The Voice - Part 2 Chapter 1

The Voice

Part Two Chapter One

by Roo

Edited by Bronwen


We walked up to were they were talking and Susan's Mum said, “Sarina this is Jessica and her Mum Mary.”

Sarina was a very pretty lady with short blonde hair and I thought she was younger than Susan's Mum by a fair bit. She looked at me and said, “Jessica, you pass really well, and I really can't see a boy standing in front of me at all. Are you sure you're not a normal girl?

I replied, “Well in my brain I have always thought of myself as a girl, but girls don't have a penis do they?”

Sarina replied, “That can certainly be rectified these days my dear, but first things first ,so lets go and see this idiot of a man in his office.” We walked up to Mr Blake’s closed office door and knocked,


Sarina and Mr Green walked in first, and then Mum, Lilly and I walked in after them. Blake stood up with a surprised look on his face and said, looking at Jack, “What's all this Jack? Why are all these people in my office? I only wanted you and Jas-- err- Jessica to be here to sort out the paperwork not the whole family?”

Mum spoke and said “Listen Mr Blake. I know you're not happy to be doing this but I am here to make sure you do the right thing, and to make doubly sure we have also brought along a lawyer. This is Sarina Bell and she has a few papers of her own to show you.”

I sat down on one of the chairs.

“I think this is going to take some time.” said Sarina “I’ll let you handle it from here, he is all yours.” pointing at Blake who was getting all agitated by now, probably ready to call security again, but Albert was in close proximity and I was sure if Blake started to be silly he would give him a gentle reminder just who he was dealing with.

“Alright ,alright I’m listening.” he replied.

Sarina said, “I think we should be asked to all sit down don't you think Mr Blake?”

Blake said, “Yeah sorry, take a seat.”

Blake started to shuffle some forms around on his desk and pulled out two that must have been the ones that had to be signed by me and Mum as well as Blake himself. He really didn't look too happy, but he would be even unhappier when the school board got the reports that Terry and Jack were compiling. He would probably be asked to leave, or change his demeanour about gay and transsexual people. I had a feeling that we would have a new principal very soon,

Sarina said, “Ok Mr Blake, I have some papers for you to sign as well, so while we look at the school ones you may want to look at these because I am not leaving here till I get everything settled in Jessica's favour.”

Blake shoved his paperwork across the his desk for us to look at and sign and Sarina did the same with hers.

Jack and Lilly didn't say anything but Mum looked at the papers and shook her head and said “Mr Blake I am not signing these. It says here that the school is not responsible for any harassment by other students that is outside the school property.

Blake replied, “Take it or leave it Mrs Smith.”

Sarina stepped in and said, “Mary let me see that form.”

Mum handed it over to her and Sarina took one look at the form and said, “Where is the school letterhead? This form is not from the school board Mr Blake and you are in big trouble. How many parents have signed these forms?”

Blake replied, “Like I said, take it or leave it. It makes no difference to me, I’m the Principal and what I say goes.”

Sarina said, “Ok, give me back those forms I just gave you. It looks like this is going to have to go to court.”

Blake said, “Ok I want you all to leave my office, and by the way Jason Smith, you are suspended until further notice.”

We walked out into the hall and Sarina said to Lilly “Did you get all that?”

Lilly replied, “Sure did.” as she waved a little tape recorder around. Sarina had this planned all along so she had some evidence of Blake and his tactics.

Jack Green said, “Well I actually have it on my mobile phone as a video so we have got enough to have him dismissed by the board.”

Sarina said, “Jack put that on a file so we don’t lose it.”

Jack replied, “Ok, if you all want to come to my office we can do it right now.”

We followed him into his office and while he was downloading that from his phone to his laptop Mum went to Terry's classroom to inform him what had occurred. I was suspended so was not allowed to walk around in the school without a teacher being with me so I stayed in Jack Green's office.

Terry got another teacher to cover for him and his class and came down to Jack's office so a plan of action could be hatched to make sure that Blake would be sacked.

Terry said, “Hello Jessica, don’t look so worried. We have been trying to have Blake removed since Jane transitioned. He wasn't happy about that either, but Jane's mum took the school to court and won the case, and since then we have had a change of school board members as well. As you know I’m gay and so are two board members so I think we might be able to finally do something about some of the bigoted people that have controlled this school for too long.”

After a bit more discussion we all left and let Terry and Jack get on with their day's activities.

Mum said, “Jess has Susan got her mobile with her?”

“Yeah she is never without it why?”

“I want you to text her and let her know what happened or she will be waiting for you to come out to the school gates this afternoon, and I have a sneaky suspicion that Blake is up to something.”

I said, “What about work this afternoon mum, should I ring Miss Cline and tell her that I can't make it?”

“No Jess you have to be able to live your life, and so does Susan, but we will all be here this afternoon when Susan gets here, but she has to know what is going on so text her now please.”

“Yes mum.”

Lilly and I decided to go clothes shopping for me, and also go to a salon for me to get a girly make-over.

We had a few hours go till school let out so it was going to be fun going shopping as a girl for the first time in my life and I felt excited to be doing it.

Mum said, “Jess the salon first, and then we can fit you out with a girls wardrobe.” Mum knows the people pretty well at the salon and so does Lilly, so when we arrived there they already knew that I was coming, and they were as excited as I was. The owner was a trans person so I was nothing new to her. I was not sure about the other ladies working there but they all gave me a warm hug and called by my girl name.

