Abigails Midweek Adventure 02-02

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 ©October 2012

Part Two of Four

Chapter Three: Unwanted visitor

    Once they finished dinner, Adrian settled the bill and then they left to return to his flat and make a start on dessert.

    Adrian held the door open for Tanya to enter the block of flats once they got back there, and then he placed his arm around her as they stood in the elevator and travelled up to their floor.

     “Crap, all we need.” Tanya grumbled when the elevator doors opened and they saw a tall red head leaning against the wall next to Tanya’s flat door.

     “Is that Lilith?” Adrian asked in a whisper as they stepped out the elevator.

     “Yes it is, so we better go into my place, so she doesn’t realise where you live right away.” Tanya whispered back as she made a show of embracing him and then kissing him.

     “Whatever you say beautiful.” Adrian smiled back as they broke the kiss and then looked each other in the eyes for a second; they stopped and looked at Lilith when they heard her clear her throat in a very loud and fake manner.

     “Wow, you don’t let the grass grow under your feet do you?” Lilith said as she pushed off from the wall and started walking down the hallway towards them. “I’ve been trying to call you all weekend, and then all day today at your office, but they just kept telling me you were in a meeting.” Lilith droned on in a whiny voice that made her sound bored.

     “I thought the fact I’ve not returned any of your calls might have made it clear that I’ve got nothing to say to you Lilith.” Tanya shot back with venom in her voice. “Now be a good little tramp and get lost.” Tanya added as she walked past Lilith, pulling Adrian along behind her.

    Lilith gave Adrian the once over and didn’t look too impressed with him. Adrian looked a little nervous when Lilith smirked at him like she’d just come up with an idea, an idea he had a feeling he wouldn’t like.

     “You do realise that she’s just going out with you on the rebound.” Lilith said in a dry tone as she finally looked Adrian in the eyes trying to make him run away in fear.

     “From what I’ve been told about you, you take it any way you can get it, even if it’s not your boyfriend, so please forgive me if I take no notice of what you have to say.” Adrian shot back leaving Lilith with her mouth hanging open and looking at Tanya for an answer as to why this guy knows all about them and what happened with the other guy Tanya had been seeing.

     “I only did that to show you he wasn’t any good for you baby.” Lilith said in softer pained sounding tone. “I came onto him to see if he’d cheat on you, and he did.” She added like what she did was fine and they could still be friends, even though Adrian could see this woman wanted more than just friendship with Tanya.

     “I was about to dump him anyway, he wasn’t that good in the sack, but you’d already know that wouldn’t you?” Tanya asked with a smug look on her face as she pulled out her keys and placed them in the lock before opening the door for her and Adrian to enter.

     “I love you Tanya.” Lilith said in a loving tone as she tried to follow the two of them into the flat, but Tanya stopped her by placing a hand on Lilith’s chest and giving her a little push back. “You know that I’m the only one that can love you.” Lilith added as she reached up to take hold of Tanya’s hand.

    Tanya pulled her hand away like Lilith had given her a shock, but really it was just the fact that Tanya found Lilith’s mood a little creepy. “Well I don’t love you, and after this, I can’t even be your friend Lilith, so just go away, and don’t ever bother calling me again.” Tanya added just before she closed the door in Lilith’s face and turned around to let Adrian wrap his arms around her.

     “Are you okay?” Adrian asked as he rested his chin on Tanya’s shoulder, while she did the same with her chin on his shoulder.

     “I am now.” She said with a sigh as she enjoyed the hug she was getting. “I’m sorry you had to put up with that.” Tanya added as she broke the hug and looked Adrian in the eyes for any sign he might want to escape while he still could.

     “I can see why you called her a bitch now.” Adrian said with a grin. “I do need to know something, but I think I already know the answer to it before I ask.”

     “What is it?” Tanya asked looking worried.

     “Am I just a thing while you get over this other guy, or is this something real?” Adrian asked looking just as nervous as Tanya had a second ago.

