Mean Girls 3026 Part 6

As luck would have it, we did find a race from back in the day. Even luckier, was that it was my first drag race, and I pointed out to her when ever I saw myself on TV.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 6

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.


The first day of classes was pretty much like it had been at every other school I’d gone to. The biggest difference was that instead of handing out the course outline on paper, the teachers had us down load them to our computers. I guess that is easier, but a part of me still missed being able to go over it, and be able to highlight the important dates. Anyway, I found out that Grace and I were the only females in the entire engineering department so the pressure was going to be on us to make a good impression, so the future girls would have an easier time being accepted. I also found out that each of us would be responsible for a project, having something to do with motorsports that would be due by the end of the year. This would count for 75% of our final grade, so if the pressure wasn’t on before, it was now.

I made the choice to do a multimedia show about the evolution of drag racing. I got on the phone to Amanda and had her send the box of my things, my parents put away for me. I knew I had around 100 drag racing DVD’s in my collection, and that would be a good start. At least I’d have a good selection of what’s considered “Nostalgia” racing. Once I got off the phone with Amanda, I got online and started ordering every ‘year in review’ video I could get my hands on. By the time I was done, I had a thousand coming, and that should give me a good cross section of footage to use.

Grace found an invitation to a party slid under our door, when she got back from the hair salon. The party was going to be in the senior dorm this weekend and the invite said that everyone was welcome to attend. The only catch was that it was going to be a costume party, and anyone not in costume, would be made to strip and issued a trench coat, so they could attend as a flasher. I started to laugh when I read the note at the bottom of the invite that mentioned that this year they’d like to keep the flashers to less than twenty.

Grace and I started brain storming about what to go as, and she laughed at first when I suggested super heroes, but once I explained it to her, she was more accepting.

“Well, you have natural dark hair, and I have natural blond hair. Here’s what I’m thinking.” I told her with a grin. “You go as Wonder woman, and I’ll go as Super Girl.”

“I don’t have the body to pull off an Amazon Amy.” she told me with a smirk.

“They make a solution for that.” I told her with a giggle.

“Yeah, it’s called steroids and a boob job.”

“NO! They’re called prosthetics.” I said shaking my head. “Even back in the day they made fake boobs that you could use makeup to blend into your own body and they looked so real back then that no one would guess they weren’t real.”

“Alright, what about the muscles?” she asked me. “What super hero doesn’t have muscles?”

“Alright, let’s look online and see what’s out there.” I told her pulling out my laptop.

It didn’t take long for me to find each of us the right costume. Mine would come with the standard issue blue, tight fitting shirt, and tights, both with built in muscles. The Wonder Woman costume, came with sleeves and leggings that had the same treatment to them. The kit for Grace even included a pair of fake boobs that according to the sizing chart, would plump her chest up to a J cup, due to her slender build. I called around to the costume shop in the station, and found out that they did have one of each kit left in stock, so without hesitation, I put both on my card, and told the sales clerk that I’d be down in a couple of minutes to pick them up.

Once I got the costumes home, we each went to our rooms and tried them on. Granted, Grace took a bit longer than I did, since she had to blend her new boobs into her chest with makeup, but I couldn’t help but laugh when she came out and flexed her biceps at me. I of course did the same in return, and we both giggled. It was pretty cool to play dress up and we both agreed that we’d have to do more together when we had more time.

The day of the party, we both spent a lot of time primping and grooming, getting ready. We both wanted to make a good impression, since this was the first social gathering of peers for either of us. Well that is to say her first party ever, and mine, with this body. I helped her blend her falsie’s onto her chest so there was no visible seam. And once I had my cape on, we were off to the senior dorm. That is when I started getting a feeling, that we’d been had.

The closer we got, the more people we saw wearing nothing but togas. I didn’t think much of it at first, thinking that it was just a group going as romans to the costume party. It wasn’t until we were standing in front of the senior dorm that I realized it wasn’t a costume party, it was a toga party. And there were Grace and I sticking out like two KKK members at the million man march. I had just suggested to Grace that we leave, when I heard a megaphone call attention to us.

“Look at the little girls!” Angela’s voice said loud and clear for everyone to hear. “It’s Super Lesbian, and Wonder Dyke.”

This statement caused everyone to laugh and point at us. I was mortified, and Grace was crying. So I did what I could, by covering her with my cape, and beat feet to get out of there. Once we got back to the apartment, I looked at the invitation again, and could make out that someone had doctored it. There was clearly a line around the word ‘costume’, like someone had cut out a piece of paper and taped it over the original, then photocopied it to make it seem authentic. I got out of my suit while Grace had a good cry. I suggested she get changed, while I went down to the lobby and talked to the security guard. He showed me the copy of the invite the rest of the campus had received, and there it was, clear as day, “Toga party.” I started thinking of what to do to get back at Angela, and then it dawned on me. I’d seen many people with beers in their hands at the party. So I calmly told to officer on duty that they were drinking at the party. This of course caused him to call it in and by the time Grace had showered off and had removed the last bits of glue that held the fake boobs on, you could hear the commotion in the hall from people returning from the party.

