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Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 3.
Chapter 3
You’d think that I’d never been in an Airport before but I’m here. I’m actually here and I can’t help but look around…smell the air, it smells completely different here. I mean there’s the city smells, diesel and gas, cars, pavement and all the other stuff but the sea so close, and different grasses and bushes and trees. This is a country where broad leafed plants actually grow out in nature and not in an atrium somewhere.
I get my luggage and get stopped at customs and there’s of course a thing about my gender on my ID but it’s not as bad as I though it might get and I’m still listed as male on my drivers license and passport even though my photo’s don’t match anything remotely being a guy.
All it takes is a few calls to the law offices handling my brothers estate and the hospital to check things out and they’re actually pretty friendly. I get my luggage and get a cab. The cabby’s a nice enough guy but wow I’m going to have to get a handle on how they speak around here.
“Where to hey?”
“Howell and associates please.” I look at the address on the letter they sent me and he nods and starts driving.
“So yer an American then?”
“God no, I’m Canadian.”
“Same thing isn’t it?”
“No where close actually, we’re still part of the Commonwealth.”
“On vacation then yea?” I’m noticing they clip off some of the vowel sounds here, Yeah to me sounds like yeh to me. Still better than the elongated vowels they use in New England like Paaaaaark and Caaaaaar instead of Park and Car.
“Oh…sorry I was thinking.”
“On vacation then yea?”
“No, I’m moving here. Starting over I guess.”
“Well you could have picked a nicer place really miss, Brisbane’s a nice city all things considered. Been in a lot worse myself.”
“It’s different that’s for sure. My brother loved it here. That’s part of the reason why I’m here.”
“How’s that then, you’ll be staying with him I suppose?”
“Sort of he died awhile back and I was left his place and stuff.”
“Oh sorry to hear that, what happened if I can ask?”
“He fell asleep behind the wheel driving I think he hit a tree. Thank god he never hit anyone else, he’d have hated that.”
“He sounds like he’d be a good fella.”
“He was, even now it feels like Matt’s looking after me.”
We get to the law offices and he helps me with my bags and I pay him thirty A$ (Aussie dollars.) having gotten some of my money exchanged while at the airport. Told him to keep the change it was a pretty steep cab fare but this isn’t Montreal this is a bigger city and much more spread out in comparison.
I only have my carry on and a pull bag with me plus my purse everything else was sent here to a shipping company.
I head inside and make my way to the receptionist this lovely little asian girl.
“May I help you Ma’am.” She asks and it’s so strange to hear the local English or whatever they call it coming out of someone I think should have an oriental accent of some kind. It one of my things, I have a hard time seeing some nationalities speaking French too. I’m not like offended it’s just something I’m never expecting.
“Morgan Spencer, I’m expected but I don’t have an appointment.”
She does some typing and looks at me, looks me over and types some more. She smiles at me after a few moments. “Mr. Howell will se you as soon as he is clear from some current business, may I get you a refreshment? Coffee, a biscuit?”
“No thanks I’m fine for now.” Biscuit? Does she mean a biscuit or like a cookie?
I sit and wait awhile before this older fellow comes out talking with another fellow and then he looks me over. Well both of them do and their eyes hang onto my chest. I give them a shy look but don’t overly encourage either although the older one has an odd look on his face.
“Hello there you must be Ms. Spencer, I’m Augustine Howell but you can call me Auggie. Won’t you come this way to my office and let get you sorted out luv.”
Luv? Oddly I don’t mind that it fits him and down here too. Or is it just here now that I’m here. Auggie seems like a nice guy. Heading to sixty more than likely, portly with a big old square head on him and big arms and hands to go along with the beer belly. Just by the size of him I’d have to say he did a lot of rough work to put himself through law school.
Lots of nice books and odds and ends in his office and lots of pictures too he’s got a lot of official things in frames on his walls too. Old school office too, lot’s of leather and lots of hardwood furnishings.
“Please have a seat.”
I take a chair and slip into it. “I’ll need to see your papers of course Ms. Spencer.”
