was an experience to be savored. Getting his nails done was also a fairly pleasant experience. It probably would have been more enjoyable had Katie not been asking a million and one questions, but he found that he did enjoy the pampering. He was getting pretty good at applying make-up as well. At least he was getting faster….. of course, most of the time this past week, Erika would wear little more than mascara and a touch of eye shadow. But there was an art form to it and Eric had begun to appreciate the creativity that was involved.
Eric came to a sudden stop. Had he enjoyed being Erika? A cool breeze that whispered through the trees tickled his tresses. Absentmindedly he brushed a lock from blowing across his face. Had he really enjoyed being Erika? Had he really enjoyed shaving his legs, wearing skirts and wedged sandals? Had he really liked spending time polishing one another’s nails, planning outfits, and fixing one another’s hair rather than talking football, cars and movies? Seeing who could spit the farthest, who could bench more weight, who could run the fastest, swim the furthest? Had he really enjoyed being Erika?..... being a girl?
“Yes.” He found himself saying aloud. He thought about it again. “Yes….. yes, I enjoyed it. He found himself standing in the middle of nowhere, standing on the side of the road smiling. Smiling, because he enjoyed being a girl. He did enjoy dressing the part. Enjoyed the attention from both guys and girls. Enjoyed the friendships. He enjoyed being a girl and yes, he was content with it.
He began skipping down the road towards town…. towards the bus…… towards home…… his steps faltered.….. towards the death of Erika.
What are you doing, Eric? His mind questioned his judgment. If you go home, you won’t be able to be Erika. You dumb-ass. You go home and Erika is as good as dead. You won’t be able to wear cute clothes, you won’t be able to get your nails done, you won’t be able to hang out with the girls at school and have friends. If you go home…… Erika ceases to exist.
Eric reached down and picked up a rock and threw it as hard as he could down the road. “God damn it!” he screamed. He took a deep breath and screamed again. You go home, you moron, and not only does Erika die, but ‘the plague’ re-emerges. You go home and you are nothing but the loser that everyone says you are. You go back to the camp and tell the others and you are as good as sent home a loser and the laughing stock of the camp and later, the school.
“God! How do I get in these situations!?” he screamed. He dropped to the ground and sat there bathed in the silver light of the moon. The white line that marked the side of the road glimmered as small pieces of something in the paint reflected the moon light.
“Where do I go, God?” Eric looked up at the vast dark sky spotted with twinkling stars. “What do I do?”
The sound of a car coming down the road brought him to take note of his surroundings. A fenced field across the road held several cows, all standing still, two of them were looking directly at him, as if studying something unnatural, something alien. The other cows seemed to be grazing on grass that looked bathed in mercury in the night. Tall fir trees dotted with a few scrub oaks loomed over him from behind a barbed wire fence on his side of the road. He was on a straight away that curved about half a mile ahead. Head lights of the approaching car bounced as the car rode over bumps and dips in the road.
“Why does this shit always happen to me?” He called to God. Eric got to his feet and began walking once more. Slowly, he put one foot in front of the other. One step at a time, he headed towards the town. Towards the death of Erika. Tears fell unheeded from his eyes. It looks like Erika will have to die in order him to reach any resemblance of peace. He will have to go home and submit to the ire of his parents. Maybe he could convince them to allow him to spend some time with his grandmother. If he talked to her, maybe she could talk his parents into letting him transfer to another school. It couldn’t be any worse than being ‘the plague’ at his school, could it?
Who knows, given time, he might even be able to forget Samantha. Forget his longing to be with her. Who knows, He may, in time, even forget that for one week of one summer he was a girl named Erika.
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Awesome chapter
You need to add something to the keywords like "Warning: have a tissue handy."
Weren't you supposed to be on a hiatus?
the last
this is the last chapter before going on Hiatus..... it was written last week. along with the last 4. I hope to post 1 chapter or 2 a month for a while..... I just can't keep up the pace of posting one a week.
I hope you all like it.
