Mirror Image Part 05


Part Five of Five

Chapter Nine

    Laura called Paul as soon as she and Emma got home from their little adventure to see if Larry ever existed, and Paul was letting himself into Emma’s flat half an hour later.

     “I’ve missed you so much Laura.” Paul said as he took Laura in his arms and started kissing her.

     “I missed you to Paul.” Laura smiled up at him when they stopped kissing.

     “Did you get all your old debts settled then while you were there?” Paul asked.

     “Yes, I settled some old debts.” Laura smiled as she thought about watching the police arrest Debra and Roger. “You have me all to yourself now.” Laura added just before she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for another kiss.

     “I see you found some new clothes to buy as well.” Paul said when he saw all the shopping bags piled up on the sofa. “Did you leave anything in the shops?” He asked with a chuckle.

     “I wish we’d taken you with us now though.” Laura pouted.

     “You really missed me that much?” Paul smiled.

     “Yes, but we could have used you to help carry the bags.” Laura giggled as she watched the smile turn to one of horror.

     “Oh no, I have no desire to spend all day being dragged in and out of clothes shops while the two of you ask each other ‘does this make me look fat?’” Paul said the last part in a higher pitch to make him sound more feminine.

     “Have you seen me in something that made me look fat?” Laura asked looking all serious as she asked it.

     “No, I was just joking with you.” Paul said as he suddenly found it hard to swallow. “I think you both look amazing and very slim.” He added.

    Laura couldn’t keep her straight face any longer and was soon falling into Paul’s arms in a fit of giggles. Emma burst out in a fit of giggles as well, and Paul realised that he’d just walked right into that one.

    Paul helped the two girls to get all their shopping and overnight bags to their bedrooms and then he offered to pop out and grab them all some dinner from a takeaway place while they got freshened up. Emma and Laura had the plates on the table and a bottle of wine open by the time Paul got back with fish and chips for them all.

    Laura cuddled up with Paul on the sofa, while Emma was curled up in one of the armchairs later in the night as they watched a comedy on the telly.

    Paul let out a sigh when he saw the time. “I better see about getting off and letting you get to bed.”

     “Please don’t go Paul. I want to spend the night with you.” Laura said as she looked up into Paul’s eyes from where she’d had her head resting on his chest while he played with a lock of her hair.

     “Really?” Paul asked looking a little shocked to hear Laura say that to him.

     “Yes really, but I must warn you that I’ve never done this before, so please bear with me.” Laura said nervously.

    Paul looked even more shocked now, but soon looked proud that Laura had been saving herself for someone special, and that someone was him. “”I’ll always be gentle with you Laura.” Paul said as he got up and then helped Laura to her feet.

    Emma just smiled and gave Laura a wink to let her know she was rooting for her to have a night she would never forget.

    Laura was nervous as she slipped out of her clothes and then slid under the covers as she watched Paul do the same on the other side of the bed before he joined her. It wasn’t long before Laura found out just what a great lover Paul was, and he made the whole night about her, as he brought her to an orgasm before he ever entered her with his penis. Laura had never felt anything like it as she felt his penis slide inside her leaving her with a strange full feeling, but the feeling just got better and better as he started sucking and playing with her nipples using just his mouth as he held himself up with is arms. Laura had to bite down on a pillow at one point to stop herself screaming out in ecstasy. It was the early hours of the morning when Laura finally fell asleep cuddled up to Paul, both of them still naked and contented with a wonderful night of love making.

    Paul woke the next morning trying to work out where he was and what was happening when he felt something warm and wet wrapped around his penis, He soon remembered the previous night and realised that Laura was giving him a blow job.

    Laura had woken and lay there watching Paul sleep for a short time, but soon found her hand stroking his penis under the cover and then she remembered one time when Debra had given Larry a blow job, and she slid down under the covers to see if she could make Paul enjoy it as much as she remembered Larry enjoying it. She figured she must have done a good job when she felt it swell just before filling her mouth with his seed.

     “How did I do?” Laura asked as she came up from under the covers to find Paul smiling at her.

     “That was amazing.” Paul said as he went to kiss her, but she pulled away. “What’s wrong?” Paul asked looking worried.

     “I need to go brush my teeth before you kiss me; you’ll taste your own semen on me.” Laura said as she tried to get out of bed, but was stopped by Paul pulling her back.

     “I don’t care.” Paul said as he held her head and then started kissing her. Laura put up a little fight, but soon stopped and just enjoyed the kiss and she cuddled up to him again and enjoyed the closeness.

    Laura looked at the time and thought it was time she got up, so she slipped out of bed and went to take a shower. She smiled when she saw Paul step into the shower next to her, and they were soon helping each other to get clean.

    They were nearly ran over in the hallway when they left the shower, due to the flat only having the one bathroom, Emma had been doing a war dance waiting to get in there to use the toilet.

     “I think we might be in trouble.” Laura said as she led Paul back to her bedroom so they could get some clothes on.

     “I think I’ll just get dressed and vanish then.” Paul said as he started looking under the bed trying to find his clothes.

     “You’re not going anywhere until you’ve had some breakfast.” Laura said sounding bossy.

     “I have somewhere I need to be.” Paul said.

     “What, on a Saturday? I thought we could all hang out together and see how the building work is going at the new house.” Laura pouted as she stepped over to where Paul was stood and wrapped her arms around his waist as she rested her head on his chest.

     “That does sound like a better plan.” Paul said as he gave it some thought.

     “That’s settled then.” Laura said as she broke the hug and finished getting dressed before going to the kitchen to make a start on some breakfast for them all.

    Laura was in the middle of making French toast when she saw Emma walk into the Kitchen and looked at her with a frown. “I’ll be glad when we move to the new place, and I have my own private bathroom.” Emma said as she sorted out making herself a coffee.

     “I’m sorry about this morning Emma. I was just taking a quick shower when Paul joined me, and things got a little out of hand.” Laura started to explain.

