Two Moms and Two Sisters Changes Your Life

Two Moms and Two Sisters Changes Your Life

My Changing Life…

My mother just told me we are moving far way to be with my Aunt and her daughter who is really her son. Not even sure she is my Aunt, but we call her Aunt. Her son wants to be a girl I think; at least he acts like it.

I was nervous moving far away and leaving my friends, I am 13. Most of my friend here are girls since I can’t make friends with boys it seems.

I too have strong feminine desires in me and I think my mother likes this and encourages me toward the softer side of life.

Ever since she had me dress up as a princess for Halloween, which I loved by the way, she has pointed me into femininity. I wear nightgowns every night. She likes them on me better and she convinced me I could only wear cute little panties with the nightgowns. What did I know? Mom knows best.

Ever since wearing that princess dress my Mother has made me wear a very tight girdle too. She says it’s to keep my “little guy” under control. It has worked, he never gets excited anymore.

Mom got very bad when I got so excited wearing the pretty pink princess dress that my little guy exploded and got the petticoat and dress all wet. She was not happy and told me never again will I wet my dresses. I would have to wear a girdle to control him she said. Wow, it worked.

So I now wear girly panties and a little girdle. I slip these both on everyday like it’s second nature now, like it’s normal for me to be wearing this girly lingerie.

So I think my Mom has “set me up’ with this move to another town to live with my “Aunt’s” feminine son.

Chapter Two

Off we went, moved to another city thousands of miles away. Moving into my Aunt’s house and her girly son, I did not know what to expect. Would they understand me wearing a panties and girdle and a nightgown to bed at night? My Mom told me not to worry about that.

In we walked into my new house. There was my Aunt and her son, Jack. Jack looked like a girl, totally, wow, he really has changed since the last time I saw him.

He was wearing a pink lacey soft blouse and tight skirt and displaying a very lacey bra under his blouse. I think I was jealous, but quickly told myself not to thinking that. How could I like that outfit for me?

I was shocked to see my Mom kiss my Aunt like they were long lost lovers. What was up with that? Jack pulled me aside and also gave me a huge, very girly huge. Both were so happy to see us.

We all went into the kitchen for lunch. Jack held my hand. His hands were so soft, so nice and he had nail polish on, wow. Just then Jack bent over and I saw his back and there was a bra under his shirt. I saw the straps of a pink bra. Wow, what was going on? I think I might be jealous.

Lunch was fun, lots of girly talk. I kept my eyes on Jack. Yes, I think he has boobies, he has breasts. Wow, his mom is changing him into a girl. Then it flashed through my mind, will my Mom do this to me? She already has girly girdles on me!

Not sure what to expect here in this new home.

Aunt Sue told Jackie to take me upstairs and show me my new bedroom. Did I hear her right? Did she call him Jackie? Wow, this is moving all too fast here.

“Jackie” got a giggly and grabed my hand and said, “Terry, lets go see your new bedroom. You will be with me since we only have two bedrooms in this house.”

What did I hear, I am sleeping with him? And my Mother would have to sleep with my Aunt? What is going on here?

Off we went, Jack running upstairs all excited, thinking he would have a roommate now. I kept focusing on his bra showing through his teenage blouse.

He opened his door and wow, this was the most girly room I ever saw. Pink and white lace everywhere. Two makeup tables, big pink pillows and dolls all over the place.

“Jack is this your room, my room? It’s a girl’s room”.

“Silly Terry, of course its “our” room, where else do you expect to sleep? We’ll have a fun slumber party every night. Don’t you just love our room?”!

Just then my Mother came in, saying what a beautiful room this was and how I will just love it. This is strange, but what choice do I have?

Then Aunt Sue came in, saying it’s time to have the talk. What does that mean?

We all sat on the big canopy king bed in a circle. I was nervous, what is “the talk”?
Aunt Sue looked at me and Jack and said, “Boys, your Mom and I have decided we will need to live together to save money, plus we want to give you both an opportunity to explore your softer side of life. We both know you both enjoy femininity and wish to explore it. We will help you both develop your feminine side as you both develop. We can be one big happy family and work and play together and enjoy your new lives.”