I understand, which is why
I understand, which is why Sorority Girl is on a two week schedule. The pace can be downright brutal.
And an excellent chapter by the way. Nice to see the turning point for Eric/a.
We are the change that will save the world.
We are the change that will save the world.
Very well written, and not as cliffhangery... but I'll still be waiting until you pick this story back up.
Why do you torture us so?
Why do you torture us so? Once more you have me crying, wondering what Erika's future holds. Speaking from personal experience, transgenderism is not a genie that can ever successfully be put back in the bottle...
I wish you a speedy completion for HaP, if only so we can get nearer to a resolution for Erika! :) Yes, I am greedy; see what you created with your great writing?
What the...
I wasn't expecting that.
Awesome stuff Stasia.
Maybe she will bump into Christina Chase
... and the two of them can come back together.
Oh, Anistasia! Will she walk down that road for a whole month!?
Well, you have to do what you have to do...
I could always go back to the beginning and read it all over.
Kaleigh Waily Way
Running away...
... is not how I handled problems at that age. But at that age, I admitted to smaller problems. (or maybe I didn't have the imagination to believe it would work). Seems that running away from problems is a common "solution". Now, since the story is over tragically if Erika succeeds we have to assume SOMETHING or SOMEONE interveins to get her back to camp.
It's nice that she's realized she LIKEs being a SHE.
Now, we wait a few weeks for you to take pitty on us, and tell us how things continue.
Hmmmm Precious, we wonders. Has she really got more planned? We thinks not precious. We thinks she's playing for time, yes we do, don't we precious.
camp #28
hey why not be like the rest just stop her every one elc dose gee right when it starts to get interesting you want to pull the pug .ok and i due wish you luck but i relly did think this was just starting to get hot so good and this part make you cray but in a good way.sorry i usley dont leve a comment of say a lot but this is to good to stop ,i was hopeing this wood go on like the story of tuck or as easy as falling off a bike and a few others ,i hope you have a few more as ifyou stop i wont have anny good story left to read as thars nothing on fm thats anny good and all on it are so old and story site need to be up dated like a few other s take care love n hugs whildchild ps sorry but its so good
mr charlles r purcell
verry good story i wood love to see a lot more of this all i can say is wow verry good thanks for shareing
What Will Samantha Do?
Erika has gone because that witch Victoria has threatened Erika. Now that she is gone, what will the witch do? Why is Samantha so blind to Erika's love? Anastasia, you have us all waiting to see what happens next. This series IS a must read for many here.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
135 votes in 3 hours!
This episode has so far gained 135 votes in three hours! This must be a record, and shows just how popular this serial is with your faithful readers, Anistasia. When I looked at the latest HaP chapter—posted yesterday—has received only 6 votes. That must tell you something.
Not even Angharad or Kayleigh have received this number of votes for one chapter, even over a longer period.
This pattern of voting must tell you something, and as one of your greatest fans I urge you to reconsider the shelving Camp K for a while. Pul-eeease! We all love Camp Kumoni.
A desperate
voting counter is wrong
twenty minutes after posting the chapter, I started seeing votes and comments. then all of a sudden in the space of 20 seconds the number of votes went from 12 to 58 then jumped to 74. five seconds later it was at 122. There were less than 100 hits on the story and some of those were still reading, so I know the counter is off...... I've seen the same thing happen to Rules. Oh well.
thanks for the encouragement. I will post another chapter of Camp K soon I promise. I'M NOT SHELVING IT! I am just going to concentrate on HaP, but post chapters of Camp K as they come, just not as often.
voting machines
Sounds like the Diebold Corporation is up to their old tricks!
I can be patient awaiting more Camp K. Best way to show gratitude, I figure.
But it won't be easy........ Powerful, these last 2 chapters!
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
It must be something…
…to do with the Florida Primary!! Hanging-wotsit-itis?
from Naughty Gabi
Across the Pond
hanging chads!!!
Hanging chads Gabi!! Hanging chads Gabi!! If you find him let the State of Florida know soon! tee, hee....