     “Did you have a good time?” Emma asked cutting her off before she went into more details than Emma wanted to hear.

     “Yes, last night and this morning were amazing.” Laura grinned.

     “Then never be sorry for feeling like that girlfriend, just let me go pee next time before you take a shower.” Emma giggled as she gave Laura a quick hug to let her know everything was alright between them still. “That smells wonderful” Emma added as she took in a deep breath through her noise to enjoy the smell of what Laura was cooking for breakfast.

     “I second that.” Paul’s voice said from the doorway as he entered the kitchen and walked over to Laura and kissed her before he took a seat at the table to wait for his breakfast.

     “I should kick you out my place for hogging the bathroom and stopping me being able to pee.” Emma said as she punched Paul in the arm.

     “Ouch! Laura was in there as well.” Paul whined as he rubbed his arm where Emma punched him. “I don’t see you hitting her.”

     “She’s said sorry and is making up for it with breakfast.” Emma pointed out.

     “If I offer to wash up after, will that stop you punching me?” Paul asked as he kept an eye on his sister knowing that she liked to punch him at least twice when she was angry with him over something.

     “Okay, I accept.” Emma smiled, happy with her brother’s offer.

    Paul dropped his guard and soon wished he hadn’t when Emma punched him again at lightning speed. “Ouch!” Paul screamed out again. “What was that for?” He asked as he rubbed his arm even more trying to make the pain go away.

     “Just in case you try to get out of it.” Emma warned with a grin.

    Laura was soon putting the first couple of slices down in front of Emma. Laura was hoping it would stop her beating up her boyfriend. Laura liked the way that sounded as she rolled it around in her head. ‘Boyfriend, boyfriend’ she thought to herself as she sorted out a plate full for Paul. She soon had Paul’s sorted and a couple for herself and then they all sat enjoying the breakfast and planning out their day.

     “I was thinking of inviting Rachel and the others over to the house, so we can talk to them about moving in with us.” Laura said.

     “That sounds like a great idea; we can grab some food and try out the barbeque as well. Make a fun afternoon of it while the girls get to enjoy the freedom to run around without being attacked by dogs, or risk being run over by silly people thinking the road is a race track.” Emma said in agreement with Laura.

    Emma gave Rachel a call while Laura helped Paul wash and dry the breakfast dishes. Emma came back into the kitchen and told them Rachel, Nigel and the girls were all looking forward to coming over to the new house and taking a look around.

     “That’s great.” Laura grinned as she got excited about spending more time with Emily and Mindy. Laura had loved the way they both called her Aunty Laura, and she was looking forward to hearing them say it again. “I think we should call in at Toy’s R Us on the way over to the house and buy them some toys to play with.” Laura added as she finished drying the dishes while Paul wiped down the work tops and cooker.

    Once the kitchen was clean, they all went to finish getting ready and were soon heading out the door and got in Laura’s car with Paul driving, Emma in the back and Laura in the front passenger seat next to Paul.

    Their first stop was Toy’s R Us where Laura went a little mad ordering just about everything they had for the garden from swings to slides, a sand pit, paddling pool, and more ball games than any of them could count, and even a good selection of water pistols. Laura even talked the manager into delivering it all to the house later in the day. Laura was learning the true power of having money, she just placed a hand full of notes in the manager’s hand and he was soon falling over himself to make sure the items were delivered.

    Once the toys were sorted out they then went shopping in the supermarket for the food they would need. They soon had a trolley full of steaks, burgers, sausages and bits to make pasta and rice salads as well as ice cream and everything else you might need for a good barbeque. They loaded up the car and made their way over to the house to see how the building work was going and to get started on some of the things to go with the barbeque.

    Paul felt a little useless in the kitchen, not being any good with anything food related, unless it came out of a can or a box with detailed instructions on how to cook it. He was glad to see a large van pull up outside the house from the toy shop, he was soon happy with a spanner and screwdriver in his hand as he started putting all the swings and slides together. By the time Rachel, Nigel and the girls arrived, Paul had a garden full of things for the girls to play on.

    Laura, Emma and Paul all walked out the front door to welcome them to the house, and then they gave them a quick tour of the place, but kept away from the part of the house still being decorated. That also happened to be the part where Laura and Emma were having two rooms decorated for Emily and Mindy.

     “Wow Laura, this place is so beautiful, and the view from all the windows is amazing.” Rachel said with a jealous tone to her voice. “It sounds so peaceful here as well.” Rachel added as she closed her eyes and listened to the sound of birds singing and the odd insect making a noise. The moment was soon gone though when Emily and Mindy came running into the house from the back somewhere shouting for their mum and dad to come see what Aunty Laura had done for them.

     “I was worried about the girls getting bored while we had the barbeque, so I called in at a toy shop and got them a couple of things to play on out in the garden.” Laura explained to a frowning Rachel as they followed the sound of giggling and squealing out into the back garden.

    Rachel and Nigel’s mouths just fell open in shock when they saw all the things spread out around the garden for the girls to play on, and none of the stuff were the small cheaper items you could buy either. Emily and Mindy were busy playing on the slide with Paul keeping an eye on them, not that they would get hurt if either of them fell off the top of the slide because Laura had also bought crash mat’s to go anywhere where the girl could fall and get hurt.

     “I hope you realise they will never want to leave here at the end of the day Laura.” Rachel giggled as she watched her two little girls having so much fun.

    Laura looked at Emma who nodded for Laura to explain her idea to them. “I’d like to talk with you and Nigel about something.” Laura said.

    Rachel had seen the look Laura and Emma shared, and she was looking a little nervous as she let Laura and Emma lead her and Nigel over to the garden furniture they had set up ready for the barbeque. “What’s wrong?” Rachelle asked looking worried.

     “Nothing’s wrong sis, well it is, but not to do with any of this.” Emma tried to explain. “Just sit and listen to what Laura has to say.” Emma added as she took a seat after making sure Rachel and Nigel were sat down. Paul was busy playing around with Emily and Mindy, so they could sit and talk.

