The Necklace

The Necklace
by shalimar
Dave finds a necklace or did the necklace find Dave?

 © 2001 by shalimar, revised  © 2011

Notes: Except for the necklace all characters are fictional. It is a coincidence if there is any resemblance between these characters and real people. There is graphic sex depicted here. As always, I believe that the sex in the story is part of the story, not porn. However if for emotional, moral, or legal reasons you shouldn't read this story, don't.

It is fattening.

I found a necklace lying on the floor by the Food Court escalator in Roosevelt Field. It had a 1/4" black string that had brass looking clips. The center of the necklace had three pieces of wood as jewelry. The bottom piece of jewelry was a circle about 1 3/4" in diameter and leaving a hole almost an inch wide. It was secured in a slip knot. The second was a disc, about 3/4" wide, and rounded on the sides so it looked like a flying saucer. The third was a ball almost 1" wide. There were some black markings on the wood that I suspect were intentional burn marks. Together the three pieces looked like an upside down female symbol.

I picked it up. I don't know why. After all, I am a guy, 22, 6' 2", 185 with a budding career in computer technology and without a girlfriend at the moment. What was even stranger is that I put it around my neck. I NEEDED to put it around my neck. I had my hamburger and fries in the Food Court and then went to Modell's to get two workout shirts. While I was there I found myself looking at bathing suits. It was a GIRL'S bathing suit that I was trying to figure out if I would like to buy when I realized what I was doing.

I'm not THAT kind of a guy.

Sheepishly, I bought some white and black T-shirts to work out in. While I was on line to pay for my shirts I kept looking at
the bathing suit and wondering if I would look sexy in it.



I drove home to my apartment in Mineola and was greeted by my roommate, Bob.

"Any nice chicks at the mall, Dave?" Bob asked.

"A few," I said as I threw my purchases down on the couch.

And then he saw it.

"What's with the necklace?" Bob asked.

I took a deep breath using my rib muscles instead of my diaphragm and said, "I found it. Do you like it?"

"Yeah, but it's a girl's necklace. You're not a woozy. Are you?" he asked.

"You know me and the girls," Bob, I said. "I can get them. I just don't seem to keep them more than a month or two."

"Well, it makes you look like a fairy. Take it off."

I tried, but couldn't find the clips.

"Hey Bob," I said. "Will you help me? I can't seem to find the clips to take it off."

He went to the back of me and I picked up my hair. What gives? My hair is supposed to be short! It's nearly a crew cut.

"What clips, Dave?" he asked.

"The clips that connect the rope at the end," I told him.

"It's a solid piece of rope," he informed me. "Why don't you pull it over your head?"

I tried, but the string was too short.

"You want me to cut it?" Bob asked as he got the scissors.

That horrified me.

"NO!" I shouted.

"Looks like you're stuck with it, then," he said.

I smiled and looked up into his brown eyes. Up? he's only six foot.

"Please, understand," I pleaded.

I put my hand in Bob's. His hand felt nice. I realized what I did, let go, stamped my foot and started to cry. What's happening to me?

"This can't be happening," I said through the tears.

Bob pulled me onto his shoulder and let me cry. He felt so comforting.

"You'll be alright, babe," Bob told me in a soothing voice. "I know things will turn out just right."

As my tears got less, I realized I had my arms around Bob's neck. His was around the small of my back. I was acting like a girl. He had called me "babe!"

I started balling again.

"I tell you what," he said, picking up my chin as I continued to cry. "I'll take you out for dinner. You don't have to cook for us tonight."

That made me feel better. I know I have to take care of him. It is nice to be pampered once in a while. I dried my tears from my face and started to get ready. I looked at my face. I have no makeup. My clothes look like they belong to a guy. There's no jewelry.


This is so frustrating. The tears again. I got dressed in a nice light blue polo and matching pants. It was the best I could do under the circumstances.

