Death of Dreams - 1

Into every life a little star must fall...

From the Author: On Friday I wrote 5k words for Elves Rule!. I had the next chapter wrapped up in a neat little bow and I was going to have it ready to post here. I got home only to realize that I didn't save any of it.

I work without a net. I write what comes to me in the moment. Sometimes I delete whole passages because they're crap, but usually, what you see is what I wrote. The thing is, I have no pre-write, no notes, and absolutely no other drafts of my stories.

So, when I fail to save five thousand words, it really gets to me. It feels like my heart has been ripped out. I've lose one of my stories and there's no getting it back. Sure, I can rewrite it, but it will never feel the same. Sometimes, rarely, it results in a better version. Usually it's just different.

I was so upset that I wanted to kill a character. I wanted my story to suffer for my own mistake. Childish, I know, so I decided it was time to put down Elves Rule for a little bit. I need some perspective before I continue it. So, I wrote a story in which the main character dies in chapter one. If the title didn't give something away, then this sure did ;).

I've put up the first two chapters of this story for your enjoyment. Just realize that this is from a place of pain, so it's not quite the normal fare that I post here.

Love it? Hate it? Let me know, and above all else let me know if you think it should continue.

I grew up with princesses in my dreams. I was too old for the marketing of the Disney princess, but I was aware of it as an adult. I had, however, grown up with those princesses in my life. I love fairy tales. I love the stories where people come through trials all the better for their challenge.

My life isn't a fairy tale. I don't go through sin changed. You did realize that the woods in a fairy tale represent sin?

Never mind.

My story is about a death. In fact, it begins with death.

And it begins with Disney.

A little strange, huh? Not really all that much, actually. You see, there is one song from all of the cartoon movies that really calls to me every time I look up at the stars at night.

When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are…

I sing it to myself when I stand out there looking up at the stars.

Let me take a moment to explain something. Don't worry, I'll get to the death soon. I haven't forgotten. Don’t worry…I'm saying that too much.

The only thing I ever dreamed of as a kid was being prince charming. Yes, I wanted to be 'that guy.' I was over 6'2" and two hundred thirty pounds of pure muscle. I relished my physique. I spent hours at the gym, keeping myself trim. I watched what I ate.

My job? Not quite perfect.

I worked as a valet at a local restaurant. I got a lot of first dates, but when they found out I was 'just' a valet it kind of ruined the mood. It was more that I was settling in that job. After six years of college, three in undergrad and three more toward my masters degree, I was sort of stuck.

I loved my degree. It was perfect for me. The problem was that it was difficult for me to actually want to go sit up on some mountain somewhere away from society. At least in my experience, female astronomers are kind of rare, and the ones that exist are sort of a strange bunch. I'd have given my left nut for one who was anything like Jodie Foster.

Remember where I mentioned looking up into the stars at night? Yeah, I thought I'd make a job of it at one point. Not so much anymore. Now, I spent all my stargazing on the walk home from the restaurant at one in the morning.

Walking is great exercise, and it saves on gas. See, green AND good looking. How come none of the women I dated could see that?

The weather was rather cool for April and my breath plumed into the darkness. It was chilly more than cold, or so I thought. The stars were bright, even more so than normal for the city. The lack of cloud cover prevented a lot of the light pollution from bleeding out the starscape, and the temperature seemed to have cleared up a lot of the regular pollution that browned the skies.

I'd only just finished the first couplet when movement grabbed my attention. Time slowed down as I watched the 'shooting star' shoot right through me. I barely had enough time to be scared before the small meteorite had slammed into the ground behind me.

At first, I seriously thought I'd gotten through it unscathed. I thought that I was whole. My hands patting my chest certainly told me that tale, but my eyes told a different one when they looked down and saw my dead body staring sightlessly up at the stars.

"At least I get to look into the stars for eternity."

"Well, isn't that a bit of a bother," I heard a light, feminine, voice say from behind me.

I turned around and my eyes…well the memory of my spirit eyes? wide with shock.

"There really is a blue fairy?"

"Blue? Oh, I see the reference. No, I'm not some magical princess from the stars…well maybe just a princess from the stars. Oh, Bother, I'm making such a mess of this."

I walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. I was dead. No use trying to be macho anymore. It had brought me too much grief while alive; I wouldn't let it affect my death.

