A Wyld Come True - Part 4 of 4

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Come True

by Saless
Part 4 of 4

Elizabeth gets everything she ever wanted out of going Wyld... with a few surprises thrown in. Nothing's ever simple when you're Wyld!

September, 2011

Once again I was awoken by a knocking on my door. I groaned, feeling all the aches and pains from the previous night's attack. Especially my wings. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to fly for a while.

"Liz! Wake up!" Jenny yelled through the door without pausing from her pounding on it.

"I'm up!" I yelled back groggily.

Slowly and painfully I made my way to the door and opened it. Jenny came in followed by Tammy and Em.

"How are you feeling?" Em asked.

"Sore." I replied.

We all took a seat and an awkward silence fell. Finally Tammy spoke, "Jenny and I already talked about this, and I know what you said last night, but I wanted to make sure you're okay? With Bobby?"

"Of course! It's not his fault he's Dark. Besides, he saved me." I said.

Tammy relaxed a bit at that, "Em said you'd be fine but I worry about Bobby. He's had it rough since he went Wyld."

"I can imagine. Dark's aren't exactly popular." I said.

"That's not even the worst of it." Em said, earning a glare from Tammy. Em noticed and shrugged, "Bobby said we should tell her."

"No, he said we could tell her, if we wanted to." Tammy argued.

"But in Bobby-speak that's the same as asking us to tell her." Em replied.

"Yeah, I guess it kind of is." Tammy said thoughtfully.

"What are you two talking about?" Jenny asked.

"He bit his mother." Em said simply.

"What?!" Jenny and I exclaimed at the same time.

"Way to create confusion, Em." Tammy said, rolling her eyes. "What she means is that Bobby had a lot of trouble controlling himself at first and he lost control and bit his mother."

"Is she alright?" I asked.

"Yes and no." Tammy said. "She was so drained that she would have died. Bobby was desperate to save her life, so he turned her."

Jenny gasped, "Oh my god!"

Tammy nodded, "Yeah, it's a sore point for him. He feels really guilty about it. Especially since his dad, not wanting his wife to stay young while he grew old and died, asked Bobby to turn him, too."

"Did he?" I asked. Tammy nodded. "No wonder Em saying 'remember your mother' had such an effect on him. Is he going to be alright? About last night? It looked like he was pretty close to losing control there."

Tammy shrugged, "I think so? He's not real forthcoming with his feelings, as you've noticed. But the way you handled it last night was a big help. He's always worried people will freak when they find out he's Dark. He's never actually had to deal with it but, well, you know..."

I nodded, "Yeah, it's on the news often enough. Every time somebody discovers a Dark it's pretty much a forgone conclusion that they're going to get hunted down and killed or imprisoned for life. Things have gotten better for most Wyld here but not so much for Darks."

"Exactly." Tammy agreed. "He sees himself in every one of those news reports. Most of those people don't do anything wrong. Just being Dark is enough. It pisses me off but there's nothing Bobby can do but keep the true nature of his Wyld powers a secret. Fortunately he looks normal most of the time. But crowds make it really hard for him."

"Why was he there that night, then? If it makes it so much harder to control himself?" I asked.

"He was shadowing you. He was afraid your stalker would try something." Tammy said.

"Well, I'm sure glad he did. I'll have to remember to thank him properly now that I know the kind of risks he was taking for me." I said thoughtfully.

"So his parents are both vampires now?" Jenny asked.

Tammy nodded, "Yeah, though like him they don't actually need to drink blood. They do feel the thirst, though. And he gets stronger and faster when he drinks blood so they probably do, too."

"That must be so weird." I said. "I mean, they're too old to be Wyld, and yet they're vampires. And they'll be treated just like a Dark if anybody finds out. Can they turn other people, do you know?"

Tammy shrugged, "I guess? Other turned people can from what I've heard so I'd have to assume they could. Not that they would."

"We should go see him." Em said.

