Audience Rating:
Character Age:
TG Elements:
TG Themes:
Not Chuck, never Chuck, not Chucky Not Charles in Charge either and definitely, definitely not Charlotte.
I’ve hated being Charlotte ever since I was four, yeah four when my cousins showed me what I’d never have. How he was better than me because I was just a girl. I beat him up, smacked him with my GI-JOE twelve inch action figure. (It was Snake eyes, because he always kicks ass.) I got into trouble but that day didn’t just stick with me. It was just the first crack in my wall.
The first chip off the pink paint.
I smile at the feel of my muscles moving under my LA King’s jersey as I pick up some boxes out of the back of the moving van and carry them into the house. Dad just looks at me and I shrug try to give him a grin but it’s still hard. He’s wigged out that I’m choosing to become a guy. But I’m not really choosing it. You don’t choose to be transgendered, you don’t know matter what some people think, and some girls think it me joining this winning side thing. My sister Libby says that, calls me dyke, and a freak and she refuses to talk to me. And she’s my little sister. My brother Jeff’s the same way, a year older than me and he thinks I’m a lesbian too, says that no matter what I’m never ever gonna be a real guy. Y’know even some T-girls at the LGBT meetings have accused me of that kind of thing too. I really hate them for that.
There’s a really good chance that I’ll never really have a relationship. I’m into girls, I’m pretty sure I am. But you know that sexually my chances of being normal are pretty f-ed up? Oh I know T-girls have all sorts of surgical stuff that can go wrong too but there’s really good odds that I’m not going to get to be really as serviceable. I get to look forward to being almost a freaky lesbian who gets to pee standing up.
This is a pretty consistent thing for us the attitude, getting this much shit about it from our families. Mom and dad are actually divorced over this because she was so offended by me wanting to fix what wasn’t right it was some personal attack on her. She beat me up when she found out that I had been taking T from off the internet and she kept yelling at me that I shouldn’t be crying, that I should take it like a man over and over even when she took out one of her personal “toys” and said all I needed was a good fucking to “Put Me Straight” I was thirteen when she raped me with her vibe, then sodomised me saying that I was going to be a fag and again that I should “take it like a man.”
The cops locked her away in the nutbar hotel and her lawyer and the f-ing judge agreed that she’d been unable to measure her responses by reason of mental defect. Then she tried to have me committed before I ended up mutilating myself.
So you know when people think that it’s me trading up, that’s a crock. It’s I have to be who I really am or I’ll probably kill myself. Just what am I trading up for? It’s not as easy as people think. Don’t shave, take some hormones, act macho, dress in guys clothes. The clothes are easier, you don’t got to know as many social things and behaviors.
So it just easy to give another guy a proper handshake, or know what to do when someone stares you down. How do you stare back? What do you do when four guys are walking down the street at you/ Move out of the way, move through them, say excuse me, back off and let them pass then keep going? Will they look at me like a punk? What will I do that I don’t look like a homosexual…not that there’s anything wrong with that but I’m not gay or swishy and don’t want to come across like that. There’s just as many things you’ve got to learn because you have to. Guy’s judge and women judge you too and honestly…I’m NOT A Lesbian! I don’t want a Lesbian girlfriend! I’ll gladly be friends with one but I want a straight girl for my girlfriend.
Sorry…shit…sorry… It’s the meds, honestly it is. It’s not just being on T and the rest of the stuff I’m on. Basically I’m sort of being put on menopause and stuff before they’ll yank out all the crap I was born with that I don’t need….or want.
And you know moving to a new town. Dad’s trying, Ashley my step mom is trying and she’s actually pretty good about it. My sister blames this on me too and my brother’s not as pissed but says he’s moving out as soon as he’s able to.
As much as everything sucks I do get a few moments of peace and of clarity. I hauled stuff all day then I mowed the lawn and then moved into the last of my stuff into my room and sat outside my window on the roof of the porch watching the waves coming in off of the pacific ocean. I breathe in the salty breeze and close my eyes and enjoy the pulsing soreness in my body. This male feeling for as long as I can. It can’t last long enough, I get up once it’s dark and go into my room and take a shower.
