The Natural Slave

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This will be a look inside a demented, but harmless mind.
It has to do with guilt, security and love. ~Gwen

The Natural Slave

By Gwen Brown

Copyright December 23, 2007

I sat on the park bench in the early fall. I had been having a relatively good time with casual friends and I felt financially secure now that my early retirement had finally begun. I watched the ducks playing in the water across the lake. The sun shone gently through the canopy of foliage over my head as I watched people walking by.

The cool wind wafted through my hair and around my neck. Oddly, my floor length skirt made me feel warm and gave me as much security as clothing could. I tried not to think of the last three very painful years, yet vaguely haunting thoughts wafted through my consciousness like some Valkyrie waiting to harvest my soul.

The couples were especially painful to watch for, though I had casual friends, there was no one special and I really wanted that badly. I felt that I would do almost anything for someone to carry me home and make me his; make me feel secure. I wasn’t thinking specifically of being in chains, but I could easily fantasize about cooking, cleaning and being held by him. I imagined that he would take me to bed at night to ravage me, to make me his and make me his. As I thought about it, I felt myself moisten and that broke my dark chain of thought. After a while I gave in to the caliginous realization that my dreams were never going to come true. I stood to my feet and began slowly walking home.

Later that afternoon I walked down to the library in search of yet another ridiculous romance. I was so intent on my search that I ran right into a man just walking by the end of the aisle. My books fell to the floor and I was instantly scandalized.

“I was so clumsy sir, I am so very sorry for running into you.” My face now reddened in embarrassment.

When he turned around our eyes locked and I was so taken with his looks and and felt such discomfiture that I immediately cast my eyes down and knelt at his feet to retrieve the books. I was much closer to the floor and got them before he could. I began to stand with the books in my hands and I felt him grasp under my arm and help me up.

For reasons I could not explain, I felt absolutely subservient to this man; embarrassed also. Completely confused, I felt too lost to reason about why he had such a strong effect on me.

“Oh thank you so much sir”, I said to him in a strange little girl voice. What had happened to me? I did not even sound like myself. I immediately began the blush and cast my eyes down; feeling too powerless to even look into his eyes. He was so big and tall. He towered over me by several inches; maybe even a foot I imagined. His presence was commanding. I felt as if I really should be kneeling in front of him. What an Adonis!

With a very slight accent, he told me that he liked the way I had done that very much and he felt like I was such a natural at it. He had a broad, endearing grin on his face. At the time I had no idea what he was talking about and I left him with my face burning with humiliation. As I turned the corner to resume my book search, I could see him walking after me with a strange predatory grin on his face. I found it sort of frightening yet strangely intriguing but, I hurried out of his sight. I could get a book another day.

I spent the next several days cleaning my apartment, reading and shopping. I did not return to the library until the following Monday, doing my best to not to think about him but he kept intruding into my thoughts. I wanted to believe that I did not hope that he would be there also. When I left the library I noticed him sitting in a restaurant just across the street. My whole body rang in recognition and I pretended I had not noticed him. I thought I had been coy enough so that he would not know that I’d seen he was there. I walked out of sight only to I notice to him raising his cup to me from the corner of my eye. I felt the hotness spread across my face and down over my breasts; my nipples hardening immediately with lust. I felt so scandalized that almost ran to get away from him.

The following day I was in the grocery store shopping and as I left the milk aisle, I noticed him coming out of another aisle. I felt my flesh quicken and actually smiled at him when he gazed upon me. I could only hold his gaze for a moment and then I averted my eyes to the floor again. “Our paths cross do they not?” He asked me. He seemed amused but also very powerful and I knew that if he commanded me, I could not resist him.

“Oh, yes sir, we do. I certainly am not following you, I am sorry.”

“Are you sorry you are not following me or that I am following you?” I know that I must have looked like a deer in the headlights. I was speechless; holding my hand over my pulsing lips. I fled down the aisle with my cart and hid in the ladies restroom until I thought he was gone. As I hurried home, I thought that I saw him crossing the street down from me, but when I turned to look again, he was gone.

Tuesday, I was leaving my apartment to go to the Museum, and he was just passing by. In embarrassment and shame because my flesh had suddenly becoming wanton, I stopped and ridiculously tried to hide behind a leafless rose bush. He stopped and looked directly at me, capturing me with his warrior like eyes.

“Oh, where are you going?”

“I am going to the museum, sir.”

“Oh, then I shall escort you there.”

“Oh, sir, that will be too much trouble for you.” I moved gracefully down the steps in my Nun skirt, as a friend jokingly called it. She was constantly chiding me to wear sexier, more girly clothing. I was just too shy.

“That is no trouble at all my little one. What is your name?”

His boldness and calling me “little one” aroused my ire. “My name is Alice, and I am most definitely not your little one.” I emphasized little one with all the venom I could muster. How dare he call me little one as if I were a child!

