The Voice - Part 1 Chapter 10

The Voice

Part One Chapter Ten

by Roo

Edited by Bronwen


I’ll be there if you want any help.”I replied, “Jane there is already someone like you that is my friend. I would be happy to have you meet her if you want?”

She said, “Yeah I’d love to Jess.”

I said, “Well when school is finished this afternoon Susan is going to be outside the main gates waiting for me. We go home on the same bus and she lives just down the road from me.” The bell went and we walked back to the class room chatting as though we had known each other all our lives.


The afternoon went really fast and I could hardly wait to see Susan and tell her all that had eventuated today, and also have her meet another trans girl.

Before we left the classroom Terry said, “Jessy, tell your Mum I’ll be in touch with her about what we will do about Blake. As far as I’m concerned he is in a lot of trouble once I make an official complaint to the school board about him, and some of the things he did this morning.”

I replied, “Ok sir I will tell her tonight.” Jane grabbed me by the hand and pulled me along to get our bags from the locker room and out to where Susan was waiting for me to turn up.

When we got to the gate she was still holding my hand and Susan said, “Hello Jason got a girlfriend have we?”

I replied, “Susan you can call me Jessica in front of Jane ,she is one of us, Jane - Susan,”

“Nice to meet you Jane, what do you mean Jessy by she is one of us?”

“I'm in transition Susan.”

“Oh Ok, so what happened today?”

“I'll tell you on the way home Susan, but I just wanted you to meet Jane because she is in my class and I think we'll become good friends.”

“I am sure we will Jane, where do you live?”

Jane replied, “I live in the middle of the city in a high rise apartment block with my Mum.”

“Well,” Susan said, “We'll have to get together on the weekend. Just give Jessy your phone number at school tomorrow and we can talk some more.”

We let Jane catch her bus and we walked a block down the road to the book shop to do the remaining part of the sorting out of the new stock. It took us almost all of the two hours to get it finished. We said good night to Miss Cline, and walked to where we catch our bus home.

I said, “Susan, getting back to earlier, I had no idea about Jane till she talked to me today at lunch. I think she is a fair way into her transition.”

Susan replied, “Yeah she looks pretty good but remember I saw you first ok?”

I replied, “Does that mean we're lesbians?”

She laughed and said, “Yeah I suppose it does - does that bother you Jess?”

“No not at all.” I replied.

“Oh good because I’m not into guys, but I know you're not a guy - not mentally anyway and once you start to transition proper we ll be able to have some fun Jess.”

I replied, “I hope you'll be gentle with me Susan,” and we both fell about giggling till we realised that we almost walked right past our bus stop.

Our bus arrived and we boarded, We found a seat right at the front of the bus and sat down; the driver closed the doors and started to get under way, then things started to happen. We didn't notice the two guys in leather jackets sitting in the seat behind us. One of them reached over and touched Susan on the shoulder and made her jump and she grab hold of my arm.

I said, “Hey get your hand off my girlfriend or you'll be sorry.”

The second guy then grabbed my hair and pulled me back into the seat and his face was only inches away from me and his breath was foul.

I just said, “I’m warning you, you are going to get hurt.”

He just laughed and said, “What by a little pansy like you?”

Susan said, “Jess do something, he's hurting me.”

I just said, “UNCLE!''. and there was a mist around me and Susan. The two guys were flung back into their seats with a surprised look on their faces. The mist was still around me and Susan and the bus driver had stopped the bus and pulled over to the side of the road. He got out of his seat and walked down the aisle to us and said to the two thugs, “Right you two - off the bus!”

The driver knew about me and my uncle and he said, “Jason if these two won't get off, can you get your uncle to give them some encouragement?”

I replied, “Sure.”

The two rough necks didn't argue and said, “You're a fucking freak mate.”

I replied, “Stay on the bus and find out just how much off a freak I can be.” They left and we continued our trip home.

Of course we went through the cemetery but didn't stop at Albert's grave. There was no point seeing that he was with me all the time and all I had to do was call his name and he was there. We went straight to my house because Susan and her mum were going to have dinner at my house that night, I think the two Mums were getting together to sort me out. Albert did his trick and unlocked the door before I could even get my door key out of my pocket.

Susan said “Thanks Albert”

I heard him say “You're welcome darling.” in my mind and Susan said, “Wow!! Albert I can hear you in my head.”