As much as you read about T-girls that hate they’re bodies in scenes just like this. I’ve got the same problem. My skin’s too soft, that fine layer of girl fat that makes them soft just won’t go away. I hate the smoothness, the jiggling mounds on my chest that just keep getting bigger that void between my legs feels like it’s a hole all the way to my heart. I try not to look, I try to turn my mind off of it even with using guys body washes, not shaving anywhere and using these scratchy towels it’s a pain filled reminder of things.
I move some of my moving boxes around and make up my bed. I dress totally up even sleeping, Even a Speedo stuffed with a sock sewed up and two small bean bags…It helps me sleep my fake manhood to close my legs and feel it there, to roll over and feel the shape and pressure under me while sleeping.
I get ready and lay in bed trying to get some sleep and end up watching “Pump Up The Volume.” with Christian Slater or most of it before falling asleep. It’s another night of fitful sleep and bad dreams before my alarms clock buzzes at 5:20 and I head down and cross the street/highway with my board and hit the beach and paddle out.
I like surfing, it does something for my soul. I don’t think about what I am or even who I am when I’m out here or catching a wave. It’s not a bad morning and there’s just us types that’d be out here every day. Just four foot waves with a gentle roll to them, nothing flashy but I like that. You get killer surf in this area the posers come out of the woodwork and come to show off. Us real surfers, we come out every day, even flatness there’s some of us that’ll be out here drifting and bouncing on the water. Just to be away from life’s bullshit on land.
I get home and shower again and get dressed…What the hell should I wear. I can smell Libby’s cloud of cosmetic gasses drifting in from her bathroom on the other side of mine. I first get my guy part set in right and pull my boxers over that and tie the drawstring tight. The last thing I need is to get pants’ed at school being the new guy. Sport’s bra without the seams is next then a Black Lycra surfer’s tight t-shirt and a red plaid shirt over that and a black hoody. I’m a skater too, it helps to be. I can look grunge and pass a lot easier until I can do something about it finally. Black calf high cut fatigues and army boots along with my heavy diver’s watch and my I-pod. I use an extra little bit of axe body spray on my closes and head down skate board in hand to get some breakfast.
My brother rolls his eyes at my and mumbles and Libby looks already like she’s going to throw a fit. Like I said she doesn’t just hate me but she’s embraced all things girly in order to compensate for me. It’s like she thinks I’m contagious. I thump shoulders with dad as I come in the kitchen and he looks better than usual like he’s actually had some sleep and his second cup of coffee. Ashley’s good for him, good for all of us compared to my real mom. She’s got breakfast ready and she used it as an excuse to make us all BLT’s for our lunches. I make a taco out of some scrambled eggs and about a dozen strips of bacon and dump some salsa on it from the fridge. I make myself a protein shake and take my meds. Libby shudders and makes faces at my through the whole process.
Jeff takes off without us or offering us a ride in his car this old POS Cuda he’s been wrecking as much as he’s been restoring it. I could give him a hand, I’m a better mechanic that him but he’s repeatedly said he’d torch it first. Of course this sets Libby off because now she’ll have to take the bus like some loser and me. I grab my backpack, my doctors stuff about my condition and my transfer stuff take off on my Skateboard, well Roadboard really there’s different kinds of Skate boards and stuff just like anything else. This one’s not made for tricks as much as actually using it to get back and forth.
I’m actually in a decent mood when I get to Santa Monica high school and start to head up the steps getting lost in the crowd of students so far so good just some random guy.
I really hope it stays that way.
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Kudos for displaying the other side!
Kudos for displaying the other side. This is kind of a reversal story of many m2f TG stories. Not an abusive father, but a psycho mother. An overcompensating sister and a confused brother. A father who doesn't know how to deal with his daughter/son beeing transgendered.
I always figured f2m transsexuals had it easier to emulate general appearence. That testosterone and growth hormones would do the job, regardless of age. Cut the boobs of take some T-pills and get a male appearence. I guess I was utterly missinformed.
The genitalia can't be reconstructed that well with women I think. I mean how do you want to build the spongy body of the penis. I read sometime that the doctors tend to dissadvice against SRS with Transmen since it can only create a very dissappointing replica of the real thing.
Socially they have a hard time too. I mean he doesn't want to have a lesbian relationship, if they'd even take him and not call him a gender-traitor. A straight women probably wants a penis in her pussy and he won't ever be able to give it to her.
