Missed-comunication finale

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I had just finished asking the class of girls to tell me the importance of Stephanie Louise Kwolek in today's women's history class when I looked up and notice that Janice was once again looking outside.

I couldn't help to think back to the time not that long ago when she broke down crying to me when we were both going to the public school. Me as the teacher and her as a boy by the name of Jason.

She took time to come forward using her little sister as an excuse. She was so painfully shy at the time. Since I also taught little Diana as well, who was painfully also trying to be a boy, it really came as a bit of a surprise when she told me how they were both really girls and needed help.

The following parent teacher meetings between myself and there parents were very hard. I got them all into counseling and I think the family is better off.

I asked Janice to answer the question and she stood up in her cute school uniform of crisp white blouse with peter pan collar and cross tie. The blouses adorable puffy sleeves just added to the femininity of it and while her A cup breasts were behind her fellow classmates they still did that little jiggle that let you know they were real. The student navy blue blazer was not required today since it was so warm.

She answered the question correctly and sat down making sure, as always, to tuck her pleated navy school skirt under her like the very proper young lady she is. I walked by her lecturing the class on the importance of Stephanie's discoveries and how she pioneered women being recognized as more than baby machines in the later half of the century.

While I walked by the window I did look out and there down on the playground was Little Diana cute in her pigtails and school uniform blouse and jumper playing happily with the other girls. To see that one so alive after all this time still brings a warm cuddly feeling to my heart. Its because of children like her and her sister that I actually help that I love teaching.


I am so much in love with Jim he is a good man and wonderful father to our two girls.

I remember how much I feared him going all crazy when he found out about our then boys really being girls. He handled it so well and has been the best father two little girls could ever ask for. Every week he find some new trinket or cuddly plush toy or something for the girls.

There has been times I have cried just from the happiness that my family now has. I love my girls to tears and some of our happiest times are doing girl things which we had, in our arrogance, denied them for so long.

It hasn't been easy with our families. Fighting with them to accept our daughters as the girls they are has been both frustrating and depressing but I will keep fighting for my girls.

I remind Jim that after we finish Janice's room the girls and I were going shopping as Janice now needs new bras. Bras, now there is something I thought would be denied me for so long. Helping my first daughter with her bras and now my second with her training bras. It seems silly but when I got my first one I knew that this was something I had to do with my own daughters. Its a right of passage for a young woman, which they both are, to be shared with mothers and it creates a bond that no men can ever understand.


Janet is so beautiful. I cannot get over how much an effect our two daughters have had on her she almost always glows all the time now.

I must admit I was a bit heartbroken when we found out that not only little Diana but also Jason, pardon Janice were really girls. I cannot believe how blind we were. Although I lost my job at the time, I think in a way it was all for the best as the job I have now is even better and I get to have two lovely young girls hug and kiss me on the cheek everynight.

They are always so happy and smiling all the time its really hard to see the two glum boys we tried to make them into. I can't believe I didn't notice how much of a girl Janice was. I though she was happy as Jason with her sports but I was proven wrong.

I think their mothers calling them both girly girls is a bit of an understatement. The therapist tells us that we will eventually be able to get them to wear pants when they have worked out that they are really girls themselves. Until that time its dresses and skirts for the both of them.

I am so proud of my girls it hurts. Janice is so much the older sister who patiently teachers her younger sister everything she needs to know about being a girl. You can also see her glow when she does that. I have broken down crying in happiness when I see how happy they both are now.

I would kill myself before I let anyone every harm my girls. Hmmm that reminds me the boys are getting a little to interested in Janice now. She is far to young to date such ruffians.

Still those daughter days where Janice will stay play catch with me in the back yard help me.


Across from the private school, across the street in an older part the construction crews are heavily at work and don't really notice that at the old boys baseball dugout a piece of cardboard falls to the ground. It was cleverly hidden from everyone.

On the weathered cardboard is a message:

Today I am no longer Jason. To make sure my sister lives I will be the bestest big sister ever.

Signed simply:


The End.

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i simply dont have the right words

to describe how wonderful this story is. It made me smile, it made me sob, this ... this is what good writing looks like



Thats so sweet thank you!

it feels like Jason is

it feels like Jason is denying himself for the sake of his sister... or is she still in some sort of denial about who she really is?

glad to see at least Diana be happy :--)

grtz & hugs,

Sarah xxx

Happiness !!?!

tmf's picture

Yea I feel the same way

If being Janice for my little sister is what it will take to bring an end to her pain

Today I am no longer Jason. To make sure my sister lives I will be the bestest big sister ever.

But it can be argue that three out of four happy person are better than four of four un-happy.
Was Jason really TG but so far into being a boy ?
We don't have the children's view points on this on.

Hopefully everybody is really happy.
Peace and Love tmf

She just needed excuse...

...to be herself :-)
Sister or not, boys will be boys :-)
She even had girl name ready!

Thank you Tels,

Soft and sweet,with such feeling.


I agree with Dorothy!

THIS is good writing. This made me smile, cry and cheer! I had missed the 1st chapter, so I read them both. Simply wonderful, Tels. Top Marks, indeed!


Missed-comunication finale

All's well that ends well.

May Your Light Forever Shine


I am confused by the ending. If I am reading it right Jason, only became Janice to insure that her brother transitioned to her sister Diana. If that is so, then it is a tragedy for Jason. It seems that the transition has gone too far, Janice is pudding breasts, for a reversal to occur. What will happen when, Jason regrets his sacrifice and winds up either dead or living a miserable life?

I think that the teacher, is somehow the guilty party in this story.

I guess I could be reading it wrong. But if so what does the sign mean?



Possible, but I read it differently

I think Janice's statement about her protecting her sister who is the "bestest" is to hear someone who experienced hurt and will protect her sister from the same. She is the oldest sibling, boy or girl she would see her job as the eldest to protect the younger.

It would be quite the sibling to go through the change for his sister/brother's sake.

I am not against the question, we should not be so foolish as to turn our heads from such a possibility.


Jessica E. Connors

Jessica Connors

Talk about sisterly love -- SPOILERS AHEAD ! --

FINALLY they communicated.

The older child, who appeared happy be a boy or at least not sad about it willingly became a girl, the very best girl she could be, to save her younger sister.

That she appears happy with the choice is a blessing.

Talk about self sacrifice!

Nifty ending with the long forgotten note.

Sweet, tels.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa