The Voice - Part 1 Chapter 3

The Voice

Part One Chapter Three

by Roo


I had to get ready for school so I put the diary down on the kitchen table and made some toast for myself and took a cup of coffee up to Mum's bedroom, I got dressed and said bye to Mum and headed of to catch my school bus.


I just got down the front steps when I thought 'Hell, I should go back inside and get Dad's diaries to read in my lunch period,' so I turned around went back inside to grab the diaries from the table and they weren’t there. Mum was standing at the door leading to the dining room and said “This what your looking for son?”

“Yeah Mum I want to read some more of that stuff in my lunch break.”

“You make sure it's only in your break and not while you're supposed to pay attention to the teacher.”

“Yes Mum, I'll see you tonight.”

I had another go at getting to school and went to the bus stop to wait for a bus to arrive. It came a few minutes later. I got on and got settled in a seat. I was tempted to read some more of Dad's diary but was scared some of the idiots from my school might get on at the next bus stop. There were five more stops before we got to my school.

When the bus stopped at the school there were the same stand-over bullies waiting just out side the school gates. They did that because the school couldn’t do a lot about bullying if it happened outside the school perimeter, so when they were there which was most mornings they would shove and push the smaller kids around till they either handed their lunch money over or could run off into the school yard.

Well this morning there was Justin Bradford and his brother David doing their usual stand-over thing on a small kid who was about to hand over his lunch money to this pair of cretins, when I saw red and was not going to let them get away with this any more.

I was the first the first to get off the bus and as I walked towards them I said “Leave that kid alone or I will call the cops on my mobile”, which I had in my hand ready to use.

Justin said, “Fuck off Smith or I'll put you into hospital with two broken arms.”

I said, “Not this morning Justin.” and even though he is taller than me I am very agile so I knew that I could probably dodge the first punch that he threw, I would have to be fast enough to get a good punch into his solar plexus and wind him, and while he was trying to get his breath back kick him in the nuts which is exactly what brother just stood there with his mouth open.

By this time the bus driver had come out and was standing over Justin and said “It's about time someone had the guts to stop you and your brother Bradford.”

Justin said “David you little shit ,why are you just standing there?”

“Sorry Bro he was just so quick.” he replied

“Well give me a hand up don't just stand there.”

Most of the other kids had got off the bus by now and were saying 'Good on you Jason we didn't think you had it in you.'

Justin was standing now red with rage, “This is not over Smith. You won't get home in one piece tonight, Me and Dave will make sure of that.”

By now the school principal was at the gate wanting to know what all the fuss was about. The bus driver explained what happened, but John Blake a man in his fifties said, “Well I can't do anything about stuff that doesn't happen on school property.”

“Well”, said the bus driver, “but I can and will.” He then said “You bloody teachers give me the shits. You are afraid of your own shadows.”

The principal said “I can get your school bus permit canceled if you talk to me like that.”

The bus driver said Jack was his name and he said “Up yours mate.” and got on his bus and drove off.

The principal said “Right you three, up to my office. This needs to be sorted out”

Both Justin and David were swearing at me under their breath but I ignored them.

We all got to the principal's office and were told to sit down on the chairs that were along the office wall.

Mr Blake said, “Don't anyone move off those chairs. i'm going to get a witness to listen to what is said. If there is any trouble while I'm out of the office all three of you will be expelled from the school is that clear?”

I said “Yes sir.” but Justin said “Yeah whatever.”

The principal replied “You never learn do you Justin? Any more lip from you and I'll have to call your parents and once they are involved the school board will have to be informed.”

The principal left the office to get another teacher as a witness to anything that was said and also record it on video tape. I think it was to protect his own backside more than anything.

While he was out Justin said "I'm going to get you on the way home and make you sorry that you hit me you little pansy.” Dave said nothing.

Justin said, and “You -- you little shit. I should give you a belting for not helping me.”

The principal and as it happens my teacher Terry Brady were listening just outside the office door, with the tape already recording every word that was being said so I'm glad that I kept my mouth shut.

The principal and Terry walked in to the office and stood in front of Justin and his brother with the camera pointing in their direction.

“That's not legal” spat Justin.