I take them out from my travel bag and we go over them together. Since he’s been handling the estate I’ve had him working on my work visa and to find out the things required for me to become an Australian citizen.
“Now as to your status and your gender.”
“What about it?”
“Are you going to pursue SRS in the near future?”
“I wasn’t sure on that yet…it’s a big decision and I thought I’d just table it until how things turned out and got clear in my head.”
“I was in a long term relationship with another woman that turned sour, but recently I had an encounter that made me question my sexual orientation.”
“Oh, I don’t think the details are need right now.”
“Oh, good because honestly I am just looking forward to finding out who I am and getting my life on track before I can see myself in any kind of relationship.”
“Smart and sensible, are you sure you’re related to Mathew then?”
I laugh. “Mattie was the rogue child in my family, always looking for something new and exciting to do or learn. Actually your letter was a double shock to me because I’d have never thought Matt would be a home owner.”
“Well, there was a rumor he won the place in a wager.” Auggie smiles and laughs. “It is Brisvegas after all.”
“I’ve read up on it a little.”
“Now don’t you believe half of what you read, Brissie’s the best city to live in in all of Australia.”
“But you’re just a bit biased about that.”
“Oh just a little.” He winks at me. “Now your brother had left behind some funds and such but seeing the house had seen some damage from that damned flood I thought it best to hire a workman to fit the place up.”
“That’s okay, I said that you should use any discretion towards the property and the estate that way. Was there a lot of damage?”
“Basement was flooded and there was water damage on the first floor and some on the second where the storm put a tree through a bit of your roof.”
“Ouch, expensive?”
“Oh not bad, I hired my sisters, sister in laws boy and he’s been a pretty good worker.”
“So when can I see it?”
“We’re just about done here so, I’ll drive you over if ya like?”
“I’d appreciate that quite a bit thank you. Oh and Auggie?”
“Yes luv.” I can’t help it that just makes me smile.
“Find out what I’ll need to get my license to drive over here and make the arrangements please.”
“My pleasure, a bit different than Montreal I take it then?”
“It’s like a whole new universe here, just what I needed honestly.”
He guides me out and he puts my bags into this minivan. I give him the eyebrow. “No luxury sedan?”
“No, too much a tax on the luxury cars really and no use having one with five grandkids and all. “
I laugh again. It feels good y’know. “I can see that one can of pop and a cone of chocolate ice cream and all that extra cost just jumped up into a big cleaning bill.”
He’s still a gentleman and handles my bags and opens the door for me. It’s the little things that are really nice to feel. I’m smiling as we take a bit of confusing drive to where my house is. Where Mathews house is.
I’m in some place called Chapel Hill, in Bynoe Close and it’s not really a two story place but more like one of those split level bungalow types. The yard’s a mess and there’s piles of cut up tree and stuff here and lumber and building things under tarps over there and a generator chained up to this metal post in the front of my carport. I was expecting a garage really because no one has carports anymore back home.
The roof is on thankfully and it looks all new. I see a lot of garbage in one of those rental dumpsters mostly from inside the house. Drywall and the like. Auggie looks around. “Seems like Rudy’s out likely on a supply run. Will you be alright here? Or would you like me to run you to a motel or a hotel?”
“No, I’ll be fine here.”
He hands me the keys to the house and his card. “My house number is on here too and the wife’s phone too if yea have any troubles.”
“Thank you Auggie, you’ve been more than a lifesaver, you’ve been a saint.” I tippy toe and kiss his cheek and he blushes like a tomato.
“Gwan, wit yea….” he smiles though and his eyes shine so sweetly, there’s this light there that honestly…yeah, his wife feel in love with those eyes. I’m smiling too as I wave at him leaving and a bit scared and nervous I put the key in the door and head inside.
It’s trashed, well it’s gutted, and there’s this scent to the place? Eucalyptus? Tea tree oil?
Most of the water damaged stuff’s gone and there looks like new electrical is being put in and there’s boxes of stuff all in the upstairs likewise gutted except for the master bedroom and the bathroom in there. It looks though like the carpets been tore out and that someone put in a click together hardwood floor recently.