"It'll be okay. You'll figure it out."

"How will it be okay? You're dead."

"Well, that means I don't have anything else to worry about. All that hard work I put into my body was wasted time I should have spent improving my personality."

"You're really philosophical about this…"

"I'm dead. I think a lot of my emotions are sort of tied into my flesh, you know, chemicals and hormones and things. Without them? I'm left with my mind and intellect."

"I'm supposed to be calming you. I killed you after all."

"Was it intentional?"

"Not exactly. I was trying to land near you. I figured that would be the best way to get your attention."

"Well, you certainly got my attention," I said with a smirk.

"I was riveting, wasn't I?"

I winced and she looked sad, "too soon?"

"Yeah, too soon."

"Wait, you can see me?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

":You're the first earthling that's been able to see one of us. We've been around for years and never seen any of us."

"So, there is life out there and it's been visiting us for years we just never saw it?"


"And there is apparently life after death," I said unhappily. "Don't think I'm ready to go to hell."

"What is hell?"

"Eternal punishment for the self-centered."

"Certainly you weren't that bad a guy?"

"I never got more than a first date with a girl, never opened doors for them, never really saw them for who they were. No, I was a bit of a pig, I think. Everything is getting a bit fuzzy. I know I feel bad about it still. Oh, and I spent way too much time at the gym."

"If I could give you a second chance, would you take it?"

"Really? You can really bring me back to…" I saw the look in her eyes, the loss she was about to suffer, and I shut up. "You'd have to die for me to live, wouldn't you?"

"So insightful," she said with tears in her eyes.

"I can't ask you to give life up for me."

"The reason I came down here, the reason all my sisters come down here is to be a mother. Your planet is inimical to us. We don't last long when we land."

"You really are a shooting star, aren't you?"

She looked at me for a moment and then nodded, "fast and bright. That's us. We can last for a long time out in space, but here, we burn out rather quickly. We only have a short window in which you can decide before I won't have enough energy left."

"Why would you give this to me?"

"Because I took everything from you. I'd be able to give at least something back. Let me be a mother, at least in a certain sense."

"Fine, mom, but don't expect me to visit on the holidays."

She laughed and cried at the same time.

"So, how do we do this?"

She opened her arms to me and I fell into her embrace. For the first time since I'd seen the meteorite I felt something. My body tingled all over. Light filled my vision and I closed my eyes against the pain of it. When I opened them again I was looking into the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. I felt a slight stirring in the core of my being. Something connected me to those eyes and I smiled.

"She's awake! Get the back board over here so we can move her!"

"She?" I said, a little groggily. There was something wrong with my voice, and my clothes didn't fit like they should have. I must have gone to a party and not realized it. Someone must have spiked my drink with something and I'd hallucinated a blue fairy.

I giggled a bit to myself at the thought.

"Miss, are you alright?" The blue eyes were again in my field of vision.

"You have really pretty eyes, you know that?" Wait, was I gay? I know the person in the hot EMT outfit leaning over me was a guy…wait, did I just think he was hot? Did I just tell him he had pretty eyes?

"Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that aloud. I'm a little out of it."

"Don't worry. I'd be a little out of it too if I just suffered a near miss with a shooting star."

"Near miss?"

"Yeah, if you weren't wearing this oversized shirt, I'd have sworn you were hit in the heart. I'm amazed you weren't burned anywhere."

I put my hand to my chest and felt something unfamiliar there. "What the…"

I had breasts. They felt big in my hands. If it weren't for the difference in my clothing, I'd have assumed that they were at least a D…but a quick calculation suggested to me that they were only a large B or a small C. They'd probably be just perfect on my smaller frame.

"I think I'm about to pass out," I said and then the world went black. I felt the EMT put his hand underneath my head and grinned. He'd touched me.

I awoke to a slight rocking motion. The sound of a siren seemed to wail somewhere nearby. I opened my eyes slowly and saw the inside of an ambulance. Apparently my loss of consciousness caused them to consider this an emergency.

"Back with us again?"

"Are you prince charming?" He flashed a perfect white smile at my question. He had perfect brown hair as well. He was, in a word, perfect. He didn't have the overabundance of muscle in what I was beginning to assume was my old body, but he looked fit. I sighed.

"Miss, are you okay?"

"If I told you that until yesterday I was a man, would you believe me?"