I got a real nervous look, but my mom hugged me saying, “Terry, you have know for a long time that you wanted to try being a girl, to explore your softer side. You wear your nightgown each night with panties and your little girdle everyday. I think deep down you wish you were a girl and now is a time for you and Jack to explore your softer feelings.”

I started crying, tears running down my face. I didn’t know if I was happy or scared. What does all this mean?

Mom went on saying, “Terry, we will live here with Jack or should I say Jackie and Aunt Sue. We will home school you both while exploring your femininity 24/7. We love you both and we only want what is best for you both. I think you two will become best friends and live a fuller softer life.”

“Mom what does this mean? Will I be a girl? Will I have an operation? How can I be a girl?”

Mom looked at me with a big smile saying, “Terry, tell me the truth. I think you secretly want to explore your femininity, don’t you? Sweetie, tell Mommy the truth, we are all here to help you”.

I started crying again and said, “Yes Mom I wanted to be a girl”.

Mom hugged me, saying, “That is good, I thought so, we are all here to help each other. We will have a wonderful life now that we can all express our inner feminine desires.”

I looked at Jack for his acceptance. “Terry, I too have desired to be a girl for a long time. As you can see I am trying now. I just love to wear soft pretty clothes and you will too. You see, I am trying a training bra my Mom bought me last week. I saw you staring at my bra! I just love it. This pretty bra makes me feel so special, so relaxed. You will like a bra too. I hope we can explore all this together, being best sisters and having the best time being sisters together.”

I wiped my face saying, “Mom I have always dreamed of being a girl. I think you know that. I am ready to try, but I will need lots of help”.

As Jack or Jackie hugged me I knew all would be ok and I might like all this attention.

“Great, Terry, lets get unpacked, go for swim and maybe after dinner we can all go shopping for your own training bra. Would you like that dear?” Mom said.

I started crying again. Mom said, “I will take that as yes, that you are so excited to buy your very own bra and feel and look pretty. It’s ok to cry sweetie, girls do it all the time”.

Chapter Three

We unpacked my clothes, boy clothes. Jackie kept saying that all my clothes will have to go, it’s just not very pretty. I knew what he was saying. It did feel a little strange putting these “boy” clothes in these dressers.

I couldn’t believe I was going to sleep, eat and play here in this very feminine bedroom and house and that now I have two Moms to help me become the girl I have always thought I might want to become. Our Moms left the room, saying to us, “Get your bathing suits on girls, time to relax by the pool. Terry, you can try one of Jackie pretty bathing suits if you would like.” Jackie popped right up all excited, saying “Terry I have just the suit for you, you will love it!”

Just then, the thought that this boy is so girly popped into my head. How did he get this way? He acts, even talks like a girl.

Jackie gave me a pink flowered little suit, iteven had padded cups, like I had breasts. Jackie saw me staring at the bathing suit cups like ‘How will this work? I have no boobies to fill the cups out.’ Jackie smiled saying, “Don’t you just love the cups, they are so girly, don’t you think? I hope my breasts will soon fill out those pretty cups, how about you?”

Without hesitation, Jackie took off his clothes modeling his new training bra. With a big smile he said, “Don’t you just love this pretty bra? Hope your Mom gets you one tonight just like mine, then we will be twins.”

I got embarrassed seeing him in a bra, and got a little red in the face. He said, “Don’t be shy Terry, we are sisters now and this is our bedroom. We will be dressing all the time now as sisters, sharing clothes, makeup, and all those boy stories. I am so excited. Now get out of your clothes and into this swim suit”.

I forgot I was wearing the panty girdle that my Mom makes me wear because of my accident. Jackie stared at it with a smile saying, “Terry don’t be shy, I wear a girdle too. Helps me control my excitement and it holds up my stockings when I wear them. I have garters on my panty girdles”.

I felt better knowing Jackie wears girdles too. They are old fashioned but as Mom says, “They do the job.” Jackie told me to leave the girdle on to help with the look of the swimsuit. He said he is going to wear his. Without the garters, of course, he said as he giggled.

He helped me on with my bathing suit. Wow, this is different. I even thought I had boobies, little ones but still some shape there. Jackie knew I liked it and tapped me on the fannie saying, “Stop staring at your new figure and lets go have fun… but first lets have some fun right here. Here, let me slip these inside your cups. They will fill out your cups and make you look all grown up.”