I put my things in there and wait for this Rudy to show up which he never does and that led me to have a fast nervous shower and to find some of Matt’s clothes to wear to bed. I end up with a pair of ratty old sweat pants that I really had to tie to fit and one of his t-shirts. Either he grew a hell of a lot or I’m smaller than I thought I was. I had no trouble getting to sleep actually with everything that had gone one with me lately.
I’m woken up by the smell of coffee before the sunlight filters into my brain.
I carefully make my way downstairs and follow my nose out back.
Okay…I have a big yard, well huge really compared to not having one before. There’s more stuff tarped and I have a deck? It’s really a platform of bricks about four layers high with a four foot brick wall around it and a built in fire pit it seems and there a a radio playing some music and food on the pit cooking.
Bacon cover in pepper cut like right off the rasher? Is that right? Well it’s cooking and sizzling away and the coffee smell’s coming from one of those stovetop espresso pots and there’s a dutch oven there too.
And this guy.
Ow my bunny. (Yes really that’s what I’m calling my insert guy spot.)
He actually makes me ache.
No one in my life’s made me ache before.
He’s six four, and built, arms as big as my thighs and an ass…muscular even his back, with a plain grey t-shirt on faded jeans that are just…and shoulder length wavy blonde hair under this straw cowboy hat that’s got the sides curled just right.
“Uhm…Morning?” I say.
He turns around and the front is every bit as good as the back. Blue eyes kissed with grey and clean shaven, tanned, nice nose just right and a string jaw but not like the whole thug look no…just right really. Then he smiles at me.
“Morning, I was hoping not to wake you up. Y’must be Ms. Spencer.” his eyes flickers over me, twice over my chest. Oh dammit, my nipples are poking nearly through my t-shirt. Why didn’t I wear a bra?
“Uhm…Morgan’s fine…you must be Rudy?”
“That’s me, you fancy some breakfast?”
“Uhm sure. I’d love some of that coffee.” I try to finger comb my hair and arm cover my boobs at the same time. He smiles again. God damned he’s got a sexy smile.
He pours me some coffee and gets a plate, apparently my kitchen’s been relocated out here. Then he cuts me this thing…kind of like a short biscuit like you’d make for strawberry shortcake. It smells good. “Uhm is there any brown sugar?”
He gives me an odd look and finds some. “Will demarara do?”
“Yes thank you.” I put some butter on my thingy and then the brown sugar and he’s watching me head tilted like a confused puppy.
“You…uhm don’t put brown sugar on a damper.”
I take a bite of mine. “Oh…why it’s good.”
“You put golden syrup on it.” He holds up a bottle. I lean over looking at it.
“Looks like corn syrup to me.”
“It’s not, here.” he cuts through his damper? Cutting it in half and he really liberally butters it and he pours the syrup over both sides. It looks drenched. He cuts me a piece and a bit of his bacon on the same fork. Then feeds…..oh my….feeds it to me his palm under it to catch any drippings.
It’s flaky, butterery but there’s this taste of the syrup like corn syrup have a fair haired lovechild with molasses and this was somewhere in between the two and then I’m hit with the bacon’s salty, smoky peppery loveliness and those eyes of his. Between Rudy to dream and die for looks and him feeding me and the foodgasm I think this is the best mornings of my life in a long long time.
God I think I'm going to love Brisbane.
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He's not waving off the
He's not waving off the flies as he's cooking?
Geeze must be winter.
Strewth bluey some shiela's just appeared on the deck while I was feeding the barbie - she's low slung and poking out like the prow of a catamaran.
So I fed her some scran - and I can see she's enjoying it so much she's just about to ask me to stay for brekkers when I realise - bugger me - it is brekkers.
Do they really talk like that in the everyday?
He's cooking with a charcoal fire so that's keeping off the bugs, it's right at the tail end of August so? I don't know what that'd be like bug and weatherwise?
But the comment was awesome, the poking out was really funny and would have Morgan covering herself some more.
You really made me laugh:)
Thanks Jenchris.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
nice welcome
is that a real address "Chapel Hill, in Bynoe Close" when I looked it up on google maps it show a primary school and a lot of homes with pools.
sounds like a great house once its finished again.
how far inland did the flood go?
interesting times ahead, thanks
It's a nice family area from what I gathered but
I'm going to let Roo's link show what it was like.
I'm really glad that you're liking it so far LoneWolf:)
*Hugs and Howls*
Bailey Summers
Chapel hill in the floods
Chapel hill had a lot of damage in the January floods,I am putting a link in, so everyone can see what it was like.
Hugs Roo
Oh Wow...Roo thanks for the link!
This'll add so much to the feel of the story with the video giving a really nice look at the city and area as well as the flooding. I just hope I'm getting things right and that you enjoyed this.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
This is a sweet story! ^_^
*HuggleSnugglePurrKiss* <3
Could do with some prawns though. =)
- - -
Merry Christmas from BCTS's resident Extravagant Honorable Trans-Cat-MegaTomboy! ^_^

Maybe there'll be prawns at some point.
But I didn't want to go to that whole shrimp on the barbie thing. Rudy'd do them but just on the grill to get some smoke on them then in a frying pan with butter and maybe a chopped up spicy lamb sausage and just some bread and beer to go with it.
*Huggles and Cuddles*
Bailey Summers
Thank you Bailey,
There are always prawns to be had in Queensland,either cooked or raw,but surely not with sausages?
Perhaps oysters and scallops with a beer or Chardonnay or a good Chenin Blanc,well chilled of course.
A fresh mango with them is always welcome and it looks like you have not been introduced to Morton Bay
Bugs,a type of lobster which is delicious.You can get some of the best food in the world in Brissie.
Bloody ripper,mate!! Good onya!
I was thinking of a dish I know
that uses a bit of chorizo spicy sausage chopped up to more or less flavor the butter with the sausage oils and paprika and all those crispy bits. I'm not sure if they have lamb sausages like that though or if you have chorizo down there.
But...Oh yeah I'm a shellfish cooked in a bit of white wine kind of person. But oysters in beer yes, oh yes. The Mango's new to me but with prawns and coconut milk and a bit of curry.
The Morton Bag Bugs sound great, I'd love to try them. I'd cook them my dad'd way though. just boil them until their half done then take bacon fat and melted butter and inject them with a meat baster and finish them on the grill.
And Lots of cold beer!
I'm so glad that you liked this.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Moreton Bay Bugs have a flat tail
which is easily cooked on a barbie.
Normally served when you're flush - they ain't cheap.
Chourizo Sausages are commonplace and used as you suggest like spicy bacon bits - good in Caesar Salad too. Or on Oysters!!
August is pretty much mozzie free but bloody cold first up - about 10 degrees Celcius in Bris some mornings.
No one uses a barbie to entertain in August 'cept on Sundays - most tradies use a gas burner to make their tea. I know one who used to use an Oxy set - had to be careful not to get it hot enough to burn through the kettle.
Mangoes - there's a season from end of November to middle of January - cheap then - same as cherries - stone fruit season is only 2 months long we make the most of it.
If you were above the floods you were fine if you were in them, they strip the house.The smell of flood water is gross. Some houses - one year on - are still not started to be fixed and the insurance companies are dragging their feet as usual
Great chapter - you caught the culture fine Bailey!
Jenchris got the slang spot on, typically when you are talking to 'Tradies', carpenters, plumbers, etc.
A typical greeting would be, 'Gidday mate how ya goin awright', 'Yep! bewdy mate'.
Before Morgan gets a licence she will have to learn to drive on the LHS of the road, steering wheel on the RHS of vehicle and gear stick if a manual in yout Left hand.
You may have noticed the streets/keep left signs in ROO's great floods link.
99.99% of Aussie homes don't have basements, we have a ground floor (your first floor), next up is 1st floor. Most homes would be single ground floor.
A lot of older Queensland homes were built on stumps (timber logs) and about 6-8 feet off the ground. This was mainly to keep them cooler in summer. Underneath was used for car, laundry, etc.