“You could be if you liked me well enough.”

“Oh you, we don’t even know each other.” I spat.

He was walking along side me, and the next thing I knew he’d placed my hand on his arm. I was so thrilled. It felt as if my hand belonged there. But, feeling he was far too confident, I removed it in spite of my strong desire to leave it right where he'd placed it.

“What did you remove your hand for? I thought you rather liked it there. At least I know that I did.”

I was too flustered to answer. I hid my brilliantly red face from him.

As we passed a coffee shop, he said, “Let me buy you coffee to make up for my being too forward.”

It did not sound like a request but a statement of certainty and somehow he steered me into the shop. He guided me around to a table in a dim corner in the back, with lots of privacy. He held the chair while I sat down. I felt as if my will had flown away.

Seating himself, the waiter approached. He ordered Coffee, black. And then cast an appraising gaze upon me. I was about to order Coffee two crá¨mes and two sugars, but before I could he did it, ordering exactly what I wanted.

Feeling nonplussed, I asked him, “How did you know I drank coffee that way?” I was about to chide him harshly for being so presumptuous but he cut me off.

“I looked into that sweet face, knowing how tense and lonely you are and decided that was best for you.”

Feeling real anger at his presumptiveness, I took a deep breath, getting ready to lash out at him. He cut me off again. I shut my gaping mouth since it seemed as if I was not going to be permitted to speak.

“Your name is Alice Brown. You have three children and are recently divorced, but you are starting to heal from the loss. The proceedings went badly for you and you were made to look very bad, and were unfairly treated. You lost everything, and your family have dishowned you completely. The other day when I first saw you in the park watching the Ducks, I saw a truly forlorn woman and felt that she needed someone in her life. As it turns out, so do I. My maid and companion died, a long time ago and I got along with out her but now, since seeing you, I have decided I need a replacement.”

He had such a huge smile on his face, I felt as if he must be joking with me about needing a maid.I had been sitting there waiting for an opening but by the time he had finished, tears were flowing freely down my cheeks. How did he know so much about me?

“You are lost and alone. Your partner, your soul mate, the one you though you would die beside has deserted you. Am I missing anything?”

I could not speak. I was too overcome. I sat there, completely blinded by my hot, burning tears. My nose was completely closed and I was getting a monstrous headache; one of those that completely disabled a person.

“This new life you are living is vastly different from your old one and required significant intervention to begin. They have labelled you with horrible unfairness, not caring at all for your own inner needs. You now need someone to love and care for you; giving you back at least some of what you so selflessly gave others for many years.”

I felt tiny and helpless. He knew all about my deepest secrets, I just knew it. My breath left me and I began to sob in great gasps. I felt as if I could easily die and I wanted to do just that so badly just then.

“I also know that you gave yourself to others in your old life and your family does not appreciate it. In fact they have disowned you. In your new life, you continue to sacrifice greatly to others; to the point that it is threatening your health.”

With that I began to get up to leave, but he clamped my wrist and told me to sit. I dropped back into my seat with a thump. I felt as if I were his captive; like a butterfly on a board; a pin piercing my very soul.

I tried to wrest my hand from him but his grip was firm but not harsh. Everything he said was true though I could not understand how he could find out so much about me in such a short time. He kept me at the table until I had wept my last. My eyes were as red as beacons, and my makeup was a complete disaster. As I calmed, I began to wonder how I was to get home without making a spectacle of my self.

“We need to talk more, and I have a proposition for you. After all, what do you have to lose? I will escort you to my house, and we can talk in private.”

“I can’t do that. I don’t know you; I don’t even know your name.” I said weakly. My voice lacked conviction; I knew it and so did he.

I am Faisal Alotabie, once from Saudi Arabia, but now from no where.

He didn’t say anymore but looked at me like the wolf looked at the sheep. He carried an air of command about him, as if he must be obeyed. Deciding, I reached into the bottom of my purse, pulling out my scarf. I always carried it and a tiny, ridiculously sized umbrella, during the winter. I covered my head with the pretty scarf and pinned it with a Hijab pin; a left over from my infatuation with Islam; another heart wrenching chapter in my life.

He came round and slid my chair back as I stood. He turned me to face him and pulled my scarf forward to almost cover my face. He lifted my chin, “Look at me”, He said. “Your journey is over. You will be my little one. No one will see your red eyes with the cover of the Hijab.”

I wanted to protest; to resist this huge man. I knew that my present life was purposeless without someone to serve and to care for me. I let him lead me from the Coffee Shop like a child.

