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Chapter Four
Hypatia ran up into the hallway when she heard Sara shouting for her help. She entered the hallway and saw Sara holding onto a naked girl with blood on her body, twigs and leafs in her hair and a freaked out look on her face from what Hypatia thought to be the fact she’d just been transported from one place to another by a woman dressed all in red with matching red hair.
“Who’s this? I thought you were going after this boy called Neal?” Hypatia asked.
“This is the boy called Neal, well it was.” Sara said looking confused with it all.
“Oh.” Was all Hypatia said just before she saw Sheana appear next to Sara with the girl sat on the floor trying to get away from them all.
“Is that all you’ve got to say? Oh!” Sara said sounding a little freaked by it all.
“Who are you all, and what’s happened to me?” Neal asked as he held his hand up to his throat when he heard that same female voice coming from him. It also reminded him of what he now looked like as he looked down at his blood soaked female chest.
“I think we need to help you relax before you lose total control.” Hypatia said as she stepped over to where Neal was still sat on the marble floor and she touched a hand to his head.
Neal’s eyes rolled up into his/her head just before he/she passed out and Hypatia picked him/her up and carried him/her towards the living room to place him/her on a couch. Sara and Sheana followed, and then waited for Hypatia to place the girl on the couch before they explained what they knew so far.
Sara let Hypatia form a mind link so she could then show Hypatia what happened. Hypatia didn’t look too worried about the fact that Neal had killed his uncle after seeing what he was going to do to him now he was a girl. Hypatia was impressed that Neal had fought the urge to feed from him, not that she’d want to taste a horrid creature like that on her tongue either.
“The poor child has just had her whole world turned upside down.” Hypatia said with a sigh as she looked at the girl asleep on the couch. Hypatia called Neal a girl because that’s what he was now.
“Couldn’t we just let Sheana cast a spell to make her a boy again?” Sara asked.
“I’m not sure I can do that Sara.” Sheana said with a worried look. “The cause of Neal’s drastic change is hard to work out, and if I can’t work out the correct spell, it won’t work, and I could make things worse for him.” Sheana explained.
“So he’ll be stuck like this and crave blood as well?” Sara said feeling sorry for Neal and the drastic turn his life had taken. “But why did he turn into a girl in the first place?” Sara asked as she looked at Hypatia for an answer.
It’s hard to say. This could have been his or her true form to begin with.” Hypatia shrugged.
“What do you mean, true form? He was a boy up until this evening when his uncle started beating him.” Sara frowned as she pointed at the girl still asleep on the couch.
“I mean the child might have been intersexed, at which point the minute he started to change, his body would revert to its true form, and we would end up with what we’re looking at now.” Hypatia tried to explain. “I’ve never seen or felt a half blood with such a strong vampire spirit though. What do you know of his parents?” Hypatia asked looking a little too excited about it all.
“Jo said they were killed just before Neal was born, and that Neal was delivered at the scene.” Sara explained what she’d been told.
“Do you know how his parents died?” Hypatia asked.
“I think it was a car crash, but I can’t be sure.” Sara shrugged. “Different people say different things, and Neal wasn’t on a very friendly bases with his uncle, as you know.” Sara frowned as she thought about the nasty man that had been charged with looking after Neal, but was doing anything but until tonight.
“I’ll have a word with some people I know and see what we can find out about the accident that brought young Neal into the world.” Hypatia said looking deep in thought as she looked at the sleeping girl.
“What do we do with her now though? She can’t go out in the world looking like that.” Sara said.
“She can stop here with me, I will need to give her some training and teach her what she should and should not eat and drink.” Hypatia smiled. “She will need her friends around her as well now more than ever.” Hypatia added.
“Do you still think he... I mean she needs to know who I really am?” Sara asked, still not able to wrap her head around the fact Neal had turned into a girl, and a half blood vampire girl at that.
“Yes I think it for the best that she sees a friend is looking out for her now more than ever.” Hypatia admitted.
“Okay, I guess we better wait around until ‘she’ wakes up.” Sara sighed as she sat back in her seat and relaxed while still in her slayer armour.
“I’ll go and get Michelle and Jo, that may help to keep Neal calm when he, I mean she wakes.” Sheana said looking just as confused with it all as Sara did. Sheana knew better than most what Neal would feel like when he finally woke and had to deal with what had happened to him, because she’d once been a boy, and was tricked into taking the original genies place and was turned into a girl, but she’d come to enjoy being a girl and having Sara as a sister, and Michelle as a lover.
“Okay sis, I’ll see you shortly.” Sara said to Sheana just before she watched her blink away.
“I trust you know we can’t let Karl find out about any of this.” Hypatia said as she pointed at Neal again. “He may be trustworthy, but I don’t trust the ones he works for, and they would look to make a weapon out of this information.” Hypatia frowned.
“I know.” Sara said with a sigh. “Karl’s a good man, but he does everything by the book most the time.” Sara added with a smile as she thought about him letting her teach one of his men a lesson earlier in the night.
“Yes, I looked in on your little display for the troops.” Hypatia giggled. “Did you really see the need to take him across your knee?” She asked with a pout.
“You threatened to do the same thing to me yesterday.” Sara argued.
“True, but making a threat and then doing it are very different things though Slayer.” Hypatia pointed out.
“The guy was a jerk, and it was fun teaching him a lesson, and he did shoot me.” Sara grumbled as she folded her arms across her chest and pouted like a small child would when it was sulking.
“I’m not saying what you did is wrong, I would have done the same if it was me in your place, and I just liked your style.” Hypatia smiled with approval.
“How are Anton and Rosalie doing?” Sara asked hoping to change the subject away from the nasty man she’d taught a lesson to.
“Rosalie was sleeping when I came away, and Sammi was just removing the last of the machines from Anton. Sammi said he was already beginning to heal as she removed each piece.” Hypatia explained and sounding hopeful for Anton to make a full recovery.
