Rebirth Part 4

Life is never easy when you wake up in the body of 16 year old girl, and discover that not only do you have her memories but her feelings also.

Rebirth Part 4  

By Cain129
Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!

Synopsis:Life is never easy when you wake up in the body of 16 year old girl, and discover that not only do you have her memories but her feelings also.


[Chapter 10




It was around 2 pm when mom and I made it back to the house. Mom said that she had a few errands to run and would be back around suppertime, then was on her way.

I emptied the bags out onto my bed and started removing the tags, and placing the new clothes in my dresser and hanging what needed to be hung up in my closet. After I finished hanging everything up, I made my way down to the kitchen and grabbed a coke from the refrigerator then went back upstairs to my room and booted up my computer.

The first thing I did was pull up the obituary’s, for the Vancouver area, and set the search for within the last two weeks. There were many names on the list but eventually I found what I was looking.


“John Allen Stevens pass away peacefully in hospital on Friday October 14, 2011, at Royal Columbian Hospital at the age of 42, Beloved son too Frank and Helen Stevens. John died of complications while in surgery.


It was hard reading my own obituary, and it left me with feeling upset to my stomach. I shut down my computer and sat down on my bed and thought about what a wasted life that I had lived, I swore to myself that things would be different this time, I would make the most of this one. I picked up my guitar, I was the only one home so I did not have to worry about anyone hearing me play and having to answer a million questions of how a novice became an expert over night.

Music had always been a passion of mine, it had been my one real love but I could not carry a tune I just never had the voice to ever be a good singer, I had thought of going into playing music full time, but had such low self-esteem that I was never really able to follow that dream. I really did not know what the future would hold for me now. I was young again and had a world full of options.

I started playing the guitar just to check and see if it was in tune and found that it wasn’t. So I made the necessary adjustments and started play a song by Natalie Imbruglia called "Torn", and for the hell of it tried singing along as I played and to my surprise, Sarah had a really nice singing voice. I continued on to the next song, it was one by Alanis Morissette called "Ironic". I had always loved the song and she put so much energy into it.

When I was getting ready to play another song, I heard the doorbell ringing. I placed my guitar back on its stand then went downstairs. When I looked out the window, I saw that it was Megan so I opened the door and let her in.

“How are you doing today? asked, Megan”

“I am feeling much better, thanks”

“God look at you, I love what you done to your hair,said Megan with a smile”

“I know it’s great and the best part the extensions they put in hide my bald spot”

"Let us grab some a couple of coke, and head upstairs,"  I said then lead the way to the kitchen.

After we grabbed the cokes, the two of us headed upstairs to my room and took a seat on my bed.

“So how was school today?”

“It was pretty much the same; everyone wanted to know how you were doing.”


“Mr. Landry slept through most of history class, was the best class I had today. Enough about me though, what did you do today beside the salon?”

“Mostly hit the stores and spent Daddy's money buying new clothes.”

“Sounds like you had a fun day, let’s see what you bought.”

For the next half hour, Megan had me model everything that, Mom and I bought. She pretty much liked everything that we bought. After I chanced back into my blue sundress I joined Megan on the bed.

“Did you see Adam today?”

“Yeah he was asking about you, he is worried”

“I don’t know what to do about him Megan, I care for him, but so much has happened. When I look in the mirror, I don’t even know who I am anymore.”

Megan reached out and took my hand,  “You are my best friend, Sarah and I love you, we will figure this out together.”

“Thanks, Megan I am lucky to have you,"  I said and reached out and gave her a hug.

“What would you do Megan?”

“That is a hard question to answer Sarah; it is hard to see it from your point of view.”

“I would like to say, I would continue seeing Adam but only you know what is right for you”

“If you ask me though, I think that Adam would wait forever, if it meant being with you Sarah”<.i>

I thought about what Sarah said, could I have a relationship with Adam or anyone else for that matter? I had spent years alone, when it came to relationships, it was one disaster after another. I had been in the closet for years, as John Stevens and had tried being in relationships with men and woman

when I was with a woman, deep down, I was jealous of her because she had everything I wanted and on more then one occasion they told me that they felt like they were dating another woman.

If they only knew how right they were and it was true, it is impossible to go against your own nature; inside I had always been a woman. There were only a few times, that I tried dating men and even that turned out to be a disaster, mostly because of me.

If I was with a man, I wanted him to want me as a woman and not a man and that was not possible but deep down I wanted a relationship and was tired of being alone. Maybe things would be different this time, the only way to find out was to try, it scared me, but it was something I had to do.

“I think that I will see how thing go with Adam.”

“Really I think you are making the right choice Sarah, He really does love you”

“I know Megan, I can feel it every time that I look at him, what scares me is I think I love him too. I just don’t want him to get hurt if thing don’t go well,"  I said with a frown.

“Sarah, just be honest with him, and tell him how you are feeling.”

Megan was right Adam and I were going out tonight for supper, It was as good a time as any to have a talk with him and explain to him how I am feeling, and who knows maybe this time around things would work out, but there was only one way to know.

“Do you have any plans for the weekend?”

“Not that I know of. Why?”