Since he probably has a pretty easy time to pass, he'll be easily accepted by men - as long as he's in the closet. I don't know how most born-men accept Transmen (since I never had such a situation), but I guess better than they'd take butch women.
Since this is marked as a series I can't wait for the next chapter. I hope I didn't piss off someone with my musings, which are mostly due to my lack of information on that subject.
Thank you for writing this very interesting story,
I heard a comment someone
had once made about how the MTF set had it easier. Take some T. Wear some baggy clothes stop shaving. I needed to show that the hurt for any TG person is just as deep and painful as anyone elses.
I'm not sure where this'll go but It's something new for me to try as well.
Bailey Summers
Because the ratio of MTF is so much higher than FTM, we don't get to see that side that often, and we have a hard time realizing that the anguish is just as difficult to experience from that side. The ordeal of the surgery is much more severe, and I have a feeling that the physical results do not quite have the same level of success as a MTF might experience. Still the fact that so many of us are willing to go through the experience either way says just how important it is for us to do it.
Excellent, Bailey.
I kind of thought about that
stuff too and I'm going to have to get some research done for this to have some more reality to it.
Bailey Summers
It can't be easy
First, a double mastectomy. This means breast tissue that goes all the way around to the back has to be removed. The nipples, probably too large and areolae have to be repositioned, and excess skin has to be removed. Then there is a total hysterectomy: ovaries, uterus, vagina, cervix and related tissue. Then there's the issue of constructing a penis and extending the urethra into the constructed penis. Many do not opt for that. The whole thing is drastic. Then there are the effects of T: hot flashes, acne, voice changing (which is not always that good as far as the results are), body hair (probably desired), weight gain, etc. It can't be easy.
I know a bit
about all of this stuff and really you'd have to be really, really driven to go through with all of that for less than great results the majority of the time.
Bailey Summers
Is actually false, it's just transmen are less likely to be shown in the limelight because even with accepting physicians it's still seen as taboo for a "woman" who is rising to the status of a man. Rather than for a "man" lowering himself to the status of hte woman. Now please note I do not believe in this (you will rarely hear me say this word) bullshit at all mew but that's exactly what it is. This story is incredibly heart wrenching for being so short, it reminded me of this guy I knew Chris, and all the struggles he's going through... I should call him...
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
I was kind of thinking
that there might be some of that going on. Probably more than some and I might actually try to touch on some of that too.
Bailey Summers
You've really managed to get inside this guy's mind. And as someone who's attempted one FtM story and has another in the works I know how hard this is. It's like the psychic equivalent of vaginoplasty or something- taking your feelings, your social and body-image issues, flipping them inside out (if that works as any kind of metaphor) and hoping you come up with something that does credit to what a transman feels (although to generalize about them might be dangerous, there's probably as wide a spectrum of attitudes with FtM's as there is with MtF's, and some that eschew the macho stereotypes, figuring that not turning themselves into some knuckle dragging caricature doesn't make them any less male ...... but I'm just a girl, tee hee, what do I know?). Maintaining that "inverted view" was exhausting for me, I had to listen to a lot of ugly headbanger music while I wrote it, and kept my story short. I can't say for sure but yours sure sounded authentic to me; helped me empathize with this brother's situation. His uncertainties about how to navigate the male subculture, with its strange intimidation games and subtext of violence, a new realm for him. His horror at having a vagina "like a hole all the way to my heart". What a powerful, disturbing image!
~quick non-gay grunting manly back-pounding hugs,
VeronicaRon DudeWell shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I'd like to say that
all the out of the box stuff is the result of lots of years of role-playing games. I often insert myself into a story and characters like role-play situations. Hence why some character actions don't really dove tail all the time with others. So It's kinda like practicing before I got into writing anyway. I'm glad that line struck home though about Charlie's vagina. It took me awhile to find the words for how psychological a hurt that would be.
~Very quickly pat-pat returning the hug thing err...uhmmm...dude.~
Somehow a Veronica hug would be better though.
Bailey Summers
an interesting start
family can be a joy or a real pain in the but.
Family is an S&M thing.
You love them, most people love them but they are the cause of so much pain too either small scale or large.
I just feel sorry for those that go too far.
Nobody deserves to have PTSD from their childhood but sadly so many do.