Terry said “We've been waiting for someone to challenge you two for a while but you were always smart enough to steal lunch money from kids outside of the school boundary.”

Justin said “You can't do nothin' to me because it wasn't on school grounds.”

Mr B'lake said well we have at least four students that are willing to do an interview with the police being present.

”Whatever” Justin replied.

Mr Blake said “Justin and David you're suspended for the rest of the day. Please leave the school and go home. I'm going to ring your Mum and tell her you are expected to be at home and not roam the the streets and end up in more trouble”.

I was told to go to my class and Terry would be there in a few minutes.

I replied “Sir, how am I going to go to work after school this afternoon if those two goons are out there waiting for me?”

Mr Blake said “I cant leave the school till after all the students are gone but Terry said he would walk with you to your work which is just down the road, but after that you're on your own Jason”.

I said “Thank you sir.”

The day passed quickly. I was too upset to do any reading of the Diaries and left them in my back pack.

As was promised Terry walked me to where I worked and left me to it. I worked till six, I was going to ring Mum and tell her what happened this morning but I didn't want to worry her. I caught my bus home and kept my phone ready on speed dial 999 if I got into trouble.

I decided to take the short cut through the cemetery again. I got off the bus and it was just on dark which suited me fine because I knew my way through the cemetery and could out-manoeuvre anyone that doesn’t know their way through the maze of walkways.

I opened the gate and walked slowly through the cemetery when Justin and his brother jumped out in front of me and said “Now your going to pay for what you did this morning pansy.” They both had knives in their hands and I knew that Justin would not hesitate to use it. So I knew I had to make a run for it if I was going to survive.

I knew where my ancestor's tombstone was so that's where I headed as I was running. I could hear them about ten yards behind me and falling over graves on their way. I reached my great uncle's tomb and stopped running, I put my hand on the tombstone and said 'Albert if you're there help me now!!'

This time my hand wasn't stuck there but I didn't let go either and all of a sudden my uncles apparition appeared out of nowhere and it was as if I was part of the silvery mist. Justin and Dave stood there with their mouth open but did not run off either.

Albert was in my head and said “Jason I will get you out of trouble as long as you keep coming back to talk with me”

I said “Uncle, these guys are about to kill me and you want me to promise to keep coming back to chat?” I was saying this out loud so Justin could hear what I was saying and he said “Don't bullshit me Smith this is some kind of trick you set up with electronics.”

“Did you hear that uncle? Do you know about electronics?”

Albert said “Jason I don't need that modern stuff. Do you want me to zap them a little bit or fry them completely?” “

“No Uncle don't fry them. I would be in trouble because I would get the blame for it after today’s little episode.”

“Ok” said Albert “Close your eyes. This will be quite bright.” Then all I could hear was a buzzing sound and screaming coming from Justin and David. I opened my eyes and saw steam coming from their clothes as if someone poured hot water over something cold. They just stood there dumbfounded with their mouths open looking at me with all the mist still around me.

Albert was in my mind as clear as a bell and I can hear him as though he were talking to me in a normal voice, he said “How was that then Jason? Will that sort them out for a while?”

I said as though I was speaking to a live person, “Thanks Uncle. Yeah that will help me out a lot, and if they don't stop hassling others we can just zap them again can't we?”

Albert replied “Son, now that we have full connection all you have to do is close your eyes and concentrate and I will hear you”.

I thought 'Wow! Just wait till I tell Mum she'll freak out!'

Anyway I now had a problem, what to do with the two steaming brothers. I looked at them and said “Look you guys you have seen what I can do to you so how about you stop all your bullying shit and I’ll not hurt you - but if you try and tell anyone what has happened to you tonight they are going to think you're on drugs and call the cops and you will then have to explained what happened. Do you think they will believe you? I don't think so. Now piss off home before I get my uncle to have some more fun with you.”

The brothers never said a word but nodded yes and took off like two scared jack rabbits .

Uncle Albert said “Jason, you had better tell your Mum everything that has happened here tonight because there will be questions at your school in the next few days.”

He then said “Better get home. Mary will be getting worried about you again.”

I said bye Uncle and the mist around me faded.

I went home and said “Hi Mum what's for supper?”

To be continued

Next time: Telling Mum all that has happened and back at school the next day.

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