“I was thinking of calling Amy and Jessica and seeing if they wanted to have a sleep over”

“Sounds like fun but I will have to ask my parents and make sure that they have nothing planned”

“Give me a call once you know Sarah, I better get home, you know how mom gets when I am late”

I walked Megan to the door with and seen her out then went back upstairs to my room, I needed to get ready for my date with Adam. I liked the baby blue sundress that I was wearing so I decided to just continue wearing it and just exchanged my sandals for a pair of heals. Then sat down at my vanity, the makeup job they had done at the salon was still good, all I needed to do was freshen up my lipstick, and I was ready to go.

Since I had a bit of time before Adam picked me up, I thought that I would have a look around my room and see what was actually here; next to my bed was a light stand that had a drawer. I opened it, inside was an address book, with a bunch of names in there, and now that I had access to Sarah’s memories most of the names were familiar to me. I placed it back where I found it and continued looking then hit the jackpot it was Sarah’s Diary. Inside it was her uttermost thoughts, I felt guilty reading it but knew that it had most of the answers about Sarah’s life and would make my life a lot easier if I knew whom Sarah really was.

I lay back on my bed at started reading about Sarah’s life. I skipped most of the pages and just went to what she wrote within the last year, I thought that would be more then enough. Most of the entries were about, Adam and Megan, and the things that they did together. Some were about Amy and Jessica, there was one that was about a weekend party where Sarah had too much to drink, and how lucky she was that she was staying over a Jessica’s, it was all pretty normal until about 6 months ago with Sarah mentions a nightmare that she said scared her half to death.

The following night she had the same nightmare, this time she goes into more depth about what it was about, I could not believe what I was reading.

“I had the same dream again last night, Dad and I are at a football game, I am on the field with Megan, Jessica and Amy, we are there as cheerleaders, Adam is on the field, He has the football and is running with it into the end zone and winning the game for us. After the game, I say goodbye to everyone and meet Dad out front. The two of use start driving home then a car crashes into us, it hits my side and I hit the windshield that is when I always wake up.

Sarah has this dream repeatedly, right up to the day of the accident. She seen, her own death months before it even happened. I could not believe what I had just read and it really shook me up.


Chapter 11


I placed the diary back in the drawer where I had found it then did a quick look in the mirror and I was ready to go. Adam said he would be here for 4:30 pm, and it was quarter after four now so I headed downstairs and took a seat on the couch at about 4:30 I heard a car pulling into the driveway and too a look and seen that it was Adam. I opened the door and there stood Adam holding a single red rose.

"Hey beautiful,  he said with a smile that could melt the coldest woman’s heart. He handed me the rose, I took it and brought it up to my nose and smelled it.

“Thanks Adam, come on inside while I place this in some water”

“You look really beautiful, I love the hair.”

“Thanks, Mom and I hit the salon today, and did some shopping it was a lot of fun. How was your day, Adam?”

“I was alright but I really missed you at school, it’s not the same there without you When are you coming back?”

“I will be back on Monday.”

“It will be good having you there everyone has been asking about you.”

“We better be going, we have a table at Gallagher’s for 5pm”

Adam and I headed outside to his car, where he was a perfect gentleman and opened the door for me before going around to the driver’s side and climbing inside. The started up the engine and we were off. It only took us about 10 minutes before we arrived at Gallagher’s, being a busy restaurant it was hard to find a place to park but eventually Adam found a spot, then came around and opened the door for me and reached inside and took my hand and helped me out of the car.

I looked at the restaurant, and thought that this place was going to be expensive, then turned to Adam,"You could have taken me somewhere cheaper, this place looks expensive.”

“I know but, I don’t mind spending the money, I am just happy that you are here with me”

I could not help but smile, and then noticed that the two of us were still holding hands as Adam opened the door to the restaurant for me. Adam and I made our way up to the front and met a waiter, who showed us to our table and left use with our menus.

“What do you want, Sarah?”

“The steak looks good; I think that I will go with the steak and a salad.”

“I Think that I will have the same."  Adam said and waved over the waiter.

It took a few minutes before the waiter made it back to our table,“Good evening, are you ready to order?”

“Yes, I would like the steak, make it well done.”

“What can I get for the young lady?”

“I will go with the steak too, and could I also have a Caesar salad?”

“Anything to drink?”

“We will have 2 cokes please,"  Adam said”

The waiter then left us to continue our conversation; I turned to Adam,"We really need to talk about our relationships. Megan dropped over earlier and the two of us had a talk about things, mostly we talked about you, Just let me talk first then you can alright?"

“Alright Sarah,"  Adam said sadly.

“Megan said that I should just be honest with you and she was right.”


“Things are different now; there is no way that we can go back to, what things were before."


“I am not the same person that I was before. I can’t help it, I care for you, and don’t want to loose you, but I am afraid that I will hurt you. If you love me, then you are going to have to give me some time to come to grips with things. I am not saying that I want to break up with you because I don’t, let’s just take things slow, alright?”