His home was on the side of the hill above the city but within walking distance of my tiny apartment. He led me up the steps and held the door for me to enter. His house was huge and grandly appointed. Many of his furnishings seemed to be from the Middle East. Where the dinning room should have been was a huge, exceedingly thick, fur like carpet with a low table set in the middle of it. There were numerous fat pillows around it. He continued to lead me about the house. The Kitchen was wonderfully modern with appliances in it that I could never afford. There was a wonderful stove with two huge convection ovens. A wonderful Refrigerator stood on the other side of the huge, double sink.

He led me into another room which overlooked his back yard. It was a wonderfully landscaped place with much privacy. I could actually hear birds through the door he opened.

We walked back through the house and into another wide open room with a vaulted ceiling. He must do a lot of entertaining, I thought.

Then he led me into a room that seemed as large as the rest of the house. Along one wall was a huge bed, larger than a King size. There were numerous steel loops hanging on it in various locations and I assumed that they were for decoration. He allowed me to walk around in this room as he watched me. As I passed around the bed, looking at the dressers and closets, I noticed a chain running under the bed and it appeared to be attached to something. Turning, I looked at him. His gaze held nothing but mirth, but I felt like he knew what I had seen under the bed. Perhaps he has a pet that sleeps with him I thought, trying to avoid what I really thought. This chilled and excited me at the same time. I was afraid of him but deliciously drawn to him too. I quickly looked away, not wanting him to see the need painted upon my face.

There was a kitchen, dinning room, bedroom, lots of room to entertain, what more could a girl want?

He led me into a room with a huge sofa with lots of pillows, and a wet bar. I let him ply me with liquor. He made this wonderful drink that tasted like fruit punch. The liquor in it was almost undetectable. One of those and he pushed me into a sitting position on the floor in front of him. I was not a drinker but remembered what my parents drank when I was a child. He began to massage my neck and shoulders and it did not take long for me to lack any will of my own before him. He carried me off to his huge bed. I was so relaxed, I did not object. I do not remember anything afterward.

In the morning, I wakened to the sound of soft Middle Eastern Music with that strange beat that used to make me feel like dancing sensuously. I was alone. I could smell coffee and something else cooking; pancakes perhaps. I half expected to smell bacon but I didn’t. I assumed that it was he who was cooking. I was so warm and comfortable beneath the covers that I lazed there half awake for a while until my bladder began to complain bitterly. I did not want to move but with my needs I knew I must.

I threw the covers back and something on my wrists seem to limit my motions and as I sat up, I could feel something strange upon my neck. I quickly looked down to see leather shackles on my wrists with a short chain between them. Suddenly alarmed, I felt at my neck and found a collar about it. The chain I had seen was now attached to me. Oh my God, I am almost naked save for tiny bikini panties and a sort of soft mesh cape with coins hanging from it.

I began to scream as loud as I could but no one came. I had to do something or I was going to wet the bed. Maybe there was a bed pan, I reasoned. Looking over the side of the bed, I found what I was looking for under the edge, along with some tissue. I gave up some of my dignity and used the pan, carefully setting it back under the bed.

I called out again, “Hello, can anyone hear me? Please let me go?” I called and called until I was hoarse, but no one came. This frightened me terribly and I began to cry fearfully. As my sobbing was approaching full cry, he came into the room wearing only a loin cloth and a smile but carrying a tray with food on it.

Still weeping piteously, I cried out, “Oh, please sir, don’t hurt me? Please let me go? I won’t say anything?”

“Calm, my little one, I do not intend to hurt you at all but to care for you and nurture you; helping you to become the woman you were meant to be.”

“But why am I almost naked and chained?” My voice shook with fear. “I don’t even know your name, and now you throw me into a bed in chains? And how am I supposed to know what misbegotten advantage you took of me?”

“Oh, but you misinterpret the intention of your captivity little one. I have watched you for a long time; years actually. I saw the pain you lived in during your old life. One would have thought that those close to you would have understood and helped ease your pain. But, they failed you. I did not take advantage of you last night, except to put you into suitable clothing.”

“I am so afraid, please release me?” I sobbed.

“After you are here a while you will recognize that captivity is exactly what you need to protect you from yourself.” After begging and pleading wore me out, he fed me and then held me until I stopped quivering in his arms.

"You will find your chains to be liberating and not captivity. A woman like you works so hard to meet the needs of others. Finally after too many years of toil, your strength runs out until you fail completely. Those around you, used to being spoiled by you, react with anger toward you, and hurt you so much you no longer wish to live. I have taken the freedom of others to abuse you away from them."

After I was sufficiently relaxed, he took me into a huge lounge and bath area. He released my bonds and said that I should get into the bath. As soon as he let me go, I ran as fast as I could for the door. I found it locked. He sat on the other side of the room smiling. Something within me wanted to yield meekly to him, while another side of my being resented the loss of my personal freedom. I walked back to him and stood in front of him.

“You have no choice but to trust me, or at the very least yield to me.”

