The Angry Mermaid 61 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 61.

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In this Chapter, Drustina finally enables the Gay King Athun to fulfill his kingly duty towards Elthorn his queen. After enabling the essential act of consumation the King beseeches Drustina to stay at least until an infant is born of his union with the queen.

The Angry Mermaid 61


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 61.

Mabina... The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan... Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin... the twins grandfather.
Giana... The twins grandmother
Caderyn... The twins father.
Herenoie... The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran... The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe... The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.
Tara... The twins second oldest sister. Famous for her grace.
Feidlim... Twins aunt (Caderyns’ beautiful sister.)
Mogantu... Twins uncle (Married to Feidlim.) Chief of the Gangani tribe.
Brun... Twins 2nd cousin and the Acaman clans’ blacksmith.
Feorin... Twins second brother. Also training to be a blacksmith.
Rhun... Feidlims’ son and Feorins’ favourite 1st Cousin. (Both red-heads.)
Arina... Child of a Demetae fisherman, (rescued by Aiofe, Drustan and Mabina.)
Penderol... Dumnonii Minor chief.
Udris... Young Dumnonii warrior.
Dryslwyn... High chief of the whole Celtic nation. Dwells in Brithony.
Bronlwyn... Dryslwyn’s wife (and queen.)
Magab... The moor who taught numbers.
Eric... Saxon galley slave rescued from Corsair pirates.
Carl... Another Saxon galley slave rescued by Drustan.
Torvel... Celtic galley slave rescued from the same captured corsair ship
Arton... Turdetani Chieftain Holder of Gibral Rock.
Carinia... Arton’s wife.
Isobel... Arton’s adopted daughter.
Appotel... King of the Turdetani Tribe. (Southern Iberia.)
Bramana... Queen. (Wife of Appotel)
Pilus... King of the Capetani.
Shaleen... Pilus’s queen and sister to Bramana.
Pedoro... Lord Marshal of the Southern border region.
Lady Shulaar... Lord Pedoro’s wife.
Taan... The scullery maid.
Isaar... Pedoro’s oldest son.
Ferdie... Pedoro’s 2nd son
Sular... Pedoro’s 3rd son
Gontala... Pedoro’s youngest son.
Shenoa... Pedoro’s only daughter.
Portega... Tyrant King to the west.
Portua... Portega’s grandson.
Jubail... Old Fisherman.
Mutas... Magab’s younger brother and usurper.
Walezia... King of Malta.
Alviar... Megalomaniacal bishop of Carthage. (Hates Drustina.)
Ethelia... Female healer who treats Drustina during her pregnancy.
Seripatese... Drustina’s faithful horse.
Astos & Amitor... Minor royalty who govern Alexandria. King and Twin Queen.
Meronee... Nubian Queen of Nobatia The northern Kingdom of the Nubians.
Horam... The Egyptian master Boat builder.
Muraa... King Astos’s male partner.
Tuk... Makurian general.
Fantu... Makurian Captain.
Irene... Emperor Leon’s only child.
Leon... Byzantine Emperor.
Zano... Byzantine general who defeats the Bulgars with Drustina’s help.
Urthos... The Gaul elected captain of the 4th ship. Ex Barbary galley slave.
Horus... Horam the boat-builder’s son.
Sister Catherine... Leader of the pirate nuns.
Guthrun... Jarl of Bornholm.
Etheline... Guthruns’ wife the countess of Bornholm.
Seripatese... Drustinas’ mare
Capenda... Taras’ mare.
Athun... Gay king of Dark Age Denmark.
Queen Elthorn... King Athuns’ Consort.
Heingist... Drustina’s loyal Danish navigator and pilot.
Brendigan... Athun’s older sister and queen of Svenland.
Bjorn... The captain of the Palace Guard. King Athun’s partner.
Morgan and Amethyst... Drustina’s twin children.

