Night Maid


Millie and her friends have a sissy maid for their party, and enjoy forcing him to serve them while wearing a frilly maids uniform. But an unexpected surprise is in store.


Night Maid
Valentina Michelle Smith

Millie opened the door to greet her girlfriends. They had all come in response to her telephone call.

“Is it true?” asked Rhonda.

Millie nodded. “Yes, it’s true.”

“I can’t believe it!” Holly said. “You have a real sissy maid.”

“I almost don’t believe it myself,” Millie replied. “When I saw that ad in the Internet personals column, I just had to find out. It’s for real!”

Veronica was skeptical. “Millie, dear, this is just too crazy to be true. I can’t believe that a man would actually advertise such a service on the Internet.”

“Believe it, Ronnie. I called this guy on the phone and he practically begged me to let him be my maid. Here, let me show you.”

Millie picked up a small bell and rang it. Just as she put the bell down, Stella entered the room. “Yes, Mistress?” he said.

He was neither tall nor imposing with his height of five feet six inches and his thin build devoid of any musculature. With his eyes obsequiously cast down, he seemed quite passive, an impression underscored by the outline of a red brassiere showing under his white shirt.

“Is he wearing a bra?” asked Holly.

“Yes,” said Millie, “I told the little sissy to be sure to wear a red bra and matching panties under his boy clothes. I wanted to make certain that everyone who saw him knew what a little wimp he was.”

“How do we know he’s wearing panties?” Rhonda asked. “We really ought to make him strip in front of us.”

“That’s a good idea,” Millie said. “Stella, I want you to take off all of your clothes in front of my girl friends.”

Stella looked at Millie like a frightened deer caught in a car’s headlights. “But mistress,” he began to protest.

“I don’t want to hear any excuses, my little sissy! Now take off those boy clothes and show us your pretty underwear, and be quick about it!”

Stella hesitated, obviously frightened by Millie’s insistence, and slowly began to unbutton his shirt. Sure enough, a very lacy red bra lay underneath.

“Oh, how pretty,” said Rhonda, “just the bra for a sissy to wear. But I still don’t see your panties, little sissy. Now drop your trousers!”

Slowly the frightened sissy unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his slacks, unzipped the fly, and let the trousers fall to the floor. He was wearing bright red high-cut lace panties that matched his bra.

The girls all laughed at Stella and his cheeks began to redden. “Your panties are pretty, little sissy,” said Holly. “But something doesn’t look right. Girls, don’t you think our little sissy is awfully flat-chested?”

“Oh I think our sissy has a nice pair of titties in the bag with his uniform, don’t you sissy?” said Millie.

“Yes, mistress,” said Stella, blushing at his humiliation.

“Well go fetch them,” she said. “And while you are at it, take away those dreadful boy clothes and bring your maid’s uniform into the living room. We want to make sure that you are properly attired for your duties this evening.”

Stella stooped down to retrieve his clothes. As he bent over, Rhonda slapped him smartly on the rump. “Hop to it, you lazy sissy! We don’t have all night.”

“Yes, Mistress Rhonda!” said Stella, hurrying back to the bedroom with his clothing. He emerged a moment later with a small suitcase. He opened it in front of the girls.

The suitcase contained a neatly folded maid’s uniform, complete with a lace cap and apron, lace petticoats, a garter belt, black fishnet stockings, a pair of 4-inch slingback heels, a makeup case, and a box containing a pair of silicone breast forms. The girls all laughed, causing Stella to blush even more. “Well, ladies,” said Veronica, “it looks like our sissy has done this sort of thing before. And you really like it, don’t you, sissy?”

“Yes, Mistress Veronica, but it’s so embarrassing!” he said.

Just then a flashbulb went off. Stella looked up to see Holly holding a camera. “Well, my little sissy, you had better be a very good little maid this evening, or I’ll be putting this picture of you in your pretty bra and panties all over the Internet.”

“Oh please don’t, Mistress Holly! I promise to be the best maid you could want. I’ll do anything; just don’t put that picture out on the Internet!”

“That all depends on you, sissy,” said Millie. “Now why don’t you put on your pretty uniform for us? Start with your titties. I want to see that pretty red bra filled out properly like a girl.”

