The House Fire: Chapter 3

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Nichole was contemplating all the things that had been happening to her and her family. She sat on her unmade bed and stared at all her new clothes and began to softly cry. Edited by STANMAN63, thank you.

The House Fire: Chapter 3

By SaraD

I was contemplating all the things that had been happening to all of us as I sat on my unmade bed and stared at all my new clothes and began to softly cry. I am not sure why I was crying. I then felt a light hand on my shoulder as Heather sat on my bed next to me, “What’s the matter big sister?” Heather said looking at me then she began to cry herself.

I gave her a hug just for being there, trying to comfort the both of us. I knew the past was going to be hard to forget. The fire had destroyed our home, but seems to have given new life to our family.

“I’m not sure why I was crying Heather; it must be that I finally have time to really think about things. I miss my old room as I’m sure you miss yours too.”

Heather wiped her tears and looked at me. “Yes, I miss my room too.” Heather continued to stare at me. “You know, you’re quite pretty.”

I blushed a little at her comment, and it made me feel wonderful. “Thanks Heather.”

“So tell me, Nikki, how come you never told me about you?” Heather asked kindly.

“Scared, I guess. And I’m sorry about borrowing your stuff without asking.”

“Don’t worry, sister dear, that’s what sisters are for, sharing.”

We then I heard a knock at the apartment door, and shortly after mom yell down the hall, “Nichole, Amy is here to see you.”

“OK, mom. Can you tell her I’m in my room,” I hollered back.

Amy then came into my room and joined Heather and me in talking.

“Having a nice chat?” Nichole asked as she sat at my computer chair.

“Yes we were indeed, Nikki was explaining how she was sorry for using my makeup and why she never told me about being my sister.” Heather said with a smile.

“A nice sister to sister chat, I loved having those with Susan. Now that she is in college, I don’t’ get to talk to her as much. But, now I think it would be nice to have another girl to talk to,” Amy looked right at me and smiled. “What do you think Nichole, my dear?”

“That would be great, Amy! I’ve always wanted to do that, and now I can do that with you and with Heather,” I told her with a smile.

“I know I’ve always wanted help from an older sister, now it looks as if I’m going to be helping her,” Heather said with a laugh. “I’ll leave you two alone so you can talk. See you later, sis,” Heather said as she closed my bedroom door.

“Does all of this mean you are gay Nikki, do you want to be a girl, physically?” Amy asked as she looked at me with a soft face.

I knew these questions were coming and I could not lie to Amy. “No, Amy. I am not gay, but yes, I do feel I need to be a girl. I am one on the inside, now I just have to match the outside. I hope you understand, and I love you, Amy.”

Amy’s face changed from soft to a smile. “I understand, Nikki. But if you can still love me, and you are a girl on the inside. Well that means you are gay, well at least a lesbian. I must be honest with you Nikki, I find it a bit weird that you are a girl, but I think I can live with being with you as a girl. I do love you, very much.”

Amy then leaned over to me and kissed me lightly on the lips. Her kiss felt apprehensive at first then she kissed me harder and I responded and kissed her back, “Wow that was incredible. I never realized kissing another girl would be that nice.” Amy said with a smile. “I know we have kissed in the past, but this was much better.”

“I know, it felt so natural and gave me the chills. I think you are right when you said I am just a lesbian trapped in a boy’s body. Now that everyone knows who I really am, I can freely admit it.”

“What are you going to do for school when summer is over?” Amy asked, concerned.

“Just go back to school like nothing happened. Some people will recognize me from the paper and try belittling me. But I will just hold my head high and smile.”

“Well good for you Nikki and I will support you.”

“Thanks, Amy. you’re the best girlfriend a girl could have.” I told her, smiling big. “Care to give me a hand and help me make my bed?”

“Sure,” Amy said without hesitation.

We had the bed made in a short time and a few minutes later mom called me down for dinner. Amy turned to me as we stepped out of my smaller new bedroom. "Will you go to the movies with me, tomorrow?" She asked with a smile.

"As a date?" I asked a little confused.

"Of course, silly. You are my girlfriend."