Albert replied, “Yes my dear, I connected with you when you touched my headstone and you are part of my mission that I have to complete to be able to move on to the next plane of existence.”

Susan said, “What do I call you - Uncle or Albert?”

“Uncle will do fine lass. I am as close to you as I am to Jess, so you will be protected by me if there is trouble like those two idiots that tried it on earlier.”

Susan said, “Do I just call your name and you will be there?”

“Yes dear but you will do better to close your eyes while we communicate with me because the spirit world is better seen by the mind's eye.”

We walked inside and Mum and Susan's Mum Lilly were setting the table so we could eat because it was getting late and we had lot of talking to do. Dinner was a macaroni cheese pie and it went with Brussel sprouts and asparagus tips; desert was apple strudel. My Mum is a fantastic cook and I hoped now that I was going to be a girl she would teach me all she knew about cooking. When we finished our dinner we cleaned up the kitchen which didn't take very long with four ladies doing the work.

Lilly had brought a bag of Susan's clothes over for me to try on to see how I looked all dressed up. My hair was almost as long as Susan’s, so Mum got the scissors out and trimmed it into a feminine shape. I looked in the hall mirror and was amazed at what I looked like by just doing something with my hair. I pulled on a pair of Susan's jeans with flowers and little hearts on the pockets, and a long sleeved pink blouse. My feet were obviously the same size as Susan's because the pink runners fitted me perfectly.

My hair was done in a high pony tail and I was ready to have a look at myself in the full length mirror.

I just said, “Oh my god, I’m a girl.”

Susan replied, “Well an,----- androgynous one anyway, and I think we will get you to go to school dressed like that and see what happens.”

“Lots of boys wear unisex clothes these days and it will test the waters at school with all the other students.”

I replied, “Susan I don’t think I should have to many problems because I think that some of the school students already think that I am a girl trying to look like a boy. If I go dressed like this tomorrow it will certainly test the waters.”

Mum said, “Be careful dear, there will be some that won't understand or even want to, so make sure you can have full contact with Albert at all times.”

“Yes Mum I will. Besides Uncle said earlier that he is in fact connected to me anyway, so stop worrying Mummy — umm Mum.”

She replied, “Sweetheart you haven’t called me that since you started going to school, but if you want, you can call me Mummy, but I think you might be well and truly past that stage don't you?”

“Yes Mum.” Susan had to giggle at that because she also doesn’t say 'Mummy' so I guess we must be to grown up to do it.

We packed all the things except the clothes that I was wearing back into the suitcases and Susan said, “They are all yours now Jess because after tomorrow you can donate all your horrible boy clothes to the op shop down the road from
Miss Cline's bookstop.”

I replied, “You seem pretty sure that I won't need to keep them Susan, what about the law and all my records at the school?”

Susan said, “Well my aunt Sarina, that’s Mums sister, she is a lawyer and she is the one that did all the changing of records for me without any major problems, so I don't see why she won't be able to do the same for you too Jess.”

I replied, “You lot have it all worked out, do I have any say in what happens as well, or is it all preordained so to speak?”

Susan replied, “Umm Jessica, do you want a hand to transition or not?”

I replied, “Yes of course but I want some say in some things.”

Mum said, “Don't worry dear, we'll let you have some say, but we need to show you how to behave completely female in movement and speech, not that it will take too much work because you already move in a very girly way and your voice is more on the fem side so in a couple of weeks time, no one will ever know that you were ever a boy.”

It was getting late and Susan and her Mum said they would make their way home.

I said, “Do you want me to walk you home?”

Susan said, “Well I think we should be ok because Uncle Albert said earlier that he is as close to me as he is to you Jess, so there shouldn’t be any worries with us walking home.”

The two Mums had a bit of a hug and said they would see each other tomorrow, Susan gave me a hug but kissed me full on the lips and said, “Jessica, get used to this, we are going to be a team in more ways then one.”

I replied, “I like it - I think.”


I woke up at my normal time of six am just before the alarm went off. It happened like that every morning, apparently one's body clock gets in tune with time and it sets itself into your metabolism which is pretty neat. Anyway I went to have a shower and remembered that Susan said not to forget to shave.

I thought to myself 'But I don't shave - I never started to grow any facial hair---of course - my legs and under-arms - silly me.'