I looked and yes, wow, all of a sudden I had big girl boobs. Jackie giggled saying, “Don’t you just love them? See, I have a pair on too! I smiled, Jackie hugged me saying this is going to be so much fun Terry!

Jackie handed me something else. I was confused. He said, “Here let me show you, it’s for your hair, to pull it back for swimming. He told me I had such beautiful long thick hair, he was jealous.

I looked in the mirror, and wow did I look different, almost like a real girl. I had the shape of a 13 year old girl just beginning to bud out as a girl. I got excited. Good thing I was wearing my girdle, didn’t want another accident, Mom knows best I thought to myself, again.

As we were walking downstairs, Jackie asked me how I like my new boobies. I told her I was not sure, this was all going a little too fast for me, and I was not used to the bouncing.

Jackie laughed saying, “Terry, you are funny, you look beautiful and in time I know you will love your new figure and boobie bounce. It’s all part of being a pretty girl, you know!”

At the pool both Moms looked up with a big smile and my Mom said, “Wow, Terry, you have boobs in your suit. Are you ok with that so quick?” Aunt Sue popped in saying, “it may be too quick, to pad out his boobies. We don’t want to scare poor Terry. After all he hasn’t even worn a training bra yet”.

I smiled and twirled around like a fashion model, saying I was ok, it was just different to have boobs like this. Everyone giggled saying, “Terry enjoy, you look so sweet, you’re so sweet!”

Later the Moms said it was time to get ready for dinner, and time to cook dinner.

Back upstairs Jackie and I got dressed but before I could finish he offered me one of his training bras. I looked scared.

“Terry, it’s ok. You should start wearing a bra, which is what we girls wear now. Plus remember we are going shopping tonight for your very own bras and you want to be dressed properly for our shopping trip, don’t you”?

“Jackie, I guess it’s time, but do you think Mom will be ok with me wearing a bra? Plus is it ok to wear your clothes?”

“Don’t worry, all my clothes are now your clothes, remember we are sisters now. Here slip it on and see how it fits and feels. They are so so nice, I just love my training bras.”

I hooked it around my chest. Wow, I was getting excited and Jackie knew it. “See, Terry, I knew you would like it, the bra looks so sweet on you. Now slip this blouse on and lets go show our Moms”.

He was right, I did like the bra, loved it. The tugging and snugness gave me a real soft inner feeling. I think I can handle this, I thought.

Jackie pulled me over to the full-length mirror in our room and said, “Terry this is what we girls do before leaving our bedroom. Check out our looks, our makeup, wish mom would let us wear makeup, some day”?

We both stood their arm in arm checking out our looks. I clearly had a bra on, showing through the girly top. I didn’t realize it, but Jackie gave me one of her girly blouses and it really showed off my training bra. I think she did that to me purposely.

But I was nervous and said, “Jackie, my bra is showing through this top. I don’t want people to see my bra”.

“Terry, don’t worry, you are covered up. How many times have you seen other girl’s bras through their blouses? It’s ok, you look very sweet. Plus it sends a feminine message that you are a pretty teen girl loving her training bra. I love your look!”

I looked again in the mirror, and with my long hair, skinny short body and girly top I really looked like a girl. Maybe it is ok, maybe I do want to say… I am all girl, I even wear a bra too! I smiled and Jackie knew then I was accepting my new position in life.

Jackie hugged me and said, “Lets go sister,” as she snapped the back of my bra strap saying, “We are going to have so much fun sister!”

Hearing her call me sister so many times today and seeing me in this feminine blouse and bra, told me I have really gone to the feminine side and I am liking it. I smiled and we went downstairs to help with dinner.

Chapter 4

I was surprised that nothing was said at dinner about me wearing Jackie’s girly top and his training bra like it was the most natural top for me to wear. Mind you I still looked somewhat like a boy. Well, maybe not.

After dinner, my Mom said, “Terry, lets all go shopping for your own training bras”. I got excited but got nervous about leaving the house with this blouse on.

After dinner we cleaned up and Mom said, “Lets go shopping as she handed me a very feminine purse. I got all excited, my first purse. Mom smiled as my acceptance of my new girly purse showed in my face and demeanor. Mom grabbed my hand and we were out the door. No time for me to think.