“I hope he does, he seemed like a nice man when I first met him and Rosalie.” Sara said as she remembered Prue introducing them to one another and explaining to her the different kinds of feelings different vampires gave off, even when they tried to mask it.
Sheana returned with Michelle and Jo. Jo sat down next to Sara and draped an arm around her, even though it felt weird for Jo to be getting close to Sara while she was dressed as the Slayer. Sheana went with Michelle down to Samantha’s lab, so Michelle could get a closer look at some of the things the scientists had used on Anton. Michelle and Samantha could spend hours talking about this and that machine. Sheana just liked being around Michelle, so she was happy to let them talk while she enjoyed a cuddle and the odd kiss she would steal while Michelle got her breath back.
“That’s Neal?” Jo asked as he looked over at the girl sleeping on the other couch. All he could see was her head and long glossy black hair, due to Hypatia having covered her with a blanket to protect her modesty. “Can you help him become a male again?” Jo asked.
“Sheana’s not sure she can because Neal is not male or female, but a half blood. Sheana thinks the new spirit within Neal would fight against any spell she used to make him look male.” Sara tried to explain what Sheana had told her.
“How do you think he’ll take it when he wakes up and finds out?” Jo asked looking worried about having a pissed off half blood vampire girl to deal with.
“He seemed pretty freaked out just before Tia put her to sleep, so I don’t think it’s going to be very pleasant when we explain it all to him, or her as it is.” Sara sighed.

It was another hour before Neal showed any signs of waking up, but Sara and Jo were still sat waiting with him/her, while Hypatia had gone back down stairs to see how her other two guests were doing. Sheana and Michelle were down there with Prue while she kept an eye on Anton more than Rosalie.
Neal thought he was having the weirdest dream ever as he started to wake, but he soon realised it wasn’t a dream when he lifted his hand to his head and brushed across his chest, but his hand wasn’t anywhere near his chest. That’s when he realised he had breasts. His eyes shot open and he saw the woman dressed in red from earlier, and from the school a couple of months back. And then he noticed Jo sat next to her like they knew each other.
“Jo? What’s going on, and why are you here, where ever here is.” Neal said as he raised his hand to his throat when he heard that strange female voice again that he now had. “Why am I a girl, and why don’t you look freaked out by all this?” He asked with a confused look as he sat up and felt the very different feel of his body.
“You sure have a lot of questions.” Jo joked nervously. “I thought you’d be more freaked out with everything, but you seem pretty calm about it all.” Jo added sounding a little surprised at just how calm Neal did seem.
“I want to freak out about all this.” Neal said looking even more confused as he looked down inside the blanket he had pulled around him and saw his breasts jutting out from his body. “But I feel really calm right now.” He added with a sigh.
“That will be thanks to my friend.” Sara said as she spoke for the first time. “We have a lot to explain to you Neal, but the most important thing we need you to realise is that we are here to help you in any way we can.” Sara added in her sexy sounding slayer voice.
Neal looked at Sara, but she looked nothing like the Sara he knew from school. Sara was still in her Slayer armour with red hair, skin tight red cat suit, corset and boots. She had removed the sunglasses while in Hypatia’s house, but Samantha had done a god job of using makeup to make Sara look very different even without the sunglasses on.
“The trouble at the school with you and that large wolf wasn’t some movie stunt was it?” Neal asked. “And who are you, and why would you want to help me?” Neal asked, not sure he should trust anyone at the minute.
“It was a stunt, just not by a movie company.” Sara started to explain. “We needed to stop a group of covert government men from finding out who I really was.” Sara added.
“Who are you, and why would you need to set all that stuff up at my school.” Neal asked with the same confused look.
“Because I go to your school, and the last thing I needed was for them to find out who I really am.” Sara smiled.
“I think I would have noticed you wandering around the school.” Neal frowned, which Sara and Jo thought it made this new female version of Neal look cute.
“Maybe this will help you.” Sara said as she focused on making her armour retract back into the locket around her neck.
Neal’s mouth fell open in shock as he saw the sexy looking read head become the blonde haired girl he knew as Sara. It all suddenly made sense then why Jo was sat next to her.
“But I remember you being in school on that day, so how can you be this red head and yourself?” Neal asked looking even more confused.
“This is where things get a little confusing.” Sara frowned. “Michelle was pretending to be me that day, so I could show up as the Slayer and pull off the prank we were playing on the men in black.” She explained.
“How could Michelle look like you, and who are these men in black?” Neal asked. “Are you telling me that you can make people look like whoever you want? Is that why I’m a girl now, did you do this to me?” Neal asked with a little anger in his, or her voice.
“Yes we are able to make some people look different and like others when we need to, but we had nothing to do with you becoming a female.” Sara said.
“Can you help me to become a boy again?” Neal asked with hope in his/her voice.
“We’ve talked about it, and sadly we don’t think we’ll be able to do that because it’s not just the fact that you’re now a girl, but also that you’re a half blood vampire as well.” Sara started to explain the other part of Neal’s new form. “Do you remember what you did to your uncle?” Sara asked nervously, not sure how Neal would react to that memory.
“I killed him, but he was about to...” Neal trailed off as he/she pulled the blanket even tighter around herself as a shudder passed through her body at the thought of that man touching Neal’s new female form.
“I know what happened Neal; I saw the whole thing play out in your mind when I found you in the park.”
“You can read my mind?” Neal asked.
“Yes, I’m able to do a lot of things, but the thing I find funny, is that I’ve just told you you’re a vampire now, and you’re more interested in the fact I can read minds.” Sara giggled.
“How can I be a vampire if I can feel my heart still beating, I though vampires were the un-dead?” Neal asked as he placed a hand to his chest and felt the strong thumping of his heart.
