Project Guardian: Book 2, Chapter 1.

Project Guardian.

Book two: Avenging Angel

By SaraUK


Chapter One of Fourteen


    At the end of book one, Alexis had saved Tim, now Tammy, Melissa and Maggie from being blown up by Melissa’s stepfather, and Tammy was now going through the process to become the next Guardian, just like Alexis was. Book two picks up a month after all this happened, and Alexis is now going to college with Sarah, and trying to learn how to be around people again. While still going on missions with her sister Alice, who she is an identical match too.


    Alexis and Sarah found Tammy and Melissa waiting for them when they stepped off the elevator after returning from college.

     “Hi Lexi, Sarah!” Tammy and Melissa said at the same time, both of them grinning like they’d done something wrong.

     “Hello girls.” Alexis said raising an eyebrow at them both. “What you broke now?” She asked suspiciously.

     “Why do you always think we’ve broke something when we meet you at the elevator?” Tammy asked with a whine.

     “Because you normally have, or you’ve been winding up the old man in some way.” Alexis said as she wrapped an arm around Tammy and started walked towards hers and Sarah’s rooms.


    Alexis and Sarah lived in the command centre, just like her sister Alice and Lana did, as well as Tammy, Melissa and Maggie their mum. Bill and Ted also had quarters in the command centre as well. Bill and Ted were two of Alexis’s friends from school, or they were two of Alex’s school friends, but Alex was dead now, and Alexis was Alice’s double. Alice was Alex’s twin sister, but Alex gave his life and went to Prison to keep Alice safe when some fellow school students tried to set her up for a crime she didn’t commit. Alex exposed himself as being the one to do the crime while dressed in his sister school uniform, as a way to get back at his perfect sister, but really he did it all to protect her, as he thought she had a bright future ahead of her. Disowned by his family and left to fend for himself in prison, Alex was soon fighting for his life, but lost the battle when he was stabbed by a fellow inmate. Alex woke from his attack to find out that he’d been pronounced dead, by a man who called himself Uncle Bob. Alexis later took up calling him the old man.

    Uncle Bob explained what had happened, and what he wanted Alex to do. Alex agreed to become a Guardian and work with his sister on secret missions to keep America save from terrorists and people willing to sell out their own country for a few dollars. All that was seven years ago now, and Alexis had spent the last three years working with his sister and keeping her safe from harm.

    Alexis had met up with Sarah again when she returned to her old home town to leave some flowers on Alex’s grave, which had the remains of some John Doe in it. Sarah had been Alex’s love interest back before he died and then came back as Alexis. She’d found out that Sarah’s life had gone from bad to worse in the past seven years, and she came clean about who she really was when Sarah thought she was Alice back in town to visit her brothers grave. Alice had returned to town, but only so she could take her revenge on the two students responsible for her brother’s death in an indirect way. Alexis and the old man had already taken care of Matt and Tiffany, the two students in question, they were both sent to prison on drugs charges. Alice hadn’t had a wasted journey though, because Alexis finally removed her guardian helmet and let Alice know she was still alive, and her identical twin sister now. It was the revealing of her true form to her sister that led Alexis to tell Sarah the truth, and they were now both going to college, so Sarah could get the education she missed out on because of her not being able to let go of the past.

    Sarah had been shocked and upset when she found out about Alex still being alive, even if he was a woman now, and an identical copy of his sister. She soon got over her shock though, and then let Alexis know she still loved him, even if he was a woman now.

    Tammy, Melissa and Maggie had joined the team, or family of misfits as Alexis liked to think of it, when Melissa’s stepfather tried to have her killed while she was having dinner at Tammy’s. He’d failed thanks to Alexis and the team finding out what he had planned, but it didn’t come without a price. Alexis had to make it look like they died when Melissa’s stepfather got some men to blow up Tammy’s house with them in it. It wasn’t Tammy that died in the fire though, it was a boy called Tim that died in the fire. Tammy had been born from the fire, and now she had a sister called Melissa, and a loving mother called Maggie. Tammy, Melissa and Maggie had all had surgery done to make them look different enough to be able to walk past people that use to know them, and they wouldn’t be able to recognise them. Tammy was going to be joining the team as a Guardian eventually, but first Tammy would need to have the surgery to make him a girl, but while they waited for that date to arrive, Alexis was tasked with getting Tammy. Melissa and Sarah started on training for all types of combat and escape techniques.


     “So who are you hiding out from this time?” Alexis asked when Tammy and Melissa just looked at each other sheepishly.

     “Bill and Ted.” Melissa said as she looked down at the floor. “It was only an accident; I didn’t mean to hit the delete key.” Melissa added before Alexis could ask her next question.

     “What did you do?” Alexis asked with a sigh. Alexis knew it took a lot to get Bill and Ted upset about something.

     “I was playing on the new game they’d designed when I accidently deleted their high score.” Melissa explained as they walked down the hallway that led to their quarters.

    The game Melissa referred to was a training program Bill and Ted had designed to help Sarah, Tammy and Melissa train for missions. Bill and Ted had just made it look like a high tech game though, and added a score system to it, which they had the highest scores on; well they did until Melissa got her hands on it. Bill and Ted had took up calling Melissa ‘Cyber Curse’ She only had to look at a computer and something went wrong with it, or so they thought. This latest problem wasn’t going to help her get rid of the unwanted nickname.

     “You really know how to get on their bad side Mel.” Alexis sighed as she pulled the unhappy girl into a one armed hug.

     “Bill said he’s getting t-shirts printed up with the name Cyber Curse on them and a picture of Mel under it.” Tammy giggled just before she ran off down the hallway with Melissa running after her.

     “Will Bill and Ted be alright with Mel?” Sarah asked looking worried as she looked over at Alexis.