     “You will think me selfish for doing this, but I love spending time with Emily and Mindy so much that I want you all to move in here with Emma and me.” Laura blurted out. “You won’t have to worry about the girls getting attacked by your neighbour’s dog, or getting run over by some lunatic driving too fast up and down the road.” Laura added to strengthen her argument for them to move in.

     “I can think of a few names for you Laura, but Selfish wouldn’t be one of them, not after doing all this for the girls to have a fun filled afternoon.” Rachel smiled as she saw how happy and free of worry her two girls were.

     “I hope they’re all nice names.” Laura blushed nervously.

     “You know they are Laura.” Rachel smiled as she reached across the table and took hold of Laura’s hands in hers.

     “That’s quite an offer Laura, but what happens if you suddenly have a change of heart and want us gone, or something like that?” Nigel asked trying to be practical about what Laura was offering.

     “Emma said the same thing when I first talked to her about it, and I’ll tell you what I told her. I’ll sign ownership of the house over to you two, so if it doesn’t work out, you will be able to kick me out.” Laura said.

     “You’d sign all this over to us?” Rachel asked looking a little shocked.

     “Yes, I’d just find some place new to live, but I’d be happy knowing that Emily and Mindy have a safe place to grow up, and the air is much cleaner out here, so that must be a plus for Mindy.” Laura said with a little pleading in her voice for Rachel and Nigel to say yes to her offer.

     “Laura was also thinking that you could keep the money from the sale of your house, just in case you need the money for something else later on.” Emma said, not happy with Laura giving her house away like it meant nothing to her. Emma could see why Laura needed a personal assistant like her now.

     “Can you give Rachel and me a little time to talk about this?” Nigel asked with a smile as he got to his feet and then helped Rachel to stand up, so they could take a walk around the grounds while they spoke.

    Laura looked worried as she watched the two of them walk away. “Do you think I did the wrong thing?” Laura asked Emma.

     “Not at all, but you can’t just drop something like that on someone and then expect an answer right away.” Emma said as she took hold of Laura’s hand as she tried to calm her down.

     “I just want the girls to be happy and safe.” Laura said close to tears as she thought she’d made a huge mistake for even thinking about it now.

     “Hey, calm down. They haven’t turned you down yet.” Emma said as she pulled Laura into a hug.

     “Yet?” Laura asked. “So you think they will?”

     “I never said that, so stop putting words in my mouth.” Emma warned as she hugged Laura a little tighter. Come and help me get the barbeque started. You need to be doing something to stop you going insane while they make up their mind.” Emma added as she got up and then helped Laura up.

    Paul saw what Emma and Laura were doing, and he was soon trading places with Laura so he could cook the meat on the barbeque while Laura played with the girls.

    Playing with the girls seemed to work better at taking Laura’s mind off Rachel and Nigel wandering around talking about the offer Laura had made, as she was shocked to hear them all being called over to start eating. Laura took the two girls by the hands and then took them into the kitchen to get their hands washed before they all went out and enjoyed the food.

    Laura was distracted by the fact Rachel and Nigel still hadn’t said whether or not they had come to a decision, She was more picking at her food than eating it, something not lost on Emma. Laura was beginning to think that asking them to move into this large house with her and Emma was a mistake, and it had hurt their friendship, when she jumped because she’d been that lost in thought she’d missed Nigel calling her name until he had to shout it at her.

     “What?” Laura asked as she had to sit herself back up in her seat looking worried.

     “I’m sorry for making you jump Laura.” Nigel said with a concerned look. “You seemed to by miles away just then.” He added.

     “I’m the one that’s sorry for not being a better hostess to you all.” Laura smiled back. “What is it you wanted me for?”

     “Rachel and I have come to a decision about your kind offer to live here.” Nigel started. Laura could already hear the ‘but’ in his voice.

     “I know that you’ve only just met me, and it was a silly idea, so I understand you turning me down.” Laura said before Paul could say it himself, or that’s what Laura thought he was about to say. “It’s just that I’ve never had a real family of my own, and I’ve become close to you all in the short time I’ve known you.” Laura added with a sigh.

     “Do you mind if I finish speaking before you jump in?” Nigel asked with a raised eyebrow.

     “Sorry.” Laura said feeling like a small child herself now, that had just been told off for something.

     “I was saying that Rachel and I have talked over your kind offer, but we don’t feel it’s right for us to let you sign the house over, we should have more trust in you wanting us around for a long time to come.” Nigel finally explained.

     “Does that mean you want to move in with us?” Laura asked as she tried to un-fog her brain enough to understand what Nigel was saying to her.

     “Yes we want to move in with you silly.” Rachel grinned as she got up and walked around the table to give Laura a hug. “And for the record, you do have a real family now.” Rachel added as she hugged a sobbing Laura in her arms, but the tears were happy ones.

    Emily and Mindy both looked confused as they saw their mother hugging an upset Aunty Laura, but they were soon grinning and running around excitedly when their father explained about them all living here at the house.

     “We’s live here with Aunty Em and Aunty Laura?” Mindy asked. “We’s get to have our own rooms as well’s?” The little girl added.

     “Yes you each get your own room and I’ve already got some men in working on the rooms for you both, but your Aunty Em and I could use some help finishing off the designs.” Laura said as she had Mindy sat on her knee and Emma had Emily sat on hers as they tried to get the two girls to eat some more food before they ran off to carry on playing.

     “Can I’s has a Tinkerbell bedroom?” Mindy asked.

     “You mean you want a room full of fairies and other magical things?” Laura asked.

     “Oh yes please!” Mindy grinned as she started clapping her hands together excitedly.

     “I likes unicorns.” Emily said, not wanting to be forgotten.

     “We know you like Unicorns Emily, and that is what we plan to design you room around.” Laura giggled as she thought of how much fun it was going to be having the two little girls around all the time. “We had some men come and help us design the bedrooms for you, and we will let you see the designs later in the day.” Laura added.

