The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 10

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 10
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Rachel sees Dr. Poole.

As Sharon continued to hug Rachel, Darlene and Joy were whispering a few feet away. When they stopped whispering, Joy went over by Sharon and Rachel.

"Sister Rachel, Darlene and I were hatching a little treason. We think it is time you understood just what being a sister here is all about. You have seen how much we care for you, but you haven't seen everything we do. Let's go to the sewing room."

On the way to the sewing room, Joy explained to Rachel that she was making herself a dress, and that Darlene was helping her. She wanted to show Rachel this new dress that wasn't finished, yet. When they got to the sewing room, Joy sat down at the Brother ® sewing machine, and took the dress, and was going to put it under the needle.

"Wait!" Rachel exclaimed. "Aren't you supposed to turn that inside out, first?" Joy looked at Darlene and nodded, slightly.

"I thought you didn't know how to sew."

"Joy, there are a lot of things I don't know how to do, but I have seen my mother sew, and she turns whatever she is working on, inside out."

"So you can learn by watching. Not everybody can do that."

Joy again took the garment, and started to sew.

"Wait! Rachel exclaimed, again. "You have to lock that thingy the needle goes through, so the dress is held in place."

"Now, sister Rachel, you know what it takes to be a sister at Pine Meadows. It takes not only caring, but a willingness to help your sisters, with whatever it is you can help them with. It takes listening to them when they have a problem and they don't want to talk to the psychs." Joy got up from the sewing machine and gave Rachel a big hug. "I am proud to call you sister, Rach. Let's go and have dinner." Joy no sooner said that, than a bell rang. "That's the dinner bell. You will hear that when it is time for breakfast, lunch and dinner."

When they got the dining room, everybody was talking at once, it sounded like a lot of bees buzzing.

"Rachel, you sit with Darlene, Sharon and Melanie. Girls, May I have your attention, please? I want to introduce a new girl, and if you haven't met her, yet, her name is Rachel Eileen Watkins. Stand up, Rachel." A girl Rachel hadn't met, raised her hand.

"Yes, Bridget."

"Why did they send you here, and not to a boys school?"

"Do you want to answer that, Rachel?"

"Yes, mom. I was sent here, because I was a bully. See, my dad, he said that boys have to be tough and take charge. I thought that meant I had to be a bully. But, deep inside, something was telling me good girls don't do things like that. I hit a transgender classmate, and I heard that inner voice again. I was taken to the detention center, and when it came time for me to be in court, everything got turned inside out and upside down. The judge wanted to change my name to the name I have now, and my mother agreed. Then the judge had a deputy sheriff take me and put me in girls detention clothes, and take me back to the courtroom. The judge said she found me to be delinquent, and wanted me to learn what it is to be a girl, so she sent me here. But, I do really want to learn to be a girl, because I am going to live as a girl for the rest of my life."

"Sisters, are we all agreed, that we will help Rachel be the girl she is?" Everybody said "aye" in unison. "Rachel, I'm Bridget Johnson, I am fourteen years old, and I have been here for almost a year and a half. During the summer, we even play softball, tennis; we have a good tennis court, badminton, volleyball, and in the winter we even go ice skating. Do you have any ice skates, Rachel?"

"No, Bridget, I don't, and it's Rach."

"What size shoe do you wear, Rach?"

"I wear a size six."

"We will get you a pair of ice skates. Do you have any roller skates?"

"No, I don't. I don't know how to either ice skate or roller skate."

"Ladies, we have our work cut out for us. Let's show Rachel the joys of living at Pine Meadows." Everybody stood up, while clapping their hands. "Welcome home, sister Rachel."

"," and the tears just flowed.

"OMG, not again. Girl, where is that water pipe you have that leads to the ocean?" Sharon asked.

Rachel couldn't help but laugh at Sharon's levity. Rachel wiped her face with a few tissues, and then began to eat her dinner, which was still surprisingly warm.

After dinner was over, the dish brigade as it is affectionately called, started clearing the tables, so they could wash the dishes. Some of the other girls were going to the recreation room to watch television. Rachel joined them.