“It’s all part of you being a half blood vampire. Tia will probably be able to explain it all better.” Sara shrugged.
“Tia?” Neal asked.
“Hypatia is the other red head you met when I first brought you here. She’s very old and very powerful, but great fun to hang out with.” Sara grinned as she said the last part. “She’s the one helping you to keep calm.” Sara added.
“Does all this vampire stuff have anything to do with the thing that attacked me Saturday night, or was it the wolf bite that did all this to me?” Neal asked as he tried to get his head around everything that had happened.
“Yes, but only in an indirect way.” Sara started to explain. “You already had vampire DNA in your body, but the bites from the thing that attacked you, and then the wolf saving you, triggered that DNA to re-write you in this new form.”
“But why did it make me a female?” Neal asked.
“Tia thinks you might have been intersexed, so your body was re-written into its true gender.” Sara shrugged, not sure if any of that was true or not. “Did you ever have feelings of being trapped in the wrong body?” Sara asked.
“Well I was never very well developed as a boy, but I thought I was just a late bloomer.” Neal mumbled. “Some of the other boys make fun of me in the changing room when we shower after gym.” He added.
“I wasn’t one of them.” Jo said with a hurt look when he saw Sara look at him, as he had gym with Neal, or did before this happened. “And I doubt any of them would be making fun of him, I mean her now.” Jo added as he pointed at Neal sat on the couch facing them with a blanket wrapped around his new female form.
“Jo’s never made fun of me, he even told some of the others to back off a couple of times.” Neal said in Jo’s defence. “I don’t feel as freaked out about being a girl as I thought I would, but that could just be your friend’s doing.” Neal added with a thoughtful look. “What will happen to me now then, if they find out it was me that killed my uncle?” Neal asked sounding nervous about being arrested in this new form.
“Your old life is now over my poor child.” Hypatia said as she glided into the room like she was floating on air. “I’m sorry that I had to make you sleep earlier, but it felt like your mind was about to explode.” Hypatia added as she walked over and sat down next to Neal.
“I thought it was.” Neal mumbled nervously as he looked at the tall slender woman with the long red hair as she sat down next to him. “How will I cope with being a girl? I know nothing about girls.” He added with worry.
“You’ll do just fine with all us to help you.” Sara smiled reassuringly. “Girls get to wear much nicer clothes than boys as well.” Sara added.
Sheana and Michelle had also come up to help reassure Neal that everything would be okay. Sheana was still wearing her black witch disguise at this point; she soon made it retract though when she saw Neal was looking at her.
“Sheana!?” Neal screamed out in his new higher pitched female voice as he watched the black haired, black cat suited woman become the girl he’d known as Sheana since she started school with Sara earlier in the year.
“Hello Neal, sorry about what happened to you.” Sheana said with a sad looking smile as she sat on the long couch next to Sara and Jo. Michelle took the empty seat next to Sheana and looked at Neal in shock.
“Wow Neal, you look amazing. How do you feel?” Michelle asked.
“Weird, numb, stronger, and a whole bunch of other stuff.” Neal said nervously. “I feel like all my senses are stronger, and all the colours seem much brighter.” He tried to explain.
“Those are all your new vampire abilities making themselves known to you.” Hypatia explained. “You will be stopping here with me for the time being, and I will help you learn to use them, and to not want to kill at the first smell or sight of blood.” She added as she took hold of Neal’s hand.
“Are you a vampire like me then Sara?” Neal asked.
“No, Sara is something far more unique.” Hypatia smiled. “Sara is a Slayer.”
“You mean like Buffy from the TV program?” Neal asked. He looked puzzled when the others all started to giggle at just how true that was. “What did I say?” Neal asked with a pout.
“Yes I am a Slayer just like Buffy, but I got a little more than I bargained for when I made my wish.” Sara frowned as she looked at the others trying to get there laughter under control.
“Why would you wish to be a slayer, and how were you able to make a wish like that in the first place?” Neal asked looking confused.
“I found a ring and when I rubbed it on my trousers a genie appeared and granted me three wishes.” Sara started to explain. “I made my first wish, which was to be like Sara Michelle Gellar. The genie needed me to form an image of this girl in my mind, so I did, but the image I formed was of her as Buffy, so instead of just being like her as herself, I was turned into a real life version of a slayer instead.” Sara added.
Neal had to place a hand over his mouth to stifle a giggle when he heard the reason Sara was now a slayer.
“Sorry about that.” Neal mumbled through his hand. “Why would you want to look like Sara Michelle Gellar, not that you do by the way, I think you look prettier.” Neal added.
Sara looked to be deep in thought as she tried to work out whether or not to tell Neal about the fact she was once a boy until she found the ring and made the wish.
“I think it will help her adjust Sara, if you told her everything.” Hypatia said as she urged Sara to explain everything to Neal.
Sara let out a sigh and then carried on explaining everything to Neal. “I was born a boy and up until I found that ring I thought I would never get to live life as a girl, even though I felt like one deep down.” She sighed again. “That is why when I found the ring and the genie came out of it and granted me the three wishes that was the first one I made.” Sara added with a smile as she looked over at Sheana.
“What did you do with the other two wishes?” Neal asked.
“I wished for all my identity to be changed to that of a girl called Sara Anne Read with my second wish.”
“And what did you do with the third wish, or have you not yet used it?” Neal asked looking hopeful that maybe Sara could let him use the wish to change back to being normal in some way, as he wasn’t looking forward to biting people and drinking them dry.
“I set the genie free with my third and final wish.” Sara said with pride. “I promised her I would, and I’m glad I did.” Sara added with a smile as she looked over at Sheana again.
“Where did this genie go, and do you think she might be able to help me in some way?” Neal asked in a pleading tone.