    Emily and Mindy were soon running around again and playing on the swings as Paul pushed Emily and Laura pushed Mindy. Once there food had gone down enough. Paul filled up the paddling pool and then loaded up the water pistols and had a little competition to see who could soak Paul the most. Rachel had been worried about the girl’s clothes getting wet, but Emma had already solved that problem while they were getting the food that morning. The superstore they went to also sold clothes, and Emma had brought Emily and Mindy swimming costumes to wear.

    Emma and Laura also had swim suits to wear and they had also got one for Rachel. Paul and Nigel had shorts to change into, and they all played around soaking each other.

    Emily and Mindy finally wore themselves out and fell asleep curled up on Emma and Laura’s knees once they had been dried and dressed again. They all sat around enjoying the warm sunshine and even better company.

     “When do the two of you plan to move in?” Rachel asked.

     “We plan to start moving things in on Monday.” Emma whispered so as not to wake Emily or Mindy. “The police are delivering the stolen furniture back on Monday afternoon, so Laura and I need to be here anyway, so we thought we might as well start bringing some things over while we were here anyway.” Emma added.

     “I’ll contact an estate agent on Monday and get them to come out and take a look at the house and sort out getting it on the market.” Nigel said as he sat holding Rachel’s hand and smiling at her.

    Laura and the others could tell that both Nigel and Rachel were glad to be making the move and letting Emily and Mindy grow up in a much safer environment than where they were living now.

    Emma and Laura showed Emily and Mindy the designs for their room on the new laptop Laura had bought. Rachel and Nigel loved the way the two rooms looked, and the two little girl’s just wanted to sleep in them right away, even thought they were only half done and there was no bed in either room. They showed the girls the bedrooms and they soon understood that they would have to wait another week or so before they could sleep in them, and they both let out a sigh and agreed to wait, but it didn’t stop them both driving their mother mad for the next week as they asked her loads of questions when ever Emma or Laura called to talk with her about something.

    It was getting late when they all left the house after making sure all the food and other stuff was put away and the alarm system was armed. Emma. Laura and Paul all waved to Rachel, Nigel and the girls as they drove away and then they got in Laura’s car, with Paul behind the wheel and they headed for home themselves. Paul called in at his place to grab some clothes and then they went back to Emma’s. Paul never did spend another night at his own flat. And he gave notice that he’d be moving out at the end of the following week, so he could move into the new house with Laura and the others.

    Laura had no desire to move when she woke the next morning and felt Paul pressed in close to her body. She let out a contented sigh and she realised just how wonderful her life was now, and she didn’t miss one thing about being Larry. Laura slipped out of bed without waking Paul, and she went to the kitchen to make herself a mug of coffee. Emma was sat at the kitchen table hugging a mug of her own having had the same idea.

     “Sleep well?” Emma asked with a grin.

     “Yes, when we finally got some sleep.” Laura grinned back.

     “Still no regrets you made the move and slept with my baby brother then?” Emma asked, but could already see what the answer was by the dreamy faraway look Laura had as she looked in the direction of her bedroom where she knew Paul was still fast asleep.

     “I never knew I could feel this alive inside Emma. I feel like I could explode any minute I feel so happy.” Laura said with a passion to her voice Emma had never heard before.

     “I know that Paul feels the same way about you.” Emma grinned, happy for her baby brother and her best friend.

     “Has Paul spoken to you about me then?” Laura asked nervously.

     “No, but I know him well enough by now to see it in his eyes and the way he is when around you.” Emma explained. “That boy is head over heels in love with you.” Emma added.

    They were soon changing the subject when they saw a sleepy looking Paul enter the kitchen. He walked past Emma and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before walked around the table and giving Laura a full blown kiss on the lips with tongue and everything. He took a seat and then stole Laura’s coffee and started drinking it. They both had their coffee the same way, so Laura let him get away with it, as she got up and made herself another one.

     “You two got anything exciting planned for today?” Paul asked as he tried to wake up some more using the coffee he’d stolen from Laura.

     “Just house work.” Emma pointed out. “Want to help?” She asked with a grin.

     “I was thinking we could go out and grab a spot of lunch or something like that.” Paul countered Emma’s idea.

     “Laura and I need to get things packed away ready for the move next week, and it would be nice to have a big strong man to help move the heavy stuff for us.” Emma frowned. “You don’t happen to know any do you?” She added with a giggle.

     “Hey, that hurts my feelings.” Paul complained. “Tell me what you want moved, or packed away, and I’ll sort it.” Paul said as he pulled Laura down onto his knee so he could cuddle her.

    Emma and Laura soon put Paul to work on helping them get things packed away for the move while they started getting all their clothes packed away. Laura was surprised to see how much stuff she’d managed to amass in just a week. They worked until four and then Paul managed to talk them into getting cleaned up so he could treat the two of them to a spot of dinner.

    They were soon in Laura’s car with Paul driving again, and making their way to a Pizza Hut. Once they had eaten they called in at a club and Emma was soon having some fun with a man she’d started chatting with while Laura was on the dance floor with Paul.

     “Laura, Paul, I’d like you to meet Richard.” Emma said when they returned from the dance floor. “I’ll let you to keep an eye on the table while we go for a dance now.” Emma added as she took hold of Richard’s hand and started dragging him towards the dance floor.

     “What’s wrong Paul?” Laura asked when she saw the way he was looking at Emma and Richard.

     “I’m worried about Emma.” Paul said as he kept looking over to where she was dancing. “I think she latched on to that guy because we’re together.” Paul explained the reason for his worry.

     “She looks happy enough to me.” Laura said as she turned and looked at them dancing and laughing.

     “He’s not the normal sort of guy she goes after, and I just know it won’t end well.” Paul frowned.

     “She’s a big girl, and I’m sure she can take care of herself, and if not, then we will be there to help her get through it.” Laura smiled as she slid over on to Paul’s knee and helped to take his mind off Emma’s love life and focus more on his own.