Thanks for reading and commenting.
Bailey Summers
One Thing,
That always stuck me about transmen was, if they were sure they were trans, it was so easy to tell that they were guys. I haven't met that many, but they were diverse, reserved or extroverted, macho or calm, they are men. Actually, they usually impressed me a lot; here was this person who didn't always have much T or hadn't even started, and they acted so male that it was obvious. I often thought "how can they do that? I tried really hard to do that and I couldn't. How can it be so easy for them?" At least I felt that way for the first few I met. I knew the answers, factually; it was just a fleeting feeling.
I also met some who weren't sure what they were going to do. One guy struck me funny. He (I guess, at least by now) had a good guy look, for one not on T. Kind of short, but they can't help that, short hair, breasts not obvious, guys clothes, but what was funny is that he hadn't given up shaving his legs. I thought that would be easy. If he had to present both ways, maybe having hairy legs as a girl was stressed very strongly as something terrible... a family or an ethnic cultural thing?
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Hey I'm not sure either
but there's some guys there who you aren't really into having body hair either. It's more than just Body builders, Swimmers or Surfers but there's also the issue for some of getting ingrown hairs when they stop shaving. I know Two FTM boys and one is so much a guy that she's actually a guy who a lot of people want to hang out with and the other is almost a clone of her dad only slightly feminized. Both in the same town, even went to school together. It must be something in the water.
Glad you read this and commented.
Bailey Summers
Society runs deep
Even genetic men who do this, don't tell anyone if they aren't the aforementioned because I'd venture to say 90% of male society is extremely sexually insecure, especially when it comes to their sexuality. Why?
Because society is so hardened in us that sometimes we forget things. Like how you referred to your two friends with female pronouns (not saying anything about it just explaining my point mew after all I don't know the story, maybe they prefer female pronouns still?)
Then the part about transgirls telling him those things... I've seen that, I've seen other transsexuals, transsexual "purists" are what I call them. If you don't embody the male or female stereotype, then you aren't really a girl or a boy like you say you are. Honestly I do not get along very well with these kinds of people mew. We have no right to tell someone what their gender is, it is for them to find out, and to know. About 75% or more genetic women don't act like a lot of these kinds of people, but as long as they act stereotypical enough they figure they wont have any problems, and that makes them "more woman" or "more man." If you ask me though, why would I go from one gender box to the other? Why cant I live my life as a young woman on MY terms, just like every other girl does? Or in the case of transmen, every boy. Anyway mew, I eagerly await the next installment and thank you for this story that needed to be told mew ^^
PS: Sorry my thoughts are so scatterbrained, it's 4 am but I just HAD to comment...
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Honestly my Pronoun slip
was hardwired. These young guys aren't out yet and I'm sure one of them knows their TG but the other one the clone of their day doesn't and I've seen them struggle a lot since being a teenager. It's hard to watch them struggle through things. I'm glad that you liked this story and love that you commented.
Bailey Summers
a good look into the struggles of a female to male ts. Well done.
Just had to be written.
It was just one of those things. I had to write something like this, I've wanted to for awhile now and Sunny in Super secret life just wasn't fitting the pain of the situation, plus Sunny Isn't TG she's transforming into someone/something else.
That's for reading Dorothy and commenting.
Bailey Summers
I appreciate you telling the other side of the TG story
A lot of stories/comments on this site implicitly/explicitly state that female is better than male. If a story has a cross-dresser protagonist they want him to go all the way and become a girl. They forget that men who cross dress are MEN and happy to be MEN. They dress to let their inner girl out and are comfortable with themselves.
I wonder, honestly I do, how many people who read this story don't like it because it portrays a girl who can't wait to get rid of all the trappings of her birth sex? I'm quite happy that all the comments are positive. I think you have a fantastic start here, and want to read more about his journey.
I just hope some people realize that being female isn't the be-all end-all if you have a male brain. Same as being male isn't if you have a female brain. It works both ways, not that one is better than the other...its all in the person's perception.
I do Wonder how many got offended
by the subject matter in this. I wasn't intending to inflame anyone but to get the subject to talking and up and running and it's been doing that. I'm lucky in the comments have been positive and everything but I'd welcome any opinion to be posted here in the comments section.
And you might have given me another Idea too.
Thanks for reading and commenting.