Bob took me out. We ate at Jani's a local Chinese restaurant chain. I ordered my normal, but I only ate a quarter of it. I felt overstuffed. No problem. I need to watch my figure, anyway, and Robert could have a lunch.

Watch my figure?

Why did I call Bob Robert?

'Ignore what your feeling or you will start to cry again,' I told myself.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I said to Robert.

I went to the lady's room, sat down to pee, and wiped my dick. I opened the stall door and washed my hands. As the water started to run on my hands it started from my eyes again. Another woman came in.


There's only the two of us here.

"What's the matter, hon?" The woman asked. "Man trouble?"

"No, I'm just confused. This is not right. I'm supposed to be a man!"

"Men are always like that," she said as if I said something else. "You should have learned that when you were a teenager. Do you love him?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Do you enjoy being with him?"

Again I nodded "yes."

"You like to do the same things?"

"Yes," I added with a smile.

"Does he love you?" she asked.

"Very much."

"Sounds like you have a winner. Keep him, girl."

I gave her a quick hug as I thanked her, then started out of the bathroom.

"Where're you going, honey?" she asked. "You need to fix your makeup."

I turned around.

"Where's your pocketbook?" she asked.

"On the dining room table," I lied. Or did I?

Why would I carry a pocketbook?

"Well," she said. "You look like you use the same colors I do. Let Aunt Monica fix you up."

Quickly she put on some eye shadow, rouge and lipstick on me. That's what I needed before. To look pretty, especially for my Bob.


I got back to the table. Robert had already paid the check. He put his hand on the small of my back and guided me out the restaurant door towards our apartment. We walked a few feet. Robert pulled me around and kissed me. I kissed back as hard as I could. It was wonderful. I leaned into him and felt him getting bigger. I'll have to accommodate him whether I want to or not. I WANT TO!

Hey, I'm not gay.

We walked the two blocks back to our apartment. His arm was around my shoulder. My arm was around his waist. Actually, at the end of our walk my hand was on his butt. I was content.

He opened the door to our apartment and pulled me in. He gave me a kiss that ended up being French. I wrapped my tongue around his as I leaned closer. Below he was big and hard. He put his hand on one of my breasts. It was a great tingle. I pulled him into his bedroom. He took my shirt and T-shirt off as I did the same for him. This time both my breasts were massaged. I was getting hot. I pulled down his pants and started to rub his cock. I pulled on his shaft until he came.

"Why didn't you let me in you tonight?" Bob asked.

"On the rag," I told him through kisses. "You know I don't like it then."

Robert lay down on his bed and I snuggled next to him. I was still happy just to cuddle.

Why did I tell him I was on the rag? How could a guy have a period?

Happily I fell asleep in his arms.

In the morning the alarm rang for us to get to work. I took a quick shower. With no shower cap I made sure my hair didn't get too wet. The sensations on my nipples were stimulating and made me think of Robert.

Robert? Yeah, Robert.

No time for things like that now. We need the money if we are to do anything. Again, no makeup bothered me. Again, dressing in men's clothes made me feel hinky, like a crossdresser. On the way to the LIRR I picked up eye shadow, rouge, lipstick, nail polish, a powder compact and a shower cap at the drug store. I fixed myself up on the train.

The train pulled into Penn Station. Eventually I left the crowd and headed upstairs to the tower above Madison Square Garden, where I work for MSG Network. I did my usual technical computer work for the office staff. It is good work. I get to roam the entire complex including the Garden and do things at my own pace. Although I'm given tasks, I'm my own boss. About 11:30 one of the secretaries asked me if I would join some of the other girls for lunch. I readily agreed.

I don't know why. I'm not one of the girls.

