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Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 2.
Chapter 2
God things came around so fast instead of going someplace else to get myself sorted out I made appointments with different places here in town. Alright I’m a bit vain I guess and I decided that if I’m really going to do this and everything that I was Really going to do this.
So it was me going under the knife and spending more cash than I wanted to. Boobjob, I was sort of always intending to just go with what god and the blessed hormones gave me but honestly I was looking to make an impression. So between what I had grown myself and the good doctors I got myself a set of big full breasts. A set of 36DD’s actually. That was the easy part actually and I even shelled out for this skin grafting thing now that really hides the scars. I can only tell where they are because I know but my doctor said it’d require a medical professional to notice them.
The rest was the hardest. I’ve a nice voice anyway a light spoken buy the hormones and my transition left me with a decent contralto voice even if I can’t sing. But the hardest was the stuff for my face. I wanted a nice smile so I got my dental work all done and fixed and up to date and then porcelain veneers.
That was a nightmare because I really hate going to the dentist. But I was lucky and was knocked out the whole time. I had a chin implant put in. As a guy I had a shallow weak chin, it wasn’t that bad really it had just not really been manly. It didn’t look to bad when I started my transition but I’d always wanted that really female oval face and to go with that I got a nose job.
I’m not raving drool over beauty. But I’ve got a natural looking female jaw line now and it sort of pulled stuff into place sort of so where I had sort of those big dimples that go with the weak chin look they’re now rather nice cheekbones or rather since I’ve never really looked like this rather female cheekbones. I’ve got a cute female button of a nose and on a whole I sort of look like a bit plainer version of Renee Zellweger. My hair’s longer and I’m not all squinty eyed like she seems to be half of the time.
Oh and I’m blonder too, more of a honey blonde with a few “Natural” silver highlights. I’m not going to dye it either.
I did shell out a good deal of money though on my glasses. I need and wear glasses to see while reading and for work but I wanted something new so I bought six pairs of varying designs so I could go from work and looking serious to maybe looking cute and sexy.
I researched Brisbane while I was in recovery and I’m more than a bit daunted by the whole thing. I’ve heard of it but I mean what I know about the place really was sweet f-all and it was really kind of stunning to find out that this city was that big a deal.
I had no idea that nearly two million people lived there. Wikipedia was a good starting point actually I mean I know, it’s full of BS but there’s lots of stuff to learn at the same time and all these things you can look up. Like there’s a significant Chinese population there, enough that they have a real Chinatown.
That’ll be good, I loved Montreal but the food here is French, then Italian, then Middle Eastern and Jewish in about an equal mix and then the rest. I had really good Chinese in Toronto once on a union thing there and well I’m figuring being on the Pacific and all they’re a heck of a lot closer so they should have better Chinese.
But there’s South African there which is sort of Dutch? And Spanish and like a whole bunch of people from the UK there so I’m moving to a bigger sort of melting pot than I’m used to and I buy a bunch of language books to study and learn. It might be nice to be able to say more than happy New Year to someone in Chinese and more than Ola in Spanish. Besides it might help me with my patients once I get working.
I speak Canadian…yes it’s called English and that’s wrong in my book. To me English people should be the ones who get to say they speak English. The rest of us just speak dialects of it.
Of course I speak French, both text book you need this to work in a provincial hospital French and of course Montrealer. Yes another dialect. I’m from New Brunswick, the next province east of Quebec and we don’t speak Quebec French, Montreal people don’t speak Quebec French.
Montrealer you get swore at in English sort of and the odd filthy word of Arabic or Farsi thrown in and flipped off with a Jewish or Italian hand gesture and it’s all finished with a loud “T’bernacle!”
I know some other stuff like a bit of ASL sign language and A bit of German from high school but that’s about it.
I guess I’ve been talking so much about Montreal because I left it…
…………………….. Vancouver, British Columbia.
I really hate to say it because the west coasters are a bit smug about how nice it is out there and I have to say unfortunately they’re right. I went out because it’s my best connections to get to Australia and the far eastern countries and to recover from my surgeries and even actually do a few things.
It is lovely here just looking out at the Pacific and then over to the mountains and all that forest.
I did some shopping, some clothes but a bunch of native art and stuff that’s be a different kind of unique over there. I do buy one of those great tasseled buckskin jackets for myself.
I saw Victoria Island and took lots of picture of the gardens and the parks and just spent a week seeing the sights and shipped off the stuff I had bought there and left Canada for Hong Kong.
………………………. Hong Kong.
I got lost within ten minutes and hadn’t even gotten out of the airport. The sheer crush of people actually sort of freaked me out. There’s not a lot too tell really, I was finally rescued by my tour group and we seen the sights. A few temples that I actually liked being at even though with so many people and the joss sticks of incense the smoke was nice smelling but intense at times. I’m not sure of the temples name but there’s a picture or ten of me with this thirty some odd foot Buddha.
