Ladies, gentlemen, and those who think of themselves as both or neither, I wish to have your attention for a few moments, so that I can publically sing the praises of a talented writer, a tireless champion of both the trans community and of victims of sexual abuse, and a great friend of mine, miss Andrea DiMaggio.
I met miss Dimaggio slightly more than three years ago when I joined Big Closet. She was one of the first people to extend a welcome to me, and over the next while I learned that we had a great deal in common - we're both survivors of abuse, both Christians, and both of us had a female side that we only let out online.
I can tell you all that no one was more supportive of me - leaving encouraging comments on my stories, cheering on my successes mentioned in my blog, and comforting me in my setbacks.
So it was that I came to see her as a sister, and I was far from the only one she reached out to - there are a number of others who could come forward to say how much of a difference Drea has made in their lives.
I know you've been going through a rough time lately, Drea, So I wanted to say thank you publicly, and to give everyone a chance to join me in a cheer for you.
Everyone; Three Cheers for Drea!
I Second That
We love you, 'Drea.
Hip,hip, hurray! For Drea! I
Hip,hip, hurray! For Drea!
I completely agree with you Dorothy.
My sister and partner in fictional comedic history, is often in my thoughts, as I wish only a future of real life joy. She has always been a friend since the day we met in chat years ago.
Hugs for Drea!
I certainly second that, Dorthoy,
I've been here a little longer, almost 7 years, but didn't start talking to people till I retired a year and a half ago. I didn't meet Andrea until almost exactly a year ago. I found a wonderful, caring friend who is the personification of what a woman and a lady should be.
She's very special to all who all who have met her as evidenced by the number of people who consider her to be family: You and I included. Erin may be the brains of BCTS but to many of us who know her, Andrea Lena, is the heart and conscience.
Brava, Andrea, may all your dreams and hopes be fulfilled!!!
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Yayyy Drea! Brava, Brava, Brava (3 + cheers....)
By accidents of births and by mutual friendlynesses, She's my little Sis and I love her muchly!
She is so good at both writing and understanding peoples souls, that sometimes I don't quite get her stories, and that's completely my fault; she's entirely at another level! She's also the epitome of someone with a horrible past who also suffers physically and spiritually recently and at the present. Even so, she's usually super positive and often entertains us with her zany humor.
So glad you are here Lil Sis!
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
I heartily concur!
Andrea is arguably the kindest, gentlest soul at Top Shelf. Her skills as a storyteller are second to none, and her caring heart shines through with each tale and comment she posts. She was a wonderful addition to the Home That Love Built universe, and has always been unassuming and lovely in her manner. I consider her to be the true manifestation of a real lady.
Thank you Andrea for all you do and for all you are.
Huggles and much love,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
You are my Mother of spirit and my heart. when i first met you here, reading your wonderful stories of faith and hope, of heart and heartbreak. When i first commented and got wonderful replies and later on when you adopted me <3, you gave so freely and deeply of yourself, even when you were hurting. I can only say that i love you and honour you and would give of myself as deeply to you without stinting. Yes Three Cheers and many, many more!
Love and Hugs and everything you rightly deserve,
Your loving Daughter,
Happy Appreciation Day
Happy Appreciation Day!!
I Love you Twin,
To Drea...
I'm not sure why this it is necessary to laud such a well known and prolific author as Drea DiMaggio. Hers works are legion, and of the highest caliber. Her novellae are a joy to read. Her characters are well developed, and their story lines are well considered. Her writing style is unique, strong, and always delivers a powerful story.
What more could we ask of an author?
Personally, I look forward to her next episode and her next story.
Red MacDonald
Long Lost Sister
You're like the sister I never had, 'Drea. I wish you only the best.
Warm hugs
- Terry
Greetings from Frostbite Falls
Where in honor of her schmoopiness the villagers wave banners and say "yay"...
But seriously folks. I love Drea's stories and my yahoo messenger chats with her
are one of the best parts of my life these days. (Oh no, we got her to crying...)
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Drea is a warm and welcoming
Drea is a warm and welcoming lady. And her stories are usually sweet and sentimental. Thank you Drea for all that you do here.
Drea's a sister to me
Drea, I thank Dorothy for initiating what so many would like to say. Don't get a big head, you know you are not perfect. A big heart is another thing, it is for imperfect people trying to do what they can. Discovering you broke a mold others thought you should fit into was a smart move. You are growing and discovering who you are.
I feel and pray for both you and your wife; life hasn't been easy, but you are more beautiful than ever because we see you for who you are.
Though I share some of the identities you have like Dorothy, even grew up in Jersey. I Like that you live outside of boxes and love over boundaries of the world.
Love and hugs,
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
Hooray for Drea!
Like most writers here, when I posted my very first story, I was about as apprehensive as I'd ever been in my life. As we all know, it's quite nerve racking to sit and stare at the screen, wondering if anyone out there cares. For me, that feeling was gone within minutes thanks to our wonderful Andrea Lena DiMaggio. My first comment ever was from Drea and it was a joy see. It allowed me to let out the breath I'd been holding in since I'd pressed the "upload story" button. Thank you Drea. Because of you, one of the defining moments in my life was a very pleasant experience. Really.
The girl in me. She's always there,
and like everyone else around here, she knows
that Miss DiMaggio puts the Drea in Dream.
Heeyah! Heeyah!
For she's a jolly, and so say all of us,
Lotsalove, 'Drea,
Amen to that!
How true and accurate.
I tuly hope Drea recovers from the issues hurting her today. And yes, she also gave me much support when I first came to this site.
By the way everybody, please don't confuse the wild pictures of Beverly enjoying herself with the 'Other Beverly' who contributes to this site. Just as there are two (or more) sides to Beverly's gender identity so there are severe splits in Beverly's behavioural profile. And of course, there's also Bevan, the male part lurking away attending to the fiscal and emotional logistics of keeping Beverly airborn.
Love you all but a special corner for Drea.
I am so blessed...
...I cannot begin to express my thanks for all the love and care I've received here but to say thank you to Erin for creating this haven we enjoy, aye? And all the friends and family I've found? Even if this is a bit diff, I'll let Jack Albertson sing my gratitude for me. Thank you all.
Love, Andrea Lena
Andrea has held my hand and calmed me down...
and helped me in so many ways between writing her stories of love and compassion. In fact, its fair to say I wouldn't be here or anywhere without her. She truly has been a lifesaver for me.
Bless you, Andrea,
Well...'s about time!!! All I can say is that Drea has been a wonderful friend as well as a major influence on me. I don't create a single tale without and in depth discussion about what I would like to do. She is so free and giving of advice, encouragement, and everything else it takes to help in whatever the endeavor might be. I love Drea to pieces and she's always in my heart.