“I may be able to help with your blood urge Neal, but I can’t make you a boy again.” Sheana said looking sad for what Neal must be feeling right now, having had the same thing happen to her when she was tricked into becoming the replacement for the original genie of the ring.
“You were the genie?” Neal asked with a shocked look. “So you still have all those powers to grant wishes for people?” He asked.
“No, but I can still use magic, but I’m just a very powerful witch now.” Sheana said modestly.
“Just?” Neal asked still looking shocked with all this information. “I’d say that was still pretty special if you ask me.” He added.
“I think you need to think of a new name for yourself Neal. You really don’t look much like a Neal anymore.” Michelle pointed out as she looked at the girl wrapped in a blanket sat across from her.
“I’ve always liked the name Natalie, and it was my mother’s name.” Neal said with a sad look. “I wonder what she would say if she could see me know?” She added as she looked down inside the blanket again at her breasts still with some faint spots of blood from her dead uncle on them. She could no longer think of herself as a male.
“Welcome to the world of womanhood then Natalie.” Michelle smiled. “And why were airing all our little secrets, I just want you to know that you used to know me as Mike.” Michelle added with a grin.
“Mike? But I thought you were killed in the high street by a truck?” Natalie asked with an open mouth. “Did Sheana bring you back from the dead?” She asked excitedly.
“No.” Michelle giggled. “I never died in the first place. I was mistakenly turned into a girl by Sheana when they thought I was seeing Jo behind Sara’s back, and the only way I could still be seen as Mike was with a special ring, but someone stole my purse and then put the ring on and got killed by the truck before I could get it back.” Michelle explained.
“So now you’re attending school as Michelle Taylor instead?” Natalie asked.
“Yep, that’s pretty much it.” Michelle smiled.
“I thought there was something really familiar about you earlier when we were sat doing our homework, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.” Natalie admitted.
“I hope you understand that we need to keep everything we told you just between us though.” Sara warned.
“Who would I go and tell?” Natalie asked. “I’d just get locked up for being insane. Some of it happened to me, and even I find it a little hard to believe.” She added with a frown.
“I know you may find all this overwhelming Natalie, but its better you get use to these new feelings, so I’m going to remove the shield I placed around you.” Hypatia warned just before she pulled back her power to let Natalie feel the full force of her new senses.
“Wow!” Natalie said as she took in a sharp gasp as she could feel all the different smells in the room, and also hear all the hearts beating, but she seemed to be focusing on Jo more than any of the others and his scent was turning her on and making her tingle deep down. Natalie looked at Jo with hunger in her eyes, but she didn’t want to feed from him, she wanted to make love to him. Part of Natalie’s mind found it disturbing, but another part was thinking with an animalistic lust. “What’s happening to me?” Natalie groaned like she was having an orgasm as she felt moist between her legs.
“Focus on controlling your feelings Natalie, all your senses are much more powerful now, love, anger attraction, they are all much more potent to you.” Hypatia explained.
“But why does Jo smell so much better than the rest of you.” Natalie asked as she took in a deep breath through her nose, which she soon realised was a bad idea as it just made her want him even more. “I need him right now.” Natalie groaned as she started to slide off the couch and over towards Jo.
Sara was stood between Jo and Natalie in a flash, and no matter how hard Natalie tried to get around Sara, she couldn’t, and when she tried to throw Sara out the way that just got her thrown to the ground and pinned there while Jo left the room with Michelle and Sheana.
“You better take Jo home out the way before I have to really hurt her.” Sara warned.
“Okay.” Sheana said as she morphed into her black witch disguise and then she blinked Jo and Michelle away with her.
The minute Jo was gone, Natalie calmed down enough for Sara to let her back up again.
“I’m sorry about that Sara, but I don’t know what came over me.” Natalie said as she sat on the floor sobbing.
“Don’t worry about it too much Natalie; Jo’s a good looking guy.” Sara smiled to let Natalie see that she wasn’t to bothered by it, as she’d looked in on Natalie’s mind as she was having the feelings, and she could see it was a pure animal style reaction, and not true love
“But I don’t want to have feelings about a boy like that.” Natalie said looking even more upset about it all. “Will I ever be safe around people again?” Natalie asked as she looked first at Sara and then at Hypatia for an answer.
“Yes, you’ll be fine sat next to Jo in a week or two, once you’ve had time to get used to these new heightened senses, and I’ve trained you to use them and shut them down when you don’t want them running wild.” Hypatia explained. “But to start with we better see about getting you cleaned up and into some clothes.” Hypatia added.
“Come along Natalie, I’ll come and help you.” Sara said as she got up off the floor and then helped Natalie to her feet so they could both follow Hypatia to one of the many guest rooms she had in the house.
They were soon in the bedroom and then Sara led Natalie into the bathroom where she started running Natalie a bath with some nice smelling bath oils in it.
“I’ll go and find her some clothes to wear while you help her take a soak in the bath.” Hypatia said to Sara just before she left the room.
Once the bath was filled to the height Sara wanted it, and took the blanket off Natalie and then helped her to get in the bath where Natalie let out a sigh as she felt the hot water engulf her body.
“This feels really good.” Natalie said with another sigh. “It all feels so different to me now.” Natalie added with some confusion.
“I gather you will have a lot of things to get used to now you’re a vampire of sorts.” Sara said as she helped Natalie to get clean. “Do you want me to wash your hair for you?” Sara asked.
“Please.” Natalie said with a smile as she looked up at Sara. “Will I still be able to go out in the sun and eat garlic?” Natalie asked while Sara washed her hair for her.
“Garlic is just a myth, as for going out in the sun, you will have to ask Hypatia, or just try it in the morning.” Sara said with a shrug.
“What if I burst into flames?” Natalie asked with panic in her voice.
“Vampires don’t catch fire in sunlight, and crosses don’t do anything either.” Sara giggled.