It took me a moment to realize what she was saying since we'd been talking about Bobby's parents. "Is something wrong?" I asked.

"He's pretty sure you're okay with him, but he didn't have a chance to gauge the reactions of Jenny, Chris or TJ. We should all get together so we can reassure him." Em replied.

"That's a good idea. I'll call the guys." Jenny said, bouncing out of the room with her cell phone already to her ear.

“I'll track down Scott and Bobby." Tammy said. She also pulled her cell phone out but headed out the door.

“Are you okay?" Em asked, moving to sit next to me with a strange expression.

I shrugged with a wince, “More or less. I'm sore all over but I don't think I broke anything."

“That must have been frightening." she said.

“Yeah, it was. I'm stronger than I was before but I couldn't match him. I was really impressed with how easily Bobby seemed to handle him. I was helpless." I said.

“I wonder if you can control your 'happy aura'?" Em mused as she leaned up against me.

“I don't know. I don't even feel it." I said. Turning towards her I started to ask, “Maybe you could help..." but I trailed off when I found she had turned to face me, toom and our faces were almost touching. There was something strange in her eyes and then she suddenly closed the gap and kissed me!

I was too stunned to react at first, then jerked backwards and fell off the couch. “What was that?!" I said, glaring up at her.

“Sorry, I'm sorry!" she whispered before dashing out of the room, nearly colliding with Jenny who was on her way back in.

“What was that about? And why are you sitting on the floor like that?" Jenny asked.

“Em kissed me!" I growled, pulling myself back up onto the couch.

Jenny's eyes widened, “Really?! Didn't see that coming."

“Neither did I." I agreed, wondering where it came from. Though once I started thinking about it it made sense. She said from the beginning that I 'felt good' and she hung around with me a lot even though we'd just met.

“Uh, the guys are coming over. Do you want to come down and meet them, or would you rather stay up here for a bit?" Jenny asked nervously.

I sighed, “I guess I'd better go down. I'd like to see Chris anyway."

Jenny helped me up and waited while I got dressed then we headed down. Chris and TJ were already waiting when we got there. After greeting each other we had just started to look around for Tammy and the others when I saw her walking angrily towards us with Scott and Bobby on her heels. Scott looked confused and Bobby just looked scared.

“What did you do to Em?!" Tammy demanded.

“Me?! I didn't do anything!" I protested.

“I just saw Em running away crying her eyes out! All I could get out of her was your name!" Tammy replied.

“She's the one that did something, not me!" I said.

Chris looked back and forth between us and asked, “What are we talking about here?"

“Em kissed her." Jenny explained.

“What?!" Chris and Tammy exclaimed simultaneously.

Chris turned to me with a questioning, hurt look. “Don't look at me like that, it wasn't my idea!" I said.

“Do you... like her, like that? I know the two of you got close very quickly..." Chris said fearfully.

“No, I don't like girls like that. Relax." I said, pulling him down for a kiss. The hurt look disappeared, much to my relief.

“Maybe we should find Em. Bobby?" Scott said, looking to his friend.

Bobby nodded, “Keep your cell phone handy." and took off. He ran so quickly I lost track of him almost immediately.

“Maybe we'd better move somewhere a bit more private." Scott said, motioning for the rest of us to follow him. I was only too happy to agree. I was still feeling pretty confused about the whole thing myself.

We ended up sitting in the grass where I'd first learned to fly. Scott got a call and told Bobby where we were. Once seated Chris put his arm around me and asked, “Are you okay?"

I nodded, “I guess. I'm just a little confused. Why would she do that?"

“Probably the same reason I do." Chris replied with a weak smirk.

I swatted his arm, “Not that. I mean, she knows I'm with you."

Tammy had calmed significantly, though she still seemed a bit peeved at me. “It's probably that damn aura of yours. Just like with that stalker."