I went to this big zoo and we got to see a whole lot of animals but I did love the pandas and got to feed them some bamboo. My favorites though were these tiger cubs there and I was really lucky and got some nice pictures and the woman there even took one of me with a cub on my lap. The cub might have been still young but she weighed thirty pounds easy.
We got to eat at a lot of places and even went to the night market I had scorpion on a stick and seahorse there and had yam ice cream. Honestly the ice cream was the oddest thing to me.
And again…I shopped. If I’m really going to be me did you thing I wouldn’t get some of the local fashions. I got some nice Chinese dresses even to wear in fun but the malls there had cutting edge nice stuff that wouldn’t hit home at all maybe.
$2300.00 odd dollars damage to my MasterCard.
I was only there three days! With everything else I figure I spent a thousand dollars a day.
Honestly I don’t care either. I can well imagine that I’ll likely never do this again so…f-it, life’s too damned short.
I’m going back to Japan, I have to.
Hong Kong prepared me for the press of people as I hooked up with my tour company. It took a week and I actually spent less per day than in Hong Kong.
The shopping was good but expensive. The food was good and so were the tours but the thing that I liked about Japan, about Tokyo was there’s this TG sort of ambiguousness in the pop culture and the street culture and I had gotten clocked/found out but also hit on three times while I was there and the tour guide Daniel told me.
“They’re a bit more easy going with these things here in Tokyo. The rest of Japan it varied but it’s a lot less than some other places.”
“So I’m not really seen as a freak here?”
“No, it’s not see as the mental issue here it’s more of a medical thing here, they had a T-Lady run for office her openly even.”
“Haven’t seen that home yet.? But I’m still surprised that they are that uhm... Friendly?”
He laughed. “Morgan it’s not that you’re transgendered?”
“It’s not?”
“No more likely it’s because you’re blonde with big breasts, both are quite the thing over here.”
“Yes and I happen to be an avid fan myself.”
Daniel kissed me and it wasn’t the first kiss I’ve ever had with a guy but it was the best. And my last night in Tokyo I didn’t spend time in my hotel room but in his small apartment but on his very nice but odd Japanese bed.
Daniel wasn’t big, he was well educated, clean shaven, well spoken and sort of just right at five eight and maybe a hundred and seventy pounds. He was uncut and he was my first man, living man I’ve even been in front of naked.
He was the first man I’ve ever been with and I’m still not sure how to feel about it. The ex used a toy on me for a long time but Daniel was flesh and bone (Snicker.) It was a one night stand really with a nice breakfast afterwards and he even took me to the airport.
I’ll say this, he was nice to me.
And that was very nice for a change.
I liked the city, I want to see more of it someday, more of Japan…sigh.
It was a long flight but when they announced our approach I couldn’t help but to look out the window down at this way bigger that in my head city. The bridges the highways and all of it was so much the same yet so different.
I’m scared and part of me is hurting because as much as this is where I’m going to start my new life, it where my brother died.
He loved it here.
I want to love it here.
I need this, I really need this.
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Thank you Bailey,
Quite a travelogue! But the fun will start now she has arrived in 'Brissie' and you will have Roo and
Rita keeping a check on you LOL!! A good story,as usual.
Brissie..I'll have to remember that Alison:)
I wanted to go through the stuff getting Morgan there I think it adds a bit to the story and a bit of a getting to know her phase before her starting over in Brisbane:) I'll appreciate any advice all of you might have to give.
Thanks for the support:)
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
ASL won't do her much good
ASL won't do her much good there, they use Auslan which is a variant of BSL, (ASL is a variant of LSF (French) for historical reasons)
I didn't know that.
And neither does she, it's just ASL is pretty common in my area and a lot of Canada. I'd likely think if she has the time Morgan would take the Auslan class just to have it. Super useful in a hospital situation.
Thanks for commenting Lexa and the info:)
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
This story is just the way I like my womyn. Industrious... Powerful... Passionate...
Oh Bailey... You've done it AGAIN. ^_^
*HuggleSnugglePurrKissHappytailswish* <3 <3 <3
- - -
BCTS's resident Extravagant Honorable Trans-Cat-MegaTomboy! ;D ...But I do like cuddles from soft but strong arms... ^_^

Thanks Extravagance!
But Morgan would only agree with maybe industrious. She'd deny powerful, she still feels pushed down/stepped on by her ex but is recovering. She also say she'd like to be passionate but she's too shy most of the time for that.
I'm really glad that you like it though.
Actually writing the next stuff will be the challenge.
*Great Big Huggles*
Bailey Summers
yes Bailey
Alison is right you will have me and Rita to contend with,I don,t quite know weather that is a good or bad thing really, LOL.