“What does happen to them...? I mean us? Will I sparkle?” Natalie asked sounding way to excited about it.
“No you won’t sparkle.” Sara growled as she slapped Natalie across the back of her head.
“What was that for?” Natalia asked in a pained voice as she tried to rub the pain away.
“That was for asking a silly question.” Sara scolded her. “And your skin isn’t as hard as stone either.” Sara added before Natalie could ask another silly question based on the twilight movies.
“I was only thinking out loud, as she must have got her ideas for vampires from somewhere.” Natalie pointed out.
“A vampire can only go out in the sun if they are in animal form, but with you only being a half vampire, I’m not sure if you will have the same problem, and if you did, I know that Sheana could fix that with a ring like she did for our friend Prue.” Sara explained as she tried to steer Natalie away from the latest movies based on vampires.
“You mean that Prue is a vampire? What about Jenna?” Natalie asked as she thought about Neal’s meeting with Prue and Jenna earlier in the evening back at Sara’s place.
“Yes Prue is also a vampire, but Jenna is human again now.” Sara smiled as she thought about Jenna and how she could make them all laugh. “Prue tried to turn Jenna when she was very sick, but for some reason it never took, and Jenna has spent well over a hundred years as a four year old.” Sara explained, but left out the part about Jenna being psychic.
“Will she age again now she’s human?” Natalie asked totally fascinated with this whole new life she’d become a part of.
“Yes, she’ll be stealing all my clothes in next to no time.” Sara giggled, happy that Natalie was distracted from some of her troubles by Sara’s ever growing supernatural family.
“Looks like Jenna’s not the only one you’ll have to worry about.” Natalie said trying to be funny.
“Once Hypatia gives you the all clear to leave the mansion, you’re welcome to come over and play dress up in my things.” Sara giggled.
“Was it hard for you in the beginning, when you were first changed?” Natalie asked as she squinted up at Sara through soapy eyes.
“It was very different, but I always wanted to be a girl, so I’m not the best one to ask.” Sara shrugged. “Sheana would be a good one to talk to about it, she was changed against her will, but she’s come to enjoy being a girl, as I hope you will.” Sara smiled.
“What about Michelle, does she enjoy being a girl?” Natalie asked.
“Yes, Mike was dressed as a girl when I talked Sheana into casting the spell on him; it nearly killed Sheana casting the spell because it was so big. It was only when Jo turned up at my house with Mike’s altered body that we realised what I’d done.” Sara said looking sad about the way things happened.
“Is there anyone else that is not gender defined?” Natalie asked.
“Nope, well Jo becomes Josie on the weekends to work at the cafe with me, Sheana and Michelle, but he has no plans to become a girl full time, he just likes to come hang out with us girls as a girl.” Sara giggled.
“Kind of like extreme crossdressing?” Natalie asked.
“Something like that, except he’s a girl through and through once he puts the ring on to make him a girl.” Sara explained the difference.
“You mean he could have sex as a girl?”
“Yes, and he could get pregnant, but that would be a bad thing because it would seal him in his girl form until the child was born if he got pregnant while being Josie, not that Jo would ever go sleeping with a guy in the first place.” Sara grinned. “Josie is a lesbian if you know what I mean.” Sara added with a giggle.
“Have you and Jo ever done it then, or you and Josie?” Natalie asked with a blush to her cheeks.
“No, not yet. I want my first time with a man to be special; I just hope it’s with Jo when the time comes.” Sara said with a sigh. “It will depend on whether or not you steal him away from me.” Sara added with a giggle as she playfully slapped Natalie on the arm.
“I said I was sorry about that.” Natalie pouted as she splashed Sara with water from the bathtub just before she started giggling herself. “And you didn’t have any trouble stopping me getting at him anyway, even with my new added strength.” Natalie added. “How strong are you anyway Sara?”
“I’m not sure, I’ve never tried to find out, but my powers seem to change when I come across a new demon.” Sara tried to explain. “It’s like earlier tonight when I fought the monster that attacked you, I suddenly had an understanding of cybernetics so I could defeat him.” Sara said proudly.
“So you stopped him?” Natalie asked with a grin.
“Yes, he’s down in the basement being healed by Samantha, she’s Hypatia’s mate.” Sara explained when she saw Natalie’s puzzled look. “We also helped his mate to take on human form again. She said she was sorry for biting you like she did, but the car was about to hit you at some speed and she couldn’t get you out the way any other way.” Sara added as she finished off rinsing out Natalie’s hair and then helping her to get back out the bathtub.
“Are they both stopping here as well?” Natalie asked.
“Yes, but only until there both well enough to leave again, then they will probably move on to someplace safer than being here in this county.” Sara frowned. “You’ll be safe here; they won’t try to hurt you again.” Sara said thinking that Natalie might be worried about it.
“I’m not worried about that, but I would like to meet the woman and thank her for saving me that night, even if my life sort of ended anyway, but I can live with this over being dead or broken in a hospital bed.” Natalie said with a shudder just thinking about what could have happened if Neal had been hit by that car.
“Rosalie is eager to meet you young Natalie.” Hypatia said as her and Sara walked back into the bedroom and found Hypatia laying out some clothes for Natalie to put on. “I’m sorry it’s nothing nicer, but we don’t carry much that will fit you.” Hypatia added as she looked at the lady fit t-shirt and jogging bottoms on the bed next to a sports bra and panties.
“They look fine to me.” Natalie said nervously. “I was worried I’d be in some over the top dress and heels.” She added with a nervous giggle. “Who is Rosalie by the way, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“If my name was Alice, then I’m sure I would have found you something a little flashier to wear, but this is far more practical than a designer label dress and high heels.” Hypatia grinned at her reference to the twilight movies. “Rosalie was the wolf that saved you, and her Mate Anton was the one that tried to attack you, but it was only because he was close by eating when you wandered past.” Hypatia explained. “Vampires can be a little touchy if they get disturbed while they eat.” She added with a roll of her eyes like it was such a bother.