The Angry Mermaid 61

Athun and Drustina arrived somewhat unexpectedly then Athun commanded the ladies to leave the chamber but guard the door. The ladies-in-waiting looked slightly surprised then scuttled away for Athun was after all, the king and Queen Elthorn’s husband. He was simply exercising his matrimonial rights and duties, as agreed with the jarls. Elthorn looked up expectantly and her gaze widened with delight as she saw her king dressed exactly as her fantasy. She studied the man who stood before her

‘He wasn’t an ugly man or an effeminate man; in fact he was quite a tall slender and attractive man if not for his unfortunate nature.’

She smiled and stood to meet him then she studied Drustina dressed in a very effeminate silk and damask gown.

“Goodness maid, you can be quite attractive when you choose. I love your hair, it is stunning! I had no idea it was so long and lustrous. You should let it down more often, I had no idea!"

Drustina frowned slightly then cast off her gown to reveal her best fighting jerkin, britches and the small armour panels that shimmered with a dull sheen that demonstrated their utility and long use. As Elthorn studied the outfit that accentuated Drustina’s curves yet still warned of martial power, Drustina explained.

“Now we three are alone, try to treat me as though I am a boy. Athun will find it easier that way. I had to dress this way so that guards and the ladies-in-waiting saw a maid accompanying His Majesty to your chamber.”

Elthorn immediately ‘got the message’ and promptly changed tack.

“Why Dru you are a cheeky scamp! Get into bed immediately wet hair or not!”

Drustina clambered onto the bed and poised as any mischievous page-boy might, while Elthorn set about disrobing her husband. Soon the trio were abed and cautiously exploring activity that best stimulated Athun’s needs and nature. Athun lay passive and nervous at first for Elthorn’s feminine beauty did little to ignite his passions. It was not until he felt Drustina’s familiar hardness and the muscle in her slender but powerful thighs that he was able to fantasise about taking the maid’s part. He let out a soft whimper of submission and eagerly adjusted his body to enable Drustina easier access. Finally he croaked huskily.

“Take me, take me and use me.”

Drustina carefully obliged and Athun tensed receptively as he felt the powerful invader slowly drive its way into his receptive body. He gave a squeak of excitement as Drustina’s maleness drove against his prostate gland causing his own member to stiffen. Elthorn at last found a useable hardness growing from Athun’s loins and she made pretence of ‘taking’ Athun and using him as any possessive lover would. Her words were chosen to reinforce the idea in Athun’s head that he was being ‘used’, being ‘taken’, being ‘served’ when all the time she was thrusting her body to envelope Athun’s prostate induced hardness.

Elthorn had previously destroyed her own virginity to remove the slightest chance of blood appearing’ for neither she nor Drustina knew how Athun might react to finding a virgin’s blood upon his penis. Instead, Elthorn found herself being unexpectedly excited by the novelty of at last finding her husband’s organ inside her and useable. By prearrangement, she tapped Drustina’s wrist three times to get her to slow down and although Athun protested meekly, Drustina responded to Elthorn’s demand.

‘After all’, Drustina mused, ‘Elthorn was also entitled to satisfaction on this her first night with a man.’

Thus Elthorn was able to lodge Athun’s hardness exactly where she felt it best and once she was approaching her satisfaction she clenched involuntarily on Drustina’s wrist. This signal prompted Drustina to resume action. Within minutes, Athun responded by exploding vigorously and Elthorn squeaked with surprised delight as she felt his seed squirt forcefully against her cervix. This sensation triggered a response in Elthorn and although she did not climax exactly in synchronisation with Athun’s orgasm, she at least was able to savour a satisfaction that even the most ardent lovers rarely achieved on their wedding night.

As Elthorn slowly descended from her ‘high’ she sighed and hugged her king tight. To her surprise she tasted salty tears on his cheek and this invoked a motherly feeling towards the man in her bed.

“That was wonderful my king,” she whispered. “Let us savour this special night and celebrate our success.”

“Yes my lady, but are you with child?”

“I cannot tell. We will have to repeat this night every night until my season comes around. But at least we have found a way.”