"Rach, I'm Angie Stevenson, I'm thirteen years old, and I have been here one year, yesterday. Do you have a middle name?"

"Yes, it's Eileen."

"Mine is Angela Mary Stevenson. Mary was my great grandmother's name."

"That is great to be named after someone in your family."

"My great grandmother I am told, was a very forceful person. Maybe that is where I get my forcefulness from, that got me in trouble."

"What kind of trouble did you get in to?"

"I stole a car for my boyfriend, and as I was driving the car to his house, I didn't see the traffic light change, and got in to an accident. I wasn't hurt, because I was wearing my seatbelt, and the airbag kept me from being thrown in to the steering wheel, or the windshield. I popped the airbag and started to get out of the car, but the police were already there. So, here I am."

"But, you were only twelve at the time. How did you reach the pedals?"

"I had to move the seat all the way forward, before I could reach both the brake and gas pedal with my toes."

Rachel gave Angie a hug. "Sister, you are so lucky you weren't crippled or killed."

Sharon came in the rec. room at that point and saw the two girls hugging.

"What's going on, here?"

"Rachel just found out why Angie is here, and gave her a big hug."

"That, sister Rachel, is what it takes to be a sister at Pine Meadows."

They sat down to watch the 1959 version of Walt Disney's, The Shaggy Dog with Fred MacMurray, Tommy Kirk and Tim Considine.

The state did not pay for the cable, the girls did with their allowance. It really didn't cost that much, only eighty dollars a month, and everybody chipped in. That included the internet, as well. This was a home for girls, run by girls, and kept up by girls. The more important work was done by state contractors, and the girls insisted they be women.

When the movie was over, mom came in the rec. room and told everybody it was bed time, because there was school in the morning. There were groans and groans and more groans, but they all got up, straightened out their chairs, and quietly headed for their bedrooms, saying good night and giving each other hugs.

Rachel wasn't used to this. Her father would tell her to get your ass in bed or get it beat. Sharon saw that sad look again, and was waiting for the tears, but none came.

"A nickel for your thoughts, sister."

"Hmmm? Oh! I, uhm, was just thinking about what my dad would say to me when it was bedtime."

"What did he say?"

"Rog...Rachel get your ass to bed or get it beat."

"Sounds like your father isn't a good man."

"No, he isn't. He's in jail waiting for trial for trying to kill my mom."

"Come on, girls, in bed. You can talk about this tomorrow."

"Yes, mom, good night," Rachel and Sharon said together.


When the girls get up in the morning, the house father stays in the office, reading the reports from the day before. The house mother, whose name is also Janice, or Jan from the girls, wakes the girls up. Each girl gets her clothes for the day, and heads down to the basement to take her shower. The shower room has individual stalls, and a shower curtain for privacy. Rachel and Sharon went down together, after Sharon showed Rachel what she should wear for the day.

When they were finished with their showers, they dried off, and Sharon showed Rachel how to pat instead of wipe.

"Patting makes sure the skin isn't irritated by the fibres of the towel, that is why you don't wipe the towel across your body. That is only for guys. Get dressed, and I will do your makeup for Dr. Poole. You won't be going to school this week, because they will do all kinds of intelligence tests, emotional tests, medical tests, they will even draw two vials of blood to be tested at the lab here on the grounds. But, girlfriend, you will come out with flying colors, as the saying goes."

"Thank you, sister."

"You are more than welcome, sister."

None of the girls stared at Rachel while she was getting dressed. If they talked to Rachel, they looked at her eyes. When Rachel was dressed, and Jan approved, she went upstairs and sat in the dining room for a bit, thinking.

"Come on, sister, let's do your makeup." When Sharon was done, Rachel looked in the mirror. What she saw she liked. She was beautiful, in an ordinary kind of way, but still beautiful.

The girls all gave Rachel hugs, saying how much they loved her, and that they will see her at lunch. Just to play safe, Sharon gave Rachel a box of tissues, before getting her coat, and while clutching her books to her chest, started off to the school.