     “I bet they’ve already recovered the deleted file and have the scores back the way they should be.” Alexis said brushing off any worry Sarah might have. “They just like to tease Mel I think.” She added with a giggle.

     “They do have a soft spot for the two kids don’t they?” Sarah asked as she thought about all the fun Tammy and Melissa had with Bill and Ted in the evenings when they all came to her and Alexis’s room to play on Alexis’s massive TV and games systems.

    Alexis used to play on them all the time, but since Alice found out who she really was, and Sarah had come back into her life, Alexis didn’t feel the need to fill up her time with anything but Sarah, Alice and the rest of her new family. Alexis did enjoy watching Tammy and Melissa play on them at night though.

    Tammy and Melissa were leaning against the wall to the side of the door that led into Alexis’s and Sarah’s apartment when they got down there. The two girls were giggling and trying to get their breath back.

     “Can we come in and play on your Playstation Lexi?” Tammy asked.

     “No, but the two of you can go and get changed into some training clothes, so we can go and start you on some simple training exercises.” Alexis said to the three gloomy looking faces. “Don’t look like that, it will be fun!” She added with a grin.

    Sarah, Tammy and Melissa all made the same sound that said it would be anything but fun with Alexis training them. Tammy and Melissa ran off to their room, while Sara followed Alexis into their apartment to get changed. Sarah was going to wear a tracksuit, while Alexis opted for her trade mark leather cat suit and high heeled boots like she normally wore out on a mission, when she wasn’t undercover that is. Then she had to wear whatever Alice had been wearing to blend in.

    Tammy and Melissa’s return was signalled by a stampede, or what sounded like one, as two giggling girls could be heard approaching, just before the apartment door slid open and they entered the room in matching pink adidas tracksuits. Tammy and Melissa looked like twins now, thanks to some surgery and the little chemical given to them, that now gave them fiery red her like their mother Maggie. Maggie had adopted Melissa after their alleged death, but she loved Melissa just like she loved Tammy. Tammy still had her boy bits, and her chest was fake at the minute, but she was taking hormones and she had another couple of months to wait before she went for the surgery that would remove her male parts and leave her a teenage girl. Once all that had been done, then she’d start the treatment to give her super strength and quicker healing, just like Alexis now had.

    The treatment only worked on males, but it had a side effect of giving the user female attributes. Something only realised after human testing had begun, and the original test subjects had all developed breasts and other female features. Not able to cope with all the changes, the subjects ended up taking their own lives. The project had been shelved until Alex showed up on the old man’s radar when he was looking to recruit Alice for another kind of job. Alexis had turned out to be a big success, so now they were ready to recruit Tammy into the project as well.

     “How can you train dressed like that Lexi?” Melissa asked as she looked at Alexis stood in her high heeled knee length boots and skin tight black leather cat suit. The only parts of her guardian uniform missing were her utility belt and helmet.

     “This is just what I got used to wearing when I trained.” Alexis shrugged as she looked down at herself. “I feel weirder dressed in normal clothes than I do this.” She added as she stuck one hip out in a sexy pose.

     “Do you think I should wear something like that then Lexi, so I can get use to wearing it when I train?” Tammy asked looking hopeful. Tammy just loved how sexy and grown up it made Alexis look.

     “No! Your mother would kill me if I let you dress like this.” Alexis was quick to point out. “There won’t be any need for you to dress like I do Tammy. I only wear all this to stop people seeing that Alice and I look the same.” She reminded the girl.

     “But I thought you had the mask making machine to make you both look different now?” Melissa asked looking confused.

     “We do, but I can’t turn up to rescue Alice looking identical to her can I? And my helmet will stop a bullet a lot better than a mask would.” Alexis pointed out with a frown.

     “Doesn’t that tell you that I need a helmet too then Lexi?” Tammy asked looking worried about being shot at, once she was ready to go out on missions.

     “No it doesn’t Tammy, because you won’t be going on the type of missions Alice and I go on. You and Mel will be sent into schools, so you can spy on the kids, and make friends with them to gain access to the homes another way.” Alexis explained as she led Sarah, Tammy and Melissa from her apartment and down to the training room.

     “When will that be Lexi?” Tammy whined as she walked next to her. “I’m ready for the operation now, to remove you know what.” She added as she pointed down at her groin.

     “You already know why Tammy.” Alexis frowned. “They need to be sure this is what you really want before they do something that can’t be reversed.” She explained again.

     “You can see that this is what I want more than anything in the world Lexi.” Tammy pleaded with her. “You can tell them to skip all the tests and just start pimping me out like you.” Tammy added with a grin.

     “Firstly, no! And secondly, I’m not some custom car young lady.” Alexis said as she stopped walking and stood looking at the Tammy with her hands on her hips trying to look angry. “And using the term pimping me out, could be taken the wrong way.” Alexis added as she thought about it sounding like she was a hooker.

    Sarah and Melissa must have understood the other meaning for what Tammy had just said, as the two of them were almost on their knees with a fit of the giggles.

     “I hope the two of you have some energy left to run some laps?” Alexis asked as she looked at Sarah and Melissa. The two of them suddenly stopped laughing and looked at Tammy like it was her fault they were going to be running laps now.

    They were soon on their way again, but with Sarah, Melissa and Tammy all grumbling over what lay install for them once they got to the training room.

    True to her word, Alexis started off with a gentle jog around the outskirts of the training room. Melissa and Tammy tried to keep up with Alexis to begin with, but Sarah just picked a steady pace and ran at her own speed. Sarah had learned the hard way not to try and do what Alexis did. Tammy and Melissa giggled as they lapped Sarah, but Sarah had the last laugh when a little later she jogged past the two girls who were lying on the floor gasping for breath.