    Emma took Richard home with her that night, and then they had a couple more dates through the week, but with them getting ready to move to the new house, she couldn’t’ devote much time to him, but Laura was happy to see Emma enjoying herself, just like she was with Paul.

    Paul hired a large van so he and Nigel could start moving things from the three homes, as Paul was also moving into the new house. Laura had given him his own space, but he was going to be sharing a bed with Laura.

    The move went well and Laura and Emma spent some time helping Emily and Mindy get there rooms sorted out. Laura was over the moon when she walked into the dining room and saw that Rachel had put together a wonderful looking dinner for them all that first evening they all stopped at the house.

    Laura just knew this was going to be a lot of fun having a family around her.

Chapter Ten

    Everyone got settled into the new place over the next couple of weeks and Emma started spending more time with Richard, or she tried to, but he seemed to be working a lot, and Emma soon thought something was wrong.

    Laura was sat out in the garden keeping an eye on Emily and Mindy for Rachel and Nigel, so they could go and finalise the sale of their house, when she heard the front door slam shut and an angry looking Emma stormed into the kitchen and then burst into tears. Laura check to make sure the girls would be alright before she ran into the kitchen to find out what was wrong with her friend.

     “What’s wrong Em?” Laura asked as she pulled Emma into her arms and held her as she sobbed.

     “The SOB is married!” Emma shouted through the tears.

     “Who? Richard?” Laura asked sounding a little shocked.

     “Yes, I saw him out with another woman, so I followed them and saw him enter an office block with her. I walked in and asked the woman behind the desk who they were and she said that was his wife with him.” Emma sobbed some more.

     “I’m sorry Em, but I thought you were way to good for him anyway, and Paul never liked him from that first time in the club.” Laura pointed out.

     “I just don’t want to be alone Laura.” Emma whined as she finally stopped crying and took the tissue Laura offered her.

     “You’ll find mister right one day, just start enjoying life and see where it takes you.” Laura said with a smile as she led Emma out into the garden so they could carry on keeping an eye on the girls while they played on the slide and swing.

    There were more hugs and tears when Rachel and Paul found out, but Emma was a tough cookie and she soon got over it. Emma even told Laura and Paul off for not getting close while in the same room as her, so Paul and Laura started kissing and cuddling. They all had to laugh when Emma told them she’d changed her mind again. They could all see she was just joking with them, so they took no notice and carried on.

     “What you looking for?” Emma asked one afternoon when she entered the kitchen and saw Laura looking through the yellow pages for something.

     “I’m looking for a gardening service to come and looked after the grounds for us.” Laura said. “They’re a little on the large side to try and do ourselves, and I’d like to see them done properly, or I’d let Paul and Nigel sort it.” Laura explained.

     “Do you want me to sort it? I am supposed to be your assistant after all.” Emma grinned as she sat at the table facing Laura, ready to help.

     “I can handle it; take the rest of the day off.” Laura giggled in a posh voice as she waved Emma off as she grabbed the phone and punched in the number of the advert she liked the looks of the most. Laura had no real idea why she chose the gardening service she did, it just felt right for some reason.

    A man with a pleasant voice answered the phone and Laura explained where she lived and the size of the job she was asking him to undertake. The man didn’t seem fazed by the size of the grounds and he arranged to call round the next morning and take a look around at what Laura was looking to have done.

     “They’re calling round in the morning to take a look at what needs doing.” Laura said as she walked out into the garden where she’d seen Emma wander off to with Emily and Mindy holding a hand each as they wanted to show Emma something.

    Emma was in the kitchen the next morning while Laura was out in the back garden playing with the girls, so Emma went to answer the door. She found a well tanned man that had a very attractive body, or he did to Emma anyway.

     “Hello, Can I help you?” Emma asked with a warm smile.

     “Good day ma’am. I got a call yesterday from Laura Luck about me maintaining the grounds.” The man replied with just as warm a smile.

     “Yes, she told me you’d be calling around to have a look around. Follow me and I’ll show you what we need doing.” Emma said as she stepped out the front door and started showing the man the grounds. They were large and it took them some time to walk it all. Emma left the back garden until last, so she got to spend as much time with this man as she could.

     “Are you Miss Laura then?” The man asked as he followed Emma around.

     “No, I’m Miss Emma. I mean just Emma.” She said with a shake of her head as she realised she was getting tongue tied.

     “Well it nice to meet you Just Emma.” The man said with a grin.

     “Emma will do just fine.” Emma said as she gave him a smirk. “And what can I call you?” Emma asked.

     “Tom Green, but Tom will be fine.” He smiled.

     “Nice to meet you Tom.” Emma smiled back. “I trust that Laura did warn you about the size of the place?” Emma asked as she walked at his side taking the odd look at his well muscled body.

     “Yes I was warned, but it hasn’t put me off.” Tom said as he looked around and started working out what he’d need to do with each part of the grounds.

     “I see from the writing on your van, that you do landscaping as well.” Emma said as she tried to keep the conversation going. “It must be wonderful working out in the sun all day?”

     “Only when the weather is nice.” Tom chuckled. “Not so good when it’s raining all the time.” He added with a frown.

    Emma finally ended up in the back garden where Laura was with Emily and Mindy, so she did the introductions. “This is Laura, Emily and Mindy.” Emma said as she pointed at each of them in turn. “This is Tom; he’s the man you called yesterday about the grounds being maintained.” Emma explained.

     “Hello Tom, thank you for coming.”Laura said as she shook his hand. “Do you think you can do something with the place?” Laura asked. “I was hoping you might be able to landscape the front grounds to get rid of some of the grass. I think it all looks a little boring and green.” Laura tried to explain.

     “I can do wonders with this place Laura, but it depends on how much you’re looking to spend doing it.” Tom pointed out.