We got the mall, Jackie and I walking hand in hand. I couldm’t believe what a little girl she was acting. She even carried a little teen purse!. We went right into JC Penny as Jackie said so loud, “Terry here is where I bought my training bras, like the one we are wearing now”.

I got so embarrassed thinking people would hear him talking about “my” bra. Yet no ladies around gave us a second look. At first glance we looked like two teenage girls out with their Moms. Good thing I had long hair and a small body.

Aunt Sue knew the clerk as she announced her niece was here for her first bra. What a smile on the clerk’s face, like this is her mission to put little boys in bras.

“Ok, Sue, bring him back in the changing room and let’s measure him up”, the clerk said.

Jackie saw my hesitation and said, “Terry, go ahead, its fun, you will like being measured for your first bra, I did”!

Mom pulled me into the back room. “Mom why do I have to do this, I know my size, I have a training bra on now. Jackie told me her size and I like the fit”, I said.

“Terry, this is the fun part, you will remember this the rest of your life. This is special, your first bra, now take off your blouse and let this nice lady measure you, dear”.

I whispered in my Moms ear that I was scared and did not want to take off my blouse for this lady.

All of a sudden my Mom took off her blouse and asked the lady to measure her, showing her son that there was no problem being measured for a bra.

I could not take my eyes off my Mom’s bra and breasts. I guess I never really saw her undressed, but now, I was amazed at how shapely she was and what a beautiful bra she wore. The cups were all lacey and it went down to her waist. Strange I thought, so long. “Terry, would you like a pretty bra like this some day dear?” she asked.. “This fancy bra is called a long-line bra, holding in my waist too. Plus the cups are very supportive to give me support I need. Do you like it dear?”

I could hardly answer, I was in shock at all that was happening to me in this feminine dressing room.

The clerk strapped the tape measure around her breasts and announced that my Mom was a 36D as she looked at me saying, “See that was not that bad. Your Mom has a very beautiful figure, maybe some day you can have a pretty figure like hers?”

Mom looked again at me saying, “Ok Terry, your turn, now take off your blouse and let the nice lady measure you, sweetie”.

I was still stunned, looking at my Mom’s pretty bra and her pretty shape. My Mom started undressing me as I said, “Ok Mom I can do this, I will take my blouse off”. Mom popped in saying, “Good girl, and trust me you will enjoy your first measuring for your own pretty training bra”.

“My my my you already have on a nice training bra, Terry. Do you like the fit young lady?” the clerk asked.

I got shy and couldn’t talk. Mom pushed me, “Terry, answer the nice lady, do you like the bra Jackie let you wear”?

I was shy and said only, “Yes.”

Both the clerk and Mom smiled and said, “Son don’t be shy, speak up, answer the nice lady.” My Mom asked the clerk if they made training bras with a little bit of padding. She smiled and said, “Of course, I have just the training bra for your daughter. She will love it.”

That was the first time I heard the word ‘daughter.’ I think I liked it as my Mom hugged me and gave me a loving kiss saying, “Terry you are doing just fine, our mother daughter experience is so special! Don’t you think so sweetie”?

As the clerk left the room to get the new bras, Mom said to me, “Don’t worry dear, I think a little bit of padding to shape your new figure will help you adjust as a girl. You will like having a shapely curvy figure, even if it’s with padding. No one will know you are wearing a padded bra. I wore a padded bra when I was a teenager and look at me now. You will develop sweetie.”

I was nervous but excited. Here I was in a dressing room with my Mom helping me buy my first bra. I was so excited to think I will be wearing a bra and my girdle forever. I use to dream about buying my first bra. I always looked at the JC Penny catalogs, seeing the teen girls in their pretty dainty training bras, wishing I could wear those bras. Now I will have my own bras.

I hugged my Mom with excitement as she said, “Terry, I love you too, sweetie”!

The lady came back with the padded training bras, and they fit great. Mom loved it and told her we will buy three plus three of the other training bras.

Mom looked at me with such excitement saying, “Terry leave on this padded bra. I am sure Jackie will want to see your new figure.”

I pulled on my blouse and wow, I had a teen shape, I loved it. But, could I go out in public like this? There was no question I had a bustline. Small, but I was sporting a very teen bustline.

I looked at Mom saying, “Do you think my boobies are too big in this padding?”