     “This is the most real thing I’ve ever felt for anyone.” Tanya said with a pleading tone in her voice for Adrian to believe her. “I felt something the minute you opened the door to me Friday night, and I’ve felt lost all day today at work. I spent all morning looking for lunchtime to arrive, and then I spent all afternoon waiting for home time to come, just so I could see you again.” Tanya threw her arms back around Adrian to stop him leaving if he didn’t believe her.

     “I’m glad it wasn’t just me doing that then today.” Adrian chuckled as he leaned down and found Tanya’s silky soft lips and kissed them. “Can I still have my dessert?” He asked when they stopped kissing.

     “Oh hell yes.” Tanya purred as she led Adrian to her bedroom where they were soon naked and under the covers making love to each other.

    Tanya and Adrian were both laying in Tanya’s bed, Tanya was sleeping, but Adrian was just watching her sleep while he smiled at just how lucky he was. Feeling the need to use the bathroom, he slipped his arm from under her and slid out of bed. Tanya let out a little groan, but never woke up, so Adrian wandered off to the bathroom in the dark.

    Once he’d used the toilet, he went back to the bedroom and looked around the room, but didn’t notice a wardrobe, so he decided to look around and see where she kept all her clothes and found them in the spare room where Tanya had turned this room in to a sort of walk in wardrobe.

     ‘Wow she has so many clothes’ Adrian thought to himself as he walked along the rails of clothes in clear plastic covers hanging on rails. Tanya had a thing for shoes he realised as well when he saw that one wall was full from floor to ceiling with all types of shoes and boots.

    It had only been a couple of days since they met and as of yet he had no idea what shoe size Tanya was, so he stepped over and picked up a pair of purple suede pumps with a one inch platform sole and what looked to be a four or five inch heel.

     ‘I just fell in love with this woman even more.’ Adrian thought to himself when he saw she was the same shoe size as him.

    Adrian had always hated the fact he had small feet right up until he started dressing as a girl, but now it just meant he could wear such wonderful female footwear. He was soon sat down on the stool in front of a dressing table she had in there and trying on the purple pumps and walking around the room enjoying the clicking of the heel’s on the hardwood floor.

    Apart from the purple heels Adrian was naked, so he started looking around the room like he was a kid in a candy store. Even though he was a couple of inches taller than Tanya, they looked to be around the same size clothes wise, but only when Adrian had the breast forms attached, at this minute he was lacking in the chest area, but it didn’t stop him looking through some draws and finding Tanya’s underwear. He found a very sexy looking bra and panty set he liked the looks of and was soon stepping into the panties and then slipping on the bra.

    Adrian closed his eyes as he ran his hand over his trapped penis and let out a sigh when is hand moved across the silk of the panties. He was soon snapping his eyes open spinning around to look at the doorway to the room when he heard Tanya’s voice.

     “I’m going to have to keep an eye on you.” Tanya said.

     “I’m sorry.” Adrian said looking panicked as he tried to undo the bra, to ashamed of being caught to look up at Tanya. “I don’t know what came over me.” He stuttered out as he turned a deep shade of red all over.

     “I think you call her Abigail.” Tanya said as she stepped over to where Adrian was fumbling with the hooks on the bra, but not having much luck. “Please don’t take it off.” Tanya added as she stopped him and looked up into his eyes. Tanya was bare foot and was a lot shorter than Adrian with him still in the purple pumps.

     “You’re not angry with me?” Adrian asked as he looked down into her beautiful grey eyes.

    “I was angry you might have fucked me and ran, but I’m not angry to find you in here playing dress up.” She smiled as she wrapped her arms around him and then rested her head on his chest and let out a happy sigh. “I hate being away from you.” She added with a pouting tone to her voice.

     “I’m still sorry for taking your things without asking first.” He said as he wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on the top of her head. “I hate being away from you as well by the way.” He added just before he kissed the top of her head and took in a deep breath of the strawberry smell she had to her hair.

     “You’re welcome to try on anything in here, but later, I want to take you back to bed right this minute.” She said as she looked up at him and started grinning.

     “Haven’t you had enough yet?” Adrian asked.