Bailey Summers
To be trapped in the wrong body must hurt, MtF or Ft M
Just the female to male is less common and thus we know less of the reasons, the stresses, the pain, the actually surgeries involved, the ups and downs of it.
A brave attempt to do this. My heart goes out to anyone who's soul and mind do not match their body. It must be a bit like living in your own personal, portable hell. All depends on the severity of the mismatch and some can bear it better than others for whatever reason but it is a sad thing.
Good luck with this, Bailey.
It is only a guess and most likely is not anywhere near a *universal truth* but I would guess much of the hatred men show to M to F transsexuals is that they are deigning their birthright and making a mockery of their fathers dreams or so some might argue. Just as F to M are abandoning their womanhood and betraying their mothers? Not at all true but some might see it that way.
Just a trial balloon. Please feel free to shoot it down.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
No shooting here.
I honestly think that what you said is a part of it with some families depending I'd have to say on the culture they grew up and believe in. I think there's so many factors to consider but there's a personal hell for almost any transgendered person.
I'm so glad that you read and enjoyed this enough to comment John, you usually provoke me to thinking when you do so another thanks for that.
Bailey Summers, New Brunswick, Canada.
Bailey Summers
It is only a guess and most
I think most guys don't understand how someone would cut off his dick and give up the possibility to procreate. In most cultures a guy who is sterile is no real man. If I remember correctly, Kings were forcefully abdicated for infertility.
It is not really astounding imho that most guys won't understand how someone would give that up. It is just utterly alien and freaky.
I guess it is even worse in cultures which have a very strong patriachical structure. Someone beeing transgendered indicates a failure of the father and of the whole family. A girl wanting to be a guy would be understandable but still freaky and not accepted.
In the end I think both women and men tend to believe their subculture is superior to the other one. Someone beeing transgendered is seen as treason and a diminishment of the whole gender.
I guess I don't write anything new... But people tend to be agressive towards people who step out of line in unusual aspects. I guess the problem most people have with transgendered people is that it hits two aspects at once. Genderroles and Fertility. While giving up or not having each as a sole might be accepted by the majority, both together is the big NoNO.
I guess for F2M transsexuals it might be even worse. A women can do about everything a man does in the modern world. Transitioning will probably seen as treason to the feminist cause. A F2M transsexual might actually expect less understand and/or support from females than a M2F TG from guys.
I wonder if that is the reason that there are less F2Ms than M2Fs...
Please correct me if I'm wrong!
I guess my only thing to add
is I have no clue except in the sense of the "Western" cultural ideals. I've a sneaky feeling they might not be well received in other cultures even less than our own most likely. What I do know that in our culture and even in the odder off shoots it seems that like the old saying really does go. "The nail that sticks out from the rest is going to get hammered." A fine example is the LGB little t syndrome that I've seen happen.
Bailey Summers
Seriously, someone visiting a site like this getting offended by female 2 male stuff would be rather hypocritical. When I visited this site first I was a bit freaked about the female superiority stuff going on sometimes. Then I learned of fictionmania and well...
Still, the female supremacy stuff is quite strange. If I was a f2m TG, I'd probably be freaked out. I guess most people here don't really believe in the female = better stuff that some stories might indicate.
Well... I obviously don't believe in it and just stopped reading stuff like that. I just don't like reading other peoples power fantasies.
Thank you for writing this, because it gives people the perspective of the other side.
My take...
What I find is that it is a complex web of issues for both ‘directions’. Now, I do not espouse the idea of either (or any) gender being superior, and I get extremely pissed off by the wave of sentiments that creep out about how girls are ‘better’. I am not female because it is superior, I am female because of tautology. I am because I am.
I saw a female to male person in a Kent town years ago. He was cursed, genetically, by being short with wide hips, just as I am cursed with delights such as early-onset male-pattern baldness. That is life. Given a choice between living as an ugly woman or existing as a ‘normal’ man, I see no choice. What does give me pause, often, is a truth half-glimpsed by certain horrendously bigoted feminists, that m2f women reinforce gender stereotypes.