We went to the Amtrak level and I had a yogurt. We talked through most of the lunch hour. It was the normal pleasant conversation we normally have about us, our husbands and boyfriends. Huh? At the end of the lunch hour I announced that I wasn't going back until I went shopping at Macy's. When I asked if anyone wanted to join me, Janet from accounting and Sherry, a VP's secretary agreed. I ended up getting three panty and bra sets, two skirts, two pocketbooks, four knit blouses, a dress, two pair of sneakers, a pair of flats, a pair of three inch heals, three pair of pantyhose, two pair of peds, and two very sexy nighties. When the other girls asked, I told them I just had to throw out all my old wardrobe.

What the Hell am I doing? I ain't no drag queen!

The other girls bought an item or two. They helped me bring my new clothes back to the office.

It was almost time to go home when we returned. I did some work and stayed long enough for Bob to join me from his job uptown. I greeted Robert with a happy hug and kiss. We carried most of my prizes back home that evening. I modeled most of what we brought home while the dinner I made was cooking. The modeling made him horny and me feeling sexy.

Me feeling sexy, not horny?

I started to cry again.

"What's wrong, Susan?" Bob asked me. "You have been like this since yesterday."

"Things are not right," I said. "This is not the way things should be. It's like everything's out of place or there should be a different reality."


"Well, if you love me, you should be happy," Bob replied. "Are those happy tears?"

I don't get it. When I try to talk about this reality change with anyone, they talk as if I said something else. Uurr!

"Yeah, happy tears," I said reluctantly.

But I WAS happy. I love Robert and he loves me. That's why I saved part of my modeling for that night.


As I put on the black negligee I noticed my breasts were fuller, my belly narrower and my hips wider. The only remnant of my maleness was that my prick was smaller and I still had no slit. I didn't have any balls. I knew their feminine equivalent were already inside me. I sashayed over to Bob and sat on his lap. Sexily I put my arms around his neck and kissed him on his lips. I took the remote out of his hand and turned the TV off. I kissed him again.

After retuning my kiss for what seemed forever, he carried me into his bedroom, laid me down on the bed and got on top of me. As he stroked my breasts I helped him off with his shirt and T-shirt. He had already kicked off his shoes. We disengaged and got undressed. He sucked one breast and fondled the other while I explored his male muscles. By the time he switched breasts I was in ecstasy. I felt that his member was as hard as my nipples.

I even sensed that I was wet below. When he went there I felt the beginning of what a girl would be feeling in the crotch at this time. There was still no opening, so I let his dick stoke along my pubic hair. Eventually he came all over me. The amazing part is that I was satisfied. He relieved some of my sexual tensions. After cleaning us up I put on that nightgown again and happily cuddled in with Bob, eventually falling asleep in his strong arms.

I awoke still in Robert's arms. It is nice being held by him. No one else would do. I feel safe with him. SAFE? Yea, safe. Smile. I need to look pretty for him. I need to make his meals. I need to clean for him. I need to be his woman for as long as we both shall live.

A happy though!

I got up, threw a laundry into the washing machine and then took a shower. I wish I had time for a nice long bath. Bath? I don't take baths. I long for one.

After the shower I put on the dusty rose blouse and black skirt I bought yesterday, threw on some makeup and hurried to the station with Robert. At the station I grabbed a plain bagel with nothing on it and just made the train. On the train I could only eat a quarter of the bagel. The conductor checked my monthly pass. He smiled as he also checked my breasts. After I put away my ticket I put my hand around Robert's arm. Disappointed, the conductor kept on going. Arriving thirty minutes after we got on the train, I gave my love a kiss and again made my way up to MSG.

"Wait up, Susan!"

I turned towards the voice. It was Judy, the secretary who invited me along with the other girls, yesterday. She hurried to catch up with me.

"You bought a lot of stuff, yesterday," Judy said. "Anything happening I should know about?"

"No, it's just makeover time," I replied as we walked into the elevator.

Judy seemed a little taller. Or am I a little smaller.

"He still didn't ask you yet?"

Judy's question stung. Why?

"I know he will," I replied. "Give him time."

"How long have you two been living together?" she asked.