He just looked at me and then laughed. "No, I wouldn't."

"Oh," I said and began to cry.

"It can't be all that bad," he said with a small smile, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, it can. My ID is in my front left pocket."

He reached in and grabbed my very manly wallet. His fingers brushed against my hip and I gasped.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, not exactly," I said with a little smile. How do I tell and EMT that I am trying to tell I am a guy in here that I have a crush on him?

"Is this your brother?"

"No, it is, or I should say was, me."

"There's no way you're over six foot."

"And this clothing fit me until before the meteorite struck. I was looking up at Gamma Cygni when I saw a meteorite coming what I could only assume was straight at me. I died."

"You only thought you died. There isn't a mark on you."

"That's because the woman who was in the meteorite brought me back to life. That sounds crazy, doesn't it?"

"What's Gamma Cygni, by the way?"

"Central star in the Cygnus constellation."

"I shoulda guessed you were an astrologer."

"Astronomer, but I can see how you'd be confused. What girl would ever be a scientist?"

"I didn't mean it that way," he said blushing.

I huffed a bit and looked away from him. I wanted to turn my back on him, but I was strapped down to the board and my neck was immobilized. "Would you mind getting off this thing?" I asked sweetly.

"Sorry, I have to let the doctor check you out first."

"You've done quite enough of that," I said looking back at him. He's blushing again. It's kind of cute. Slapping myself for thinking another guy is cute is unfortunately out of the question right now. I'm completely strapped down.

"So, you're into the whole bondage thing," it's not a question. If I have to stay locked her for the next little while, I'm going to push as many of his buttons as I can.

"Only for you," he says. There's a bit of a promise in there, and a hunger that sets my heart beating faster than I'm comfortable with. His mouth is slightly parted and I wonder what his tongue tastes like.

I growl in frustration. "I'm not attracted to you." I think both of us know it's a lie.

"And I'm not supposed to flirt with patients."

"I am so not flirting with you. I can't be flirting with you. You'd know if I was flirting with you."

"Oh, I know."

I screamed a little in frustration. "You are the most frustrating man I've ever known, you know that?"

"You must not have known many men."

"I went to an all-boys prep school. I hated half of my graduating class."

"I'd have thought you'd stick out there."

"I did, but not for the reasons you're thinking."

"Oh, and what am I thinking?"

"That I'm a little insane. I knew I shouldn't have told you about the alien, well she said she was an alien."

"Oh, now it's female aliens is it? Not fairies?""

"Look, okay, I was looking at the starts and singing 'When you wish upon a star,'"

"You do that too?"

"Yeah, I did a little too much D growing up."

He laughed at my pitiful attempt at humor. I'd have liked to get to know him under different circumstances. We could have been friends.

"So, I'm looking up at Gamma Cygni and movement attracts my attention. The meteorite passes right through me, and I think for a moment that I'm perfectly fine, but lo and behold, my corpse is lying at my feet."

"There wasn't a body there, Aurora."

"Wha…oh, sleeping beauty, right. You did a little too much D as a kid too, didn't you? Nevermind. I'm getting to that. So, I turn and there's this woman who's glowing blue."

"I thought you just said you were dead."

"Out of body experience, a duh."

He snickered at me and I smiled.

"So, she tells me she wanted to be a mother and that she could bring me back. I'm thinking I get to be a guy again so I take her up on the offer. I wake up in your arms…" I stopped there because I was blushing up a storm. This is crazy. How can a man affect me like this when a woman never could?

"You're serious about all of this, aren't you?"

"Well, if you were part of my family, I'd tell you something only one of them knew."

"You know that doesn't work, right?"


"Con men have been pulling games like that for years. They pretend to know something that only the two of them knew. They take cues from their target and invent a story on the spot that has enough facts to make the person believe that it's something they remember."

"That works?"

"You wouldn't believe how often. I can suggest an alternative, though."

"What's that?"

"A poly-graph."

"What does that prove? If I'm insane then a polygraph would just agree with my delusion."

"How about an eye movement test?"

"Eye movement?"

"Yeah. It's a cognitive awareness test that checks for dilation and other movement of the eye. It's based upon…but if you're telling what you believe to be the truth…"

"No, you might be onto something there. Get my family, friends and colleagues together and they can provide questions and answers that I can be posed. The eye movement test is computer based, isn't it?"

"Yeah. It's supposed to eliminate all the other factors that could cause eye movement changes."

I lay back and closed my eyes. This was going to be difficult. It made me wish that my new mom had been a little more forthcoming about what she was doing, but I had been reborn. I was a completely new person today..

I looked back up into those beautiful eyes after a moment or two. "What's your name?"


"Mitch," I said, "I'd shake your hand, but it's sort of tied down right now."

"You don't really look like a Mitch, you know."

"Well, without a mirror I have no idea what I look like."

"Beautiful," he said with a little smile.

"That's not really very professional, Mr. EMT Jaden."

"No, it's not. Sorry."

He sat up at that point. I didn’t know why I suddenly felt colder. He must have noticed the frown on my face because he chose that moment to smile down at me. "Look, you're probably just grateful that I'm helping you. It's normal."

"I'm not into guys. There's nothing normal about this."

"You're a lesbian," he said somewhat surprised.

"No, I'm a guy…well I used to be a guy. And I'm not gay, well I don't think I am…I'm confused. You do have really pretty eyes…"

I shut up then and looked away from him. I was saying the strangest things. Sure, I was thinking them, but they weren't what I would normally think, were they?

I closed my eyes so I didn't have to see him smirking at me. Sure, I spent a lot of time at the gym, and I looked at the other guys, but I'd never actually become aroused by them. And it's not like thinking of penises got me interested in sex…

I felt an emptiness in my stomach and a slight dampness in my crotch. I could feel my heartbeat begin to increase. My breathing became shallow. I could almost see Jaden disrobing in front of me in my own private strip show.

I knew exactly how he would look, a slight smile on his lips as he gazed into my eyes. It suddenly occurred to me why women were interested in guys in uniform. It wasn't the uniform that interested them…that interested me. It was the guy inside that uniform and what it represented. Guys in uniform represent the best of the male gender. They sacrifice their own comfort for that of the rest of society. They risk their lives for the rest of us. They save us from ourselves.

Jaden was right, to a certain degree. He was turning be on because of what he was, not who he was. It was in that moment that I realized, guy or not, I really was interested in guys. I think, deep down, I'd known I always had been. Did Blue know something about me that I never had?

I began to cry a bit, still keeping my eyes closed. I felt something soft brushing against my face. My eyes opened with a start and I watched as a concerned Jaden wiped my tears with a bit of gauze.

"Are you in any pain?"

I tried to shake my head, but forgot that it was restrained. "I'm fine, just realizing some things about myself. Apparently I'm gay."

"Oh, really?" he said chuckling.

"Shut up, you. I used to work out a lot. I mean a ridiculous amount, and I spent a good portion of the time I worked out guy watching. You know, checking out their muscles in relation to my own. I just didn't realize that it gave me a little thrill to watch how their muscles moved until right this moment when I really began to examine it."

"Oh, so you like to watch guys work out, huh?"

I nodded as much as the neck brace would let me. "I'd love to see you work out some time. Maybe you could spot me…I did not just think that." I said blushing. I'd just imagined him sweating, naked, on top of me. There would be silk sheets behind my back that I'd slide across with each…my heart was racing again.

"As your paramedic, I have to say that a racing heart is probably contraindicated right now."

For the first time I realized I was hooked up to a heart monitor and I blushed again. "I'm going to die, right here."

"No, you've got a strong heartbeat and a healthy glow in your cheeks."

"I meant of embarrassment, Mr. know-it-all."

"I know for a fact it's not possible to die of embarrassment."

I couldn't help it; I laughed.

"You seem more like a Lilly to me."

"Why?" I said looking at him with a question in my eyes.

"Because you are as beautiful as a delicate flower."

"Is that a pickup line? Really, Mr. Stand-up-comedian?"

"Yes, Ms. Thousand-names."

"Mr. Too-true-blue-eyes."

"You really like to look at my eyes, don't you?"

"Yes, Mr. Overdeveloped-sense-of-self."

"Now you're just getting mean."

I smiled at him and then just looked around at the ceiling while we continued to drive to the emergency room. There is a lot more going on, on the ceiling of an ambulance than you'd think. There are numerous cabinets and hatches and such in view. Also, there is something relaxing about watching the light move across the white and silver ceiling.