Natalie giggled at Hypatia’s little joke about her not being Alice Cullen from the twilight books, she was Edward Cullen’s Sister in them, and she loved to play dress up using Bella as her living doll. “What will I eat now I’m part vampire?” Natalie asked as she let Sara help her put on the panties and the sports bra before she put on the t-shirt and jogging pants.
“You will carry on eating all the junk food modern teenagers eat, not that I understand how you can all stuff your faces with that muck.” Hypatia said as she pulled a face. “But you will need to drink a small amount of blood each day to keep your vampire side healthy.” She added.
“Healthy? Do you mean I will get sick if I don’t have someone’s blood on a daily bases?”
“No, not sick, but you won’t heal as fast, or be able to use your new senses.” Hypatia explained. “And it will be animal blood that you’ll be having. It is not good to have human blood as it will give you the taste for it and nothing else.” Hypatia warned.
“What would happen if she did have human blood?” Sara asked.
“Odds are Natalie would seek to become a full vampire, and then you would hunt her down and slay her.” Hypatia said in a matter of fact way.
“I don’t want to be like that, please help me to become a good vampire.” Natalie pleaded with Hypatia.
“I will do all I can my sweet child, but at the end of the day it will come down to how strong you are, and how much will power you have.” Hypatia said as she laid out all her cards on the table, so Natalie wasn’t foolish enough to think this was going to be easy.
“I’ll help keep you on the right path, and I know that Prue will do all she can.” Sara said looking hopeful. “Prue went down a dark path some time back, and Hypatia helped her to become good again, but I know she had a hard battle getting there.” Sara added as she pulled a shaking Natalie into a hug.
“Why do you smell different now?” Natalie asked as she took in a deep breath and caught Sara’s scent. “It smells much sweeter, it’s nice.” Natalie added with a smile just before she took in another breath to enjoy it some more.
“All things living and dead will give off a different scent depending on their mood.” Hypatia explained. “Sara is hopeful, so she’s giving off a scent of hope.” Hypatia smiled.
“It looks like I have so much to learn about this new body.” Natalie said as she looked down at her much larger chest stuck out under the t-shirt, even with the sports bra compressing her breasts.
“You seem to be handling it all quite well at the minute Natalie.” Sara said.
“I think I’m still in shock over it all, but I can’t feel sad about what I did to my uncle.” Natalie looked confused. “Is that a bad thing?” She asked as she looked at Hypatia more than Sara.
“After what Sara showed me, I would say no, he was in need of being killed.” Hypatia said in a cold tone. “He picked his fight and lost.” Hypatia added with a shrug when she saw the shocked look Sara gave her.
“I still don’t like the thought of Natalie being a killer though.” Sara said as she found it hard to feel sorry for Neal’s uncle being killed after what she saw in Natalie’s memories.
“I was proud that you didn’t feed from him Natalie. That shows me you already have a strong will.” Hypatia said with pride in her voice.
“I didn’t do so well with Jo though.” Natalie frowned.
“Jo does smell good to me as well most the time, but that’s just because he’s around Sara, and it’s even stronger when she’s all dressed up as the slayer.” Hypatia grinned.
“That little pervert!” Sara grumbled. “I never knew that he felt that way about me when I was in Slayer mode.” Sara said angrily.
“You do look hot when you’re the slayer, Sara.” Natalie admitted. “Even though I’m a girl now, I still got a warm fuzzy feeling when I saw you show up in the park.”
“Great, just what I need to be, a supernatural sex symbol.” Sara blushed just before she started to giggle.
“If it helps, I thought you looked hot before I became a member of the supernatural family.” Natalie grinned. “Speaking of supernatural, are there real hunters out their like the ones in the TV program of the same name?” Natalie asked.
“You get the odd one pop up every once in a while, but they normally go and get themselves killed, or they get hired by the likes of the men in black and trained to do it properly.” Hypatia explained.
“I’ve not come across one yet, not unless I count myself as a hunter, but I do have an advantage over a normal human.” Sara smiled.
“Well you’ll have plenty of time to learn everything about this new world you’re now a part of, but let us go and meet the others, and you can meet the woman that saved your life.” Hypatia said as she took Natalie by the arm and led her from the bedroom and made her way down to Samantha’s lab.
“Speaking of time, how long will I live now that I’m half vampire?” Natalie asked as they walked.
“If you’re anything like my little pet Samantha, then you will stop aging around the age of twenty five, and live until you grow tired of this world.” Hypatia informed her.
“You mean end my own life?” Natalie asked with a loud gulp.
“Yes, or someone takes it for you.” Hypatia frowned. “But they won’t touch you while you’re under my protection and marked with my scent.”
“Will you teach me to protect myself as well as teaching me all those other things you spoke about?” Natalie asked hopefully.
“I will teach you as much as you want to learn my child, but I also want you to return to school as soon as you’re able to control yourself around others.”
“You just mentioned someone called Samantha, and said she was like me. How do you know she’s like me?” Natalie asked.
“She too was born after her mother was attacked by a vampire.” Hypatia explained.
“But my parents died in a car crash.” Natalie said looking confused.
“That is what you were told, but I think that something more happened and your mother at least, was attacked and bitten by a vampire while still pregnant with you, that is why the two bites you received from Anton and Rosalie started the change.” Hypatia explained.
“Why did I suddenly transform tonight though?”
“The change can be brought on by stress and anger, and from what I saw is Sara’s vision, you were very angry with your uncle when he started beating you, so the change happened to help you protect yourself.” Hypatia explained with a smile on her face as she remembered the look on Natalie’s uncle’s face as Natalie slashed his throat wide open.
