
I am a person who doubts almost everything. probably because I already believe in two completely impossible things already, and despite what Alice in Wonderland recommended, that's probably my limit, or maybe even over it.

What makes my impossibilities even harder to deal with is the fact that they are regarded as totally incompatible with each other in the sense that people who have tried to assure me that one is impossible, almost always believe that the other exists.

What are these two impossibilities?

Simple. The existence of God, and the existence of Dorothy.

Its true. People who would never question the existence of God sometimes tell me I'm allowing a storm of emotions run my life when it comes to Dorothy, and people who shake their heads at the concept of God find no problem at all in accepting that I am female based on my own say-so and no other evidence.

But I believe both. I need both.

I ache to be closer to God, to be told by Him that not only does He love me, He's proud of me, pleased with me, and the prospect of His disappointment or disapproval frightens and depresses me.

At the same time, every time I've doubted the existence of a female heart in this male body, I despair, and every time I've tried to put Dorothy in a box I've paid a heavy price for it, one I dont think I could ever pay again and survive it.

Ah, well. So it goes.

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