They came to a complete stop and turned off the siren. The doors opened and they pulled me quickly out of the ambulance into the hospital emergency room. "Twenty-four year old female presented with disorientation and loss of consciousness at the site of a meteorite impact."

"Seriously? Meteorite impact?"

"When I saw her shirt, I almost thought she might actually have been hit by a meteor"

"Meteorite, Jaden. Meteorite." I said.

"She seems lucid enough."

Some alarms went off in the room and they got a little agitated. I didn't know what was going on so I stayed quiet as they began moving things more quickly. They wheeled me into the back and checked me out. They removed my clothing from me and put me into a gown. Then they ran a Geiger counter across me and my clothing. My chest and shirt seemed to be more highly radioactive than anything else, but I was considerably more lit than the surrounding atmosphere.

They wheeled me into a shower and scrubbed me down. I could tell before they started that my skin was more sensitive and they weren't at all gentle with their ministrations. I instinctively tried to cover up to maintain at least some small part of my modesty.

Then I was back into my gown and I was back in bed in my room.

Jaden had gone as soon as he dropped me off in the ER and I really thought that would be the last I saw of him. I had no insurance that people would accept as being mine, no name, no money, and a hospital bill that would be steadily increasing the longer I stayed put. That being said, I couldn't being myself to get out of that bed. It was relatively comfortable, and they wanted to run tests on me to make sure that the radiation I'd acquired hadn't done any permanent damage.

They'd burned my clothing in the incinerator downstairs and then put the ashes with the rest of the radioactive waste that any middle to large hospital generates on a daily basis.

It had been about one in the morning when I'd died, the EMTs found me some time after dawn. Now, after all their tests were done, for the time being at least, I was left alone in the middle of the day with nothing to do. I'd never been much for daytime television, and my family didn't even know to mourn me…or that I was in the hospital.

There was a knock at the door and a civilian clothed Jaden walked in. I hated the way my body heated when he came into the room, or the fact that his smile made my heart skip a beat.

I wasn't going to be one of those girls.

And just like that I realized that I'd accepted that I was a girl. Whether or not this had something to do with Blue didn't really matter. I'd accepted all that had happened to me, and I was going to make the most of it.

"You just have an epiphany?"

"Something like that. I thought it was unprofessional to spend time with your patients."

"Former patient. I'm off the clock now, aren't I? And you're in the hands of the doctors now."


"Ok, I'll leave if you want me to. I just thought I'd check up on you and make sure you were okay. The nurses mentioned to me you didn't leave any next of kin. Is it because of what we discussed on my rig?"

"I thought you were going to leave…"

He actually turned around to walk out of the room so I called out, "Wait. Sorry. I'm really not used to this."

"Used to what?"

"Flirting with a guy. I know how to do all of this with girls, and it didn't help…how I looked. I'm just new to all this."

"So, you were flirting with me?"

"Yes, and I liked it when you flirted back…at least I think you were flirting."

"Yes, Jaden is a flirt. How are you, Mitch?" A doctor I'd known my entire life walked into the room.

"Doctor Lewis? You believe me?"

"Well, I'm not sure I'd go so far as believe, but I'm willing to put it to the test that Jaden mentioned earlier to me."

"You've been talking about me?" I wasn't sure if I were angry, relieved or turned on by his take charge attitude. I could tell that any relationship that I initiated with Jaden would be tempestuous. Both of us were take charge types. I stopped and wondered for a moment what the sex would be like. The thought caused me to blush.

"I talked to the ER doc about you, Dr. Lewis over heard me mention your name and he wanted to see if you recognized him."

"It doesn't conclusively prove anything, but I figured it would be an easy way to disprove your claim if you didn't recognize me."

"After six broken bones and countless cuts and scrapes how could I not remember you?"

"Five broken bones," he said with a slight frown.

"Now, I broke my right arm twice in one summer. I wasn't out of the cast for more than six hours when I broke it again. You prescribed calcium pills to try to aid in recovery thinking I might have a deficiency that caused the break in the first place. I'll never forget the chalk-latey taste of those things," I made a face at the memory.

"Wow, I'd completely forgotten that. You're right."

The doctor checked my vitals, again, and then left.

"So, that proved it, right?"



"See, my dad was a world class con artist. I watched him work people for everything from free meals to driving cars off the lot with dealer plates on them. Some pretty expensive cars too. That little stunt you pulled could easily have been the work of an expert liar covering their tracks. You supplied enough personal detail to make him question his own memory, but not so much that he decided you were making things up."