They had walked down to the basement area of the house and through a large set of heavy wooden doors and into a large room that Samantha used as her lab. Samantha and Prue were over near a large table full of lab equipment, while Rosalie was sat at the side of a bed on the other side of the room. Anton was asleep in the bed, and he already looked like his old self again.
“How’s he doing Sammi?” Sara asked as she looked over at Rosalie holding the hand of a sleeping Anton.
“He’s doing really well.” Samantha smiled as she looked over at the two of them. “I managed to remove all the devices. Prue and I were just looking at a couple of them.” Samantha added as she held a piece up in her hand.
“That’s good to hear.” Sara smiled. “I’d like the two of you to meet Natalie, Natalie this is Samantha, and you already know Prue.” Sara said as she introduced them all to each other.
“You look a little different to when I last saw you.” Prue smiled as she stepped closer and gave Natalie a hug. “I’ll be around if you ever need to talk, and I’ll give you my cell number as well.” Prue added as she sounded like a big sister to her.
“Thanks Prue, I will be holding you to that.” Natalie giggled nervously.
“I hope so.” Prue giggled back.
“Hello Samantha. I hear that you’re a half vampire like me?” Natalie asked as she held out her hand to shake Samantha’s.
“No, you’re like me as I’m the oldest.” Samantha said with a grin as she reached out to shake Natalie’s offered hand, but then she pulled her into a hug. “And please call me Sammi, all my friends do.”
“Okay Sammi.” Natalie giggled as she hugged Samantha back.
“I hope this old dragon's been treating you alright?” Samantha asked as she stuck her tongue out at Hypatia.
Natalie looked shocked to hear Samantha talk to Hypatia like that, but Hypatia just laughed. Natalie hadn’t been told about Hypatia being a dragon and one of the oldest demons left alive. They all thought she’d dealt with enough for one day.
“I will make you pay for that later my little pet.” Hypatia purred with an evil glint in her eye.
“I hope so.” Samantha giggled.
“I hope you’ll be okay Natalie, because I really need to get home and get some sleep before school tomorrow.” Sara said when she saw the time. It was already the early hours of the morning.
“I’ll take good care of her for you Sara.” Samantha said with a pout as she wrapped her arms around Natalie again.
“That’s good to know.” Sara smiled when she saw that Samantha had already fallen in love with Natalie, and Natalie looked happy with Samantha taking her under her wing. “I still need to make contact with Karl; he’s been calling me for the past couple of hours.” Sara said with a roll of her eyes. “He’s not happy about me getting mixed up in the hunt for Natalie.” She added with a sigh.
“I’ll come with you as back up.” Prue said as she touched a spot on her neck and she morphed into her battle gear that Samantha had made for her, and then Sheana had cast a spell on to make it removable just like hers and Sara’s.
Sara didn’t need back up, but it was nice to have someone to watch her back just in case something did happen. Sara focused on her own armour and she was soon the Slayer again.
‘God she looks so hot when she does that.’ Natalie thought.
“Thanks Natalie, but I still only want to be with Jo, or Josie.” Sara suddenly said in Natalie’s mind as she stood grinning at her.
“What the...?” Natalie said as she jumped at the sudden voice in her head. “How did you do that?” Natalie asked.
“Just one of the many little tricks I can do.” Sara said in her slayer voice as she grinned even more at Natalie’s worried look.
“You can read all my thoughts?” Natalie asked nervously.
“I could if I wanted to, but I don’t.” Sara reassured her. “But if you ever need me for anything, just think of me and call out my name, and I’ll contact you.” Sara added with a smile as she stepped over to give Natalie a final hug before her and Prue blinked over to see what Karl wanted her for.
“Thanks for coming to save me earlier Sara, and I hope we can hang out again soon.” Natalie said as she hugged Sara back.
“I’ll come over and see you every day until you’re well enough to leave here and come hang with us.” Sara promised. “We could even get you a job at the cafe as well.” Sara added.
“It may be some time before Natalie is focused enough to be around that many people Sara.” Hypatia warned.
“I know, but this will give her a reason to try harder.” Sara pointed out. “Anyway I better go and see what Karl’s so worked up about, or I’ll never get any sleep, and mum will ground me for getting bad grades.”
Natalie and the others all found it funny to hear Sara’s sexy slayer voice going on about being grounded, and dressed as they slayer; Sara didn’t look like she’d be too worried about anything her mother would have to say.
Sara stepped back from Natalie and touched her belt just before she vanished. Prue did the same with her belt and she too was gone.
Hypatia led Natalie over to the bed where Anton was still asleep and Rosalie was sat next to it watching him sleep.
“Rosalie, I’d like you to meet Natalie, she was the young boy you saved the other night.” Hypatia said.
“Hello Natalie. I am so sorry this happened to you.” Rosalie said as she rose to her feet and stepped over to pull her into a hug. “I had no idea this would happen when we bit you.” She added with tears in her eyes.
“Please don’t be upset Rosalie. You still saved my life, and being a girl won’t be so bad compared to being dead, well in the ground dead.” Natalie said in a calming voice as she tried to help Rosalie feel better about what happened, and not confuse herself at the same time.
“You are far to forgiving Natalie.” Rosalie smiled as she hugged her a little tighter. “If you ever need anything, you should only ask and I will do all I can to help.” Rosalie added in a loving tone that Natalie remembered from Saturday night when she told Neal to run.
“You have a lovely voice, but it’s much better now I can put a face to it.” Natalie smiled when they broke the hug. “Thank you for saving me, and I hope your friend gets better soon.” Natalie said as she looked at the man in the bed.
“Anton is already looking far better than he did the last time you saw him.” Rosalie said as she turned and took hold of Anton’s hand again.
