Well, last night at work, we were sharing some stories about our respective childhoods, and I talked about snapping and almost killing my stepfather, ending with the statement "I'm dangerous."
My friend's reaction? "And my kitten thinks she's fierce."
So I guess my plan of becoming (mostly) harmless is working ...
Yes I back Katie's comment . You are the most danger to yourself by putting yourself down all the time
I agree
But I must ask why you are on such a mission, Dorothy?
I would prefer to be seen as the kind of woman who would normally prefer to get along peacefully, but wouldn't hesitate to remove your nuts if the situation demanded it.
Though I guess it's personal preference, and I guess I'm glad your plan is working.
I'm harmless?
Yes, but ALWAYS be read to defend yourself.
May Your Light Forever Shine
I tried to kill my stepfather.
He beat me almost every night and one night after I became a teen, he came at me, and I picked up a hatchet on the work bench and went after him. I wasn't kidding, I meant to do him.
Fortunately, I was so small that he took it from me but it scared him, and he never beat me again.
I've never attacked anyone, don't have a police record, and I have never considered myself dangerous. A person has a right to self defense. I appealed to the school, to the police and to the Childrens agency. The ignored me, abandoned me and left me in danger.