“Yes, mistress,” Stella replied. He took the breast forms from his suitcase and inserted them into the bra cups. The cups now strained to hold back the forms.

“Look, girls,” Holly said, snapping another picture, “our little sissy has boobs! But I think he needs stockings as well. Come on, sissy, put on the garter belt and the stockings.”

“Yes, Mistress Holly,” Stella answered. He stepped into the red garter belt and rolled up one of the stockings. The ladies laughed and taunted him as he slowly and carefully pulled the nylons over his smoothly shaven legs and fastened the garters.

“My, but our sissy has pretty legs, doesn’t he girls?” Rhonda taunted, gleefully watching Stella’s cheeks turn crimson. “And I bet they look even better in a pair of nice heels. So why don’t you step into those lovely stilettos, sissy?”

Stella complied, pulling on the slingbacks and adjusting the straps to fit properly. He appeared to wobble slightly as he stood on the precarious heels. The women continued to laugh, taunt, and snap pictures, taking cruel pleasure in Stella’s obvious discomfort.

“Look at our little sissy in his pretty high heels!” Millie said. “Look how they show off those lovely legs. But you know, girls, our little sissy needs to dress properly to be our maid tonight. It wouldn’t do for him to be serving us in his underwear. Our little sissy needs a proper uniform with proper petticoats, doesn’t he?”

“Why, yes, he does!” agreed Veronica. “Sissy boy, you need to show us how you look in your lace petticoats. Come on, sissy, we don’t have all night!”

Stella’s cheeks burned with embarrassment as he pulled the bouncy, puffy petticoats over his head and adjusted them. Then, while the women all laughed and teased, he pulled the dress over his head. He placed his head into the apron’s strap and tied it in a bow behind his back.

“Turn around for us, sissy boy!” Rhonda said. “Show off your pretty outfit. Oh, but you don’t have your makeup on! Girls, let’s give our sissy boy a little help with his makeup.”

They made Stella sit and pulled the makeup case from his bag. “Well look at this!” Rhonda exclaimed. “Our sissy boy has enough makeup for an army of models!” They laughed and took more pictures as they applied foundation.

“You know, my little sissy,” said Veronica, “your skin is so pale it’s almost white. You really need to spend more time in the sunlight. You really need a good foundation.”

She spread the liquid foundation over his face and neck with a sponge, covering all of his pale skin with an ivory shade bordering on beige. This was followed by a heavy application of blush, brilliant violet eye shadow, thick black mascara and eye liner, and a heavy layer of shiny red lipstick. The finishing touch was the lace cap, fastened with hairpins to Stella’s closely-cropped hair.

“Doesn’t he look adorable!” said Millie. “Now run along, sissy, and fetch us all some wine. I want some pink Chablis. Ladies, what are you drinking?”

The girls each made their drink orders, either white or rosé wine, and sent Stella off to fetch them accompanied by a sharp slap in her buttocks. He returned with a tray of wineglasses, each filled with wine. He held the tray in front of each woman individually as each selected her drink.

The women were quite amused with their sissy maid and sent her scurrying back to the kitchen to prepare some snacks. They continued to send her on little errands, such as fetching a tissue or a snack or refilling a glass or fetching a clean glass. And naturally there were spills and crumbs to be promptly attended to.

“Girls,” said Rhonda, “there’s a new partner at our office and he is such a lecher! I swear, he never looks at any part of me but my chest!”

“I know just what you mean,” Veronica replied. “The men in my office are such pigs! And every one of them is convinced that they are God’s gift to women. Honestly, what a bunch of self-absorbed morons!”

“The only thing men are good for is opening jars and auto repair!” said Millie.

“It would serve them all right if they were all put in panties and petticoats like our little sissy,” Holly pontificated.

“Oh don’t say that, Holly!” Rhonda said. “Not all men are wimps like our sissy here. Now a REAL man, with a cute butt and a hard body, who knows how to make a woman feel like a WOMAN…” She left the rest unspoken, but all of the girls nodded in agreement.

“You know who I would love to petticoat?” said Millie. “The new manager! I swear, he thinks he’s so superior just because he has an MBA. Can you imagine HIM in lace panties, running to fetch drinks for lowly data clerks? I’d show HIM a thing or two.”