“Terry you look very sweet. Perfect for a teenage girl developing a little cute figure. You look normal, just like my girl should look, so sweet. You will get use to your new look,” Mom said.

Out in the store, Jackie was waiting for me. He started jumping up and down, seeing me. He came up to me with a big hug and whispered in my ear, “Terry you look great. I love the look, I am so excited for you. I am jealous of your sweet little figure, love your boobies”.

Everyone agreed the padded bra was perfect for me. We bought the bras plus some matching panties and of course a couple more panty girdles.

I whispered in my Mom ears, “Mom could I get garters on those girdles?”

“Why Terry, where did you learn about garters? Of course we can get your new panty girdles with garters, that is so swee,t” Mom said.

I gave my Mom a big huge, whispering in her ear, “Mom thank you so so much, I love you so much”.

“Terry, now we will have to buy you some teen nylons, won’t we dear?” Mom said with a big big smile.

Just then Jackie popped up asking his Mom if he could buy the same padded bra just like Terry’s. Aunt Sue knew she better buy him the same padded bra I just got. Sisters have to have the same outfits, right!

Jackie got all excited as he said to me, “See, we are sisters now, we will be twins in our matching bras”!

We left JC Penny and ran right into a small earring store and Mom said to me, “Terry, you have been such a good boy, would you like your ears pierced, sweetie?”

I knew this would “seal the deal” as I looked at Jackie. Jackie blurted out, “Yes, yes, yes lets both of us get pretty ears.”

So there I was having my ears marked for life… branding me a girl. Plus, the earrings Mom got me were very feminine, large flashy girly earrings. Deep down I loved them, but they did feel strange. I guess just one more feminine feeling I would have to get used to. Love it!

It was getting late so we went home. I found myself still holding hands with Jackie. What was up with that? I was happy and excited with my new look. Jackie whispered in my ear, not to let our Moms hear, “Maybe tomorrow we can get our Moms to help us with makeup. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

Not sure what came over me, but I gave Jackie a big hug and we giggled all the way to the car.

At home we went right to our bedroom and changed into our nightgowns. I was surprised to see Jackie leaving his training bra on.

He told me how much he like my padded training bra and had always wanted one like it.

“I love the way the padding gives you a cute shape under that blouse, so feminine,” Jackie said.

We jumped into bed. That was strange, sleeping with him, but I was ok with it. I was so tired I fell asleep quickly.

Chapter 5

Next morning, both Moms were in waking us up. I overheard my Mom say how cute we looked in our lacey nightgowns sleeping together in this pretty canopy bed.

“Get up lazy girls, time to get your day started. Throw on your robes and come down for breakfast and lets talk about our new day,” Aunt Sue said.

I got excited at breakfast. We are going to Aunt Sue’s beauty salon! I was told we have an appointment at 10am for a cut and styling and if I am a good girl, Mary will give us both some makeup lessons. Jackie and I got so excited.

I got nervous, never having been to a beauty salon. What does a ‘cut and styling’ mean? My Mom said it was time to wear a dress and to dress like a teen girl now all the time. I was so looking forward to that. “I sure hope I can pull it off,” I said to my Mom.

“Don’t worry dear, you are in good hands with your Aunt and me,” Mom said.

Aunt Sue brought into our bedroom two matching pink lacey frilly dresses. We both got very excited, seeing how pretty the dresses were. Our Moms were also very excited, saying it would be best to wear stockings with these dresses, “So wear your panty girdles with the garters!”

“Terry calm down, I know you are excited to wear a dress,” Mom said. “Do you have your girdle on now? We don’t want any accidents you know!”

“Don’t worry Mom, my little guy is packed away, he wouldn’t give us any problems,” I said.

After our showers, our Moms helped us dress. Jackie and I both asked if we could wear matching bras and girdles.

Mom taught me how to hook my garters to my nylons. First time wearing nylons and for sure hooking them to a garter… so girly I thought. What a strange feeling be in cased in nylons! “Terry, you have beautiful legs dear, so pretty. How do you like your silky nylons sweetie?” Mom asked.

“Mom, they feel strange, but I love them. I will get use to them, right?”

“Yes, Terry, you will get use to nylons. I like wearing them every day and hope you will too,” Mom said.