“He doesn’t look much like the thing that attacked me Saturday night.” Natalie said as she stood next to Rosalie. “What happened to you both to end up like you did?” Natalie asked as she sat down in the empty seat next to the one Rosalie had just sat back down in.
“Do you mean how did we become vampires, or how did we end up with me stuck in my wolf form and Anton as some monster?” Rosalie asked with anger in her voice over the second part of her question to Natalie.
“How did you end up as a wolf and a cyborg monster vampire?” Natalie asked.
“We were caught by some army soldiers dressed in black. The Slayer and the others call them the men in black.” Rosalie started to explain. “At the time they were being ordered around by a mad man called The Commander, but we managed to escape when The Slayer and some of his own men turned against him.”
“That sounds horrible Rosalie.” Natalie said with tears in her eyes. “So you were stuck as a wolf, and Anton was turned into that thing that attacked me?”
“Yes, but he only attacked because he was already feeding on a fox we’d caught.” Rosalie said in Anton’s defence. “He would never normally attack a human.” She added.
“So do you both normally feed on animals then?” Natalie asked. “Like the Cullen’s do in the twilight movies?”
“Yes, but we don’t think of ourselves as being vegetarian though.” Rosalie said with a roll of her eyes. “And we don’t sparkle in the sun either, before you ask.” Rosalie added with a giggle.
“Sara already told me all that.” Natalie giggled.
Hypatia was stood over near Samantha as she played around with some of the devices she’d removed from Anton, Hypatia smiled when she saw Rosalie giggle; it was the first time the woman had shown any signs of happiness since she arrived earlier with Sara and Sheana.
“Rosalie will be fine you know.” Samantha said without bothering to look up from the device in front of her. “Anton will be awake soon, and she’s already formed a bond with Natalie.” Samantha added as she did look up this time and smile at Hypatia.
“I can see that without linking with either of their minds.” Hypatia smiled back. “I never realised just how exciting life would get when Prudence brought me that young slayer.” She added with a giggle.
“I think you like having so many people around.” Samantha said with a sigh as she placed the device down on the table and then let Hypatia wrap her arms around her. “It’s nice to have them here and coming to visit. I feel like we have a family.” Samantha added.
“They are a family, and one I’m proud we’re a part of.” Hypatia said as she held Samantha close while she looked over at Natalie talking and giggling with Rosalie on the other side of the room while they kept an eye on a sleeping Anton.

Karl growled as he slammed down the phone after sorting out a cover up for the attack at the Atkinson house. He’d been trying to find out what was going on by contacting the slayer, but she’d been ignoring him for the past couple of hours since some of his men had seen her vanish from the park with what looked like a naked female girl.
“You should really be more careful with your equipment Karl.” The Slayer said from the other side of the room.
Karl looked up to find the slayer dressed in her red armour and Prue her vampire side kick stood next to her.
“If you ever answered your... Whatever you call it. I wouldn’t have to get angry trying to keep the police and other government agencies out the loop.” Karl grumbled. “What the hell went off at the Atkinson house, and what killed Paul Atkinson, Neal Atkinson’s uncle?”
“It was Neal Atkinson that killed his uncle after turning into a vampire.” Sara said in a cold voice. “Neal’s gone now.” Sara added in the same tone.
“Couldn’t you save him?” Karl asked, not happy to hear that the slayer had just killed the boy.
“No, he was too far gone by the time I found him, so there was nothing I could do.” Sara sighed. “I’m sure you can come up with some story for the press as there’s nothing but a pile of ash to show for his body.” Sara lied about this part, but Karl had just assumed she meant Neal was dead with the other parts she told him, and Sara couldn’t see the harm in letting Karl think that.
“What about the girl you were seen with, what did she have to do with any of it?” Karl asked looking puzzled.
“I found out that Neal’s uncle was a bit of a pervert and he’d talked the girl into going home with him, where he’d tried to have is way with her, which was when Neal found him and lost his temper triggering the change that led to his uncle’s death.” Sara said, bending the truth a little.
“Was there no way to just catch him and help him become a good vampire like Prue?” Karl asked in a sad tone. “You should have tried harder to save him.” Karl growled angrily as he slammed his fist down on his desk.
“I just had to drive a silver stake through a young boy’s heart and watch him turn to dust, so don’t start snapping at me about I could have done more!” Sara snapped back at Karl as she went nose to nose with him. “Maybe if you’d had more guts to question your old boss, then none of this would have happened in the first place.” Sara added with a snarl.
Sara stepped back from the table trying to look angry, even though it was all a show to make Karl think she’d had to kill someone.
“I’ve told you what happened, now I’m going again.” Sara said just before she touched her belt and blinked away.
Prue just looked at Karl with a frown for a couple of seconds before she reached down to touch her belt, but Karl spoke before she could.
“Please tell the slayer I’m sorry for snapping at her, but it was me and my team that caught those two vampires, so I feel like it was my fault that boy died tonight.” Karl explained.
“I will pass on your apology Karl, but it was hard for the slayer to kill someone so young, but he just wasn’t the same boy anymore.” Prue said as she had to hide a smirk. Natalie really wasn’t anything like Neal the boy that got attacked on Saturday night. “Good night Karl.” Prue added just before she vanished.
To Be Continued Next Tuesday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you
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Good alibi for Natalie, pity
Good alibi for Natalie, pity Natalie will lose her inheritance. The inheritance may have been more than money, like sentimental items etc.
I'm curious whether Natalie parents are still around as vampires, I have a sneaky suspicion they are and maybe closer than anyone realizes.
Great chapter.
Big hugs
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Well at least Natalie has some consolation for getting changed
It is likely Neal's uncle would have killed him.
Well, this is a new one, I have never heard of a half-vampire before so it would be interesting to see how they are portrayed.
Is Natalie a
female version of Blade?
May Your Light Forever Shine