Thus they remained coupled for a few more minutes and then Drustina felt her own juices boiling in her loins. Her sudden frenzy of action brought both Athun and Elthorn to their senses. They held their breaths as Drustina pounded violently then fell quiet.
“I am done!” She gasped as Elthorn and Athun exchanged amused grins. Then finally, Drustina separated and almost by default, Athun’s maleness softened and Elthorn was denied further pleasure.

“We did it!” Athun whispered gratefully, “Thanks to you my soldier queen.”

Those were the last coherent words as the trio cuddled together to a chorus of sighs and giggles before sleep overtook them.


As dawn broke Drustina’s libido stirred almost immediately after she awoke. She felt the hard flanks of a man spooned into her belly and for a moment she was disorientated before she remembered what the situation was. She always stirred early unless some exhaustion had driven her to bed so this was a normal waking ... except for the long lean flanks presented to her morning glory. Drustina grinned as she recalled the arrangements then gently nudged with her manhood. There was a soft grunt from the recipient of her attentions before the owner of the flanks responded seductively by pressing backwards against Drustina’s invader.

Athun sighed contentedly as he felt that invasion lodge against his prostrate only to trigger off the almost automatic reaction. Drustina reached curiously around Athun’s slender waist and ascertained Athun’s preparedness for another call of duty. With this precondition arrived at, Drustina stretched over and gently tickled the still sleeping Elthorn’s nipples. She stirred more with surprise than pleasure and like Drustina she was momentarily disorientated. She drew breath to call for the guard but Drustina had already anticipated her confusion and gently placed her hand over Elthorn’s lips.

“Hush dear sister!” Drustina called, “You’ll spoil the fun and the function if you demand the guard right now. This is a legal union between you and your husband. Avail yourself of another opportunity before your ladies-in-waiting arrive.”

By now Elthorn was fully awake and having let Drustina’s hand guide hers to Athun’s promise, she immediately squeaked with pleasure and took full advantage. Within minutes another load of Athun’s seed was about its natural and lawful occasion on its way to Elthorn’s womb.”

Eventually Elthorn finally lay satiated beside her husband while Drustina stirred and visited the garderobe. The noises in the bed-chamber had alerted the ever vigilant ladies-in-waiting and the whispering in the passageway presaged their entry. Elthorn called them in and their faces widened into knowing smiles when the recognised the other occupant of Elthorn’s bed ... the king himself no less. Then Drustina emerged from the garderobe in only her breech-cloth and demanded water to wash.

The ladies in waiting looked askance but Drustina simply sat with her back to everybody including the royal pair and borrowed one of Elthorn’s combs. The king was about censure her for her impertinence but a deafening silence took control as Drustina’s hair fell to her waist in a single, thick, glossy cascade of pale gold. Even the Danes with their propensity for pale yellow hair were impressed. Several of the maids stepped forward to offer their services more to touch the hair than be of some utility so Drustina allowed them to assist. Her idea was to further reinforce their perceptions of her as a woman and to this end her efforts worked.

The texture of her hair soon evoked compliments as the ladies ran admiring fingers and combs through it.

Athun watched and found himself smiling as he hugged Elthorn’s shoulders. She turned to him and whispered.

“I’ll have to find out Drustina’s secret of that hair. It’s just miraculous.”

Athun nodded appreciatively and motioned for Elthorn to get out of bed and go across the chamber to check Drustina’s hair out. Elthorn needed no extra prompting and modestly slipped on a robe before running her own fingers through the hair.

“Just how d’you do it Dru? I mean most of the time that hair is set up like a horse’s tail. I never realised it was that long or that lustrous.”

Drustina turned from the polished copper mirror and smiled.

“Oriental oils your majesty. When my sister Tara arrived at the palace the other day she brought some from her own personal stock. She learned how to mix it in Constantinople when we were there. I didn’t realise it was unknown in these parts; I rarely use it myself except for very special occasions. That’s why I didn’t know. D’you want some?”

