The Dream Part 1 Chapter 2

I came to in another room. I was alone and scared out of my mind. I had no clue as to where I was, or if anybody knew, I was awake. I couldn’t move again and I could only see the ceiling in my room. I guess I woke up when I heard a familiar voice raised in anger. I couldn’t quite understand what was said, but there was a lot of noise then a door closed. I heard snickering and laughter as the sound faded. Eventually I found the call button and managed to press it. The quiet room suddenly burst with activity as a nurse, a doctor and some other people came running in. I found out that I was at Primary Children’s Hospital back in Salt Lake City, and I was back in the ICU.

Well here is Chapter 2 It is a little short but I meant to cut it off there as I am having some difficulties with the third chapter. Again I want to thank Angel for helping me. Hopefully I have all the tags correct.

The MATURE Rating is for the weblink to Alicia's Summer Vacation.

The Dream
Part One
Chapter Two
By Jayme Ann

The Return Hospital Visit

The smell of a hospital room was the first thing that I became aware of. As I slowly opened my eyes, I could see that the light was turned down, and Mom was sleeping beside me in a chair that looks like it hurts more than this type of bed did on my last visit here. I still didn’t want to open my eyes all the way, because I didn’t want to be reminded of my cast, and the bandages holding my nose in place. Yet now that I as awake, I could feel the extra padding around my head, and could see some of the extra bandages on the table. Watching Mom sleep was somewhat comforting, and I didn’t see the nurse come in, as I was stuck in thought about how all this started.
The nurse, seeing that I was semiconscious, tried everything to get my attention, however she didn’t realize that I wasn’t quite awake yet, and hit the Panic button for the doctor, thinking that I was catatonic. It seems that there was some sort of standing order that should I do anything, the doctor be paged to check on me. I had no clue that I had been out of touch with the world for about three weeks; apparently, I’d had a weird reaction to the pain pills the ER doctor had prescribed.

The next thing I can remember was this nasty smell under my nose, and the nurse’s voice repeatedly begging me to look at her. This caused Mom to wake up and stare at me questioningly. I could see the raw emotions on all the faces of everyone in the room, Mom, the nurses, and Dr. Goldman, as well as another person in the bed next to me I didn’t know. Looking at everyone there, and seeing the concern in his or her eyes made me really worry. As I was pulled into consciousness, that nasty smell was replaced with a small straw placed on my lips, with strict instructions to take a small sip before I do anything else. Wondering what happened and why I was here, I looked at the nurse, with a question in my eyes. The nurse reminded me to take a small sip from the straw before I could open my mouth to say anything. Realizing that my throat felt like sandpaper I tried to take a larger drink after my small sip, but to my dismay the cup and straw were removed from my reach before I could accomplish that deed.

Doctor Goldman told me that I had been out for three weeks the first two I spent in the ICU as I had a severe reaction to the Codeine that caused my heart to stop. This really scared me as I had been taking the medication for almost three days and hadn’t felt anything that could have been a warning sign. Doctor Goldman, the nurses and Mom all left to discuss some things without me overhearing them, leaving me to wonder what else I was allergic to...

Looking at the face that I previously didn’t recognize, I to the beginning of a smile. I just sat there looking at this beautiful dark brown haired goddess, awestruck that she was actually smiling at me. I knew that she was smiling at me, as I was the only other patient in the room. The other beds were empty. I missed her name, as I was daydreaming about the fact that she had smiled at me. Then she cleared her throat, which got my attention, and re-introduced herself as Alicia. Seeing that she was alone, I asked her where her parents were and suddenly the smile was gone. She told me that her mom and dad died in a plane crash and she had been removed from the rest of her family for her safety. But then she then told me that she would tell me more about herself later when I was feeling better.

Figuring that she thought I was a little kid I start to protest but she cut me off, saying, “I know you are eleven, and I refuse to treat you how I was, but you just woke up and I didn’t want to scare you too much.” ‘Wow, here I thought I had it rough.’ After a few days, she gives me a brief description of the hell she had gone through. My respect for her when I found out that she had survived that much went through the roof. I mean who would do something so evil to their brother? At least she turned out to be somewhat okay. I still see her cringe anytime a woman walked into the room, but I hoped she would get over that soon, as not all women are like that.