"Yes, I will go with you, Amy." I said then gave her a warm hug.

Mom saw us enter the kitchen and smiled.

"Amy, are you still OK with all of this?" Mom asked as we sat at the table.

"I'm OK with it, Mrs. Carlson. In fact I was just telling Nikki how nice it will be to have another girl my age to talk to."

"I know that from experience a good girlfriend to talk to is nice to have."

Dad joined us at the table and we sat quietly for a few moments.

"Mom, Dad, is it ok if I take Amy to the movies tomorrow for a date?" I asked it this way to let my parents know that we were still dating and to see what my dad would say. I got to see his reaction, he spit out his milk all over his shirt and wiped is chin off.

"A date?" he simply said trying to think of something to say.

"Of course a date, honey. They are still a couple and I for one will not stand in the way of true love." Mom said to dad, he still had a dumbfounded look on his face. I think he had it in his mind that I would be dating boys.

"Thank god for that, at least you still like girls." He said without realizing what he was implying.

"Honey, that means Nikki and Amy will be seen as lesbians," Mom said and then laughed, Amy and I could not help but laugh ourselves even Heather was laughing.

Oh, that is funny." Heather said

While dad just sat there and stared at the four of us girls with a stern look then his expression changed to a smile.

"I give up, you can have a relationship with whomever you want, boy, girl, or whatever. That goes for you too, Heather, when you are older of course. I think at least this way I will go gray a lot slower if I just go with the flow."

We all got up and gave my dad a hug.

"You are a wonderful husband and father, I am so lucky to have you," Mom said with a huge smile.

We all then sat back down and finished dinner.

"That was a very nice dinner, Mrs. Carlson," Amy said hugging my mom goodbye "Thanks for inviting me, Mr. Carlson." Amy said.

Dad then turned bright red as we all realized that dad had asked her over. I when straight over to him, he flinched for a second, probably thinking I was mad. I just hugged him tight and told him that I loved him, "I love you, Daddy. I love you, Mom." I said with a tear in my eye. "Thanks for understanding.

"For my new daughter, I would do anything. I realized the love you have for Amy and that you will need support from her now and when you return to school in September."

"Thank you, Daddy." I said as I squeezed the hug harder.

"You're welcome sweetie."

As I broke the hug, I gave Amy a hug and a little kiss goodbye, "I will see you tomorrow and Amy what will you tell your mom about us?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, I'll think of something. Don't worry." Amy said as she kissed me on the lips.

"MMM." I let slip at we parted and Amy left.

"It's so refreshing to see to young people in love," Mom said as we went into the kitchen to clean up.

I helped mom and Heather clean up, nothing new there. I then took a shower and slipped into my new nightie and was soon asleep.


Author’s Note: To be continued, and as always please leave comments.

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Thanks For Posting This New Chapter

jengrl's picture

Thanks for posting this new chapter. It is wonderful to see that Nikki has a wonderful girlfriend in Amy who loves her no matter what. Her family is understanding things remarkably well considering everything that has happened too. I hope the love between Nikki and Amy grows even more and their bond becomes so strong it could never be broken. Hopefully Amy's mother has an open mind but it is too much to expect that everything will go smoothly.


Here Here!!!

Andrea Lena's picture

I second that motion! I love this story! Love and Acceptance works for me. Thank you!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

The House Fire: Chapter 3

Yes, any tragedy can bring a family together. Wonderful story.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Amy's Parents?

The English Teacher's picture

Will Amy's folks be as supportive and excepting?

SaraD Love your work hope to see more of it soon?

As always, so much to read, so little time and only one of me :)
The English Teacher

So much to read, so little time and only one of me :)

The English Teacher

any more

i like the start of this story, when will you be able to get more chapters in ?

jo ann

Jo Ann D


After two chapters that said "the end?" and were continued by popular demand, this one says "to be continued" and, as of 30 months later, hasn't been.

Not that I'm sure it needs to be, but I certainly wouldn't mind knowing what Amy's mother will think of all this, and there's also the fallout that Dad was expecting from the front page picture.


The House Fire

Awaiting the next chapters of this great series



This storyline seams not finished