I couldn't remember…
…if it was CHADS or CHAVS! LOL
Voting Counter Wonkiness
I can confirm that it's possible to vote more than once. I once got my browser stuck in a state where the vote counter was incremented every time I reloaded the page. It was quite odd.
I sent Erin a private message telling her about it and she reset the counter for me. It was okay because I remembered what the counter had been before I added anything. Erin just subtracted the difference. I guess the same can't be said for Camp K's counter though. That's too bad. Now we'll never know what it should be. *sigh*
- Terry
maybe not, but
I think readers are stepping up on commenting because the counter is out. I've never had this many comments on any of my chapters....... it's kind of nice. I wish everyone would comment on all of the stories they read. there are some really good ones out there that don't get the recognition they deserve.
thanks for reading, enjoying and commenting
So hard.........
So, she goes home, tells her parents. They eventually throw her out.....
No, she goes back to camp. She runs into a camp staff person with half a brain, and some compassion.....
No, she sees her situation for what it is and decides to step in front of the next Semi. She stops just before she does, suddenly realizing that she can not saddle the poor driver with the guilt for her death.
Does a good life for a Transwoman really ever happen? I really need to know.
As usual, your writing is just wonderful and makes people think.
Gwen Brown
Sorry, got a little overwraught there.
Gwen Brown
Oh, Anistasia!
How can you torture us so. I am already suffering withdrawal symptoms coz this is my absolute FAVE story of all. Just look at all those votes.
I suppose I'll just haveto go back to the beginning to satisfy my craving for Kumoni. I feel so anxious for Erika and want to see Vile Victoria put in her place.
So there
Finally Erica is emerging from this torrent of emotional conflict and pressure. You all seem awfully concerned with her present state, no doubt recognition is no small part of this, and I can sympathize.
But I also can sympathize very strongly with Victoria. She doesn't know of any gender issues, which by the way are only just coming to surface, nor does she know much of what's driving Samantha and Erica to these shenanigans, cause that's what it looks like for her.
I mean, do you fancy some emo type kid you know from around school suddenly emerging as one of the girls in _your_ cabin, sharing _your_ privacy while you know `she` is really a guy.
You think: Oh well, he's surely an honourable guy, infatuated with Samantha such that he's popping up here pretending to be a girl for her -while she doesn't even notice- But hey, that's all right, sure he isn't going to notice us girls, while we're changing clothes, walk around in our undies, or less, he won't see a thing, because he's such a sweet boy, all innocent. And remember you're only, what? Sixteen, seventeen?
Nah, I don't think so.
What concerns me more, is that Erica left the camp in the middle of the night, dressed as she's done all the time, looking a pretty girl and all. AND now she's travelling down the road, with a car approaching, menacingly, in the middle of nowhere. What do you think would come of that? I get the shivers thinking of that.
Just as she is beginning to understand and acknowledge there is something gnawing at her gender-identity. This can also lead to major issues for Victoria, and Samantha, _if_ something awful is going to happen, for who wouldn't be asking how much they'd have to blame their selves.
Damn cliff hangers.
Thankyou Jo-Anne
Thank you for seeing that Victoria has a valid point. I don't know of any 15 year old girls that would accept a 'emo' boy from school as a girl living in the same cabin as her, while girls are changing their clothes and walking around in their under thingies and talking girl talk.
Let alone showering even though I made the showers somewhat private, I'm sure Victoria is watching for roving eyes while she is washing her hair.
Victoria isn't bad, she's just drawn that way......... No seriously, she is from a different culture and had differnt more stringent values than some. Geeze people give the poor girl a break.
Okay. Valid point... but...
to reveal a bit of how life was for me...
I was the kid everyone knew and liked, but really wasn't part of any crowd, was on the fringes of them all. I didn't have it as bad as Eric.
But I was also living a total lie.
I had my first period at 12. But I went through high school as a guy. I had to strap my breasts down. I wasn't seen as 'emo' (for one thing the designation didn't exist then) but I was a damn good actress.