"Yes, sir."

"You may call me dad or daddy. All the girls do. Please come in the office for a bit."

Rachel followed him in to the office.

"Please, sit down." Rachel sat down, smoothing her skirt under her. "I was just reading your report from Madelline. It seems you disarmed this whole house yesterday. We were expecting a rebellious, foul mouthed boy, but what Madelline says here; here let me read it to you.

"Rachel Eileen Watkins arrived today at 2:15pm, with deputy sheriff, Naomi Petersen, who was in plain clothes, and with out her side arm. Eve Reinhardt came with them. Eve introduced Rachel to a few of the girls, and right away they got Rachel inside, because all she had on was a light dress that Eve had given her. During the rest of the day, Rachel bonded with the girls, and they unquestionably accepted Rachel without more. Deputy Petersen and I had a wonderful talk, and it seems this deputy has taken a liking to Rachel also, and will be coming up here to take part in Rachel's therapy at least three or four times a week.

"I don't know how you did that, young lady, but after reading this, I will be proud to call you my daughter."

Rachel started crying, and Jack Olsen, the house father, moved to give Rachel a hug.

"Oh daddy, I'm"

"Yes, yes, dear."

Being six feet, two inches tall, Jack had to stoop to meet Rachel eye to eye.

"Everything will be all right from now on. This is your home, and we will do everything to make it like a home, not just a house with people in it."


Just then, Jan came in the office.

"Well, I see you two have been talking."

"Yes, Jan. Take a look at that report." Jan read the report, and looked at Rachel in astonishment.

"Well, if this report is about you, where is that foul mouthed bully we were expecting?"

"I kicked him in the seat of his pants, and sent him flying."

"Good girl," Jan said, hugging Rachel. "I am going to be proud to have you for a daughter."

"Oh Jan, I'"

"Hush, honey, there is nothing to be scared about," Jan said, still holding Rachel. "This is your home now, and you have loving sisters who will help you with anything you need help with, including talking. Did Madelline tell you that you are free to come and go as you please?"

"Ye..yes. Jan, what does fate mean?" Jan broke the hug and looked in to Rachel's eyes.

"Do you know what destiny is?" Rachel nodded. "Well fate is something you are destined for. Like say for instance, a job, or living a life like this. Why do you ask?"

"Because I think it was fate that sent me here."

Jan hugged Rachel again. Jan knew that this young lady was going to make it, and with the help of her sisters and the house parents, would become a very fine woman.

"Let's dry those eyes and fix your makeup."

Jan took Rachel to her room, and began to fix her makeup, when Rachel said she wanted to try it herself. Jan said she could, but would watch in case she needed help.

Rachel dabbed delicately around her eyes to get the mascara off. Then she took the cold cream and put it on her face. She had seen her mother do this countless times. After countless tissues, and a lot of character removed, Rachel started applying the mascara, and the dual foundation/face powder. Then she took a coral colored chap stick and applied it to her lips. When she looked in the mirror, again, Jan looked with her, and they both smiled.

"I couldn't have done better myself. But, as you practice, you will be doing this faster each time, until it takes only a few minutes to put all of your makeup on."

Rachel looked at Jan and smiled. "Thank you, Jan."

"You are so welcome, dear. Let's go downstairs."

When they got downstairs, Jack came out of the office.

"I was just coming up to get you. Dr. Poole wants you over at psychiatric."

"Do you know how to get there?" Jan asked Rachel.

"No Jan, I didn't really have much time to explore the grounds after I got here."

"Okay, let's get your coat and boots on."

"I...don't...I don't have..."

"You don't have a coat and boots?!" Jan asked, increduously

"No, Jan."

"Jack, how could we be so careless? Would you run over and get her a coat please, size eight, and a pair of boots in a size, uhm, six and a half? I will call Dr. Poole.

Jan called Dr. Poole and told him what was going on, and that she would bring Rachel over as soon as Jack got back with the coat and boots. After being reassured by Dr Poole, that there really was no hurry, because Rachel was the only one he needed to see this morning, Jan hung up.