    Alexis finally stopped and then told Sarah, Tammy and Melissa to keep running as they still had two more laps to do before they could stop. They all called Alexis some names under their breaths, but they kept going. Sarah was the first one out of the three to finish, shortly followed by the other two.

     “How can you keep up that pace wearing them high heeled boots Lexi?” Melissa gasped out as she fell to her knees right in front of Alexis.

     “That was nothing. I normally run ten times that amount.” Alexis pointed out as she got some items set up for the next part of their work out.

     “Not bad for someone that hated doing sports back at school.” Sarah groaned as she also tried to get her breath back. “But then again, some of us aren’t soupped up.” Sarah pointed out.

    Alexis just ignored Sarah’s comment and got them all to lay over a large ball each as she started showing them some other ways to get in shape. They found the other stuff easy after doing all the running, and they ended up having quite a good work out in the end.

    To finish off the work out, Alexis led them all to the pool room and sorted out some swim suits before making them all relax and swim some laps.

     “Why can’t we just exercise this way, instead of all that running and other stuff?” Melissa asked as she swam up the pool on her back.

     “Because Swimming doesn’t help you run away from a big dog trying to bite your backside sweetie.” Alexis giggled as she splashed Melissa.

     “True, but I bet wearing one of them cat suits would help stop the dogs teeth doing any damage.” Tammy offered her point of view on the matter. Alexis just frowned at Tammy before splashing her with water and then swimming off up the pool again.

    Once they had all done in the pool, they all got out and dried off before making their way back to their apartments to get showered and dressed ready for dinner. Tammy and Melissa remembered to warn Alexis that Uncle Bob wanted a word with her about the trouble at college earlier in the day.

     “Uncle Bob wasn’t very happy to hear about you picking on the other kids at school earlier today Lexi.” Tammy said as they walked along.

     “He found out about that?” Alexis asked, hoping that Bill and Ted might have erased it before the old man saw it.

     “Yes, he came in and saw it take place.” Melissa said looking worried. “Bill and Ted were having a go at me at the time about the deleting of their highest score.” She added with a pained look on her face. “Sorry about that.” Melissa winced.

     “What did someone do to you this time?” Tammy asked, hoping to pull Alexis’s stare away from her sister.

    Alexis had upset a string of people since she started going to college instead of Alice. Where Alice would be quiet and keep to herself, or just stick to Sarah’s side as they went from class to class. Alexis would confront any and all guys acting like a jerk to all the other girls and weedy looking boys on campus. Something that kept the old man busy trying to smooth out unhappy department heads at the college.

     “He was getting a little too friendly with his hands, so I slapped his hand away.” Alexis said in a defensive tone.

     “It didn’t look like his hand you slapped from what we saw.” Melissa giggled as she remembered the scene on the large monitor in operations.

    Alexis and Sarah had been making their way to one of the dining rooms on campus when a couple of students on a sports scholarship ran up to them, and started asking them out on a date. Sarah had tried to be polite and tell them they weren’t interested, but the two guys didn’t seem to take the hint.

     “Thanks for the offer boys, but my friend and I are washing our hair tonight.” Sarah said as she tried to step away from the guy that seemed to be levitating towards her.

     “Your hair looks fine to me.” The guy smiled at her. “Come on, join us for a drink?” He asked again.

     “I’ve just told you that we’re not interested.” Sarah told him more firmly this time.

     “I bet your friend here will join us for a drink.” The second guy said as he placed his hand on Alexis’s backside and gave it a squeeze expecting her to squeal and jump. “I bet you like to get your freak on don’t you sweet thing.” He added when she didn’t make a sound, or jump.

     “If you don’t remove your hand right now asshole, then I will show you just how freaky I can get right here, right now.” Alexis said through gritted teeth as she slapped the guys hand away from her backside.

     “Lexi, don’t do it.” Sarah warned as she saw the look in Alexis’s eyes as she turned to look the guy in the eyes that had just touched her bottom.

     “I like my girls with a bit of fight in them, while they play hard to get.” The guy said trying to play it up a bit for his friend. He stepped right up to Alexis and looked down at her, as he was nearly a foot taller and looked like he worked out. Then he made the mistake of placing his hand back on her bottom as he pulled her closer. “What time do we pick you up then later?” He asked with a grin, like he’d already won her over.

     “Lexi...” Was all Sarah got out before she saw the large guy spin over sideways and land face down on the ground with Alexis twisting his left arm up and back while she pushed his face further into the ground with her foot on the back of his neck.

    The guy that had been chatting up Sarah had stepped back with his hands in the air looking worried that she might try doing the same to him.

     “Is this freaky enough for you?” Alexis asked as she twisted his arm a little more making him scream out in pain.

     “Ouch! Ouch! You’re going to rip my arm off!” He screamed.

     “That’s not an answer.” Alexis sang out sounding all sweet and innocent as she said it.

     “Yes that’s freaky enough for me, now please let me go and I won’t bother you again.” The guy said with pain in his voice.

     “Lexi! Let him go now.” Sarah told her looking angry.

    Alexis let the guys arm go and then stepped back and picked up her book bag that she’d dropped when she grabbed the guy and spun him over. She went and stood with Sarah again as they watched the other guy help his friend to his feet and then they took a worried look at Alexis and Sarah before they both ran off with the one Alexis just wrestled to the ground, holding his arm.

     “You couldn’t just scream out like a normal girl could you.” Sarah said as she looked at Alexis angrily with her hands on her hips. “That normally does the trick with most guys like that.” Sara added with a growl.

     “I’m not a normal girl though am I?” Alexis pointed out with a cheeky grin as she stepped a little closer to Sarah like she was about to kiss her.

     “Lexi! Not out in public.” Sarah said as she stepped back and looked around at some of the other students still looking at them after the show they just put on. A couple of other girls smiled and gave Alexis the thumbs up for what she’d just done.