     “You can never have too much of a good thing, and you are very good.” Tanya purred as she stroked his penis through the silk panties.

     “Just let me take this stuff off and I’ll be happy to go with you.” Adrian grinned back.

     “Lose the shoes, but keep the bra and panties on.” Tanya smirked as she let Adrian lean on her while he lifted first one foot and them the other so he could remove the pumps.

    Adrian looked a little disappointed to be leaving Tanya’s version of a walk in closet, but it was soon forgetting when he found himself being pushed down on the bed and Tanya climbed on top of him.

    Tanya slipped the panties to the side let his member free from its prison and started to play with it with one hand while she used her nose to push the bra cup aside to give her access to his left nipple. She started to suck and nibble on his nipple making him moan at the pleasure he was feeling. Not wanting to be the only one feeling pleasure, he soon found one of Tanya’s nipples with his right hand and he started to pinch and rub it until it became even harder than it already was.

    Adrian soon found himself able to play with both of Tanya’s nipples as she got bored with playing around with his member and she impaled herself on it and started moving up and down with her head thrown back letting Adrian cup and squeeze both her breasts. He in turn leaned up as much as he could and started sucking and nibbling her nipples, just like she’d been doing to him minutes earlier.

    They both brought each other to an orgasm before collapsing in each other’s arms where they were soon fast asleep with Adrian still in the bra and panties.

    Adrian was bent over with his head buried in Tanya’s fridge when she entered the kitchen the next morning. Adrian was still in the bra and panties, but he now had on a silk robe as well. Tanya walked over and wrapped her arms around him and then kissed him on the cheek.

     “Morning Sexy.” Tanya grinned as she rubbed, then pinched his bottom.

     “Ouch!” Adrian shouted as he stood upright and spun around to catch Tanya in his grip before she had time to run away.

     “Did I hurt you baby?” She asked with a pout, but Adrian could see her fighting with a grin trying to turn up the edges of her mouth.

     “Yes it hurt you sexy little pain in my butt.” Adrian purred as his nose touched with Tanya’s just before their lips met and they started kissing each other. “I will have to think up some cruel way to pay you back for that.” He added with a grin just before he kissed her again.

     “You can punish me anyway you see fit, but can we eat first?” Tanya asked looking hopeful.

     “We will need to move the party over to my place if you want to eat, you don’t have anything in your fridge that I can work with.” Adrian pointed out as he opened the fridge door again for Tanya to see.

     “I have some cereal in the cupboard.” Tanya pointed out as she opened a cupboard door and pulled out a box of cornflakes.

     “Would you like one lump of milk or two with your cereal?” Adrian asked as he pulled out a milk carton and showed Tanya that it had gone out of date and was well on its way to becoming cheese.

     “Oh, I meant to call in and get some things on the way home last night, but forget.” Tanya blushed. “How about some toast then instead?” She asked.

     “You kind of need bread to be able to make toast.” Adrian pointed out as he lifted the flap on Tanya’s bread bin to let her see it was empty.

     “That was the other thing I needed to grab along with the milk.” She said looking sheepish.

     “I’ve got things to make breakfast over at my place, and I need to go take a shower and get ready for work anyway, so you do the same, and meet me over at my place when you’re ready.” Adrian smiled as he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her again and stole another kiss.

     “We could shower together and then you can go over to your place to get dressed.” Tanya pointed out with a grin. “I do have some hard to reach spots you could help me get clean.” She added with a grin.

     “We can’t have you going to work with dirty spots now can we?” Adrian said looking shocked at the idea as he took hold of Tanya’s hand and led her to the bathroom.

    They both took a shower together among other things; Adrian slipped on the silk robe and a clean pair of Tanya’s panties before he ran across to his flat with his clothes from the day before under one arm and his front door key in the other hand. Adrian was glad that there were only the two flats on this level, so there was very little chance of being seen by anyone, not that Adrian was bothered after a night of wonderful sex.

    Adrian had breakfast ready when Tanya came over, so they ate before leaving for work. Tanya was dropping Adrian off again, so that really made Adrian’s day.