     “I’d say whatever it takes, but Emma would just have a go at me for wasting my money, so I’ll let you sit and sort out the finer details with her.” Laura smiled as she looked at a now grinning Emma, as she realised she’d get to spend even more time with Tom.

     “Do you want to sit and have a drink while we talk figures?” Emma asked as she turned and started walking towards the house again. Emma did look over her shoulder and give Laura a grin that said she liked the look of this one. Laura had to slap her hand over her mouth to hide the giggle escaping from it.

     “I could sit and talk figures with you all day long Emma.” Tom smiled as he let Emma lead him towards the house.

    Emma just giggled and turned a deep shade of red as Tom flirted with her. They were soon sat in the kitchen after Tom popped out to his van and grabbed a photo album with some of the other jobs he’d done, so he could give Emma some idea of what he could do and the cost of doing it. Emma gave a basic idea of what she liked and then left the rest of it with Tom to sort out.

     “I’ll work up some designs and get back to you. I will need to take some photos of the grounds though, so I can show you what the place will look like when I’ve done” Tom said as Emma walked him back out to his van, so he could grab his camera. “I think I better have your personal number so I can call and ask questions.” He asked.

    Emma was soon writing down her name and number on a piece of paper and handing it over to Tom after he’d got his camera and had already started snapping shots of the grounds. Emma looked worried when he turned the camera on her and snapped a couple of shots.

     “Don’t, I look awful!” Emma shouted as she tried to hide her face with her hands.

     “You could never look awful Emma.” Tom chuckled.

     “You should see me first thing in the morning before I put on the plaster.” Emma said before she realised what she’d just come out with. Tom just gave her a smug smile that said he’d love to see her first thing in the morning.

    Emma was glad to see Tom drive away, but at the same time she was sad to see him leave as well. She’d never had feelings like the ones she was having now, and for the first time she understood what Laura had said to her about the way Paul made her feel. Emma ran back into the house to find Laura and tell her she was in love for the first time ever.

    Emily and Mindy started to giggle as they saw their Aunty Emma run into the garden and start dancing around with their Aunty Laura. They were soon joining in and they all danced around for a bit, until Emily and Mindy got bored and went back to playing on the slide.

    Emma finally explained to Laura how she felt with Tom, and Laura said that is just how she feels with Paul. It’s like that person completes them. And you wonder how you lived your life before they showed up in it. Emma had put Laura’s feelings down to her suddenly waking up in the body of a woman, but now she could see it was much more than that, and she liked it.

    Tom called a couple of times that day asking minor questions, then he called a third time and finally asked the question he’d wanted to ask the first two times. “Emma? I know this may seem a bit forward of me, but would you be interested in going out for a drink with me?” Tom asked nervously on the other end of the phone.

     “I’d love to, what time do you want to pick me up?” Emma asked almost before Tom finished asking the question.

     “Eight o’clock alright for you?” Tom replied with a smile in his voice.

     “I’ll see you at eight.” Emma said before she ended the call and ran around the house squealing.

    Emma’s date was a big success and they started seeing much much more of each other, and Tom spent a lot of time keeping an eye on his workforce when they started work on the grounds. Tom became almost part of the family; he’d play games with the girls while they had barbecues, and started sleeping over in Emma’s room. It was at one of these barbeques that Laura got the biggest shock of her life since becoming a woman.

     Laura was just returning from the kitchen with some drinks for the girls when Paul stepped up to her and looked down into her eyes with a strange look Laura couldn’t work out. All became clear though when he went down on one knee and held up a small purple velvet box and opened it.

     “Laura Luck, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?” Paul asked with a lump in his throat.

    Laura just looked at the ring and then at Paul for what felt like hours before she could find the words to answer him. “Yes, yes, yes.” Laura said over and over again as she dived at Paul throwing her arms around him and the pair of them ended up lying on the grass kissing each other like they were all alone in the world. They weren’t alone though, and they were soon brought back to the real world when they heard the others clapping and cheering. Laura sat on the grass and watched as Paul pulled the ring out the little box and slipped it on her finger for her.

     “Thank you.” Laura said with tears in her eyes. “Thank you for making me the happiest woman on the planet.” Laura added with a secret meaning that only she and Emma understood.

     “No, thank you for making me the happiest man on the planet.” Paul replied as he wiped away the tears and then leaned in and kissed her again.

     “Did you know about this?” Laura asked Emma when they finally pulled themselves together and got up off the lawn and took their seats at the table again on the patio.

     “No, my baby brother has got sneaky in his old age.” Emma said as she looked at the ring just before she playfully punched Paul in the arm like she always did when she was a little angry with him for some reason.

     “No one knew about it Laura.” Paul said looking proud of himself. “I didn’t want to risk anyone letting it slip to you before I asked.” He explained.

    Over the next couple of month’s life settled into a routine and Laura tried to get use to having periods, which she wasn’t sure she would ever get use to. Emma was a great help in showing Laura what she needed to do though, which seemed to make Laura feel better for some reason.

    Laura was having fun planning out the wedding with Emma’s help. Paul tried to help, but he just couldn’t see the reason for all the fancy dressing up and need for everything to be ‘Perfect’ as Emma and Laura kept telling him.

    The wedding wasn’t going to be a big affair as they only had a small number of friends, and all the people Laura knew would be at the wedding already on Paul’s side, so they decided to go on holiday and get married on a beach instead of a church wedding in the UK.

    Laura still wanted to wear a beautiful white wedding dress, and she got her wish as she was walked down the small make shift aisle with Emma and the others watching. Nigel was the one to give Laura away, as Laura didn’t have anyone else. Nigel had been shocked, but also proud that Laura asked him, and he played the role perfectly as he handed her over to Paul, and then warned Paul to take good care of her.

    Paul looked at Nigel as if to say ‘what a stupid thing to say’ but he smiled after as he lifted the veil over Laura’s head so he could see her face, and he let out a sigh as he saw that someone had done the imposable and made her look even more beautiful.