    Sarah just groaned, thinking the last thing she needed was a bunch of girls letting Alexis think she did a good thing just now. Alexis just smiled at Sarah to prove her point about the two guys being a couple of jerks.

     “You better hope Bob doesn’t see any of what just happened.” Sara said as she took hold of Alexis’s hand and dragged her off towards the dining room to get some lunch.

    Trouble was, they now knew that Bob had seen it, and the two of them were looking at yet another lecture from him about keeping a low profile and not making the boys cry.

    They had walked all the way back to their apartments while Sara and Alexis explained all the details to the two girls, so they parted company, promising to meet up later for dinner at Tammy and Melissa’s place. Maggie had taken up doing most the cooking while Alexis and Sarah were at College. Alice and Lana were helping to keep Tammy and Melissa’s education up to speed when they weren’t sorting out details for the next mission her and Alexis would be going on. Alice had done a couple of simple jobs without Alexis, but Alexis was always on coms ready to drop everything and go save her sister.

    The jobs had become easier since they got the mask technology up and running. Alice could now go into a new place looking completely different every time. Normally standing in as a temp when a member of the target company suddenly became ill, with some help from Alexis or Lana slipping something into their food or drinks.

    Alexis and Sarah had just sat in the living area after taking a shower together when Alice and Lana entered the room, both of them grinning like idiots at Alexis.

     “The old man’s on the war path sis.” Alice warned her sister as she took a seat on the empty sofa facing Alexis and Sarah. Lana fell down in an empty spot next to Alice and rested her head on Alice’s shoulder.

     “Tammy and Melissa already warned me.” Alexis said with a roll of her eyes.

     “What did the mean boys do to you this time?” Lana asked with a pout, just before she started giggling. “Did they try to steal your lunch money again? Or just pull your pigtails?” Lana added as she tried to look shocked.

    Alexis explained what happened again, and Sarah filled in the bits Alexis tried to leave out. Neither Alice nor Lana blamed Alexis for doing what she did, but they also agreed with Sarah when they said screaming rape would have got them running off just as quick.

    They all had a giggle when Alexis said her way still sounded like more fun, and now they would think twice before bothering anymore girls on the campus. Their chat soon came to an end when they saw Bob enter the room with a face like thunder as he locked eyes on Alexis.

     “If it wasn’t for the fact you’re twenty three, I’d think about grounding you for a month.” Bob said as he looked at Alexis cuddled up to Sarah. “I’m sending you to college so you can learn to be around people, not see how many of them you can beat senseless.” Bob added as he sat down in an empty seat.

     “I didn’t hit him, or beat him in any way what so ever.” Alexis argued.

     “No, you just tried to rip his arm off while trying to plant his head in the ground.” Bob pointed out sarcastically. “This wouldn’t be so bad if he wasn’t the star quarter back on the football team!” Bob added with a little more volume.

     “Oh... I’m sure he’ll be fine again in a day or two.” Alexis said looking a little sheepish with herself over nearly breaking the guys arm.

     “You better hope he is, because he’s talking about suing you over it.” Bob warned.

     “He hasn’t got the backbone to accuse me of doing anything to him, not if he doesn’t want to be laughed out of school.” Alexis said not looking to bothered by what Bob just told her.

     “Alexis does have a point Bob.”Sarah said backing up what Alexis was getting at. “He was over a foot taller than her, and it would leave him looking foolish to bring charges against her.” Sarah added as she cuddled up to Alexis a little more.

     “And judging by some of the approving looks I got after knocking him to the ground, I don’t think I’m the first one to have trouble with his wandering hands either.” Alexis said as she remembered the smiles and nods some of the other girls on campus gave her after watching the show.

     “I see your point, but it still doesn’t make what you did right Lexi.” Bob said like a caring father would to a naughty child.

     “Sorry dad.” Alexis grinned back looking all sweet and innocent.

     “Think yourself lucky I’m not your father, I’d be taking you across my knee for that little stunt today young lady.” Bob grumbled as he wagged his finger in Alexis’s direction.

     “Please spank me daddy, spank me.” Alexis said in a breathy voice as she shot up and turned her backside in Bob’s direction.

     “Lexi!” Sarah shouted as she pulled her back down onto the sofa with her, just before they all burst out in a fit of giggles, while Bob just looked at Alexis as he shook his head in a way that said he’d got no idea what to do with the girl.

    Once they all calmed down again, and Bob had given up on trying to tell Alexis off for picking on the other kids at college, he got onto the subject of Alice’s next mission.

     “Are you up to speed on your next mission Alice?” Bob asked.

     “Yes, I’ve read through all the info.” Alice said in a matter of fact way. She’d done this so many times before that it was just like reading a paper before going to work.

     “So you remember everything you need to know then?” Bob asked looking serious about the mission. Bob always worried when he sent Alice and Alexis out on a mission, he’d come to think of all the people working for him as family now, and would do anything to protect one of them.

     “Yes I remember every single word.” Alice frowned. “Do you want me to read it all back to you?” Alice asked.

    Alice was super smart and remembered everything she read, but she could also use what she read and add to a formula or even finish working out a problem if need be, due to her understanding almost everything she came across.

    Alexis was smart as well, but she was more practical with her gifts. She could asses a situation and form a plan to get out of it in seconds. This made her ideal for playing back up to Alice, if and when things went wrong, and they very often did.

     “I should be running backup on this mission, not going to college.” Alexis grumbled.

     “I’ll be fine Lexi. It’s just a simple recon mission to see what they know about the weapons being brought into the country.” Alice said as she tried to stop her sister getting into another argument with Bob over her not being allowed to play guardian on this mission.