The next day, when I went for my run, I was shocked to find Angela running at the same time. She even seemed a bit cordial, as she asked nicely if she could join me. I was a bit leery at first, but after the first mile, she hadn’t pulled anything, so I relaxed a bit. Once I was done with my five miles, she even apologized for last night.

“Look, I’m sorry I played a trick on you.” she said looking sincere. “I was just trying to have a little fun. I’m sorry if I upset you or what’s her name.” she told me holding out her hand.

“Her name is Grace, and I’ll bet you don’t even know mine either do you?” I asked looking suspiciously at her.

“It’s Amy. I know who you are. I was just giving you a hard time like my older sisters did me, when I was a freshman here.” she explained then held out her hand. “Look, no hard feelings?”

I hesitated, but I always look for the good in people, so I shook her hand. It was then that she asked if Grace and I would like to go to the mall with her and her friends a bit later. I wasn’t sure if Grace would be up for it, so I told Angela I’d call her, and went up to my place.

Grace was still out like a light when I got back, so I just slipped into the shower so I could try to get the sweat off me. While in there, my mind started drifting to why Angela had apologized. She has given me nothing but grief since I arrived at the school, and while part of me wanted to believe she was a genuinely good person, the careful part of my brain was screaming for me to proceed with caution. After all, the last thing I wanted was to get cornered and punched in the stomach again.

Grace finally came to a little after 8am, and I was busy cooking breakfast while she did her morning ritual. While we ate, I explained the experience I had while jogging. She, like I’d been, was a bit skeptical, but chose to go with it, and I called Angela to find out what time we’d meet her at the mall.

All in all, it was a pretty enjoyable trip. We found a few shops that had some really nice clothes at reasonably low prices, and found that the girls that Angela hung out with weren’t really that bad a group. It took a little while for most of them to warm up to the fact that we were with them, but once they did, we were all laughing and cracking jokes like old friends. They even started pointing out some outfits that would look ‘cute’ on me. I ended up with a handful of new tops and pant sets that would work well together, and Grace got some new skirts, since she’s really a tomboy at heart. The other’s realized this, and helped her ‘girly’ up a bit. It kind of felt good to be accepted as just one of the girls. In my mind I was still terrified that someone would out me as having the mind of a guy, and I’d be the school’s leper.

That weekend, we ended up going to a club with the girls, and though I tried to protest, they ended up setting me up with one of ‘the cute boys’ on campus. We talked, but I quickly found out that he was a jock and we really didn’t have anything in common. To him, football was life, and if you didn’t like football, you sucked. Have I mentioned that I think football players; that play the American version of the game, are all a bunch of pussies?

Ask any rugby player if he needs pads or a helmet. The answer is not only no, but HELL NO! Those pansies that play American football go to the trainer every time they bend a finger back, or get hit too hard. Most rugby players will tell you stories of when they played a game with a broken hand, or some other part of their body. These overpaid prima donnas in the NFL wouldn’t last until half time of a rugby game. Trust me; I know this for a fact. The team I scrimmaged with back in the day played a pick up game with the local college football team and most of the ‘stars’ were done by the time we broke for a water break, and didn’t come back for the second half. Yet here I was sitting with this schmuck that Angela’s friends hooked me up with, having to hear him go on, and on about how great football is.

Grace wasn’t faring any better with the guy she was hooked up with by the girls. Her guy was basically the wing man for one of the other guys. That means is he is supposed to buddy up to the friend of the girl his buddy is trying to get with. So that meant that since she didn’t have a guy with her when she got there, and this guy’s friends all wanted to hook up with one of the other girls in our little group, that his mission was to make Grace feel special. However, I should mention that he failed miserably at the job. By the time we ended up leaving, she was about ready to kill either herself or him to make him shut up about how rich his parent’s were.

I’ve been a wing man before when a good friend of mine tried to hook up a couple of times, and I can say from experience that the best course of action is to ask about HER. Don’t say word one about you. If you’re flying wing, it’s all about the girl. If you do it right, even if she’s not your type, she’ll go to her friend and tell her how nice she thinks your buddy’s friend is, and that she’d like to go out again. That usually means that your friend will get a second date and this fact will cause him to owe you big time.

Once we got back to our apartment, Grace and I both just flopped on the couch and tried to find a race on. As luck would have it, we did find a race from back in the day. Even luckier, was that it was my first drag race, and I pointed out to her when ever I saw myself on TV. She got excited when our car kept winning, and when we faced off in the finals with the car that finished second in the points, she was almost in tears when we ended up runner up. I explained to her that for all intense and purposes we never should have made it as far as we did, she finally realized just how much fun it was for me to be there.

“We were running a motor that was at least two hundred horsepower less than the rest of the field.” I told her. “And the chassis had been tweaked at the previous race, so we had to be careful with the clutch setup so we didn’t spin the tires. It was a crap shoot all weekend long.”

“Wow, so you guys got a moral victory just by making it as far as you did?” she asked.

“Yes. In fact, that driver I worked with that weekend, had never had a final round appearance.”

“And you helped him get there?”

“Yeah, I guess I did. I basically took some of the work load off him, so he could work on the setup with the crew chief.”

She smiled and kissed me, without saying a word. We were both tired from running around all weekend with Angela so we both headed to bed and fell asleep cuddling.


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