Jackie and I both got excited; we would be in matching dresses and lingerie. How girly, I thought.

We were done dressing as our Moms combed out our long hair and pinned it up in a very girly way. We both stood in the mirror admiring ourselves as my Mom snapped a photo saying, “How cute you boys look! You both will have so much fun today at the beauty salon”!

At the salon we were pampered, which was so nice. Both of us were together as they cut and styled our hair, did our nails, and then applied some makeup. We got so excited! I just loved the lipstick. My whole demeanor was changing. I felt so feminine I could hardly handle the feminine feelings rushing through my body and mind.

Time flew; we were having so much fun I didn’t want to leave this women’s den of feminity.

With our dresses, padded bras, cute earrings, girly hairstyles, and now makeup, we were happy happy teenage girls. No one would ever know we were boys.

Our Moms took us shopping to celebrate our makeover. Walking the mall was very different now. I felt totally different in this dress, stockings and hair do. Carrying a purse felt so fun. I thought I was really getting the whole girly thing down pat. Plus I was getting stares from boys, what was up with this I thought.

“Terry, why are you picking at your bra straps? It is not very lady like, dear”, Mom said.

“Mom this padded bra is tight, not like Jackie’s other training bra, and it feels strange”, I said.

“Well, Terry, your new padded bra is a little different than the other training bras. I think it’s something you will have to get use to. The padding gives you a pretty figure and it’s new for you sweetie! You know -- as you say it’s another ‘girly feeling’ you will have to get use to!”

We were having so much fun at the mall. We each got a new dress, this time our dresses were very short, the kind only a teen girl could wear. My Mom bought me a couple more purses. I loved this and it showed.

We walked by a shoe store as I dreamed about wear high heels. Mom saw my wistful look and said, “Terry would you like to try on those heels you are dreaming about”? How did she know? I said, “Oh Mom, yes, oh please can I? They look so dreamy; I would love them so much. Can I please?”

In we went and tried on the high heels. My Mom leaned over to me and whispered, “Terry, keep your legs together, that man might look up your dress.” I got so embarrassed, how was I supposed to know these things? Only been wearing a dress today, I thought. As I closed my legs, Mom whispered to me, “Good girl, now you are learning.”

We bought the heels. I was so excited. I wanted to wear them home but Mom thought it best I practice with them at home before walking in public. I may need practice, she said. Mom knows best.

As we were going home, I was dreaming about what had happened these past several days. Here I was in a dress, my ears pierced, wearing stockings and makeup. I’ve been to a beauty salon and I am out in public with no problems. Plus I have a sister now and a new family nurturing my desire to be a girl. Being so feminine makes me so excited! How lucky can a “girl” be?!

Chapter 6

Time flew by. Both Jackie and I were home schooled; we went shopping every weekend and even went alone to the mall one Saturday. That was very cool.

Our trip to the Mall alone was so much fun. Two teenage girls window shopping, trying on girly clothes and giggling about boys. Never thought I would think or talk about boys, but it is amazing what feminine thinking does to your brain. Plus having all these boys stare at you makes for a different feeling, a feeling I like.

The best part of our mall trip was a teen makeover our Moms scheduled for us. Wow, we were pampered and we had such a blast using more makeup than we have ever played with before. We walked out so beautiful, so cute, we looked just like princesses. I just love the sparkle in our lipstick, so soft and nice.

Our moms gave us some money to buy matching nightgowns. We got so excited walking into Victoria’s Secrets, I thought I was going to have an accident. It was a good thing I had my panty girdle on to control my little guy.

Jackie and I both looked at each other, as we were deep inside this beautiful Victoria’s Secret store. What a girly store, I thought. We were there for over an hour. We both tried on all these new style pushup bras, giggling all the way with excitement.

We both went in the dressing room together to try on other bras too. Wow, this was so much fun, so girly I thought. I could not believe how many different style bras there were.

I guess we were there too long because a clerk asked if we were ok and need help finding a bra. “Girls, that bra you have in your hand is what I am wearing today. The bra is on special today. Isn’t it nice, look at my support and shape. It’s a lovely bra and there is a padded cup style also, she said.

We got embarrassed, saying we were here for nightgowns. “Well, girls, this is the bra department, nightgowns are over there”, she said.