    Alice was going in as a temp at a warehouse to see what she could find out about a shipment of weapons that had been sold on to a group of terrorists. The weapons had been made useless before they were passed on, but that didn’t stop the higher ups wanting the people behind the sale of the weapons. Alexis thought the mission could go sideways very fast, and she wanted to be close by just in case.

     “You can’t be sure of that sis.” Alexis pointed out. “There are still parts of that warehouse we have no information on.” She added looking worried for her sisters safety.

     “That’s why they need me to go in and find out what’s being kept in those rooms.” Alice said pleadingly as she looked at Alexis. “We already know they search and remove all mobiles, music players, and search everyone as they leave, so who could be better than me to go in and find out what’s going on?” Alice asked.

     “Let me go in then, if all this is about is just getting more Intel.” Alexis said looking hopeful.

     “I can do this Lexi, so stop trying to protect me all the time.” Alice said looking a little upset with the way her sister thought she needed saving all the time. “I’ve done fine on missions in the past when you weren’t there to back me up.” She added as she sat back and folded her arms looking angry.

     “It’s my job to protect you sis.” Alexis said in a calming voice as she smiled at her sister. “Guardian, remember?” Alexis added with a grin as she pointed at herself.

    Alice couldn’t help giggling as she looked at herself, to a point, doing the very same thing she’d do to try and calm Alexis down if the tables were reversed. “Nice try sis, but your feminine ways won’t work on me. I’ve seen them all before.”

     “I know, every time you look in the mirror.” Alexis said with a grin.

     “I’ll be fine Lexi, and at the first sign of trouble, I’ll get out and wait for backup.” Alice smiled.

     “We’ll be taking my car to campus then while you’re on this mission.” Alexis said as she looked at Sarah sat next to her. They had been going in Sarah’s new car, but Alexis thought she’d be able to get to Alice quicker in her own car, which was a soupped up black ford mustang with some cool James Bond style gizmos. It was also bullet resistant, just in case things were really bad.

     “I think we should both take our cars then Lexi.” Sarah pointed out. “I don’t want to get stuck on campus if you need to leave suddenly, and I doubt you’d want me tagging along while you go play hero either?” Sarah more asked the last part, hoping that Alexis would want her to tag along.

     “You do have a point, so it would be best if you had a way to get home if I did have to go suddenly.” Alexis said, agreeing with Sarah’s idea, much to Sarah’s disappointment.

     “I still think you’re overreacting Lexi.” Lana said. “We’ve found no evidence that pointed to Alice being in any danger.” Lana added as she cuddled up closer to Alice. Lana and Alice had become more than just friends after Lana had stopped Alice from trying to kill herself by jumping in front of a subway train.

    Lana had been brought onboard by Bob to keep an eye on Alice just after Alice found out about her brother’s death in prison. This all got a little messy when Lana saw what Alice was about to do, and she’d ended up becoming friends with her, and then they got a place together before becoming lovers. Alice had been mad with Lana when she finally found out Alex was still alive, even if he was now her identical twin called Alexis, and had also been her guardian for the past three years. As mad as Alice had been with Lana for keeping secrets from her, she was also glad that Lana had been there for Alexis when she needed her, just like Lana had been there for Alice.

     “I want to hear about it, at the first sign of any trouble.” Alexis warned as she looked at Lana.

    Lana would be in command with Bill and Ted, keeping an eye on Alice. “You can count on it Lexi.” Lana said looking just as serious as Alexis was . Lana wouldn’t want Alice getting hurt anymore than Alexis did, so she’d be straight in contact with Alexis if Alice did look to be in trouble.

     “I know Lana.” Alexis said as her serious look gave way to one of trust. Alexis was glad Alice had Lana to help keep her safe when she couldn’t be there to do it herself. Alexis knew she wouldn’t have to worry about Lana pretending everything was alright if it wasn’t, just to keep her out of trouble.

    Alice had come close to getting in too deep on the last couple of missions, since she found out who her guardian really was. Bill and Ted had come up with special contacts for Alice to wear, so they could see what she saw, and they had added some electronics to the masks, so they also had audio as well. Bill and Ted had also got redundant cameras hidden in Alice’s clothing and jewellery just in case the contacts failed, or she was blindfolded.

    They stopped talking when they saw Bill and Ted enter the room chuckling to each other over something only they would find funny probably the others all thought as they looked and smiled at them. “Hey dudettes! And dude.” Bill said as he looked at Bob. “Sorry boss dude.” He added with a nervous grin.

     “Hi Bill, Ted. I hear that Mel the Cyber Curse struck again today.” Alexis giggled.

     “That dudette is dangerous. She never reads any of the warnings that come up on the screen.” Ted groaned. “But give her a new mobile phone and she can start texting us all in seconds.” He added as he looked confused at the speed a teenager now days can learn to use some technology, but fail to master others.

     “I think she does it on purpose just to wind us up dude.” Bill pointed out with a frown.

     “Did you fix the problem?” Sarah asked.

     “Yes, but don’t tell Cyber Curse that, we want to let her think we’re still working on it.” Bill grinned. “If she knows just how quick we can fix her mistakes, she won’t learn anything.” He added.

     “Speaking of the kids, we better make our way down to Maggie’s place and see if she needs any help sorting out dinner.” Alexis said as she stood up just before helping Sarah to get up off the sofa.

    Maggie’s place was the next door down from Alice and Lana’s, which just happened to be next to Alexis and Sarah’s place. Maggie was in the kitchen sorting out dinner, while Tammy and Melissa were setting the table when they all entered the apartment. Melissa looked sheepish as she kept setting the table as she saw Bill and Ted enter the room just behind Alexis and Sarah.

     “Hello everyone, perfect timing!” Maggie said from the kitchen. “I’m just about to start dishing up.” Maggie added as she saw Alexis and Sarah wander into the kitchen space to help.