"He's not ready to commit, yet." I replied. "You know about guys and commitment."

What am I talking about? I don't know about guys and commitment. What does he have to commit?

"You shouldn't have moved in with him," Judy continued as the elevator doors opened. "He gets a wife without the obligation. Then he can leave you alone without anything. I've seen it before. I just don't want you to get hurt, Susan."

We walked over to her desk.

"I know Robert," I told her. "He wouldn't do that to me. He loves me too much."

Oh, the big "M".

"Then why haven't I been invited to a wedding?"

I started to cry. Judy was right. We should be married.


I'm still a man. At least I still have my peter.

She held me and said, "I'm sorry. I should know better than to broach a touchy subject."

"It's okay. Maybe I have to force the issue," I sniffled.

How can I be his wife? I'm a man.

Or AM I?

"Sue, are you going to join us for lunch?" asked Judy.

"Sure why not?" I replied. "You know me. I'm always with you unless I can't stop working."

I'm always with them? Yea, why not?

"Are you shopped out?" she asked.

"No, I need a few more things. Want to join me?" I asked.

"Hopefully, but I don't think I can," replied Judy.

"See you at noon, then," I said leaving for my work.

I did my work, which for some reason allowed me to finish by 11:45. I took the elevator to where Judy worked, and talked to her before the other girls go there. This time I ate a salad and found out that Nicole in accounting just broke up with her boyfriend. She asked me if Robert had a friend. I told her I would ask him. Then we found out my assistant, Cynthia had major marital problems. I told Cynthia that she could lean on me during the crisis while I held her hand. Cynthia and I went to Sak's after lunch because we had nothing to do immediately after lunch. It was good therapy for Cynthia. She bought a very sexy dress.

I went crazy again. A white dressy dress that showed my cleavage well, three blouses, four halter tops, three pair of sexy jeans, one long skirt, one very short skirt (for Bob's eyes only), one very sexy slacks, two pair of short shorts, three panty and bra sets, stockings, and a cute pair of shoes with two inch heals were my prizes. The two of us just managed to get them back to work. When we got back we did some last minute work that we had. It was good that we did. I had to wait for Robert and Cynthia didn't want to face her husband.

While we worked I asked Cynthia, "Are you thinking of leaving your husband?"

"I don't want to take that step, yet," she answered.

"There's hope, then," I said.

"I'm not sure," she sighed. "Part of me still wants us to work it out, but part of me believes that I am beating my head against the wall."

"How does he feel about it?"

"He thinks everything is okay, but I don't know that he loves me anymore,"
Cynthia explained. "When I don't come home to an empty house, I come home to a man who won't talk to me. The rare times he does talk to me he manages to upset me."

"Have you tried marriage counselors?"

"He won't go," Cynthia said sadly.

"It doesn't sound good," I remarked.

"But where would I go? What would I do?" she asked.

"I'll try to help, somehow," I said.

"I know. You're always like that," Cynthia said putting her hand on my arm.

I am?

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," I replied. "You got my number?"

"I think so, but give it to me just in case."

After I gave Cynthia my number my cell phone rang. Robert told me that he had just arrived and wanted to come up. I gave him my location and Cynthia and I finished our work.

Robert came in a few minutes later and asked, "You about done?"

I got out of my chair and gave Robert the warmest hug and kiss. I then told him, "Relax, honey. We'll be finished in about five minutes."

I saw that Cynthia was crying. It was obvious to me that our talk and the normal affection between Bob and me had hurt her. Holding her felt right and strange at the same time.

"Would you mind if Cynthia came home with us tonight?" I asked Bob. "Right now she needs our support."

"Well," he said, disappointed. "There was something special I wanted to discuss with you, but I think it can wait a day."

"I couldn't," Cynthia protested.

"Nonsense," I said putting my foot down. "You're coming with us, and that's final."