    The priest went through his little speech and Laura and Paul spoke at the right moments, and soon they were husband and wife. They kissed each other and they left in a white carriage that was being drawn by two pure white horses. They enjoyed a second week together seeing more of the sights and each other, before they returned home with the others to carry on life as Mrs Laura Good.

    Emma helped Laura find some companies to invest in; three of them being Paul’s Electrical repair company that Laura helped him to set up. Nigel found out he was being made redundant, so Laura and Emma sat down and helped him work out a plan to start up his own company working on a much smaller scale doing engineering work, which soon became much larger when word got around about the high quality he was turning out. The third company belonged to Tom, who had got much busier since a magazine did an article on the work he’d done at Laura’s home.

    Tom soon became part of the family when he asked Emma to marry him in his own special way. He’d been redesigning part of the garden and had managed to keep Emma away from it for a couple of weeks until he was ready for her to see it.

    Emma let Tom lead her out into the garden blindfolded and stood her in a spot before letting her remove it. Emma slipped the blindfold off and then blinked a couple of times before she saw the flower display and what the flowers spelled out. ‘Emma will you marry me? Tom’

     “Yes!” Emma screamed as she turned to face Tom just before she threw her arms around him and tried to suck the life out of him with a kiss to end all kisses. Tom finally slipped the ring on Emma’s finger, but Emma was soon trying to suck the last bit of life from him again.

    Unlike Paul who had kept everyone in the dark, Tom needed help to keep Emma from seeing the flower display before it was time, so he’d asked Laura for her help, and she was only too willing to offer it.

    Tom had a larger family so they planned a traditional church wedding which Laura was happy to pay for as acting father figure to the bride, even though she was actually the maid of honour. Rachel, Emily and Mindy got the jobs of bridesmaids, and Rachel got a bunch of beautiful pictures of them all stood together that found their way onto the living room wall.

    Emma and Tom got a shock when Laura handed them a large envelope at the reception after the wedding. They opened it up and saw that it was a two week trip to Niagara Falls. Laura found herself being hugged by both of them. Emma and Tom left the next day and promised Laura they would have a wonderful time, and they would get her back for what she’d done.

    Laura felt a little lost without Emma around for the next two weeks, but she did talk to her on the phone almost every day. By the time Emma and Tom returned, Laura had made up her mind that she would treat the whole family to a trip over there next year. She also wanted to take Emily and Mindy to Disney land while she was over that side of the pond.

    Those plans were soon put on hold though when Laura found out she was pregnant. Laura waited to tell everyone until she’d been to see a doctor and had in confirmed by them, then she stood up one evening during dinner and said she had something she needed to say.

     “I went to see the doctor today.” Laura started. Everyone fell quiet when they saw how serious Laura looked as she said it. “I’ve been given a little over eight months.” She added still looking serious.

    This got gasps from everyone and Paul was soon on his feet holding Laura’s hands in his and looking down at her with worry in his eyes. “Eight months for what?” He asked in a whisper.

     “Eight months until I give birth.” Laura added as a grin broke out across her face. “I’m going to have a baby.” She added just in case Paul didn’t understand her the first time.

     “You’re pregnant?” Paul asked as he stepped back and placed a hand on Laura’s belly very gently.

     “You little tease you!” Emma snapped as she ran over and started hugging Laura to congratulate her on the good news, and also have a go for worrying them all to begin with.

    All the others hugged her and congratulated her and Paul on the good news. Paul looked proud about becoming a dad, and Laura already knew he’d be an amazing one from watching him play with Emily and Mindy.

    Mindy’s health was much better, partly due to the clean air out at the house, and also because Laura looked into the best people dealing with heart murmurs and she got Mindy in with the best she could find. Rachel and Nigel fell in love with Laura even more after she did this for their daughter.

    Laura kept trying to do things, but spent most her time being pampered by the other members of the family as she got larger and larger. Laura found in strange, but wonderful at the same time as she felt the little life inside her growing and moving around. She was just going to the toilet for the tenth time one night when she heard a whispering voice call her name. Laura looked worried as she remembered the voice from the night Larry had first stopped in this house, and it was coming from the attic, just like it did then, but the voice was calling the name Laura, not Larry. Laura wanted to walk away from the sound, but part of her just knew she had to go and investigate, so she went to the door that led up to the large attic room and she went up there.

    The large room looked pretty much the same as when she first went up there. They had been too busy sorting out the rest of the house to spend any time up here, and the house was big enough that they didn’t need the room. Laura and Emma had spoke about getting the space cleared and painted, so they could turn it into a games room of some sort for the kids to play in, but that’s all they had ever done was talk about it.

    Laura heard the voice and as it whispered the name ‘Laura’ she followed the sound and looked scared when she stepped around a pile of boxes and saw the mirror sat there looking brand new and shining in the dim light. Laura saw a reflexion of a woman in it, but it wasn’t her. The woman touched her hand to the mirror from her side, Laura tried to step back but hound she couldn’t move, then Laura watched in horror and her hand lifted on its own and touched the mirror. Laura could feel the tears streaming down her face as she knew all this was going to end the minute she touched the mirror, she’d be Larry again.

    There was a flash of light and Laura found herself in an old looking living room, like it was part of a castle or stately home, but without any windows. Laura reached down and let out a sigh of relief when she felt the bump and then felt the baby move inside her. The mirror hadn’t turned her back into a man just yet.

     “Please do not worry Laura.” A woman’s voice said from just behind her. “I have no plans to make you a man again. I couldn’t do that even if I wanted to, which I don’t.” The woman added as she stepped around in front of Laura and smiled at her. “Please take a seat so we can talk.” The woman smiled as she led a still worried Laura over to a sofa and helped her to sit down.

     “Then why did you bring me here?” Laura asked in a shaky voice.

     “To ease your worries child, and also explain the full reason for what happened to you.” The woman explained.

     “Are you the watcher that left me the letter and the house?” Laura asked.

     “Yes that is I.” The woman smiled. “But you may call me Mir.” She smiled some more.