Thanks Roo:)
Although don't be surprised if I don't come asking first before the next chapter but I've some good ideas already developing.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
...and I will be looking at your account of one of my favourite places with a VERY critical eye!
I'll try to do it justice.
But it will be from her perspective as being from North America so...
Bailey Summers
"I need this, I really need this."
Yep, she does. A great chapter, hon.
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
Yeah getting away...really away is
something that we all need sometimes.
*Big Angel Hugs*
Bailey Summers
It's a bloody beaudy Bailey!
Welcome to Australia Morgan!
I like Hong Kong, the new airport and terminal is amazing it's 5klm long about 4-5 stories high with a rocket train in level 1, you would miss your flight if you tried to walk to a gate.
Japan is also wonderful, I like the Osaka area very traditional and lots of amazing temples and Buddas, and Kyoto (Tokyo backwards) is where the Emperor lives. The airport is in the middle of the Bay, quite amazing landing on the ocean.
Both places are a respectable flight from Brizzie.
(Now Bailey eat your heart out)
Yes we are a multicultural country living in political harmony, however everybody speaks Strine (Aussie English). The good thing is we have all these fabulous foods from around the world and lots of great authentic restaurants.
Morgan will have to try our corn beef, cabbage, mashed potatoes, baked onion and green peas.
We also have this thing called a 'Floater', it consists of a meat pie usually pumped with mashed cooked dried peas, mashed potatoes sitting in a half inch of gravy on a big plate.
Of course we do have the best oysters in the world (Sydney rock), The best mud crabs - one is a meal on its own however you need a bath after eating one, best done in your bikini sitting near the surf.
Not to mention our steaks, did you know we have a cattle station (ranch) bigger than Texas!!
We are a friendly nation, and a lot of us remember the support and the sacrifice of the Canadians and the Yanks during the WWII pacific battles which saved Australia.
This will be a great story Bailey, thank you.
I'm a dyslexic agnostic insomniac.
'Someone who lies awake at night wondering if there's a dog.'
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Pie floaters...Mrs Mac's....
I'm certainly hoping that it will Rita:)
I loved the information and the enthusiasm you had telling me. I think some of the foods might just feature in the story at some point. Morgan would likely like all of the but the Floater with dried mashed peas is something I've never heard of here, the closest thing would be split peas soup.
Loved, the information.
*Huge Hugs*
Bailey Summers
new places
some I would love to see, but did not get the chance.
looking forward to seeing them through her eyes.
I'd love to see them too LoneWolf:)
But I live in New Brunswick and that's a long ways away from a lot of places but I can see and dream.
*Hugs and Howls*
Bailey Summers
Wikipedia "Facts"
You do have to be careful using Wikipedia as a source. The main article on Brisbane says the population is approx 2 million. When you quoted that it made me go "Huh?" so I went and checked.
They have included all of the outlying areas like Redcliffe, Ipswich and Redland Bay. The area covered by Brisbane City proper is just over a million and most Brizwegians would call that "Brisbane". If you add in the outliers and the Gold and Sunshine Coasts then you get to about 3 million.
However we do allow brown sugar on dampers, even though it was usually molasses or treacle in bygone days. Maybe we've got more sophisticated! In fact, to be honest, it's bloody hard to get dampers these days!
Keep it coming, Bailey,
Golden Syrup Joanne
Was always the standard in the bush.
I'm a dyslexic agnostic insomniac.
'Someone who lies awake at night wondering if there's a dog.'
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Thanks Joanne:)
That's kind of what Morgan was talking about it being a good thing and a bad thing. Morgan's still amazed and daunted by the city. We don't think of the scope of Australia honestly much here in North America and Sydney gets most of the press.
I'm so loving taking such a look at this amazing part of the world.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Golden Syrup,a by product of sugar production (like molasses is) and was
always known to us kids as "Cockie's Joy" .If you owned an agricultural
property you were known as a Cow Cockie,a sheep cockie or a wheat cockie.
and they all loved Golden Syrup with their damper.Very sweet and does nothing
for the waistline.
You girls make me want to write more...
Just to get to the damper scene and line in my head. But I love the whole stream of Ideas that are coming from all of your comments.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Rereading this...
... I'm struck by how amazing the locales sound. Visiting Japan has always sparked my imagination in the most pleasant of ways (probably apparent with the photos of Japan I share via FB lol).
Perhaps one of the reasons I enjoy this story the most is how relatable I find Morgan. Her life resonates with many of my own desires. As we're of a similar age grouping, there's familiarity in a distant sense.
Australia comes alive for me in this series. Moving there... well, it really would be scary as hell, yet I can totally feel the excitement as seen through the eye of our protagonist.
If I could give more kudos, I'd totally double up!
*Big Hugs*