     “I’m not sure if I’ll be able to meet you for lunch today, I need to see what the boss lady has planned for me. I’ll text you later in the morning to let you know.” Tanya said between kisses as she dropped Adrian off outside his office.

     “Okay.” Adrian replied with a hint of hope and disappointment in his voice all at the same time. “I hope she gives you some time off for good behaviour.” He added with a hopeful grin.

     “After what we did last night, I don’t feel like I’ve been very good at all.” Tanya purred. “I feel like I’ve been a naughty little girl.” She grinned.

     “True, but it was such a good bad.” Adrian grinned back just before they kissed again. “I’m missing you already.” He added as he opened the car door and got out, but he leaned back in and gave her one more kiss.

     “Not as much as I’m missing you.” Tanya replied with a sigh. She looked sad for a couple of seconds, but she was soon giggling after the thing Adrian said next.

     “Laters baby.” Adrian said in a husky voice, using the classic line that a character called Christian Grey uses in the Fifty Shades books. Adrian had noticed Tanya was reading the third book in the series the night before when they got back to her place.

     “Okay Fifty.” Tanya got out between giggles, using Anna’s nickname for Christian in the same series of books. “Love you!” She added, but she was still giggling, so it didn’t sound like she wanted it to, and Adrian blew her a kiss and grinned as he shut the car door and waved as he walked off towards his office block.

    Adrian was glad he didn’t bump into Paul today on his way into the office; he didn’t think he could cope with another lecture on how to date from the world’s most clueless man. Paul was already at his desk in his little cubical that looked like a mirror image of Adrian’s when he got to his. Adrian looked at the time and realised he was only just on time to start, so he quickly fired up his computer and sat down to start work, not even having time to make himself a coffee.

     “I never thought I’d see the day when you turned up late for work.” Paul said as he poked his head over the panel dividing there two work stations.

     “I wasn’t late. I had two minutes to spare.” Adrian said looking smug with himself.

     “You got some action again last night didn’t you?” Paul said in a loud whisper that had a couple of the women in the office looking over at Paul and then Adrian when they saw him turning red.

     “Will you shut up, and I can’t see as it’s got anything to do with you.” Adrian growled back as he tried to get on with his work.

     “You lucky SOB!” Paul said not even bothering to try and keep his voice down now.

    Adrian just kept logging on to his computer and opening the programs he needed, hoping that everyone would think Paul was talking to someone else and not him. Adrian had always been the quiet one in the office, turning up each day and getting his job done without standing out, but Paul was changing all that with his interest in his love life.

     “Is she any good in the sack?” Paul asked in another whisper.

     “I’m not talking to you about any of this Paul, so go away before you get us both in trouble.” Adrian said as he started tapping away on his keyboard, not bothering to look up at Paul.

     “Bro’s share details about their conquests.” Paul grumbled.

     “Guess I’m not a Bro then.” Adrian said in a voice that made him sound like Sylvester Stallone from the rocky films. ‘I wonder how many Bro’s wear their girlfriends panties to work?’ He thought to himself as he shifted in his seat and felt the silk of the panties slip across his bottom and he smiled to himself.

     “This isn’t over.” Paul said in a warning tone before he vanished just as their supervisor wandered past. “I will get the details out of you one way or another.” Paul added as his head popped back up very quickly and then vanished again when he saw the supervisor walking back.

    Lucky the supervisor was about quite a bit that morning, so Adrian got some piece from Paul bugging him every five minutes. Adrian smiled when he felt his cell phone start to vibrate in his pocket. He’d set it to vibrate after the trouble the day before with Paul hearing him get a text. Adrian got up from his desk and walked down to the break room to make himself a coffee while he checked to see if Tanya could join him for lunch again.

    ‘Hugs A. Missing you like crazy *pout* I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to make it this lunchtime, and I won’t be able to pick you up after work this evening, the boss lady has me up to my neck in paperwork and meetings all day. I’ll be home by eight though, so I’ll come over for a cuddle. Love you. Tanya XXXX.’