"You will like Dr. Poole, he's kind of nutty when he's around teenage girls" Rachel giggled.

Jack came back with the coat and the boots, and Rachel put them on. Jan knew her sizes, because the coat and boots fit Rachel like they were especially made for her.

"Let's go and meet the nutty professor as the girls like to call him." Rachel giggled, again.

When they left the house, they turned left and walked down a shoveled path to a building across the road that ran through the grounds. They came to a building with a sign out front that said, PSYCHIATRIC AND BEHAVIORAL THERAPY, or just psychiatric to the initiated. They went in the door, and the receptionsit told them to go right in. They entered the door marked Dr. Poole.

"Hi nu, uhm, Dr. Poole."

"You too, hey, Jan. Uh huh, I see how it is." The doctor had a smile on his face and Jan and Rachel giggled. "So, you are the young lady that is going to take most of my morning. Well, then, have a seat, young lady."

"Dr. Poole, call the house when you are done, so I can walk her back so she doesn't get her directions mixed up."

"Yes, Jan." Jan left and closed the door. "Now you are Rachel Eileen Watkins, formerly known as..."

"I'm sorry for interrupting, doctor, but we don't talk about him. He was mean and nasty and selfish and a bully, and a bully and selfish and nasty and mean. No, Dr. Poole, we don't talk about him. I kicked him in the rump and sent him flying. Let's leave him alone. He's not worth talking about."

"I don't believe it! No ma'am, I just do not believe it! You just completed your entire therapy program in less than twenty four hours."

"No, Dr. Poole. My therapy program will be completed when I have developed like the woman I want to grow up to be, and have the surgeries to make me physically female. I want to graduate from high school from here. See, Dr. Poole, I found a home here, a loving, accepting, caring home. I have never had that before. Even my mother never gave me any hugs, and she never complimented me on my report cards. I mean, she pretended to be concerned, but in court she even suggested my name be what it is now.

"Dr. Poole, I want my therapy program here to be ... uhm ... to be..."

"Transitioning, is the word."

"Yes, thank you, Dr. Poole. I want my therapy program here to be my transitioning into the woman I was meant to grow up to be. I want to be on female hormones, and I want my birth certificate changed to show that I am female."

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were a younger version of my wife. As I understand it, you completely disarmed everybody at the house. They were expecting a..."

"Dr. Poole?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I think I got sent the wrong report. Well, let's give you your physical. Come with me, please." They went in another room where there was a narrow hospital bed, and a curtain that went around the bed for privacy. The nurse came in and introduced herself has Jaime, and gave Rachel a hospital gown, telling her which way it went on.

"Are you in the gown?"


"Alright, let's take a listen. Breathe deep, let it out, again, again, once more. Lungs are clear. Let me check your heart." As Dr. Poole was listening to Rachel's heart, he was going, ththump, ththump, ththump, and Rachel couldn't help but giggle. "Heart is good, now let's check your pulse. Pulse, normal. Now your reflexes. Just relax. Good, good, reflexes, normal. Now let me shine this light by your eyes. Good, good. Please stand so I can check you for hernias." As the good doctor was checking Rachel for hernias, he was doing something else too. "Feel excited there, where I am touching?"

"Dr. Poole, look at me."

"I am looking at you."

"No, Dr. Poole, up here. Look at my eyes. You know those round orbs on either side of my nose." Dr. Poole looked at Rachel's eyes. "Dr. Poole, not only are you the nutty professor as the girls call you, but you are also a pervert."

"Yes, but don't tell anyone, it will be our little secret."

"No, Dr. Poole, I am going to tell everybody, and before you know it, they'll have you in a cell next to my father."

"What do you want?"

"My transition."

Dr. Poole cleared his throat.

"Now I know you are a younger version of my wife. Alright, you may get dressed."

Dr. Poole left, and a few minutes later, Jan came back to get Rachel. Rachel told her what the good doctor had done, and Jan looked surprised, but didn't say anything, until she had asked some of the other girls.

Rachel had that, "aren't I bad?", look on her face.

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