I wrapped a towel around me and went to Mum's bedroom and knocked on the door and said, “Mum I have to shave my legs but I don't have a razor.”

Mum replied, “Jess go back to the bathroom and look in the medicine cabinet. You will find a new packet of razors and some shaving cream in there.”

I went back and found the items and set to work on my legs and under-arms. It didn't take as long as I thought it would. I felt really girly after I felt my smooth legs. I went back to my bedroom and Mum was there waiting for me.

I said, “Mum I can dress myself you know.”

Mum replied. “Ho yes!! So what are you going to wear under your jeans and that nice feminine blouse that you have laid out to wear?”

I felt a little embarrassed and said, “I left them in the top drawer Mum.”

She replied, “Well Jess if you are going to be my daughter than I will have to teach you about being a girl from the inside out ok?”

“Yes Mum.” I opened up the drawer where Susan had put some panties and camisoles.

Mum said “Ok Jess panties on then a cammie. We will sort out what we are going to do about your flat chest in the next couple of days but for now you can be a flat chested girl, there are plenty of them around especially at your age.”

I pulled on my girl jeans and top, brushed my hair and Mum showed me how to put it in a high pony tail. I took a look in the mirror and was amazed at what I looked like, ''Jason'' was all but gone.

Mum was still watching what I was doing and said, “ Jess darling come and have some breakfast and then we can put some light make-up on your pretty face.”

We had breakfast and I was very careful not to spill anything on myself.

Mum said “Ok dear come into my bedroom and we can make you look even more girly.”

I replied, “Mum, is that wise? I think Susan said I should only look androgynous for the first couple of days.”

Mum said, “Don’t worry dear, I am going to be there with you this morning because Susan's aunty will be there as well to have some paperwork to sort out with that bigot of a principal of yours”

I said, “Mum I hope you are not pushing this too quickly. I still have to go to that school for another two years.”

She replied, “Just leave it up to me dear and practice being a girl.”

I replied, “I won't need any practice Mum, I am a girl remember?”

Just then the door bell rang and I went to answer, it and of course it opened by itself. I rolled my eyes and said, “Uncle thanks but you don’t have to do that every time someone comes to our door.” I felt a little tickle on the nape of my neck, I said, “Uncle please!!” and all I heard was a little wicked giggle.

Susan and her Mum were at the door and I said, “Are we all going to school today or what?”

Susan said “Good morning Jessica Smith.”

I said “Morning, sorry I just snapped at you but I really am just a tad nervous this morning.”

Susan was about to give me a kiss and said, “Oh Jess!! you have got make-up on, do you think that is wise for the first day?”

I replied, “Well Mum said not to worry so I wont; besides it feels and looks great.”

Susan's Mum said, “Jessica you look like a normal fifteen year old girl. I don’t think anyone is even going to notice you.”

Mum was on the phone and when she finished making the call she said, “A taxi will be here in about ten minutes. I thought because we all want to turn up together at the school it is better to get there in a cab.”

The cab turned up as promised but it was just an ordinary car. I always wanted to have a ride in a London black cab but we live in a place called Lance and it is quite a way from London so one day I will go to London just to have a ride in a black cab that has a noisy diesel motor.

Anyway we arrived at the main gate of the school, Mum paid the driver who was already on his two-way radio taking his next job and he drove of with a purpose.

When we walked to the gate Susan said, “Jess I wish I could come in with you but I have to get to my own school and I don't want to be late so I will see you this afternoon when we get to the bookshop to put in our couple of hours of work.” She hugged me and there was that kiss on the lips again. Mum raised an eyebrow and said, “Hhmmm.” We made our way to the main office, and just as we were walking towards the office we could see Susan's aunt talking to Mr Green and my teacher Terry Brady.

We walked up to where they were talking and Susan's Mum said, “Sarina this is Jessica and her mum Mary.” Sarina was a very pretty lady with short blond hair and I think she was younger than Susan's mum by a fair bit. She looked at me and said, “Jessica you pass really well, and I really can't see a boy standing in front of me at all. Are you sure your not a normal girl?”

I replied, “Well in my brain I have always thought of myself as a girl but girls don't have a penis do they?”

Sarina replied, “That can certainly be rectified these days my dear; but first things first so let's go and see this idiot of a man in his office.”

We walked up to Mr Blake’s closed office door and knocked, ''Enter''

To be continued

Next time: someone loses his temper and his job

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