Can I ask of favor of all my online friends? I have a friend who is in great distress, and she needs all the positive vibes you guys can send. I dont want to share her name or what's happening because not everyone is comfortable having their lives splashed across the net, but if you guys leave a note, I'll pass it on.
Thanks guys.
To be unstressed
Dorothy Tell her to Let Go and Let God,
you may also tell her that God is Good all the time. and that Jeesus opend his arms and said I love you this much as they nailed him to the cross
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Can I ask a favor of you guys?
Consider it done
May Your Light Forever Shine
A Favour
Dorothy - You can ask me for a favour anytime & if is within my capacity to perform as is required I will gladly do it. If you wish to be specific, just send me PM & I will do what is possible. If your friend is in your city, there are agencies there that can provide help in almost any situation. She or He should contact a hospital for a referral to the correct place to deal with her/his distress. While I understand some of the culture of where you live, my relatives in your city have treated me with open welcoming arms despite my coming out to them so late in life & so abruptly.
I am no expert but have a long life experience which may be of help. Contact me if you wish - I do live on the other side of the mid line of this great country of ours so I am not liable to run into any of your society.
Sometimes only a sympathetic ear is all that is needed & while I am a little hard of hearing I don't lack the sympathy.
May the sun always shine on your parade
I don't know who you are but there is always hope
That Dorothy cares proves you are loved.
It is so hard to see the full picture from one's own perspective.
If you need help, get it.
You are worth it. It will get better.
And these are not platitudes. There is truth in it.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Dorothy, as I am sick, I was able to sleep on your blog. Without knowing the problem I can only guess a solution that is why I say below "if she can."
if I lived nearby I would go and comfort her. But that is the short run. If she can she could volunteer to help others in her situation. By helping others though this problem she will help her own.
Please no "get wells." This too shall pass.