The owner Gretta said to me, “Jessy luv before we get you in a chair I want you to come out to the back of the shop with me, we have something I want you to try on”

I looked at Mum and Lilly and they nodded for me to follow her, Gretta grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction of the back of the salon. We went through a door that led to a flat, which Gretta must have lived in. Anyway she told me to take my top off so she could see just what I looked like.

She said, “Well Jess, seeing you are going to want to wear nice clothes that fit, I have a set of mastectomy breasts that I used till I grew my own and I want you to have them, that is if you want?”

I was a bit embarrassed but said, “Gretta I only have the bra that Susan lent me and it is stuffed with some pantihose.”

She replied “Ok dear, well take it off and we will see what I can find in my wardrobe for you,” I stripped of the top and bra and stood in the middle of the room feeling quite silly with a flat chest, but that was about to change.

Gretta came out with a box and a couple of bras and put them on the lounge chair.

She said, “Now Jess, these are glue-on ones but you can use them without glue and adjust the bra to make them look right. Now put this bra on and I will adjust it so we can put the breasts into the cups.” I did as I was told and when I walked back out to the salon in the bra and no top I got wolf whistles which made me blush.

I was told to sit in a chair and relax while they went to work on me. An hour later my hair was in a female style that I could manage, my eyebrows were shaped, and my nails were done in a soft pink as well as my toe nails. I put my top back on and we were ready to hit the shops to fit me out with some clothes to suit a fifteen year old girl I felt like I was walking on air.

Mum said, “Now Jess we have got two hours before we have to be back at the school gates, so we can do some shopping but will have to finish it on another day.”

I said, “Mum can you afford to do this?”

She replied, “Jessica I have a daughter instead of a son, of course I can afford to outfit you girl.” We walked into the first dress shop, and one hour later I had three outfits, two pairs of shoes and a whole lot of underclothes. I kept a denim skirt and blouse on and I wore the two inch heel leather knee high boots. I still had no jewellery but Mum said she had more than any girl would ever need. As we walked out of that shop I looked at myself in the mirrored window, I could not believe that a week ago I was a boy and now I was a pretty girl with make-up on and a real girly hair style.

Mum said, “We had better hire a taxi and get back to the school to pick up Susan and we will just have to keep the taxi there while we wait and hope it doesn’t cost too much.”

When we got there Sarina was there with another person in a BMW parked a little way from the gates so she could not be recognised. It was only ten minutes wait for school to let out. I didn't look anything like I did that morning so I would not be recognised even by Jane or Susan. I was now a pretty girl with a decent set of breasts and all.

Mum said, “Jessica you go and wait over at the gate for Jane and Susan to turn up. Blake will not know who you are, you look nothing like the person you were in his office this morning. We'll be right here. Have yo talked to Albert?”

“Yes Mum, he is right here with us.” I walked nervously to the gate and wondered how I would go if I had to run in heels. Blake was walking down to the gate. Mum was right he was up to something. There were two other people with Blake and I recognised one of them from seeing him hang around with Justin and Dave. I wonder what Blake was up to. I couldn't hear what they were saying but Blake was pointing to just outside the gate.

I stood back a little bit but Blake did not recognised me at all and didn't even look my way, he was too busy telling those goons what he wanted them to do, obviously to one of the students out of the school boundary. Those thugs were not from that school but I had seen them hang around those parts before. They positioned themselves about twenty feet from the gates and seemed to be waiting for some kind of sign from Blake.

I looked around and saw that Mum and Lilly had walked over to the BMW and that Sarina and the man were also out of the car. They all seemed to have their mobiles at the ready. I just wished they had told me what they thought was going to happen, but I also knew that Mum wouldn't put me in imminent danger, I also got my phone out and made sure it was turned onto record and video ready. I must admit I was very nervous to be standing so close to these guys dressed the way I was. The older one was now starting to eye me off and I got a cold shiver down my spine.

Just then Albert said in my mind, “Jessica just be calm, I wont let them hurt you ok?”

I replied in my mind which I could do now and said, “Albert they are going to hurt someone though aren't they?”
“Yes Jessy they will try but I have to let them do a certain amount or Sarina won't have enough to make a case. Just make sure whatever happens that you have that phone thing taking pictures and things.”

“ Ok Albert I’ll be ready.”

Albert then said, “By the way Jess you look real cute in that outfit. I just wish you had come to visit my grave a few years earlier and you would have been a girl a lot sooner.”

I replied in my mind “Uncle there is something you are not tell me isn't there?”

“Yes Jess there is, but now is not the time ok?”

I saw all the students coming towards the gate and had my phone ready but the thugs didn't make a move to anyone in particular but sniggered at some of the more gay looking boys, or who they thought to be gay. I mean how do you tell anyway? The whole idea is stupid.

Then I saw Jane coming towards the gate. I very nearly waved to her but I looked so different she would not have recognised me anyway.

Albert said, “Steady girl keep your nerve.” I looked in the other direction and saw Susan approaching where I was standing. 'I wonder if she will recognise me.'

Blake seemed to give the thugs a signal. That's when I realised what he wanted these guys to do.

Albert said “It's ok Jess, I will only let them give the girls a little shove and then step in. There needs to be contact to make any charges stick.”

There were still other students walking passed them. Susan knew that I was there somewhere but she was not aware of the changes in my look. I stood right in the path of where Jane and Susan would meet. The thugs seemed to make a move towards the girls and I would be right in the middle of whatever was going to happen.

To be continued.

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Next time a new principal and me getting some help with changing my body



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