Now days these beautiful timber homes called Queenslanders are converted by raising them and building living areas, rumpus rooms, bedrooms underneath, thus doubling the available space.
Another small thing is we have a thirteenth floor in our hotels, whereas in the North American continent there is generally no 13th floor, and we call your elevators, lifts.
We are all metric as well. - kilometres, metres, Litres, kilograms, dollars & cents.
Petrol usage: is Litres used/hundred Kilometres, for Morgan's info.
Also Morgan must realise we are 'Down Under', so she will have to be carefull she doesn't fall off Australia, or get giddy being upside down! She can get special shoes called Flip Flops which most Aussies wear in Brissie to prevent this.
She will also have to be carefull of Aussie guys taking the piss out of her, which means 'Avin a go at er to see if she has a sense of humour'.
I could write a book about this?
Great story Bailey.
Have a safe and happy New Year Everybody!
Thanks for all your great stories.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Thanks so much Rita, but was the damper alright?
LOL! I was trying to get that scene right. I wasn't sure about the basement bit so...but the split level style with a carport's okay?
Oh the car's going to screw with Morgan way more than driving on the road, it baffles me just thinking about it. Morgan is so going to go for an automatic transmission.
Thanks for all the great notes, keep them coming:)
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
General Motors
General Motors cars here are Holdens and there's a lot of rivalry between Ford and Holden.
Most Aussie men prefer a big engine most are 5 litre (327cu in)- we have them in Ute and saloon form
Yuppie types are going for the Landcruiser and Rover 4x4s (plus other makes )
Petrol (gas) is too expensive for most to afford to run F250s or Suburbans.
Chrysler aren't well thought of we have some here and they're very plastic!
Baby Revheads now use WRX Subarus (if they can afford the insurance)
Yer avrige tradie drives a beat up ute or tray back 4x4.
Dress codes are simple - tradies don't cover the crack of their arse - everyone else does.
A thong is either left and right and worn on the foot - not butt floss
Fanny is the front not the back.
Barstad is a term of endearment.
Shit faced is drunk
"The Barstad was shit faced" is "my friend was drunk"
It is a whole new world - literally.
Mmmm.Sounds Good!
Blue eyes touched with gray? I love those!
Ah well. Brisbane does seem very nice. Sounds like life there is really going to be interesting . I can't wait!
It's a definitely nice look:)
I'm seriously loving Brisbane more and hopefully if Jonelle and I ever win our lottery someday it's so on the list of places we're going to see, or well it's on my list.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
you have this way of making me want to be your heroines, even when they are into guys. The image of being fed by some hunk... oh boy.
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
I'm a firm believer in it being Who and not what.
A person is. If there's someone who's into you and is sweet and attentive and nice to you no matter your own issues or even because of them...gender sometimes just shouldn't matter.
*Great Big Angel Hugs*
Bailey Summers
All Sorts Of Sugar!
Nice episode, nice voice. You'll do, luv. And you got yer damper.
The Lexus Centre in Roo's video is right in the centre of Chapel Hill, on Moggill Road, a lovely suburb when it's above water!
My grandson goes to school a few hundred yards from there, at Nudgee Juniors, but they were all right because they're on a hill. In the 1974 flood the bridge, shown in the video with the water just below the deck, was actually submerged.
There's a lot of recriminations going around at the moment as to whether the flood was made worse because the engineers at the dam upstream didn't let enough water out early enough, but it's just people wanting to blame someone for a natural disaster.
However your description of a flood-stricken home is accurate. I know people who still can't get back into their houses, a year later,
P.S. It's still the best city in Australia. And thongs (flip-flops) are also known as Japanese riding-boots.
LOL! Ohmigawd...Japanese riding boots!
I know that it's really politically incorrect but that's priceless Joanne:) and I'm starting to see more and more of Brisbane as I do research on it and just trying to soak things in and I'm loving it more and more.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Such a sexy scene. Romantic
Such a sexy scene. Romantic even. I could almost taste the delectable flavors mingling together, the intensity enhanced by the sexual tension Morgan was feeling. Really wishing for a Rudy in my life right now.
Good stuff, Hon.
*wistful hugs*