“I can live with that, I was just so afraid that you wanted too end things with me,"  Adam said”

“No honey, I really do care for you that is what makes this so hard, for me. If I didn’t care then, breaking up with you wouldn’t be so painful, but I do care for you and the thought of seeing you with someone else, would tear me apart,  I said sadly.

“Then let’s just go a day at a time no pressure,"  Adam said with a smile.

He then reached over and took my hands and started pulling me closer and before I knew what was happening I was leaning across the table and he was kissing me, and I found myself responding in kind and returned his kiss with a passion that I had never felt before, it was at that moment I knew that I would never willingly let him go.

Dinner turned out to be really good and so was the company, Adam and I talked though most of it, and I found myself, just feeling really relaxed with him now that I had made my choice. It felt good just being with him. After we finished our supper, neither one of us wanted to put an end to the night and when Adam suggested that we go to a movie I jumped at the offer.

After paying the bill for our supper Adam reach over and took my hand and the two of us made our way out to his car. When we arrived at the car he unlocked the door then opened it for me and waited till I was inside and seated before shutting my down then made his way around to the driver’s side. The started the car up and we were on our way. The movie theater was at the Westgate Mall, which was about a 15 minute drive from the restaurant. I used the time to call home and there was no answer, so I just left a message letting mom and dad know that I would be home after the movie.

After arriving at the theater, Adam and I checked and seen what was playing and decided on a comedy but the movie didn’t start for another hour, So Adam paid for our tickets in advance and the two of us decided too take a walk over to Starbucks and grab a couple of coffee’s and found a place to sit and talk while we waited for the movie.

“This is nice.”

“What is nice?”

“Having sometime alone together.”

“I guess you are right, we really haven’t had anytime alone together since I got out of the hospital.”

“It hasn’t been easy but I understand that you are getting reconnected with your parents. How are they handling things?”

“Alright I guess, Mom and I spent sometime together today, we had a day at the salon and did some shopping together so it was pretty cool.”

“How do you feel about going back to school on Monday?”

“I am a little nervous but I will have you and Megan there so it will be alright”

“If you want Sarah, I can pick you up.”

“That'd be nice Adam; it will give us sometime together before class.”

After we finished our coffee it was time to head over too the theater. We found some seats in the middle of the theater; I always liked that spot because you have the best view of the movie there. Adam had picked up an extra large pop and a big box of pop corn for us. It didn’t take long and the movie started. While I was watching the movie, I felt Adam’s arm slip around me and I found myself cuddling up to him. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating.

I looked up at Adam, he was also staring at me and before I knew it the he leaned down and kissed me, if I had been on my feet I am sure that I would have gone weak in the knees but my arms were covered in goose bumps and butterflies in my stomach. I felt truly happy for the first time in my life and was starting thinking that this time things would be different. If you were to ask me what the movie was about, I would really have no answer for you because most of it I missed but I really didn’t mind in the least I was happy to just be with Adam.

It was around 11:00 pm by the time Adam dropped me off at home, Just like earlier he was the perfect gentleman and opened the door for me and walked me to the door.

“Sarah I had a great time tonight.”

“I did too Adam, I am glad you asked me.”

“I will give you a call in the morning honey."

Adam leaned down and gave me another kiss, then looked into my eyes and said that he loved me, I smiled and said I love you too Adam. He smiled then gave me another kiss, before I went inside. As I closed the door I leaned against it trying to catch my breath. I take it you had a good night, mom said scaring me half to death.

“Mom you scared me half to death, but yes I had a great night.”

“Tell me about it honey,  mom said patting the spot next to her on the couch.

So for the next 15 minutes, I told mom everything that had happened and she just listened and seemed happy for me.

“I am glad you had a good time honey, but try not to move so fast, you have been through so much.”

“I know mom, Adam and I talked about that too were just going to take things slowly.”

“Smart Girl,"  Mom said with a smile.

“Mom do we have anything planned tomorrow night?”

“Not really honey, why?”

“Megan is having a sleep over and I would like to go.”

“Well if you want to go that is fine with me honey.”

After mom and I finished talking I gave her a hug and kiss then headed off to bed, I had a busy but fun day and was exhausted. I undressed and took a nightgown out of my dresser, then headed off too bed, the moment my head hit my pillow my cell phone started ringing. So I found myself getting back out of bed and taking my cell phone out of my purse then answered it saying hello.

“How did things go tonight”

“Adam and I talked and were going to take things slow.”

“I am glad, Adam and you belong together.”

“We had a great time tonight he took me to Gallagher’s and then a movie.”

“Cool, what movie did you see?”

“He took me to see Mall Cop.”

“Did you like the movie?”

“I guess it was a good movie from what little of it that I seen.”

“Don’t tell me you two made out for the whole movie,"  Megan said laughing.

“We kind of got carried away,"  I said laughing.

“Listen Megan, I better get to bed, it’s been along day, and I will be at the sleepover”

“Cool I will talk to you tomorrow sis,"  Megan said.

“Goodnight sis, talk to you tomorrow,"  I said as I ended the call.

I don’t think it took very long but I fell asleep pretty fast and ended up sleeping through the night mostly dreaming of Adam.


End Of Part Four

To Be Continued In Part Five

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