Kylie, my oldest and best friend and the reason you're able to read this, may be gone from my life, and no idea if she'll be back. It hurts as much as you can imagine, but I haven't been able to grieve - I had a busy shift at work, then had my first session with the weight loss group, and then got about 4 hours of sleep before I got a call from Samantha's mother saying she had taken Sam to the doctor for a severe allergy attack.
At some point, I'll stop and grieve and let the hurt out, but for now its .... bottled up.
I'm not sure this is a good thing or not.
never forget ,you have others
never forget ,you have others here for you, granted we arent like Kylie, as no one else can be that ....but we still are here for you
I'm afraid this happens
to all of us, we have people who seem to enter our lives change things or help us to change things and then move on. Instead of grieving feel glad that you knew her and wish her well wherever she is and then get on and prove that what she did to help you can continue.
I have a girlfriend who helped me transition and cope with other things, we even went on holiday together a couple of times, we were like sisters and I helped her as well though in different ways. I haven't seen her for over a year and it's not from my lack of trying. I've given up now and just get on with my life and let her do the same. It's sad but it's life.