    Adrian felt his mood cloud over as he read the text message and realised that he was back to eating lunch on his own, or putting up with Paul if they ended up taking their lunch break at the same time. He finished making his coffee and then went back to his cubical and carried on with his work until lunch time, and then he slipped out and grabbed a sandwich without seeing Paul.

    Once lunch was over he started to form a plan to make a nice meal for Tanya and then let Abigail great her at the door that evening when she got home from work. This idea helped to pick up Adrian’s mood and he made a list of things he’d need to grab on the way home to make the meal he wanted to serve Tanya.

    He got all his jobs sorted out, and even managed to get a head start on tomorrows work load by the time he knocked off for the day. He left the office before Paul had time to corner him again with yet more questions about his love life, and caught the bus outside the office that took him into the city centre so he could call in at a supermarket for the items he needed. With shopping bags in hand he grabbed a taxi and got home as quick as he could.

Chapter Four: Where are my pipe and slippers?

    Adrian walked into his flat at just before six, so he had time to become Abigail before making a start on dinner. He went to his room and removed his clothes before jumping in the shower and shaving all the body hair off is legs and chest before getting back out and setting to work on turning himself into a sexy looking housewife for her hard working partner.

    He started by slipping on some black stockings and then a black suspender belt that matched the bra and panty set he was planning to wear. Once the suspender belt was on and connected to the stockings now covering his legs and feeling so wonderful, he picked up the panties and stepped into them before pulling them up his legs and feeling a shiver run through him as they slid over the stockings. He tucked his member down between his legs and then pulled them the rest of the way up and ran his hand over his now smooth front. The panties had some support in them so they were a tighter fit that helped stop to much of a bulge showing.

    Next he sat on the edge of the bed and sorted out his breast forms. He wouldn’t normally glue them on if he got dressed in the week, but he was hoping to spend the night with Tanya as Abigail, and he liked the feel of the extra weight on his chest when they made love like this, so he attached the breast forms and then lay back on the bed while he waited for the glue to set.

    Once the glue was set he got up and picked up the black bra and slipped his arms through the straps and then lifted his breasts into the cups before he clipped it closed at the back and adjusted his now heaving breast into the cups a little better before he walked over to the mirror and smiled at the way he was slowly transforming himself into a woman, and he was doing it for the woman he loved, and she loved him when he did it.

    He had the dress he was going to wear hanging on the back of his wardrobe door, but he was going to do his makeup and then wear a silk dressing gown while she sorted out dinner, so he didn’t get food on the dress.

    Adrian slipped on the dressing gown and then sat at his dressing table and set to work turning his dull looking male face into that of Abigail, a more beautiful creature, well she was to Adrian, and it felt more natural for him to look in the mirror and see her looking back. He spent the next twenty minutes working on a sultry sexy evening look with his makeup and by the end of it Adrian was gone and Abigail was sat at the dressing table looking back. He slipped on the auburn wig and used some hair grips to help hold it in place before she brushed it out and looked in the mirror. Adrian was gone now, leaving Abigail in his place.

    Abigail rose from the chair in front of the dressing table and then walked back over to the bed where there were a pair of shoes sat at the side of the bed waiting for her to slip them on and do up the ankle straps. Once that was done she put in some ear rings and then looked in the full length mirror and smiled as she struck a couple of sexy poses before pulling herself together and heading for the kitchen to make a start on the dinner.

    The clicking of her heels on the tiled kitchen floor was music to Abigail’s ears as she wandered back and forth around the kitchen getting everything ready for when Tanya got back from work.

    Once everything was cooking or waiting to be cooked when Tanya arrived, Abigail returned to the bedroom to finish getting ready. She slipped off the dressing gown and then walked over to the dress she had decided to wear. It was another one that she’d bought while out shopping on Saturday with Tanya, and Tanya seemed to fall in love with it the minute Abigail tried it on.