"But what?" I asked. "Let your fool of a husband fend for himself tonight, IF he comes home. This way you will be with friends. It's not like your sleeping on the couch. I got a bed that's not going to be used. We'll share dinner. That way you'll feel better in the morning."

"I can't go in tomorrow with the same clothes," she told me.

"You're about my size," I told her. "You can return my clothes in a day or two and pay me back for my bra and panties."

"I still don't know."

"Maybe I should order you to," I demanded. "I don't need an assistant moping around tomorrow."

"Yes, mam!" she replied, saluting me.

We giggled. Just like I promised, the three of us were out the door in a few minutes carrying Cynthia's and my purchases. Robert and I waited while Cynthia purchased her train tickets. The three of us sat in one of the foursome seats that are at the doors of the car. I leaned on Robert and held Cynthia's hand as we traveled. Although it was a sad one, Cynthia had a smile. When we got to our apartment, Cynthia and I made dinner, while Robert put my things in our room.

"He is so thoughtful," I told Cynthia.

"Huh? Oh, yea. John was like that at the beginning," Cynthia said. "I wish I knew what went wrong."

"Maybe Bob could talk to John," I suggested. "It cant hurt. It looks like you are headed for the worst case scenario anyway."

She didn't say anything.

"Does he still love you?"

Why did I ask that again?

"No," she was surprised at her answer.

"Do you still love him?"

"I don't know," she sighed. "After all these years it feels like I've failed."

"How long is it?"

"Five years married and another five before. I don't want to start over."

"Is that the only reason you're with him?"

Cynthia thought for what seemed like an eternity and then told me , "Yes, it's just that I'm afraid."

"Are you ready to face your fears?" I asked. "You know I'll be there for you."

"I'm not sure. I think so."

"Then I'll ask the super if there is an apartment available for you."

That evening Cynthia slept in what was my bed while I snuggled close to my Robert. We had sex again. My pecker was hanging down in an unnatural angle apparently ready to be turned inside out. It also appeared to be smaller.

There was no way I was ever going to stand to pee again. Also my breasts were a little larger. My hips were wider while my tummy was narrower. I was beginning to look pretty, even to myself. I know I look great to my Bob.

MY BOB. Yea. I belong to him as much as he belongs to me.

Getting out in the morning was a little more difficult because of Cynthia. When the three of us finally got out of the apartment we ran into the super.

"Hi, Fred," I said. "This is Cynthia. She is a friend of mine and coworker, and she needs an apartment. You got anything available?"

"Funny you should mention it, Susan," Fred said. "The Shapiro's up in 3G have just told me they are moving into a house down the road and need someone to sublet. I could show it to you, now, if you like."

"Honey, you go ahead to work," I said as I gave Bob a hug and kiss. "Us gals can afford to be a little late."

Us gals? Yeah, us gals.

Bob gave me a hug and kiss that made me wish we didn't have to separate and then headed for the train. Fred took us to the Shapiro's one bedroom apartment. After hemming and hawing, and a little push from me, Cynthia decided to move in. Fred said that if all goes well that it would be available by the end of the month. Cynthia seemed a little sad and greatly relieved at the prospect of moving as we went to work. Cynthia and I finished our work in time to join the other ladies for lunch. It seems that I only started being with them. I don't know why I would not usually be with them before. I like them, and enjoy being with them. Why shouldn't I be one of the girls? We usually have a good time together. The talk is great. Maybe I'm just imagining not being with them before. Today, after lunch, I bought some bath wash and perfume. I want to smell nice for my Robert.

As usual, Bob picked me up at work. We headed home where I made a special dinner for him. Although I was still on the rag, I felt sexy. That is strange. The combination is very unusual. Most of the time I have my period I don't even want to think of sex. Why this time? When I finished making dinner I put on the sexy black dress I bought. Near the end of the meal I moved my foot up his pant leg. It is so easy to get my guy horny. I just show him I'm interested. Sometimes I don't even need to do that much. We went to bed early that night. He still came on the outside, but his finger was able to enter me about a half an inch. My vagina is beginning to form properly. Maybe it will be complete by tomorrow. I hope so. That's a great thought. Becoming his wife would be even better.