     “Smells wonderful like always.” Sarah said as she walked over and gave Maggie a hug. “You spoil us you know with all this amazing cooking you do.” Sarah added with a smile after kissing Maggie on the cheek.

    Maggie’s cheeks reddened to match the colour of her fiery red hair as Sarah paid her the compliment. “Thanks Sarah, but I just want to do my bit to keep the country safe, even if it is just feeding the heroes in the evening.”

     “You’re too modest Maggie; you do far more than you think.” Alexis said as she also gave Maggie a hug. “What can we do to help?” Alexis asked once they broke the hug.

    Maggie soon had the two of them helping her get the meal dished up, and then they each took a couple of plates to the dining table before returning for the rest. It was like one large family meal, like other families would have in the evening, even if they were hundreds of feet underground in a converted military bunker, but you wouldn’t think that to look at the apartment they were all sat it at the minute. Apart from the lack of windows, it looked like any apartment would.

    Once they were all sat eating, Maggie turned too look at Bill and Ted before she spoke. “Melissa and Tammy told me about the trouble in the command centre Bill, Ted. I want to let you know how sorry they both are for what happened. I hope you can fix the problem?”

     “We should be able to get it all sorted out Maggie, it’s just going to take some time.” Bill frowned as he looked over at Melissa taking more interest in her dinner than any teenage girl normally would.

    Not liking the table looking at her, Melissa was quick to point out to her mother that Alexis had been fighting at college again. “Lexi was fighting again today mum.”

     “You were?” Maggie asked looking worried.

     “Thanks Mel.” Alexis growled under her breath as she looked across the table at Melissa.

    Maggie and some of the others tried not to laugh when they saw the way Alexis and Melissa looked at each other. It was like an older sister and a younger sister most the time watching the two of them, but Alexi was a loving big sister most the time, not that you’d think that looking at them now.

     “It wasn’t a fight Maggie.” Alexis said in a matter of fact way. “Some jock thought it okay to get all touchy feely with me, and I just reminded him that it wasn’t.” She explained to Maggie.

     “That’s not the best way to blend it Lexi. Especially if the boy was bigger than you, it’s not normal for a girl to be able to do what you can.” Maggie explained. Even though Maggie wasn’t much older than Alexis, she still seemed wise beyond her years, and had dropped into a motherly role to them all, just like Bob was more like a father to them.

     “I know that Maggie, but I just don’t like it when some guy starts acting like that with any woman, never mind me.” Alexis said looking shamed as she looked down at the table.

     “Sometimes you just have to turn the other cheek and walk away.” Maggie said, not having all the details of what the guy had done with his hands to begin with.

     “He pretty much had a good feel at both my cheeks.” Alexis pointed out. “And I’m not talking about the ones on my face either.” She added with a scowl.

     “Oh, I see, well he was lucky not to get a slap across the face then.” Maggie said, as she suddenly didn’t find what Alexis had done to be that bad anymore.

    Alexis and Sarah explained the whole story to her, and she thought that Alexi handled it very well, but she still needed to play down the super strength and study how other girls on campus handled unwanted advances from men. Alexis found it hard to learn much from Sarah when it came to dealing with men on campus because Sarah got all shy around them, or just kept out their way when she could. Alexi knew it had to do with the six month gap in her file that Lana had put together, but so far all Alexis’s attempts to find out more had met with a dead end. She had a feeling it was thanks to Bill and Ted, but when she asked them about it, they just told her to take it up with Lana, or Sarah. Alexis had on a number of different occasions, but Sarah just said she wasn’t ready to talk about it with anyone just yet, but give her some time and she would tell her all about it.

    Once they finished the meal, and Melissa and Tammy had done the dishes, they all went back to Alexis, and Sarah’s place to relax on the sofas while Bill and Ted showed Melissa and Tammy just how good they were on some of the playstation games Alexis owned. While they played on the games system, Alexis and Sarah went to sit at the breakfast bar so they could get some studying done. Alexis didn’t really need to study, but Sarah did, and she liked to help by doing the same.

    Alexis found herself looking at Tammy as she jumped around while playing some silly dance game. Alexis wondered if the life of a guardian was the best thing for Tammy, or if she’d be just as happy being a normal teenage girl, or as much of a teenage girl as she could be. Alexis’s life had been over as Alex when Bob first approached her to become a guardian, so it was a no brainer for her to choose this life, but Tammy didn’t need to throw away a chance at a normal life, a fact she pointed out to Tammy a number of times, but Tammy wanted to do something special, just like Alexis had done with her life.

    Tammy had passed all the tests, and been given the all clear to move forward with the surgery and treatments to make her a girl, just before they start the treatments to make her a guardian like Alexis was now. Alexis did think it would be nice to finally have a sparring partner that was close to her own level to train with, but it would be another year before Tammy was ready for anything like that. Tammy would be six months in recovery from the Surgery to make her a girl, and then another six months on the super solder treatment. She would have Alexis to help her adjust to her new abilities, something Alexis had never had when she went through it all. Alexis would sit and watch footage of Alice getting her life sorted out as she went out having fun with Lana, while she recovered from the surgery.

    Alexis and Sarah got their college work finished off and then returned to watch the girls teach Bill and Ted that they were better on the dancing games. Bill and Ted had never even attended a school dance, so Alexis already knew this was going to be a train wreck for the two guys. It was, and they all called it a night and left Alexis and Sarah to get ready for bed.


    Alice left on her mission the next morning, after getting a speech off Alexis about calling if anything looked weird to her. Lana was set up in coms with Bill and Ted ready to keep an eye on both Alice and Alexis while they were at college and on the mission.