     “I’d like to thank you for everything you did.” Laura smiled back. “I’m very happy in my new life.” She added as she placed her hand on her belly and felt the baby kick her to let her know it was happy too.

     “Yes, I’ve seen how happy you are through many of the mirrors, but I can also see that you fear being returned to that male form you were trapped in all those years.” Mir sighed like she was unhappy with something that happened. “I am sorry for all the pain you suffered.” Mir added with a tear in her eye.

     “Do you mean with the curse you spoke of in the letter you left me?” Laura asked looking interested in finding out more about the curse.

     “Yes the curse did more damage than I ever thought it would, and it wasn’t until you were born in the wrong body that I saw I needed to do all I could to fix what I had done.” Mir started to explain. “The curse was for your ancestors who stole the mirror from my castle, but as the years went on and the mirror got past from generation to generation, the curse got worse and worse until you were born a boy instead of a girl.” Mir added.

     “Well you fixed that, and I am most grateful.” Laura smiled.

     “The curse was still in effect until you conceived Paul’s child.” Mir pointed out. “You and Paul were soul mates, and the whole Good family were suffering because of the curse on you, and that is the other reason for all that I did to help you.” Mir explained.

     “They looked alright to me when I first met them.” Laura said looking puzzled.

     “Things were due to go horribly wrong for them all.” Mir said with a shudder.

     “You can see the future?” Laura asked.

     “Yes, but only the future of the family’s lives I changed when I put the curse on your family.” Mir said. “Emma and Tom’s paths should have crossed some years back, but she never went to the place they were to meet because Paul was upset over breaking up with yet another girlfriend. In the near future Paul would start doing some very questionable deals with people that would have led to him going to prison when he tried to get money together to help Mindy get the help she needed, this would then lead to Rachel and Nigel splitting up after Mindy’s death.

     “Mindy’s going to die?” Laura screamed out in horror.

     “No, not anymore Laura. You set things right when you got her the specialist help she needed. All the Good family will be fine now they have you in their lives where you belong.” Mir said calmingly as she got up and sat next to Laura and took hold of her hand.

    Laura let out a sigh and let Mir wrap an arm around her as she rested her head on Mir’s shoulder while she enjoyed the hug. “So I never have to worry about becoming a boy again?” Laura asked without bothering to lift her head up.

     “No, you never have to worry about that happening my child. You will live a long and loving life as a woman, and have lots of grand children and great grandchildren to watch over.” Mir said soothingly.

     “It’s like my life is now a mirrored image of what it was like as Larry.” Laura found herself giggling. “I like this one much better.” She added as she cuddled into Mir a little more. “I thought you said in the letter that I’d never see you again, but here you are.” Laura said as she sat up again and looked at Mir for an answer.

     “I couldn’t very well say that you’d be seeing me again just after you let a boy called Paul Good get you pregnant could I?” Mir asked with a smirk. “I doubt your mind could deal with information like that.” She added.

    Laura was quiet for a short time as she thought about what she’d done if she had read all that in a letter just after being turned into a girl. Then she remembered something she’d heard someone say once about dropping a frog in a pan of boiling water would make it jump right back out, but if you place it in the water while it’s cold and then slowly bring it up to the boil, then the fog won’t jump out until it’s too late. That is how Mir had let things happen for her. She’d fallen in love with Paul at her own pace and come to realise that being a woman was more natural to her than it was for her being Larry.

     “You were right, but you already knew that didn’t you?” Laura giggled. “Did I do any of this using my own free will, or did I have you guiding me all the way?” Laura asked looking a little more serious as she asked it.

     “It was all you by sweet child; I just changed your luck at key points to help you along the way.” Mir smiled. “Like the horrid Debra and Roger getting caught, and also the gardener you picked to clean up the grounds, but most of it was just you following your heart.” Mir added with a happy sigh.

     “Thank you for all your help Mir.” Laura said in a sleepy voice as she found it hard to keep her eyes open. She was soon drifting off to sleep in Mir’s arms.

    When Laura woke again, she was back in her own bed and it was Paul with his arms wrapped around her. She wondered if it was all a dream, but part of her knew it wasn’t and it was Mir that had spoken to her, and laid all her fears to rest about her once more becoming an unlucky man called Larry.

    Laura soon gave birth to a baby boy which they called William, after Paul’s father. William had just turned one when Laura told Paul she was pregnant again. Nine months later she gave birth to a baby girl this time, they called Samantha. One month later Emma gave birth to a baby girl they called her Sarah after Emma’s mother. Laura wasn’t done yet thought and a year after Samantha was born she gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. They called them Peter and Gail.

    Mir had been right about Laura living a long and happy life, and she found herself surrounded by loving family that just kept growing and growing. She was a silent partner in a number of businesses that all seemed to do well, but she also did a lot for the homeless as she still remembered the trouble Larry had finding a place to sleep, or a hot meal on a cold nights. She helped people get back on their feet and made sure all the company’s she invested her money it, did things to give back to the community.

    Laura never did tell anyone else her crazy story of how she took shelter in a large house one day a man, and left it a woman. Only Emma knew her secret, and it was a secret that no one else needed to know.

    Emma found Laura sat out in the garden one evening after all the grandchildren were in bed and they found one of the rare moments when they were truly alone.

     “Do you ever regret letting me move in with you Emma?” Laura asked with a smile, as she already knew the answer.

     “Nope. Being too thick to work out how to change that wheel was the best thing to ever happen to me.” Emma smiled back.

     “I’m glad you turned out to be a bit thick as well.” Laura giggled as she had to dodge a slap from Emma. They were soon having a hug as they thought about all the fun they would have tomorrow at the family barbeque.


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

    AUTHORS NOTE: Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and I hope you enjoyed it. Please take a second to hit the good story button and let me know you liked it with a kudos, or a comment would be nice if you have a couple of minutes to spare.

    Hugs, Love and Happy Reading.


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