"My medical records will support what I just said."

"I'm sure they will, and I never said that I don't believe you."


"All I said was that didn't prove anything. You could have read Mitch's medical records. It doesn't hurt that you're gorgeous. People are more likely to believe a pretty person who lies to them than an ugly one."

"I'm not lying!" I was really starting to get agitated at this point, and he could see it.

"For some reason, I think you might actually be telling the truth."

I blinked and my mouth dropped open. "You do?"

"Yes. I've watched you. I see how agitated it makes you when someone calls you a liar, even obliquely. My dad? He'd just invent a new lie, one he figured had a better chance of being accepted. You, on the other hand just stick to your guns, insisting it's the rest of the world that's wrong. I kind of admire that.

He'd been walking closer as he spoke, and I felt my temperature rise and my heart-rate increase. The same empty feeling in the pit of my stomach was there along with the dampness. I thought he was going to kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me. He was standing next to my bed, and I put my hand on his arm in preparation to pull him in closer.

His eyes locked on mine and I saw something terrifying and thrilling in his eyes. I saw a need that echoed my own and made me want to kiss him even more.

Someone cleared their voice loudly at the door. I blushed and finally looked away from Jaden as if I'd been released from a magnetic pull. Jaden chuckled when he saw who it was.

"Lilly, this is my partner Bruce."

"Partner?" I looked at the figure in the doorway. A very tall black man stood there for a moment before stooping a bit to get through the doorway. If this hadn't been an extra wide hospital doorway it's likely he'd have to turn sideways to get through.

"On the rig," Jaden said with a laugh at the slight frown that had formed on my face.

"Huh? Oh, no. I know him from somewhere. I just can't quite place him."

"No one ever forgets Bruce," said the man in a deep rumbling bass voice.

"You work out in the gym on Fifth and Columbine, don't you?"

"Yeah, well I used to. I haven't been there in about six months…"

"Since you broke the Nautilus," I said with a little giggle.

"I know I never saw you there, you would have stuck out like a sore thumb."

'Guys' is a gym that for some unknown reason to me doesn't allow any women a membership. Then it suddenly dawned on me looking at the way Bruce was dressed. It was a gay gym. How could I have worked out there for over three years and never realized it.

I blushed again.

"I was called Mitch O'Connell last time I would have seen you."

"Mitch the Bitch?" Bruce said his eyes opening up wide.


"The other guys had a nickname for you. You obviously enjoyed the scenery, but you never gave any of the guys the time of day."

"I didn't realize until just now that it was that type of establishment, okay? I didn't even realize how attracted to guys I was until all this happened," I said gesturing at myself.

"Oh, I have to share this with the guys at the gym. You were really that naíve?"

I just nodded mutely.

"Girl, I think that for you we might make an exception and let you keep your membership."

"You still have one after the incident"

Bruce just laughed, "Now I know you're Mitch, or he was a lot more open with you than anyone else would be. I haven't told anyone what happened."

I started laughing just remembering it. Jaden looked a little lost. I patted him on the arm in commiseration. "You seriously missed something. It all started with a bottle of lube that Bruce forgot was in his pocket."

"How did you know it was lube," Bruce asked.

"I've purchased that brand before. It has a distinctive smell to it. So, he sits down…"

Bruce rushed over and put his hand over my mouth. I licked his hand with a playful look in my eye.

"Girl, if I wasn't completely into my boyfriend you might just tempt me to go straight."

I smirked at him under his hand and began nibbling. He pulled his hand away with a little curse and I blew him a kiss. "This girl is evil," he said with a grin.

"I wonder if she'd give me the same courtesy," Jaden said and put a finger on my lips. I just quirked an eyebrow and grinned up at him. Eventually he removed it, but the place where it had been burned a bit. Not in a painful way, but more…like I wanted him to touch me like that everywhere.

I looked over at Bruce and said, "You mind going out and closing the door?"

They both laughed at me and I smiled.

It wasn't really a joke, but I was glad that they took it as such. It hit me that I was really interested in sex right now. Possibly a little more than was healthy for me. When Bruce and Jaden finally left I got up and got a cold shower just to calm the hormones a bit. It didn't work perfectly, but it worked, and that was all that mattered at the moment.

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