    Alexis left in her car and followed Sarah to college where they parked side by side with Alexis getting some strange looks when the other students saw her get out the beautiful black mustang. Most the gear heads could tell by the sound it made, that it was far from a standard machine. Alexis had a couple of them start asking her questions, but she just said. “You’ll have to speak with my boyfriend about that sort of stuff. I just turn the key and drive it.” Alexis giggled in a dumb blonde kind of way.

     “Boyfriend?” Sarah asked in a whisper once they were far enough away from the group now looking around the car.

    Alexis and Sarah had left them to look at the car after a couple ask her to pop the bonnet so they could get a better look at the engine and see what had been done. Alexis had said she didn’t have time as they were late for their first class of the day.

     “I thought it better to say that, than it’s got a special guardian add on package not available to the public.” Alexis pointed out to Sarah’s boyfriend question. “It also stops everyone thinking we’re a couple as well.” Alexis added with a grin.

     “Are you ashamed to be seen with me in that way Lexi?” Sarah asked with a pout just before she started grinning.

    Before Sarah could do anything to stop her, Alexis had spun Sarah to face her as she pulled her closer for a kiss. Sarah was a true crimson in colour when Alexis finally let her up for air gasping for breath. “Does that answer your question?” Alexis asked with a smirk.

     “Alexis! We can’t do stuff like that out in public.” Sarah commented as she straightened herself up before she looked around to see if anyone saw what just happened. Some had, but most just thought of it as normal behaviour these days.

     “Come on Prudence.” Alexis giggled as she took Sarah by the hand and then started walking her towards their first class of the day.

    The first class wasn’t very exciting, so Alexis was soon texting Lana to find out how Alice was doing on her undercover mission at the warehouse. Lana came back with the news ‘nothing exciting yet’. All Alice was doing was filing paperwork for the newly imported products the company dealt with. Alexis found out that Alice was bored already with it, and was wishing for something exciting to happen. She had to hide a giggle behind a fake coughing fit though, when Lana informed Alexis that Alice had already been hit on by every guy in the warehouse twice.

    Sarah was eager to find out what made Alexis laugh; as she didn’t buy the coughing routine for a second, but it seemed to work on all the other students and teacher.

     “What was so funny in there Lexi?” Sarah asked with a pout like she’d missed out on some big joke in the classroom.

     “It wasn’t anything in the classroom Saz, but Lana’s jealous over Alice getting hit on by all the men in the warehouse.” Alexis explained as they made their way to one of the many cafes on campus, so they could grab a drink and relax until their next lesson was due to start.

     “Oh, I see.” Sarah giggled. She knew just how jealous Lana could get when she thought some guy, or even the odd girl tried to flirt with her. Sarah felt sorry for Alice sometimes when she got back from a mission and had to put up with Lana’s bad mood for an hour or two, but Lana soon calmed down again and then spent a couple of hours letting Alice know just how special she was to her.

    Alexis had a feeling they were being watched, but nothing jumped out at her as she looked around the campus where they were sat with their bottles of soda. Just to make sure all was okay though, Alexis got her mobile out and then made it look like she was making a call while she spoke to Bill and Ted in coms.

     “Hey Bill! How’s it going?” Alexis asked into the dead phone as she held it up to her ear.

     “What’s wrong Lexi?” Bill’s voice asked into the ear wig hidden in her right ear. Bill knew this was Alexis’s code for possible trouble.

     “I was just wondering if you and Ted had managed to track down any of them items we spoke about last night?” Alexis asked. This was her code for take a look around them and see if anything looked out of place.

    Bill and Ted were hacked into all the cameras on campus, and were soon checking to see if anyone seemed to be checking out Alexis and Sarah. Nothing looked out of place, but Bill and Ted knew to keep an eye out now, so they could soon let Alexis know if someone cropped up near them more than they should.

     “We can’t see anything weird at the minute dudette, but we’ll keep a close eye on it for a bit and see if anyone looks to be following you around.” Bill’s voice told Alexis in her hear.

    Alexis still had the phone to her ear, and Sarah pretended to not look bothered, but she knew the code for trouble, and was finding it hard to not react and start looking round. “Well thanks for looking anyway, and get back to me if anything comes up. Bye bye Billy bear.” Alexis added with a fake kissing sound just before she ended the call.

     “Billy bear?” Sarah giggled. “He’s going to kill you for that one Lexi. I can just see Lana teasing him with it now.” Sarah added with more giggles. Sarah soon stopped laughing though when she saw Alexis looking around with a worried look on her face still.

     “I can’t shake the feeling we’re being watched.” Alexis said in a whisper as she sat closer to Sarah like they were talking about some big secret.

     “Should we get to our cars and head back home?” Sarah asked as she took a quick look around herself, but saw nothing, but then she’d not been trained to look for stuff like Alexis had.

     “No, if we are being watched, then it’s better to find out here rather than on our way back to base.” Alexi pointed out just before she leaned in for a kiss. “Let’s give them something to spy on shall we?” Alexis asked with a cheeky grin after the kiss.

     “Sounds like a plan to me lover.” Sarah purred just before returning the kiss.

    Alexis and Sarah went to their next class, and then Alexis paid close attention to all the people milling around when she came out, and then she did this with the next lesson they had. She still had the feeling of being watched, and now she could recall all the people that had been around when the other classes ended. She could only see one person that had been around after all their lessons, and he was stood over the other side of the hallway trying to look busy looking at a book while leaning up against the wall. Not wanting to panic Sarah, Alexis led her to their next lesson. She wanted to see if he was still watching them when they got out of this class, then she was going to confront him and see what he did, but she was also going to get Bill and Ted to do some background on him to see what they could find out.

    Alexis pulled Sarah into the girl’s bathroom and then made it look like she was making a call to Bill again. “Hi Bill, Can you do me a quick favour and check to see if I left my bike parked across from the garage?”