    The dress was a Wrap style in a deep purple colour. It was made out of a sheer chiffon fabric and had blouson sleeves with sequin embellished cuffs. A self-tie sash to the waist and gathered pleats through the skirt and was cut with a regular fit. The v-neck was high enough to hide the breast forms, but didn’t lose any of the mystery that cleavage was hidden just below the visible flesh on the chest that could be seen. The skirt of the dress ended a couple of inches above the knee, so Abigail was showing off plenty of leg when she stood in front of the mirror looking at herself once she had the dress on and she was now waiting for Tanya to get back from work.

    Abigail had just wandered back into the kitchen where the table was set waiting, and her cell phone was on the side charging up when she heard it ping, letting her know she had a text message. Abigail just hoped it wasn’t Tanya saying she was going to be even later, or worse, she wasn’t going to make it back at all.

    ‘Hugs A. Just leaving the office now, looking forward to cuddling with you on the sofa for the rest of the night. Have you eaten yet, or do you want me to grab something on the way home? Love you Tanya XXXX’

    Abigail typed in a response and sent it back saying that she’d cooked them something and was waiting for her to get home so they could eat, but left out anything about it being Abigail doing the cooking. Abigail looked down at her fingernails as she typed in the text message and realised that she needed to do something with them now she had some time to kill while she waited for Tanya to get home.

    ‘Sounds wonderful, you spoil me *grin* See you soon, Love you, Tanya XXXX’

    Abigail made her way into her bedroom and got out the box she kept all her nail polish in and false nails, she’d already got a couple of sets of false nails painted and ready to attach, so she set to work and was soon sporting a long set of pale pink claws which really altered the look of Abigail’s hands, not that Adrian had very male looking hands to begin with, but these hands now looked like those of a woman.

    The land line ringing made Abigail jump five minutes later and she smiled when she saw it was her mother calling, or it was Adrian’s mother calling, so she answered it with a smile on her face as she wondered what his mother would think if she could see how her son was dressed at the minute.

     “Hi mum, everything alright?” Adrian asked as he ran his hand over his chest feeling a small thrill that he was talking to one of his parents while being dressed as Abigail. Adrian knew it would be his mother on the other end, due to the fact his father never called him.

     “Does a mother need a reason to call her son?” His mother’s voice said on the other end of the line. “I could die of old age waiting for you to call me and ask how we’re doing.” She added in her little way of pointing out she doesn’t talk to him nearly enough.

     “I’m sorry mum, but I’ve been busy.”

     “You should never be too busy to call your mother.”

     “I know, but I do have some good news to tell you.” Adrian said with a grin in his voice.

     “It sounds like good news, judging from the tone of your voice.”

     “It is mum.” Adrian had to stop himself from letting out a giggle. ‘Need to keep a check on my feelings, not easy when I feel so good dressed like this’ He scolded himself.

     “Well? Don’t keep an old woman waiting.” His mum grumbled on the other end on the line.

     “You’re not that old mum.” Adrian pointed out.

     “Stop trying to change the subject and tell me this good news.” His mother replied.

    Adrian rolled his eyes before he spoke. “I’ve found a girlfriend.”

     “A real one?” His mother said sounding shocked.

     “No, she was a build it yourself kit I found on eBay.” Adrian said sarcastically.

     “Don’t get cheeky with you young man!” She snapped back at him.

     ‘Some young man.’ Adrian thought as he looked down at his chest pushing out the dress he was wearing and the long pink painted nails as he stroked a hand over his breasts and the dress covering them. It was a cordless phone, so he started to walk around his flat as he spoke to his mum; he was enjoying the feeling of all the undergarments and the skirt of his dress brushing against his legs as he walked around.

     “Sorry mum.” He replied. “Yes she’s a real girlfriend, and we love each other. She’s working late tonight, but I’ve cooked her dinner and she’s on her way home as we speak.”

     “Is she a nice girl?”

     “Yes mum.” Adrian rolled his eyes again. “She’s a PA, and really beautiful.” Adrian said with a sigh as he thought about Tanya and her wonderful smile.

     “Does she have a name?”

     “Tanya.” Adrian said in a dreamy voice.

     “Hey Barry! Adrian found himself a girlfriend!” His mum shouted to his father, but never moved the phone away from her mouth before she did. Adrian was just about to say something, but his mother started talking again. “I hope you’re going to clean that mess up.”