“Tell it, girl friend!” said Veronica. “Where does he get off, lording it over us just because we don’t have a college diploma? I’ve been with the company for six years now and I think I deserve a promotion. I’m tired of all of these college types getting the fancy offices and the big deal titles.”

“Like that suck-up Gloria?” said Rhonda. “Six months with the company and they make her some kind of operations assistant reporting to the vice president. Don’t tell me it was her college degree that landed her that job. She got that promotion in the sack and you can’t tell me any different.”

Just then there was a knock at the door. Millie said, “Don’t just stand there, sissy, go answer the door!”

“But, Mistress Millie, they’ll see me like this!”

“And your point is, sissy? So what if somebody sees you in your pretty maid’s uniform? They’ll just know that you’re a simpering little sissy and not a real man. I mean, if you were a REAL man, you would never wear a dress and stockings, would you? Now go answer the door before I think I might have to punish you!”

“Yes, Mistress!” said a frightened Stella, who almost tripped trying to run in his high heels.

He opened the door to reveal a tall, muscular, African-American man. His godlike muscles were apparent under the tight tank shirt he was wearing. “Whom shall I say is calling?” Stella asked.

The black man stared at Stella with amused disdain. “Go tell your mistress that the masseur she hired has arrived.”

“Let him in, sissy,” said Millie. “Girls, this is the other surprise I was telling you about. Bruno is a professional masseur and I hired him to give us each a massage.”

Holly was practically undressing Bruno with her eyes. “Well, Millie, when you throw a party you really go all out. Hey, gorgeous, my muscles are really aching, and I bet you have just the thing for me.”

Bruno smiled in a very provocative manner. “Just show me where I can set up my table,” he said, indicating the folding massage table he carried.

“How about right here in the living room?” Millie said. “We have plenty of room. Holly, would you like to go first?”

“Love to!” Holly said. “Sissy, be a dear and help me with my dress.”

“But, mistress…” Stella stammered in embarrassment.

“Oh, don’t be so shy, little sissy. It’s not like I have anything to worry about from you. Now Bruno, well, maybe I SHOULD worry about HIM!” she giggled.

Stella helped Holly with her zipper and she finished undressing in the bedroom. She emerged wearing a robe and lay down on Bruno’s table. Bruno gingerly removed her robe and oiled his hands. “Now just relax and I’ll work all of the kinks out,” he said in a deep, sensual voice.

Holly moaned in pleasure as Bruno ran his strong hands up and down her back in long, slow, dizzyingly sensational strokes. He moved his hands around the small of her back and along her buttocks, wrapping each hand individually around her legs. Holly was lost in a sea of pure physical pleasure.

As he worked on Holly, Sissy helped the other ladies change into their bathrobes. Each took a turn on the table to experience the athletic ministrations of their hard-bodied masseur. And as they lounged in their robes, Stella kept their wineglasses full and snacks close at hand.

Millie was the last to enjoy Bruno’s sensational work. As she rose from the table she summoned Stella to fetch her purse. She pulled out a wad of cash to pay Bruno. He had certainly earned his fee and then some.

“You know, Bruno,” said Millie, “work like yours needs a proper reward, something appropriate for a stud like yourself. Stella, my little sissy, won’t you come here please?”

Stella ran to Millie. “Yes, mistress,” she said.

“My little sissy, Bruno served us admirably tonight. I’ll bet you wish you were a REAL man like Bruno. But you’re not, you’re a little sissy.

“I want to reward Bruno for his service tonight. Bruno deserves a special reward, something only a real man deserves. I think we should reward Bruno with a blowjob. Don’t you think that would be appropriate?”

“Mistress?” Stella asked.

“Yes, my little sissy, I think you should get down on your knees and thank Bruno for making us all feel so good. You would like that, wouldn’t you. You would love to take his real man’s cock into your mouth, wouldn’t you?”

Stella turned to Millie. His frightened and embarrassed expression was now gone. He stared at her with an intensity that was disconcerting and a little bit frightening.

And he smiled.

“No, Millie, I wouldn’t like that. Not one bit. You see, I’m not really a sissy. I just pretended to be one so I could get you and your friends all together in one place.”

Stella’s eyes seemed to grow as he stared. Millie glanced at Bruno and noticed that his eyes also seemed to grow like Stella’s. She began to panic.