Sinking to the floor in front of him, I said. “I am so frightened. No woman in her right mind would be acquiescent to this situation. How can you expect me to?”

“Look deeply within, little one. Tell me truthfully that this is not what you want inside”

“I don’t want to be a captive. Do you expect me to be your slave?”

“Is that what you wish; to be my slave? Talk no more or I shall gag you and put you in a cage. You need to think this thing through, to question your very heart's desire. Are you not weary of all your struggles? In the country of my youth, women are nurtured and protected. A woman like you would not have been exposed to such torment."

I didn’t know if he would gag me but he had certainly already chained me once. I held my peace. After a while he motioned me toward the bath. With no further complaint allowed, I yielded to him and went to bathe. I lay there, deep in thought. He said that he had watched me for years? How could he have done that without my observing him? I soaked in the hot scented water until I felt like jelly. Climbing out, I sat on the edge and began to dry myself. A suspicion began to seem into my consciousness. There was a man who I seemed to encounter at odd times; could this be he? The door opened and in walked a girl about 25 who was as naked as I.

“Hello Master, she called out to him.” He smiled at her but said nothing. She was tiny, short and trim, with ample, proud, breasts. I noticed rings in her nipples. She had no body hair except on her head.

She walked over to me and began setting out oils, crá¨mes, brushes and some very brief clothing.

“Hello, I am Sarah. What is your name?”

“I’m Alice. How long have you been here? Is it safe here?”

“I have never felt in danger, unless I disobeyed Master. Then he spanked me.” She giggled and her cheeks reddened, not with embarrassment but with what seemed to be happy anticipation.

I was astonished when she began to dry my hair and brush it. She rubbed me down with oils and crá¨mes, first laying me face up and then face down. She gave me a full massage, leaving me in a stupor. I wanted to talk to her, to plot escape. She only changed the subject and suggested that I enjoy the life in the Master’s house. I was dozing when I suddenly awakened. She had fastened my wrists in shackles again and then sat on me as she did the same to my ankles.

“What have you done? I don’t want to be chained like this.”

She only looked at me with a smirk and waved a ball with two straps on it in front of my face. She did not need to say anything to make me silent. Could I have bested her in struggle? I did not have the will to try.

“You have no reason to be frightened. No harm will befall you. You will be trained and taught to obey, however.”

In the next few days, I fell into the routine that Master set for me. Master and I talked for hours. I was not allowed to complain, under penalty of the Gag or the cage. He only needed to Gag me and put me in the cage once to make me obedient. I wondered why I did not fight him more. At the time I reasoned that I had no control of my circumstances. Was it simpler than that? The time stretched into weeks and then months. I had asked about my apartment and my things but he merely deflected my question with another.

”Do you really want your things?” He asked. At first I protested within the limitations I was allowed. Enough of that horrid cage, I reasoned.

He began taking Sarah and I to the movies or other activities. Once he took us to the beach and we romped there in the warm sun, he in his trunks and we girls in the briefest of thong style bikinis. I was at first very self conscious, but Sarah seemed completely oblivious to the jealous stares of other women and the unveiled lust of other men.

It was then that I discovered that Sarah had labia rings. Gasping in shock, I asked her when he’d put those in her. She looked at me incredulously for a moment. “He didn’t put them in me. The men who had me captive and addicted to drugs did it. He even asked me if I wanted to be rid of them, but I’d had them so long that I decided to keep them.”

“You mean he did not rape you and force them on you?”

“Master? No way would he do that!” she said. You will give yourself to him or remain chaste.”

I hesitated, afraid to ask. “Have you not been raped by him.”

“Alice, I don’t have anything to rape. I was doing dope so long that I lost all my teeth. I had so much damage down there that I had to let them remove all that or die. The dope took my ability to respond sexually. All my teeth are implants. My face is all either plastic surgery or chemically peeled. I lost one kidney. They got my Liver going well enough to work but I have to avoid anything that would damage it. I owe my very life to Master. It goes much deeper than that.”

I was astonished. I had much to think about.

That night, I lay at his side, chained by my neck. He was huge and warm and made me feel secure. When I knew he was relaxed, I reached for his chest and pulled myself up on him. I put my face into the crook of his neck and began to kiss him all over. With my right hand, I reached down and grasped him. It was already semi hard.

It didn’t take long for him to take command of the situation. He forced me onto my back and was soon punishing me with his rod. This went on for a long time until we were both exhausted.

“Was that nice, my little one?”

Oh yes, Master, it was lovely.

I lay there as I listened to his even breaths. He had never forced me, but waited for me to come to him. He plied me with gentleness and security. I now willingly wore his chains. I am his. With a blush creeping onto my cheeks, I knew this was the security I had been seeking.

I am a Natural Slave, at least for now.

The End

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