(For those who haven’t read her tale try here (BE CAREFUL AS IT IS A SERIOUSLY TWISTED AND DEMENTED TALE)

As night came along I noticed a small pain in my stomach, but I just brushed it aside, as I thought it was just the stress from recent activities, after all I had been out for three weeks because of a drug allergy. {Little did I know that my life was going to be turned upside down about six hours from that start of that small pain.} During the night I broke out in heavy sweating and a gut wrenching pain. The monitors attached to me started going nuts as the duty nurse came running in. Seeing that I was pale as the sheets I was laying on, she reached for the bedside light as my pain intensified again and I passed out again.

I woke up later that week with IV’s stuck in both arms and more wires sticking out of my hospital gown. Apparently, I had gotten a severe case of Appendicitis, and it had ruptured as the surgeon was operating. Now I had this cast on my arm, my nose in a bandage, my head wrapped, and three spots on my stomach that had stitches… ‘Just what I wanted, I don’t think I will ever get out of here.’

I still was running a fever from the infection, and I couldn’t go home until it was gone. I missed having real food, as I could only have liquids for a while. the doctor didn’t want to put too much strain on my stomach.
I looked around and saw that the other beds were still stripped; Alicia and were are still alone in the room. I started to tell her more about myself, but stopped when I got to the dream. I didn’t want her to think I was crazy, and I was still too weak from the emergency surgery to do anything.

Being cooped up in the hospital bed, I started to remember the one person back at my old school who hadn’t treated me like dirt. Granted, we both were seen as easy targets and were picked on daily, but Matt and I seemed to get along. We both agreed there must be a “strange attraction to small children” that brings out the worst in big kids and bullies. The worst person was Bartholomew Roberts, or Black Bart, as everyone else called him {not to his face}. It seemed that Matt was his favorite target. When he couldn’t find Matt, he used me as a substitute. A few days before I’d moved, I’d remembered that I had forgotten to tell Matt. I went to his house but he wasn’t there. I had to leave without telling my one true friend from school that I was leaving. Someday I hoped to find him and apologize.

Anyway back to the here and now. I was slowly getting better every day. My nose had healed and the bandages were to come off later that afternoon. Soon I would just have this cast and the surgery bandages. I hoped that I could go home soon, as the hospital was getting boring. I still was weak but I as getting stronger every day.

Alicia was seeing a councilor to help her with her emotional problems and I sometimes heard them talking when they thought I was asleep. I know I shouldn’t have listened in on their conversation, but I couldn’t really help it.
Knowing what she went through made me kind-of glad that I was an only child. It also made me hurt really bad inside that someone would do that to their family. I couldn’t stop feeling bad for Alicia, so I tried to get up out of my bed and walk to her to give her a big hug. Well, what I tried to do and what happened were two different things. As soon as I stood up, I felt this burning pain and then I fell over …

ICU Again

I came to in another room. I was alone and scared out of my mind. I had no clue as to where I was, or if anybody knew I was awake. I couldn’t move again, and I could only see the ceiling in my room. I guess I woke up when I heard a familiar voice raised in anger. I couldn’t quite understand what was said, but there was a lot of noise, then a door closed. I heard snickering and laughter as the sound faded. Eventually I found the call button and managed to press it. The quiet room suddenly burst with activity as a nurse, a doctor and some other people came running in. I found out that I was at Primary Children’s Hospital back in Salt Lake City, and I was back in the ICU.

Apparently, when I had gotten out of bed I ripped the stitches out of my incisions and almost died. I had been transferred to this hospital by helicopter and ambulance {too bad I was unconscious}. The surgeon spent several hours cleaning and suturing the wounds together.

The nurse introduced herself as Marie, and then turned to the doctor to await her orders. The doctor never said her name and rattled off something I didn’t catch, then left. The door opened again as Marie was raising my bed so I could see something else, when I spotted a rather cross-looking woman. The only thing she said was, follow me. It wasn’t directed to me, so Marie paled and left with her.

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