We got the message and went to make a purchase. We found matching pink silky baby doll nightgowns. Jackie wanted a nightgown with cups, and I agreed. “More feminine,” I said. We found just the style, so pretty and with padded cups.

We looked at each other and said, “Do you think our Moms will like this nightgown? We really don’t need the cups, we have no breasts.” As we started giggling, the clerk following us said, “Girls, your Moms will love that pretty nightgown and the colors are your colors, girls.”

We got so embarrassed hearing her. We bought the nightgowns and giggled all the way out.

Jackie looked at me, saying, “Could you just live in that store> So many pretty bras and sexy panties. We have to go back there and try on their corsets. They look so naughty, and sexy too, don’t they Terry?”

I looked at Jackie with a huge smile and said, “We will be back!!”

We both knew Aunt Sue was waiting for us in the parking lot… we giggled all the way out, having gotten such pleasure from our shopping trip.

Not sure what all this giggling was about but it felt so natural, so right, so fun, so girly.

Aunt Sue picked us up and we could not stop talking about our day at the mall and the pretty clothes we saw and had to have. We pulled out our nightgowns and showed Aunt Sue. She was so happy for us, saying, “You girls will have to model your new Victoria Secret nightgowns tonight for us. They are so sweet looking!”

We both giggled and said we would love to model them.

That night after dinner we did model our VS nightgowns. Our Mom’s loved them, even the padded cups that showed off our little chests. Our Moms then suggested we try our new high heels we bought and model our nightgowns again with our heels on. We did and we loved the new feeling. Our demeanor got so feminine, so much more girly with heels on. I told my Mom I never wanted to take my new heels off, with a big giggle!

Just then our Moms sat us down saying we needed to have a talk. They looked serious and I was worried.

My Mom went on to say, “Girls, your feminine side is developing beautifully and you have accept your desire to be more like girls. We are so happy for you both. Tomorrow you both will be going to my doctor for your check ups. We don’t want you to be scared, my doctor is very nice, and she understands your desire to be girls. She has helped many boys transition to girls and I think she can help you.”

“Mom what will she do? I don’t want anything cut off, please no!” I said.

Mom popped right in quickly said, “Son, nothing will be ever cut off. As you have seen we have ways to deal with your little guy and there are other things the doctor can suggest”, Mom said.

Aunt Sue went on to say the doctor will explain about and offer to put you two on girly pills, hormones. Both your Mom and I feel these will help you develop into sweet little girls. This treatment will relax you and give you a softer, more calming attitude, more like most girls have. This will be good for you both!”

Both Jackie and I looked at each other and said, “I guess, whatever you Moms think. We love what is happening to us now.” We both got up and hugged our Moms and told them we love them and are so happy!

Chapter 7

At the doctor’s the next day was a different story. Jacki and I were very nervous. The lady doctor was very nice, but we did not know what to expect.

She commented on how pretty we were dressed, and loved our dresses. She was happy to see we were each wearing a training bra and girdle. She asked if the girdle worked in controlling our little guy. I said of course, and then she said she had something even better to control him.

She explained what hormones would do for our bodies. We both seemed ok with the ideas of taking girly hormones. The doctor smiled and said, “Girls, you are going to have a wonderful life, with my help!”

Jackie popped up asking if the hormones will make her chest bigger. The doctor giggled, saying, “Jackie you are so sweet. All my boys ask me that. The answer is yes, you will have very nice soft boobs in a couple of years, just like any teenage girl growing up. Patience dear, you will have a beautiful figure when I am done with you, sweetie”!

The doctor gave our Moms the pills for both of us and some other pills too. We were so excited.

The doctor said, “Before you girls get dressed I will give you both a shot to help your feminine side grow. This is a very strong medicine, so you might be weak and tired the remainder of the day. Go home and relax and let the medicine work.”

We got home and she was right. We were both dragging from the shot. The Moms suggested we get on our bathing suits and relax by the pool for the the afternoon.

This shot must have made us so relaxed we could hardly stop girly talking by the pool. We talked about everything from our shopping at our now favorite store — Victoria’s Secret -- to going to a girly doctor for a check up for the first time,and how much fun it was being so girly. We kept holding each other’s hand, not sure what that was all about, but I liked it, it felt so warm and right.