    Bill knew that Alexis meant to check to see if he could ID the people stood across from their last class when she said that. All the code seemed random to anyone listening in, but to Bill and Ted it all made perfect sense.

     “We have a couple making out and a guy in a baseball cap reading a book.” Bill said as he looked at the footage.

     “You watching the ballgame then Bill?” Alexis asked, but it really meant she wanted him to check out the guy in the baseball cap.

     “We’ll check through the footage and do facial recognition on him and see what comes up.” Bill said just before the coms went dead. Bill would normally have a joke, but he knew that this could be serious, and every minute counted.

    Sarah and Alexis made their way to their last class of the day, while Alexis kept an eye out for Mr Baseball cap, or anyone else watching them. She saw the guy with the baseball cap almost waiting for them down the hall from their next class, it was almost like he knew where they would be, which wasn’t a good sign. Sarah still hadn’t seen anything odd, and Alexis wasn’t about to point the guy out and scare him into doing something they might all regret.

    The class was about half way through when Alexis heard Lana in her ear. “Lexi, cough if you can hear me?”

    Lexi sat up and then put her hand over her mouth as she did a little cough to let Lana know it was safe to talk and she could listen.

     “I need you to get yourself and Sarah out of there at the end of the lesson, but do not approach the man you saw, or let Sarah get anywhere near him either. Just come home as fast as you can.” Lana said with warning in her voice.

    Lexi wanted to ask why, but couldn’t without the class thinking she was insane for talking to herself. She had learned a long time back to just do as Lana told her, when she used the tone of voice she was using now.

    The class ended and Alexis took Sarah by the arm and then led her right out of the classroom and down the hallway heading for the parking lot where their cars were parked. Trouble was they found their path suddenly blocked by the man in the baseball cap.

    The man looked to be more interested in Sarah than Alexis though, and when he spoke, Alexis knew it was Sarah he’d been watching all day.

     “Hello Sarah. It took me some time to track down where you vanished off to my dear.” The man said in a creepy voice, while giving Sarah a creepier smile.

     “No, No you can’t be here. Leave me alone!” Sarah screamed at the man as she stepped back to stand behind Alexis for protection from him.

     “Don’t be like that Sarah baby. We had something special the two of us.” The man said sounding creepy calm like he’d not just scared Sarah by suddenly showing up like he did.

    Alexis wanted to find out who this creepy guy was, but she could see that getting Sarah away from him was first thing on her list, then she’d be having a word with Lana to find out what she knew, and why she wanted her to get Sarah away from school before this happened.

     “Come on Sarah, let’s get you away from here.” Alexis said as she kept Sarah stood behind her as she stepped around the man and then led Sarah off down the hallway with Alexis looking over her shoulder to make sure the man wasn’t following, but he was right on their heels. Alexis stopped walking and turned back to face the man. “If you don’t fuck off right now, I will drop you were you stand.” Alexis said with venom in her voice and murder in her eyes.

     “Sarah baby, tell this woman that you belong to me.” The man said in his creepy voice.

    Alexis stepped forward to hit the weirdo, but was stopped by Sarah. “Please don’t do anything stupid Lexi. Let’s just get out of here fast.” Sarah said hoping that Alexis would understand the need to go in her car and get away from this man before she ended up in trouble for hurting him.

    They were quickly running for Alexis’s car and getting in, but the man was close behind, he stopped when he saw them at a black mustang, and then he ran for his own car at the other end of the parking lot. Alexis was soon wheel spinning out the parking lot and ripping it down the road like a bat out of hell.

     “I need some help here guys.” Alexis said after pushing a button on the dash. “We’ve got some creepy guy following us, and I could do with losing him before we get back to base.” Alexis added as she swerved her way through the traffic.

     “We’re already on it dudette.” Ted’s voice said out the car speakers. “Take a left up here and then slow to let him catch up with you.” Ted advised her.

     “I sure hope you have a plan Ted.” Alexis said not sounding convinced as she slowed to let the man catch up in his own car.

     “You should have more faith in us by now dudette.” Ted said sounding a little hurt. “Now I need you to speed up just a little, that’s it, now slow down again right now!” Ted said this just as they went through a set of lights.

    Bill had hacked into the traffic signals and just as Alexis passed them, he made them change so the weird guy went through a red set, which was being policed by a black and white, which was soon going after creepy guy and pulling him over.

    Alexis giggled as she looked in her rear view mirror and saw him pulling over. “Nice work guys! Sorry for ever doubting you.” Alexis said as she looked over at a shaking sobbing Sarah sat next to her. “Who the hell was that guy Sarah, and what did he mean by the two of you were together?” Alexi asked with some hurt in her voice.

     “I don’t want to talk about it Lexi.” Sara sobbed. “And we were not an item, and never were.” Sarah added with more tears.

    Alexis slammed on the brakes and stopped the car in the middle of the road as she turned to look at Sarah sat next to her, while cars hit their horns all around them as they tried not to hit the black mustang stopped in the middle of the freeway.

     “Lexi! What are you doing?” Sarah asked looking panicked as all the cars whizzed past on either said with their horns blasting.

     “I’m not moving another inch until you come clean about whom that guy was, and why he scares you so much.” Alexis said as she sat back in her seat and folded her arms across her chest. “I know this has something to do with them missing six months in you file.” Alexis added in a calm voice as she looked out the front windscreen at all the cars whizzing past.

     “I’ll tell you back at home, just get the car moving again before something hits us.” Sarah said looking worried still that something was going to just slam into them.

     “Not good enough baby. Tell me now, or we stay here until something hits us and then moves us further down the freeway.” Alexis said with a true poker face.

    Sarah let out a sigh as she fought with whatever demon was stopping her coming clean, and then she looked at Alexis and said. “That was the man that raped me.”


To Be Continued Next Sunday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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