Elthorn shook her head in disbelief at Drustina’s seeming naivety.

“Of course I want some! Good God girl! Every woman in the kingdom would want for such an oil.”

Drustina wagged her head in disbelief and turned to Athun who was sat up in the bed watching the antics of the women. Athun smiled and remarked.

“If it pleases the women Drustina, I will grant your sister a royal patent to protect her secrets so she may benefit from her knowledge. Anything to please the girls.”

Elthorn smiled a smile that enhanced her beauty and skipped joyfully across the chamber to fling herself joyously on her husband and kiss him. Athun sat bemused then made a fine pretence of kissing her back for the benefit of the ladies-in-waiting. As they stared at the seeming 'conversion' of their king to apparent heterosexuality, Drustina took the opportunity to slip her britches on and choose a new blouse that served more to enhance her breasts than hide them. Finally, once dressed, she stepped out of the chamber to collect her weapons from the apartments she now shared with Tara and her twins since Queen Elthorn had deemed that Drustina's relatives be accorded the correct noble status. When Drustina appeared, Tara looked up and grinned as she was combing her niece’s hair.

“Was it a successful night sis?”

Drustina grinned and nodded enigmatically. Tara immediately recognised the positive message and turned Amethyst off her knee. Drustina held out her arms and the child eagerly approached to be picked up and hugged. The guiless acceptance of Drustina’s embrace sent a warm feeling through Drustina’s breast.

‘Where the children beginning to accept her at last?’ She wondered.

She turned to smile at Morgan her little son and motioned for him to approach. He was a little more circumspect but eventually accepted her embrace.

As she held the children in her arms Drustina explained to Tara.

“Queen Elthorn asks if you would share some of your special hair oil with her.”

Tara frowned slightly.

“I’ll not reveal its secret. She must accept that.”

“The king Athun offers to grant you a patent royal to protect your secret.”

“That means I would have to reveal the contents for I do not get all the ingredients in Dane-mark.”

“How d’you feel about it?”

“Who would protect my secrets? I wish to accompany you back to Britannia.”

“I cannot answer that Sis. You would have to make arrangements with the king. He’s invited us to share his breakfast table. Come on; let’s get these two little beauties dressed fit for a king.”

So saying, Drustina returned the twins to Tara’s dressing table and took her weapons from behind the door. Morgan showed immediate interest in the weapons so Drustina unsheathed her sword and let him hold it.

“It’s sharp young man and it’s deadly. You will note it’s lighter than Heingist’s mighty blade, that’s because I’m a queen and a woman’s strength is less than a man’s. But I make up for that with skill and speed.”

Morgan’s grin widened hugely as he managed to raise the sword with both hands above his head. He had never been able to lift Heingist's or Carl’s or Eric’s swords for theirs were massive broad swords. Then he spoke proudly.

“Yes. Heingist told me, all the men worship you and he said you are the best sword’s-woman in the entire world. Can I have your sword after you are dead?”

Drustina let out a gale of laughter as she explained.

“A warrior’s sword is usually buried with him, but I might make an exception for you my son because I’m a warrior queen ... a woman.”

With this promise extracted, Morgan dressed quickly and the four stepped out to the dining hall. Athun and Elthorn were already seated together at the head of the wide table and Bjorn had taken his favoured seat at Athun’s right hand. Athun invited Drustina to be seated and she went to sit next down the table beside Elthorn. This plainly indicated that Drustina counted herself amongst the ladies while Tara sat beside her and Amethyst sat next. Morgan sat next to Bjorn on the men’s side. Drustina smiled and suggested that Morgan leave a space between him and Bjorn to allow a high-ranking courtier or chamberlain to occupy what would have been his rightful place. Athun corrected her.

“Dear lady, you are a queen and an honoured guest in this palace. That makes your children prince and princess. Let them sit where they are. Until my Queen is with child, there are no other children higher than your own royal pair. Now everybody eat.”