     “Mum! Stop shouting at dad while holding the phone to your mouth.” Adrian said as he held the phone like it was going to burn him, just in case she shouted at his dad again.

     “I’m sorry dear, but your father just spat his bitter out all over the coffee table.” His mother grumbled. “It was foolish of me not to wait until he’d swallowed it before telling him the good news.” She added with a chuckle.

     “I was beginning to think he was gay.” He heard his dad say in the background.

     “He was just waiting for the right one to come along.” His mum said in his defence. “Good women are hard to find.” She added.

     “Don’t I know it.” His dad grumbled.

     “What does that mean?” His mum asked with anger in her voice.

     “I mean it took me long enough to find you sweetheart.” His dad replied in a loving tone.

     ‘Nice save dad.’ Adrian thought to himself as he tried not to giggle again.

     “Hmmm, I’m sure that’s what you meant.” His mum said, not buying it for a second. “Do you have any advice for your son?” She asked his father.

     “Don’t screw it up!” He heard his dad shout.

     “Unlike you, he was raised to know how to treat a lady.” His mum snapped back at his father before Adrian could say anything. “Take no notice of him; he’s just grumpy because his team are losing.” She added as the reason for his father’s grumpy mood, not that he was ever anything but grumpy.

    Adrian spent another five minutes talking to his mother and asking how things were at home, while trying to avoid giving to many details about his first date and other information about him and Tanya.

     “I need to go and finish getting dinner ready for when Tanya gets back, now mum.” Adrian finally said trying to get his mum off the phone. She’d just started talking about one of the neighbours and this call could last for hours once she started telling him about them.

     “Okay sweetie, I’ll call you again soon, unless by some miracle you remember how to call me.” His mum said heavy with sarcasm.

     “I’ll do one better and come up to see you both. Tanya wants to meet the two of you anyway.” Adrian said playing up to his mother’s ego and he already knew she was eager to meet this woman her son had met and fallen in love with.

     “This one sounds like a keeper to me.” His mum said with pride. “When are you going to bring her to meet us then?”

     “I’ll talk it over with Tanya and see what we can sort out. I’m sorry mum, but I really do need to go and get dinner finished off, or she’ll be dumping me for not looking after her properly.” Adrian said with a whine to his voice.

     “What are you still doing on the phone then?” His mother asked just before the line went dead.

     “Bye mum, love you too.” Adrian said into the handset just before he giggled. “And people wonder why I’m so weird.” He said as he adjusted his voice to sound more feminine ready for when Tanya got home.

    This wasn’t the first time he’d spoke to his mother while being dressed as Abigail, but this time it felt different because he knew that he was dressed because he wanted to impress Tanya. He was soon setting his mind set to that of Abigail when he heard a knock at his flat door. With the click of her heels on the hardwood floor, she walked as quickly as her heels would allow, to answer it.

    Abigail opened the door and saw a tired looking Tanya stood on the other side, but the tiredness soon vanished to be replaced by a face splitting grin when she caught sight of Abigail smiling back at her looking just as beautiful as the first time she’d opened the door to her on Friday night.

     “Abigail!” Tanya screamed as she dropped her briefcase and jumped at Abigail, wrapping her arms around her and then planting a kiss on Abigail’s lips as Abigail wrapped her arms around Tanya and kissed her back. “Are you a sight for sore eyes.” Tanya added when they broke the kiss and Abigail picked up Tanya’s briefcase and helped her enter the flat before closing the door.

     “You like?” Abigail asked in her best feminine voice after placing Tanya’s briefcase down and doing a quick spin to give her a proper look at the dress.

     “I love.” Tanya grinned as she pulled Abigail into another hug and then started kissing again.

     “I hope you’re hungry? I’ve gone a little mad with dinner, and I even made a dessert.” Abigail explained as she led Tanya into the kitchen where the table was set and even had two candles burning on it.

     “I’m very hungry.” Tanya purred as she took hold of Abigail again, but Abigail got the feeling she wasn’t hungry for food right now.