Millie wanted to run, to get the pistol she kept in her night stand, but she found that her feet were rooted to the floor. She glanced around and saw her friends were all paralyzed like her. What was happening?

“I can see you’re frightened.” Stella continued. “Good. You ought to be frightened. You see, the whole purpose of this party was to get Bruno and myself in your apartment with a few of your friends so that we could feast.”

Stella’s smile stretched as his lips parted to reveal two long, sharp fangs. His mouth opened as he bit into Millie’s neck. Millie felt the fangs tear at her carotid artery. Her blood flowed out in hot, strong spurts into Stella’s eager mouth. Blood mixed with lipstick on Millie’s neck as Stella drained the fluid from her body. Millie’s vision became dark like a circle closing in on her. She felt very cold.

Then she felt nothing.

Stella finished swallowing Millie’s life blood, licking the remaining drops from his lips. Millie’s lifeless body fell to the floor.

Stella watched as Bruno drained Veronica’s blood. Then he turned his gaze on Holly. “Stand up,” he commanded. Holly had watched in horror as Stella and Bruno sucked the blood from her two friends, and now was terrified that the same fate would fall on her. She wanted to run, but could not. She could only stand in silence and offer her neck to Stella.

“You know,” Stella said, toying with Holly the way a cat plays with its prey, “adrenaline released into the bloodstream imparts a certain bouquet. The blood of a victim who has just learned her fate is decidedly different in taste from the blood of someone who has watched her companion die and could do nothing to stop it. Ah, but it is delicious.”

With that, Stella sank his fangs into Holly and drank her dry.

Holly’s body fell to the floor, drained of the precious fluid needed to sustain life. Stella was sated from the feast. He looked up to see Bruno swallow the last few drops of Rhonda. He picked his head up as Rhonda’s limp body dropped, opened his mouth, and let out a loud belch.

“Bruno!” said Stella in mock disapproval. “Say ‘Excuse me,’ you pig!”

“Excuse me, you pig!” said Bruno, which caused both vampires to convulse with laughter.

“All right,” said Stella, “let’s clean up. We don’t want any competition from new vampires.” They removed several wooden stakes from Stella’s suitcase and drove one through each woman’s heart, then dragged the bodies over to the sliding glass door leading to the balcony.

“That’s good,” said Stella. “The first rays of sunlight ought to hit them here and decompose the bodies. No evidence. I like that.”

“I have to admit, Stella,” said Bruno, “this is probably the sweetest score anybody ever came up with.”

“Yes, Bruno, and as long as there are gullible women out there who believe what they read on the Internet sissy sites, we’ll never go hungry. Say, be a dear and help me out here. How bad did they do my makeup?”

“You look like a refugee from Wigstock, sweetie.”

“Damn, that’s what I was afraid of. Let’s go get changed and we can do each other.”

Bruno went into the bedroom and Stella hit the bathroom where he washed off all of the makeup. He then went into the bedroom. Bruno was wearing black panties and a black bra with forms and was in the process of pulling on pantyhose.. Stella pulled off the apron, the uniform, and the petticoats, but left on the stockings, heels, and underwear. He went into Millie’s closet and pulled out a little red dress.

“I spotted this in her closet when I was waiting for her friends to arrive,” he said. “I don’t think anyone will miss it.”

“You bitch!” said Bruno. “I am so jealous of you, girl, and the way you can fit into those slinky fashions. Me, if it wasn’t for Lane Bryant I’d never find anything that fit.”

“Oh, don’t be such a killjoy. Besides, it matches my lingerie. Anyway, it’s the only halfway decent thing the bitch owned.”

“Oh, for sure, hon. Can you believe their outfits? I don’t think they have a thimbleful of fashion sense between them! Can you get my zipper?”

“Sure, then you can help me with mine.”

“Glad to. Then let’s help each other with our makeup.”

“Happy to help, dear. Makeup sure can be a pain when you don’t cast a reflection.”

The two vampires giggled.

About an hour later, dressed to the nines with perfect makeup and carefully coiffed wigs, they opened the door to the balcony. There was a flash and a puff of smoke, and two bats flew into the night.

 © 2005, Valentina Michelle Smith


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