That is a minefield, but one with some simple explanations. Transwomen want to be accepted as women, that’s a given. One route to acceptance is conformity, and that tends to drift into stereotypical dress and behaviour. I live and work in flats, but I love a nice shoe with a nice heel. Many transwomen will immediately head for the shoe shop to be ‘feminine’, along with other behaviours that can be condemned as reinforcing patriarchy. But those actions are part of the effort to ‘pass’, to gain acceptance, so pardon me if a little conflict slips into women’s souls. To be accepted, you need to present as a woman. If you are built like a man, you have to emphasise things
I could go on about how men and women feel betrayed by the whole transgender thing, but that would take pages. All I will add is about crossdressers.
There have been a number of comments/complaints here about folk looking down on CDs, and there is a comment above this one about how readers expect any CD in a story to go the ‘rest of the way’. Now, I am somebody who does not get crossdressing. I know why it is done, either for sexual thrills or simply because it feels nice in one way or another, but surely a site like this should have readers who understand the deep divide between gender and sexuality. There is nothing wrong with a CD; it is just, in my case, that it doesn’t connect with me and my own situation.
I agree with you there
there is a lot of overcompensation to fit in with your gender identity. I honestly think either one who harps about that with a TG person of anysort just actually doesn't have a life. People in general when they're comfortable don't generally dress up nicely. Transvestites maybe but that's a different thing. Like you I get it and don't and both genders are guilty of it.
I work graveyard at a hospital and there's some prime examples. I've seen women come in either sick themselves or with a kid in the late morning hours in her sweater and pjamma bottoms. But then there's the ones that show up "right out of bed" dressed to the nines and in full make up. It makes not a lick of sense to look like that to sit before a nurse who'll put you in a paper gown. It's those types of people that'll take the time to nit pick over someones look. I've had the male version too the one that wears so much axe or some other body spray it burns the eyes and he's in the nice jeans, pricey Jacket.
It's these insecure asshats that make the rest of us miserable no matter the Gender Identity.
I'll say this. One of the best looking girls I've ever known was transgendered until she looked great in tore up paint stained sweat pants and a beer t-shirt with her wool socks fall off of my feet with no make up.
It should always be Who and not what.
Thanks so much for reading and commenting.
Bailey Summers
the inverse
Kudos for trying this. I'll admit I've thought on it a few times but I really doubt I could do it justice, because I don't quite get it. I mean it's the same thing, more or less, right? Just going the other way? Well yes and no. There's all sorts of subtle social and sexual and personal dynamic stuff that goes into all this sort of thing. Individual physicality and how that is seen by others in the 'chosen' role. I get it...sorta, but it is still a big jump from intellectual to emotional. So not too far from the whole wider perception thing in some ways.
Superiority? Hah, does that even enter into anyones thoughts? Really? There may be some that subconsciously play with that idea but I doubt it's a bigee. It's difference. So in that sense Yeah I get it, but still....
Nice shot Bailey, I stand and applaud the effort even if I wonder if you quite get there. I know I would struggle.. and do. But hell, it is worth trying, so thanks.
I do think there are some
Superior people out there we see them in the extremes though. I'm a partial feminist, I believe in equality and chivalry, to respect a woman is being chivalrous to her. I think Femdom stories are a power trip hurting other people genre and are disturbing on many levels.
However it's 2011.
Too many people see a strong I'm not taking you Bull shit woman as a bitch.
She is?
Fine by me. It's equal rights.
After all we men have had thousands of years to get being an asshole to perfection.
I think we all should draw the line though when the hurting of someone keeps going on and on.
I'm outside the dynamic of it and maybe that's why I'm able to place myself in that position or try too.
Thanks for reading the story and here at the comments and for commenting yourself.
It means a lot.
Bailey Summers
Brilliant FtM story.
If my word's not enough, observe the fact that almost 80% (and still increasing) of the page height is comments! ^_^
Thank you Mr. Sexy LOL Cat Girl:)
I was rather pleased the way that it's turned out and the chapters since. I love the comments and the fact that it brought out such a response. But The newness is wearing off and it's dropping back off to series numbers in the later chapters but still getting great read counts.
Thank you so much for reading and commenting but most of all enjoying this story.
*Huggles Back*
Bailey Summers
No probs! :)
Mr Sexy LOLcatgirl? That has quite a nice ring to it, actually. I'm curious as to what made you think of it though. = )
LOL Cats:)
I thought it'd fit with you:)
Bailey Summers