     “I’ll be happy to feed you as much of that later as you want, but right now we need to feed you some real food.” Abigail said sounding bossy for once and making Tanya take a seat at the table while she set to work pouring them both a glass of wine and then she set to work dishing up the prawn cocktail starter she’d made.

     “You did all this for me?” Tanya asked as she looked at the food and then at the way Abigail was dressed. “You look beautiful by the way.” Tanya added as she drank in the image sat facing her in the flickering candle light.

     “Yes, I wanted to let you know how much you mean to me, and I already know you don’t have anything to eat in your place.” Abigail added with a frown.

     “I feel like the bread winner getting home from work after a busy day at the office.” Tanya giggled between mouth full’s of the prawn salad. “This tastes amazing Abby.” Tanya added when she realised just how hungry she was.

     “I think you could use a housewife to look after you.” Abigail said with a grin.

     “Where are my pipe and slippers?” Tanya asked with another giggle as she looked around like she might see them if she looked hard enough.

     “You’ve quit smoking, and your slippers are in the bedroom where you won’t need them anytime soon.” Abigail said with a wicked look in her eyes.

     “Does that mean I won’t get to sit and read the paper after dinner while you clean the kitchen?” Tanya asked in a deep voice and a grumble.

     “You could do that, or you could help me clean the kitchen, and then help me with some jobs in the bedroom.” Abigail said with a raised eyebrow.

     “I think I better help you get the kitchen clean, and then get those jobs done you want me to sort out.” Tanya grinned.

    Abigail had done a pasta dish for dinner and then they had some fruit and fresh cream for dessert before Tanya helped Abigail get the kitchen cleaned up, which didn’t take long due to Abigail cleaning up most of it as she went about making it all.

     “Thank you for that dinner Abby, it was wonderful.” Tanya said as she wrapped her arms around Abigail’s waist and then kissed her on the lips, tasting the remains of the fruit and cream on them. “You’ll make me a fine wife one day.” Tanya added with a grin when they broke the kiss.

     “Don’t you mean I’ll make someone a fine wife one day?” Abigail asked with a smirk.

     “No I mean you’ll make me a fine wife one day, because there is no way I’m letting you get away.” Tanya growled just before she leaned in for another kiss.

    Abigail wanted to talk about what Tanya had just said a little more, but she was cut off by the kiss and before she knew it they were in the bedroom, and then all talk was forgotten for the rest of the night as they both found pleasure in each other’s company.

    They both fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms and Abigail still wearing her makeup and underwear, all apart from the panties, they were on the floor someplace with all of Tanya’s clothes and Abigails shoes and dress.


To Be Continued Next Tuesday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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Abigails Midweek Adventure 02-02

My main worry is that Paul will pester Adrian and follow him home, learn about Abigail and meet Tanya's ex-girlfriend Lilith, team up with her to cause them both mischief

May Your Light Forever Shine

Great chapter, hmmm wonder

Great chapter, hmmm wonder how mom n dad'll take the news of Abigail, Paul really needs to grow up or get sacked, I can see he'll be a constant pain in the backside. I wonder why Paul hasn't been sacked for sexual harassment yet considering his attitude.

Looking forward to more

Big hugs

Lizzie :)


Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p

ardent fan

This story is so wonderful! I am so very jealous of Abigail and Tanya, I want to take her place! (and yes i wrote that just that way on purpose.)

Sara, you are writing this so nicely, I can find no faults, refreshing, realistic and certainly what I would wish for myself. Please keep up the pace and spare us readers from any nasty surprises. I would like to see this continue in the lovely way it began.

Love to you and yours


"Life is pain, Princess ~ anyone telling you different is trying to sell you something."

My evil streak

I wonder if they could hook Paul up with Lilith? I'm thinking she'd soon have him completely under her thumb, as there is no doubt in my mind who'd be the dom in that relationship!

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Abigails Midweek Adventure

It looks really nice and sweet between them, but out on the horizon there is Paul or Lilith, so I'm excited to see how it will turn out