On the train the next morning I snuggled close to Robert. When we got to Penn Station I gave him hugs and kisses that said I didn't want to let him go. I didn't. But we need the money for a house. Maybe even a wedding. I hope. That would be nice, me going down the isle about to be Mrs. Robert Christian. Mom would be so happy to finally have her daughter married. I think it is time I dropped Bob a hint.

Up at the MSG elevators I ran into Cynthia and Judy. They were talking about what happened with Cynthia the night before.

"We had a fight again," Cynthia said, filling me in. "It was a bad one. Near the end of it, I told John I'm leaving. He stormed out of the house and hadn't come back when I left this morning."

"Did you try calling him?" I asked.

"Why?" Cynthia responded.

"So it's over," I said sadly.

"Except for how we split things," Cynthia said.

She seemed a little happier, yet there was still that sadness about her.

"How are you doing?" I asked as we left the elevator.

"I'll be alright," she told us. "But I need a hug now."

Judy and I gave her a hug. Cynthia cried. An hour later, Ken, my boss, came out and saw Judy and me hugging Cynthia. When he found out why, he gave us his sympathies and told us that most of the work could wait. He also asked us to speak to him about priorities later that day to make sure the important work got done first. Again, Cynthia and I finished enough work to have lunch with the girls. Other than Judy and me mothering Cynthia, we had a good time. This time I couldn't do any shopping. Cynthia and I had too much work to do. Robert had to wait almost an hour for me to finish. I insisted that Cynthia call me when she got home before the three of us left MSG.

"Robert, promise you'll never leave me," I said as I cuddled close to him on the train.

I needed the reassurance.

"As long as I'm alive, you will be with me even when you're away from me," he replied tenderly.

"Even after we're married?" I asked.

"Even after we're married," Robert assured me.

"Is that a proposal?"

"No," Robert said. "I want to do it more formal. That is what I wanted to talk to you about Tuesday."

"Well, you can do it better this weekend, but as far as I'm concerned, we're already engaged." I said giving him a big hug and kiss.

I had happy tears the rest of the ride to Mineola. When we arrived home I made dinner for us and set the table for a candlelight meal. I then dressed in the sexy white dress that showed a lot of cleavage. Robert had proposed to me and I wanted to thank him the best way I could.

After I served, and before we ate, Robert went down on one knee, held my hands and said, "Susan Roland, I ask you to honor me by taking my hand in marriage and be my wife."

I went down on both knees and said, "Yes, oh, yes I'll marry you, Robert Christian."

We kissed and embraced long enough for the dinner to get cold. This was one time I wouldn't care about that.

That night we had sex the normal way. He was in me completely. I felt the earthquakes in me hit several times before he exploded his cum. I knew I was complete in every way. After we finished the sex, as I lay there held in Robert's arms, I played with my necklace for the first time since the day I found it. I found the clips, but didn't take the necklace off.

The next thing I knew the alarm announced it was morning. We hurried to the train. When I arrived at the MSG elevators I was greeted by several of the other girls. They saw my "cat ate the canary smile" and knew something was up. I couldn't keep our engagement a secret. By the time we had lunch everyone had congratulated me. I mean everyone. Ken, my boss, came over to congratulate me. His boss and her boss did the same. Even our esteemed company president called me into his office to congratulate me.

At lunch I had to tell everyone about how Robert had sort of proposed to me on the train and then made it formal that evening. It was a happy task. At the bank, for it was payday, I noticed that I didn't have the necklace on. I looked everywhere for it, retracing my steps as best as I could. I went to the Amtrak, LIRR, and MSG lost and found with no luck. I had that necklace for a wonderful week.

A week that changed my life.

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