Later in the afternoon Aunt Sue came out with some apple juice and our pills, telling us girls to take our “lucky pills”. We giggled and gulped them down with pleasure.

She then gave us headsets and told us to listen to some music and please close our eyes to take a nap. “The music will help you girls relax and adjust.” We thought that strange but we obeyed and listened to the music.

After our nap we were feeling better, and got dressed in of course pretty short dresses, and helped with dinner.

The next day our Moms taught us how to remove nail polish and re-apply a different color. That was so much fun we did it twice to practice. I was surprise at how chatty we were while doing our nails.

Both our Moms said we were adjusting just beautifully as teen girls.

After lunch our Moms gave us a big surprise, we were going back to the beauty salon and getting all dolled up, as Aunt Sue says, and then we were going for a modeling photo shoot. A fashion day of photography. Not sure what to expect but it sounded fun.

We both got excited hearing we were going to have full makeup and going to wear grownup dresses for the photo shoot.

We got to the salon and did we get the works! We even had nail extensions added to our fingers, and wow that was different! Our hair was put in rollers, something about a perm. Didn’t know what that was but hey, I was loving all the attention. Our makeup felt so different, lots of makeup it seemed, although we couldn’t see us until they were finished making us up. Aunt Sue said we couldn’t see our new look until done.

Wow, when we walked in front of a mirror and saw our new look, I did not even recognize me or Jackie. Our new feminine hairstyle and makeup had totally changed us.

“Terry and Jackie, you both look so pretty, don’t you just love your new look, it’s so sweet!”, Mom said.

I was speechless. I touched my face, could not believe my look. I looked at Jackie and he looked so girly no one would ever know he was a boy. I started to cry I was so happy.

Everyone ran over to me, giving me tissues, saying don’t cry, you makeup will run!

We were taken into the “back dressing room” for our dresses. It was so strange, having other girls help us dress, but they all helped us like we were all girls. One girl commented on how pretty our matching lingerie was, so pretty. She then gave us a corset, wrapping it around our waists, really curving out our figures. Wow, this was different and fun.

Then came the dresses. Not what I expected for teenage girls. They were very form fitting classic dresses, very low cut, short. I could hardly move or walk in this dress. Jackie and I looked at each other and smiled with excitement.

Out in the photograph studio we were pampered with every photo shot possible. The session was so much fun, so girly. We changed into several outfits. All showing off our padded curves, everything a girl would want to show off.

The male photographer was so into this he kept saying how cute we “girls” were and how great these photos will turn out. He even suggested we should look at a career in fashion modeling. Really, I thought that? I wonder if he knew we are boys?

Jackie and I had such fun! In the dressing room it was like a party. All these other girls were there to help us change into different outfits. For some reason I was not shy undressing in front of these girls. For some reason prancing around in bras and panties and girdles was like second nature. The girls were so nice, so helpful in making us so beautiful, so girly.

Jackie and I hated to leave, but we had to go. We all hugged like were all sisters, and they said we did such a good job, we were so beautiful.

We left there beaming and excited. We both gave each other a high five as we walked out to the car where Aunt Sue was waiting. In the car, we couldn’t stop talking about our girly photo shoot.

Back home my Mom commented on our heavy makeup. I got worried she didn’t like it, maybe it was too much for teenage girls. Then Aunt Sue popped in saying, don’t you just love their makeup, I think they should wear that makeup look everyday, don’t you?

I was shocked when Mom said yes, they look so cute. I was so excited I ran to hug her, saying how much I liked my look and thanking her for the photo shoot day.

Chapter 8

Days and weeks went on. Needless to say, we were teen girls now 24/7 and having so much fun being the girls we always wanted to be.

We got so excited when we “graduated” to A cup bras. We thought we were developing pretty little figures and we loved shopping for new “bigger” bras. We spent a lot of time in Victoria’s Secret trying on padded A cup bras, but our Moms could not afford them. So we went back to JC Penny, where we knew Sally now and were best friends with her as she helped us with all our girly lingerie.

We saw Mom’s doctor often and were seeing a change in our bodies. Our skin is now softer, and for sure our breasts were budding out as Mom calls it. Plus the other pill we are on has really calmed us down. We are so relaxed we giggle all the time like teenage girls. We’re just like girls should be, as our Moms say.

Life is good.

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