“I'm not like him!" Em protested. We all turned in surprise at her voice. She was only a dozen feet away with Bobby holding her arm to keep her from running away; as she obviously wanted to.

“I know that Em. I just meant her aura confused you." Tammy said placatingly.

Bobby pushed her down next to Tammy before sitting on her other side without taking his hand off her arm.

Em looked down and muttered, “It's my fault."

“What do you mean?" Chris asked.

She sighed, “I knew Liz' aura made me feel good around her. I knew it was her powers."

“Yeah, so?" TJ prompted.

“I knew she loves Chris. But I..." she trailed off, staring at the grass.

“You what?" Bobby prompted softly.

“I wanted to believe she loved me." Em replied so softly I barely heard her.

“So, you like girls?" Scott said in surprise.

Em nodded without looking up at any of us, though she wasn't trying to get away from Bobby anymore.

Bobby let go of her arm and hugged her in a rare show of emotion. Tammy crawled over to join in and Bobby gratefully surrendered Em to her and backed away. Before the revelation he was a Vampire I would have been angry at him for it. But now I could see why he tended to keep his distance. The fact he hugged her in the first place was pretty impressive, actually.

When Tammy let go Em started to stand. “Where are you going?" Tammy asked her.

She glanced briefly at me before turning away and saying, “I should go, I'm making things weird."

I managed to grab onto her hand before she could get out of reach, "No, stay. You're still my friend, if you want to be?"

She looked down hopefully at me and then glanced at Chris worriedly. He smiled and pulled on her other hand, "It's cool, how could I be angry with somebody for falling for my beautiful angel?"

She still seemed reluctant, so Chris and I pulled her down for a hug. Next thing I knew she was balling her eyes out on my shoulder so I just held on until she calmed down. "You okay?" I asked when she stopped shaking.

She nodded into my shoulder, "I think so." She didn't move so I guessed she still needed some reassuring. Chris putting his hand on her shoulder seemed to help. Eventually she turned around to face everyone while still leaning against me.

I noticed Bobby, seeing that Em was a little more comfortable, seemed to be slowly backing away from us. "Don't worry Bobby, we're still friends, too." I said.

He looked startled to have the focus suddenly shift to him, and not very reassured. He really must have been distracted because he didn't even notice TJ moving up next to him until he'd put his hand on Bobby's shoulder, "It's cool, man. You're one of us."

Chris nodded agreement and Jenny ran up and hugged Bobby and TJ both.

"You feeling a little better now?" I asked, watching in amusement as he tried to pry Jenny off of him.

"Uh, I guess." he said as he finally got Jenny to let go of him. She giggled as she pulled TJ away.

"She doesn't just feel good; she is good!" Em said, hugging me again. "Sorry for making things awkward there."

I shrugged, "That's okay. I'm just glad all of you are willing to be seen with me now that I have these wings. A lot of people wouldn't."

"You never know what's going to happen when you go Wyld. It would be silly to stop associating with somebody because of something they can't even control." Scott said.

That got me thinking about my own secret. I thought about telling them all right then. That kind of thing always seems to get out eventually. But it wouldn't be fair to Chris to tell them all at once. Maybe I'd tell them after I told him. But for now I was just happy to be whole and have such good friends.

The End…?

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Kind of a happy ending

But like everything else there's always room open for more.

You always bring the positive vibes in this universe. God knows I've saturated it with a lot of sadness lately! ;P

Mostly Happy Ending

terrynaut's picture

I really like this story. I think it ended well enough, and I agree there's room for more. This story actually felt a little rushed. I would've liked to see more flying scenes. Perhaps you'll write other stories with the same characters. We shall see.

Thanks and kudos.

- Terry

A Wyld Come True - Part 4 of 4

Question is: how will they react to her secret?

May Your Light Forever Shine

The End…?

Not by my calculations. Please, do more.


It's a big universe

We'll see them again, no doubt. I just hope you don't get this story's Scott with the other Scott! ;D