Our senior year, my core group of friends, the people that did know me, told me they'd had me on suicide watch since 8th grade.
Would it matter that those around me didn't know the circumstances if I'd killed myself? No, I'd still be just as dead.
Victoria has a valid point, but she's also not pursuing that point in a healthy way. Not that I want it to happen in this story, but the answer that most kids in Erika's position would come up with isn't to go back to being "the plague" but to drown herself in the lake.
Would it matter then that Victoria didn't know about the issues? No. She'd feel just as guilty as if she had held Erika under.
Cliff Hanger
Anistasia - Yes you diffently left us hanging on a cliff with that car coming? I know after reading those 17 chapters yesterday I don't know how you been doing it exccpt I do enjoy your writing so just have to wait for the nx chapter. Lv Richard
Richard welcome....
..... to A.A.'s Baker's dozen.
For all you out there. Richard here, read all 17 posts of HaP yesterday. and apparently been following camp K. one of my baker's dozen for sure.
I should make up T-shirts. :) maybe, "I survived Camp Kumoni" or "Riponian and Proud" :)
OH please, OH please !
Gwen Brown
Great chapter but a sad one to pause on
Eric/a is almost as low as you can get right now. Realized that he enjoys being a girl but Victoria is making that impossible. Strong feelings for Samantha but she is after the jock, just like she's always been at school. Can't really go back to parents - end of Erica, end of Eric once back at school. Hope our hero(ine) isn't as suicidal as I'm reading it.
Like another reader, it's hard to really fault Victoria. She's seeing a guy posing as a girl at a refuge for girls. I can understand her discomfort, especially since the guy is the universally despised "plague."
It's also hard to be angry at Samantha. Yes, she's manipulated Eric for her own enjoyment but it doesn't seem like she's actually trying to hurt him. At her age and with her popularity I can see how she would never even imagine that Eric might have feelings for her and her normal activitiy is to go after the jock guys. Why would camp be any different.
We certainly have come to like the rest of the girls in the cabin but would they be willing to accept Eric as Erica? In reality, probably not and Phoenix would be duty bound to get him out of there as quickly as possible even with her sneaking off for fun with the other staff member. Minor problem vs HUGE problem.
I guess like everyone else, I'm just going to have to wait until AA is ready to continue. Hope it's soon.
great story like reading it
great story like reading it better than a lot of others. can't wait for the next chapter but guess i will have to.
A Wonderful Story
I think that Erica forgot that she has blackmail ammunition on Phoenix and Todd. Phoenix would not be in a position to go off on Erica with the possibility that the whistle would be blown on her. It is a very interesting story so far. I look forward to more chapters of the story. Great story!
Looking Forward to More, Eventually...
My first thought was that Erika would find the support she needed from the hairdresser and others when she got to town. (Don't forget that her cabinmates will be there this weekend to see a movie, so there's potential for a reunion.) But if that's the case, it doesn't change the difficult problems ahead in convincing the girls that she belongs there with them. I'm interested in seeing how Anistasia solves this.
So am I
you're interested in how Anistasia is going to solve this?...... So am I.
You and me both
Two Weeks - Ouch!!
That seems like an awfully long time, but as others have said fully understandable.
Remember everyone that Sasha is in town and seems to be a potential supporter of Erica. Erica cannot be allowed to die.
Rest a recoup. I look forward to the next wonderful chapter.
As always,
As always,
Great short story
I can't wait to find out more about Erika. Too bad I will have to wait a month or so for another chapter. I enjoy your writing style.
NIce work
I have read quite a few stories...... i keep coming to Camp Kumoni..... I love it!! Maybe an accident/suicide attempt will
help change victoria's views? and what happened to the enigmatic summer? Waiting eagerly for more....
Awwww, come on!
This is by far your best story. I know you only started work on it again as a break from "Healing a Princess" but this is much better. Please, please, keep going on this - and quickly! Leaving the story where it is is awful for those of us who've enjoyed it so far!
Was Eric also having thoughts of suicide.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
ouch ...
and double ouch ...