Morgan grinned hugely at his seeming promotion and Bjorn wrapped his arm around the boy’s shoulder to encourage him. Soon the conversation was animated as many issues were discussed. Including Drustina’s future plans. Athun was mildly disappointed that Drustina had hopes of departing before the winter gales returned.

“I was hoping you would be here for the birth of our child. You could represent the East wind at the bathing for you came from the east to us.”

“But I was born in the west and I dearly wish to regain my lands. Every year the pirates endure there, makes it a harder battle to dig them out.”

“Then represent the West wind, the warm wind, for you have also brought warmth to a cold place.”

Drustina frowned. The last thing she wanted was to be detained for another year just to attend the birth of a royal baby. She had a task to complete, a mission to accomplish, a vow to fulfil.

‘Lleyn; beloved Lleyn, would she ever see her beloved homeland again, would she ever attend at her ancestor’s graves? Right the wrongs done to her family?

“My lord, I beseech you, I wish to return to my homeland and make good the damages done to my family. I have no further use here, no further interest after you have put your bride with child.”

“Oh but my dear Warrior Queen, that is where you are mistaken. I do not trust the jarls to stick to their bargain. There are those amongst them who still revile my kind, those who would do anything to rid the kingdom of its rightful king. Until my child is born they will push ever harder to be rid of me just for what I am. Only you and your loyal band stand between them and their ambition.”

“So how will that change after Elthorn bears her child?”

“The legitimate line is then assured and fixed. They will not commit infanticide upon a healthy child, boy or girl. The common people will not stand for that, they only suffer me because the jarl’s rule was so oppressive. If the jarls had not been so greedy, grasping everything unto their own, the people might have accepted their condemnation of me. The jarls overstepped the mark by raising their own entitlement to their feudal taxes and trying to impose the same order of tax on the free towns. My acceptance still hangs by a thread. Your attendance until the line of succession is entrenched would certainly be a welcome force for stability and legitimacy. I would beseech you to stay and make it worth your while. If you are to raise an army to drive the pirates from your homeland, you’ll need gold and silver. My kingdom is a rich country.”

Drustina replied.

“Athun, I don’t pay my men; I never have. They follow me because they know if and when we get to Saxony, and Friesland and Frankia and Gaul, they will be free to leave our happy band and make their ways to their homes. By the time I get back to Britannia I’ll be pretty much on my own and with it all to do.”

“What of your lieutenants, Carl, Eric, Urthos and our own Heingist?”

“I’ll just have to wait and see. The way forward is not clear.”

“If I can cement my reign then I can do much more for you. There are Danish chiefs who live in Danelaw and yet still owe allegiance to me. Technically, I am their king, at least until they form a nation for themselves and even then ...”

Drustina expressed her doubts.

“But those chieftains are almost as bad as the Viking pirates who came from Norse lands.”

Athun smiled.

“There’s not much love lost between them and the Vikings. In the Vikings, you and Danelaw have a common enemy You have it in your nature to win them over; I have seen you with your own men and even my own Palace guards. They would follow you to the ends of the earth.”

“Drustina snorted and shrugged.

“Huh! But not it seems to Britannia, a mere four or five days sailing, fifteen to my own land on the Celtic sea. They are looking to return to their homelands.”

“If they wait a year until my reign is ensured, I can pay them retainers for that year. They will have money to return home with. That might persuade them to go further with you and perhaps increase their purses.”

“A straight bribe then,” she observed.

Drustina felt the idea distasteful but saw the merit.

‘She would have money, her men would have money and some of them would be tempted to go further with her; even as far as the Celtic Sea if there was more gold to be earned. Plus of course, her reputation would be greatly enhanced if her stay did ensure Athun’s reign and she indirectly brought peace and stability to Dane-mark. Perhaps yet more men might come to her banner if they learned of her successes in Dane-mark. First however, she had to succeed.’

She decided to call a meeting of her men, over two hundred of them in the great hall.


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